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Owarimonogatari [OT] Araragi's got 99 problems, but the vampire ain't one.

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Found this on crunchy roll. I was confused as Hell for about 3/4 of the way through and ended up falling asleep. Watched it again from the beginning and still was confused. Eventually I got what was going on but it still left me kinda meh. The only interesting thing I got was the relationship between araragj and oikura. So I went to the wiki and read it( I don't really care enough to stick around for more eps)

The next story about oikura seems very interesting. I would actually read that or pay to see the adapted version


I really liked it. Happy to see more of the show. Timeline is all jumbled up, so had to refresh myself on where it is at the moment.

Also why do people make stupid megaman sprites of everything.....


Found this on crunchy roll. I was confused as Hell for about 3/4 of the way through and ended up falling asleep. Watched it again from the beginning and still was confused. Eventually I got what was going on but it still left me kinda meh. The only interesting thing I got was the relationship between araragj and oikura. So I went to the wiki and read it( I don't really care enough to stick around for more eps)

The next story about oikura seems very interesting. I would actually read that or pay to see the adapted version

Wait, did you watch this but not the previous Monogatari seasons? This one episode was guilty of happening in a single location and having only two characters interact most of the time, which I agree was somewhat slow-paced, but it was still great IMO.

The trippy scenes were cool and all, but I agree that things got a bit too crazy with constant color changes at times. Would those scenes be enough to trigger an epileptic seizure?


The trippy scenes were cool and all, but I agree that things got a bit too crazy with constant color changes at times. Would those scenes be enough to trigger an epileptic seizure?
There was an epilepsy warning at the start of the episode, just in Japanese.

And yeah, maybe the OP should clarify more that this is a sequel to a bigger franchise and is definitely not recommended to be watched first.


shhh Graham I'm still compiling this Radiant map
Not gonna lie, this double episode was kind of eh to me, even if it looked nice. I'm sure it'll pick up though so it's w/e.

And yes something should be added at the top of the OP to let newcomers know not to start here.


A little drawn out and anticlimactic, but was definitely monogatari and entertaining Ougi is going to drive people crazy, lol.

Not gonna lie, this double episode was kind of eh to me, even if it looked nice. I'm sure it'll pick up though so it's w/e.

And yes something should be added at the top of the OP to let newcomers know not to start here.

Update added.


Wait, did you watch this but not the previous Monogatari seasons? This one episode was guilty of happening in a single location and having only two characters interact most of the time, which I agree was somewhat slow-paced, but it was still great IMO.

The trippy scenes were cool and all, but I agree that things got a bit too crazy with constant color changes at times. Would those scenes be enough to trigger an epileptic seizure?
Nah. I get that now there were stuff before it after reading the wiki, but when I found it it appeared as a new series and not a sequel/ returning series of anything


Nah. I get that now there were stuff before it after reading the wiki, but when I found it it appeared as a new series and not a sequel/ returning series of anything

The redeeming factor of this us that you now have a lot of awesome to watch so you can catch up..

Start with Bakemonogatari and keep going.


Nah. I get that now there were stuff before it after reading the wiki, but when I found it it appeared as a new series and not a sequel/ returning series of anything

I honestly don't get why Crunchy had to split the show across all the different seasons. All I can think of is that there might've been some internal database issue that wouldn't allow them to list a season with a different name than that of the original one, so they had to create separate entries for each season.

Like cornbread said, you'd do well to get into Bakemonogatari first. There's lots and lots of dialogue, but you'll slowly get introduced to the cast and episodes won't lock two characters down in a single location and have you watch them the whole time.
Finally caught it.

I really enjoyed it. Lots of talking and cool visuals, which is what I was expecting. Very interested in seeing where it goes from here.


Loved it.

Ougi is so creepy.

Cant wait to see how new girl will fit in. I wonder if Araragi will waifu her over with his charm haha.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
A reminder of what a lucky son of a gun Arararagi is.
"Monogatari" Series Celebrates New Releases with "Fool's Only" Website

It's a website where all the girls hurl verbal insults at you to celebrate the release of the Owarimonogatari TV anime and the publication of Orokamonogatari, The website automatically cycles through an avalanche of insults from various characters, but there's also a banner on the left that allows users to pick a specific character by which to be scorned and verbally abused.
Kadokawa is also running a special Twitter campaign alongside the website, in which entrants are encouraged to follow the official Twitter account and post a message with a screencap and the text of their favorite insult: one lucky winner will receive a T-shirt decorated with their favorite insult and autographed by Isio Nisin.

