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GAF, Let's rate the looks of the poster above you!


Sheet this girl is a 1920s french femme fatale.

Kiss me vadrigar



Old picture from the days of yore when I wasn't quite as fat

Have at thee

Tiddums you know I'll give you an honest rating unlike this pandering jackdaws.

I'm only rating the most recent picture.

Nice suit there, looks like it fits well. Facial hair and head hair are well maintained. Features are all suitably positioned in relation to each other though you lack a defining quality to really make you stand out like striking eyes or a giant tumorous growth so it's nothing to write home about. Wear sunglasses.

Honestly, 10/10 would let you moderate the shit out of me.

Tiddums you know I'll give you an honest rating unlike this pandering jackdaws.

I'm only rating the most recent picture.

Nice suit there, looks like it fits well. Facial hair and head hair are well maintained. Features are all suitably positioned in relation to each other though you lack a defining quality to really make you stand out like striking eyes or a giant tumorous growth so it's nothing to write home about. Wear sunglasses.


I knew I could count on you guys.

But there's no tags in it for you I'm sorry to say
Not even for hitting 10k posts in a single year? I need my recognition. I mean I spent $800 to physically own my avatar.


No ass hair

Height: 6'2"
Weight: 210-230lbs
AssHair: On a scale of Andy Dick to the late great Robin Williams, I'm probably a Booger from Revenge of the Nerds.

Mory Dunz

Holy wow.

This thread would make a great social experiment or psychological analysis paper .

All stemming from one person (so far) giving lower (than expected in a public setting) ratings. Which leads to a need for validation or at the very least find out what makes him tick.
Like trying to point out racial or other types of biases...
And it seems feelings have gotten hurt and emotions tense as well.

Welp, I'm not in school anymore (sort of), but dang this would interesting to write about.

because people put his opinion above anyone else

thats why you get posts like "vadrigar rate me pls" or I'd like to think what people like vadrigar thinks

Yeah it's so interesting. And relatively easy to accomplish by him.

Like, I see a lot of people posting pictures and specifically asking him to rate him/her. Though he probably has the easiest rating to predict in the whole thread.
While there are other members who are rating people but less weight is given. Heck, some people's ratings seem to get ignored altogether.

And not posting a pic of himself only adds to the intrigue because of mystery and imbalance it creates. He's not exposing himself to the same level of criticism which makes him "untouchable" for lack of a better word.

Good stuff. I'm impressed.
Maybe this is his social experiment... 0_o


Exactly, I mean we had someone saying they were going to kill themselves after someone commented on them.

Posting on here isn't going to do them any good,

I wasn't serious come on!, even if i jumped off a cliff there's a possibility that i'd survive, hell i already survived once... though i fell down i didn't jump off on purpose... oh! and i don't wanna go to hell!!!


I wasn't serious come on!, even if i jumped off a cliff there's a possibility that i'd survive, hell i already survived once... though i fell down i didn't jump off on purpose... oh! and i don't wanna go to hell!!!

I didn't know, sorry if I've cause offence.

Normally I'd take comments like that as a joke, and not serious in anyway. The only reason I took it serious with yourself was because of the mental health thread.

As I said sorry if I've caused offence, it wasn't my intention, I'm not one for trying to talk shit to people behind a keyboard. I tend to only say things I'd say to someone's face.


I didn't know, sorry if I've cause offence.

Normally I'd take comments like that as a joke, and not serious in anyway. The only reason I took it serious with yourself was because of the mental health thread.

As I said sorry if I've caused offence, it wasn't my intention, I'm not one for trying to talk shit to people behind a keyboard. I tend to only say things I'd say to someone's face.

No probs Carabia somethin' somethin' dude... 83 was it?, lol!
I'd say 7/10 the hair and scruff are working well for ya.

Good looking guy, that's you in your avatar too ain't it?

Again numbers are meaningless, you're good looking.

Also, what he said. Just assumed the thread was using numbers.

Friend asked me to be in some photos for her a little while back. Only real good picture of me. You can't see, but my eyes are green, dunno if people are taking eye color into account hahah.



I hope I look that good in 15 years/10

I can't believe I'm turning 48 on Saturday. Enjoy you time youngins!

Kobe, I'd rate you like a high 6, low 7. Handsome, kind eyes and expression.

Stormy, conventionally handsome guy, probably high 7 low 8. You remind me of MGK's slightly more clean cut brother if he has one.


It's early in the thread, I'm on mobile.. It's too much man!

You look better with the full beard rather than just the goatee in my opinion.

I also think this is the best picture (below) you've posted.

And let's be real, you look great for 48. (sorry if I got that wrong, I thought I saw you post that somewhere, I may have imagined it now though lol)

Here's me walking to work this morning. It's been beautiful in DC all week.



Recent picture with beard. Wonder if I'll rate better with/without lol.

Dude, i don't mean no disrespect but... do you touch up your pictures?, i mean it's obvious that you're using a filter, but still your forehead looks unusually smooth in this and other pictures i've seen of you.
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