Sure, why not.

Owarimonogatari 01

OP is good, but probably won't be one of the ones I watch every episode.



I must say that Ougi is doing a fine job of being completely unreadable over the course of the series. I thought she was being misportrayed, then that she was simply full of malice, now I don't know. It's clear that she knows more then she should and leads people on, though. I'm thinking she may have some kind of ability having something to do with memory...everyone seems to know her but she just showed up out of the blue.


Oh man, if you thought the first OP was bad...

The last opening wasn't bad at all. I loved it. It was just that the last few had been amazing. Also, yeah, not a fan of the new one. The mirror effect in the opening is kind of annoying.

Owarimonogatari 2

Sodachi seems pretty crazy. She likes mathematics after all, so expected. Senjougahara's punch was really satisfying though. I really like it when she starts going back to her old self. Anyway, not really fond of how the show is going right now. It's like we don't have a ton of mysteries already and we need more... At least this Sodachi story seems to be a good opportunity to see more of Ougi and her interactions with Araragi.


Ep 2 or.. 3? 2. Let's call it 2.

Everything about the sequence that leads to the punch was fantastic for me. Hanekawa desperately trying to hold her back and getting dragged along the floor. Gahara-san deciding it wasn't worth it and then Sodachi deciding that she wanted to be on an episode of "When keeping it real goes wrong". I'm not sure why she collapsed herself afterwards but I loved every minute of it.

What came after was a continuation of Ougi taking Araragi for a trip down memory lane I guess. I'm not sure if she's/he's an oddity or not but her shtick has been interesting to me so far. I'm looking forward to seeing more of it.

I don't know anything about Okitegami Kyouko other than the fact that it's a LN with a TV Drama adaptation coming in a few days, but the title card at the end of this episode made me wonder if
Okitegami Kyouko wasn't Hanekawa. They used the same voice actress for that commercial a while back. It's probably just a red herring but it'd be interesting.
I'm excited for the TV Drama either way since I've been wanting to read the LN's and no one has translated them.


Owarimonogatari 2

I really like the the detective aspect this season, our creepy enigmatic Watson helps of course. I hope Sodachi Riddle is build like Ougi Formula in that the solution is solvable without the characters show you a hidden aspect during the conclusion. I wonder if Sodachi is a lost and forgotten childhood friend of Araragi, who was friends with him in Kindergarten and showed him how mathematics are fun in the first place. Would that too cliché? Or wouldn't Monogatari go exactly go this route because it is cliché?

I also wonder about Ougi. My best thought is that she is an aspect of Araragi born from something about his vampire powers or other oddities. She knows way too much about him and is interested in pushing him to discover the hidden depths of his past and made that comment about her being born recently. Furthermore her particular trait that seems to make people do or believe to what she suggests. However she (or rather "he") was still around and kicking during Hanamonogatari and there wasn't a mention of Araragi about her. My straw would be that he handles her/him at the same time the Hanamonogatari finale is happening.

So many questions, such much burning desire to know. Waiting for the rest of Owari after this season is going to be the 8th level of hell.


That was a great episode that better paced the story when compared to last episode. Sodachi seems interesting as she has a valid reason for hating Araragi as it seems he's forgotten most of his early childhood. I'm guessing he forgot something important about Sodachi that is the reason for her hatred of the happy go lucky attitude Araragi displays. I lost my shit when best crab showed up like a boss and knocked her out for harming her boyfriend. The op was amazing visually. It reminded me of a Bond style opening. Anyone notice the splatoon reference?
Episode 2


When Senjougahara suddenly appeared

Loved a lot of stuff in this, Hanakawa getting dragged on the floor got a nice chuckle out of me. The Monty Hall part was cool but it was more a way to fill the time, I guess that happens a lot in this series though.

I wouldn't be surprised if the Powerpuff Girls showed up as well considering the art style.


Azure J

Splatoon thread reminding me that I totally forgot to keep up with the "monogatari" series. Going to finish the back half of second season and whatever else before I pop by here again.


shhh Graham I'm still compiling this Radiant map
Owarimonogatari Ep. 2

Senjougahara in the cut, that's a scary sight.

This ep. was fun. Much more interesting than last week. Ougi up to some real fuckery. Wonder if the new girls will get all the focus this season.


What the heck is Ougi? I mean, it's pretty obvious by this point that Ougi is a supernatural apparition, but how was it formed? What does it want?


The op really should be updated.
This season of owarimonogatari is only gonna go up to shinobu mail.

these 12 episodes have 4 arcs not 7.


What the heck is Ougi? I mean, it's pretty obvious by this point that Ougi is a supernatural apparition, but how was it formed? What does it want?
My guess is that she is something formed from Araragi. She is after all bothering to let him realize the past he surpressed and was interfering with the plan to make Shinobu a god (or will be, chronologically). Everything she done so far looked like it directly benefitted Araragi.
What the heck is Ougi? I mean, it's pretty obvious by this point that Ougi is a supernatural apparition, but how was it formed? What does it want?

Shinobu explained how she was pursued and attacked by a mystery thing in her past, when she was passing as a god in a village, in a past episode (who knows from what season it was). 90% chances it's the same thing.


Excellent episode. That scene and punch by Senjougahara will be the moment of the season, lol. Ougi really gers under his skin somehow, just who is she? I mean, she says she's Oshino's niece, but something else is going on.


Owarimonogatari 3

Damn, that episode got me good. It lead me on and had me thinking myself smart for figuring something out only to just throw it down it as something obvious and hitting me with a conclusion and explanation in the face that made total sense and could be piece together in retrospect, only to reveal s hole that has yet to be filled. Fuck, I love this series. And now I will hate everything for the next seven days.


Owarimonogatari 3

Great episode. I guess what Araragi was doing in that house was kind of predictable but still I liked the story. Oikura joins the family troubles group, as everyone other than Araragi's family seems to have problems. Ougi seems to be the focus of the season, despite Oikura. I wonder why she's so helpful, as she essentially helped Araragi remember everything... other than one thing... Damn cliffhangers.

And now I get why everyone in the show calls Araragi dumb. I mean, how can you forget all of these things?
Owarimonogatari 03

Araragi when someone says shit like this and seems to have a deep insight into stuff you have forgotten while maintaining that she will love you equal to the amount you hate yourself there should probably be some alarm bells going off in your head


Owarimonogatari 03

Araragi when someone says shit like this and seems to have a deep insight into stuff you have forgotten while maintaining that she will love you equal to the amount you hate yourself there should probably be some alarm bells going off in your head
Ougi should regularly ring alarm bells, but somehow all people shrug all suspicion off in a second. Whatever this is, I am sure it's in her nature. Whatever she is.

I refer especially to Hanamonogatari where Ougi had a different gender and just needed to tell Kanbaru that she was always a boy, she even accidental had to remind herself in a later conversation that she now is a boy.


I'd be keen on counting Ougi as some apparition attached to Araragi...if she wasn't doing the same shit to Kanbaru and Nadeko.
I think she wasn't fucking with Sengoku because she wanted to fuck with Sengoku. The goal was different. Remember, Kagenui wanted to turn Shinobou into the Snake God, but Ougi bombed that. My thought is that she wanted to prevent that Shinobou is taken from Araragi.

And well, not quite sure what she was doing in Hana, but she wasn't doing much. Just chatting. Maybe she'll be banned by Araragi to the tracking field or something.



I guess we know why Oikura was mad about Senjougahara saying she didn't want anything in return now. When Oikura said she didn't want anything in return she definitely wasn't being sincere.

I get the feeling we're not going to get any answers on what Ougi is for a while but she's stealing every scene she's in so far.


Some heavy stuff happens this episode and makes my opinion of Araragi go down if true. The problem is if this solution is the actual solution or if Ougi isn't making it come true. We've seen Ougi trick people into believe lies like with Kanbarou in Hana with Ougi lying to her by saying she was a boy. Ougi's trickster habits are impressive but I won't be fooled. I feel sorry for Sodachi and I'm betting that she was a childhood friend with Araragi that was forgotten. His memory has been shit for a long time as he didn't even remember that crab girl was in his class during middle school. Math is some rough shit guys.


I don't think Araragi can be blamed for not noticing that Sodachi was a victim of domestic violence, that's a heavy thing for Sodachi to think he could notice.

It's possible that subconsciously he knew something was up, hence him remembering the building as a "ruin" rather than a "home", but he was limited by the fact that she never told him, and in fact told him to keep the meetings a secret.

I'm also in the group that thinks Ougi is a mirror image/shadow of Araragi taken form, and that she has some crazy reality rewriting powers that seems to change the timeline to suit whatever she says.

She's probably trying to manipulate the past, present and future so that it all heads in one favourable direction (for her).
The fact that she "knows nothing" and Araragi "knows everything" kinda makes me think that a future Araragi is the one who sent her to do this and she's acting under his control, whether to give every girl a happy ending or more sinister reasons.
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