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Play-Asia says SJWs to blame for DOAX3 not coming west

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Yup. It's those dang SJWs. Totally not the fact that DOAX2 sits at 245k sold WORLDWIDE.

Well, in all fairness, it only released on XBox systems and a game like that honestly probably never stood a chance on there in the first place. Truthfully, 245k is an accomplishment due to the unfortunate circumstances.


I think the "best" part of these tweets KS they are making them while wearing a Paris Tribute icon. Real classy stuff


Funny thing is that, those of us who laugh way too hard with every whiny, insecure and definitely 'progressive' poster out there, neither agree with TK (they are probably backing down because of sales potential), or with PA and their aggressive advertising. I know for myself that i want the game, i'm importing the game, and I don't agree with any of them, or you.
You are so easily panicking when someone uses SJW, but you never want to have a discussion about it. Those that support GG, the other side of this filthy coin, are mostly banned, so you are having this echo chamber here, where you collectively say the same thing and agree with each other, fighting an enemy that isn't here. Your little villain is gone you know, we are just the regular people, watching your little drama and laughing.
And for the record, if gamers are the worst, no one is keeping you. Putting everyone in the same bucket and saying that blacks, whites, jews, males, left-handed people, people with one testicle, people with glasses, or gamers, are the worst... this son is the birthcry of fascism.

You came into this thread comparing people to the leader of ISIS. Stop pretending like you want to have a "discussion".


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Koei-Tecmo made some comments implying that they're not releasing doax3 in the west because of fear of sexism backlash. Play-Asia has come out and said that's straight up the case and now fans are pissed.

Do you mind linking us to those Koei-Tecmo statements?
It's kinda like this for everything.

People that just think it's black and white are just weird and also stupid.

Well duh, when you force-categorize a spectrum of nuanced opinions into two extreme sides of black and white of your own making, of course you could claim them stupid.

I mean, there wasn't even any "side" there; Play-Asia was railing against something that doesn't exist.
Not sure why people keep mentioning DOAX2. It may as well have released a century ago, times have changed so drastically since then. Also, it was easily the worst, most rushed Itagaki Team Ninja game, with little promotion. Seems released out of contractual obligation, if anything.

If anything, X3 could make them ludicrously rich, if they did it right. (not releasing it in the West is not doing it right.)


There's no "both sides for this". Their shitty game was being ignored completely, so they told a lie to get people to backlash against an imaginary hypothethical backlash, then play asia was even less subtle in telling simple lies to separate naive fools from their money.

The sides are these:

Companies pandering to people who hate SJWs.
Naive people who think these companies are victims and/or freedom fighter.
People who is calling bullshit on all of this and backlashing against the lie that started the backlash against the non existed backlash.

Conclusion: people still are ignoring the shitty game, but some fool thinks that buying it makes him a defender of free speech against the horrors of fascist tumblr.


You came into this thread comparing people to the leader of ISIS. Stop pretending like you want to have a conversation.

I said they come out as equally progressive. I never said they shared all his qualities. I would need to meet him and the rest of them in person to be sure, and trust me, the thought itself bores me to death.


I don't think P-A gives a shit lol



Funny thing is that, those of us who laugh way too hard with every whiny, insecure and definitely 'progressive' poster out there, neither agree with TK (they are probably backing down because of sales potential), or with PA and their aggressive advertising. I know for myself that i want the game, i'm importing the game, and I don't agree with any of them, or you.
You are so easily panicking when someone uses SJW, but you never want to have a discussion about it. Those that support GG, the other side of this filthy coin, are mostly banned, so you are having this echo chamber here, where you collectively say the same thing and agree with each other, fighting an enemy that isn't here. Your little villain is gone you know, we are just the regular people, watching your little drama and laughing.
And for the record, if gamers are the worst, no one is keeping you. Putting everyone in the same bucket and saying that blacks, whites, jews, males, left-handed people, people with one testicle, people with glasses, or gamers, are the worst... this son is the birthcry of fascism.

I'm fooked...

Though, when I was a wee young lad an old primary school teacher used to make me sit on my left hand to make me write with my right.. she didn't check to see if I only had one ball though.


Ah ok, got ya. I really don't follow that GG stuff anyways.

That actually reminds me that if I was someone who was interested in this game (which is perfectly fine obviously), I would be concerned that PlayAsia and the Gamergate people are co-opting the game and turning it into a hill to die on in the name of their ideology. As a consumer, I wouldn't want to be associated with bigots like Breitbart, GG, and all the rest of the reactionary conservatives we see.


That actually reminds me that if I was someone who was interested in this game (which is perfectly fine obviously), I would be concerned that PlayAsia and the Gamergate people are co-opting the game and turning it into a hill to die on in the name of their ideology.

Oh God the conspiracy. Play-Asia isn't in some GG conspiracy. They literally only posted a tweet making fun of western social media. That's literally it. This is turning into some unhealthy paranoia.


Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in.
At this point, I believe this is just a big publicity stunt by Koei-Tecmo. Much like Hatred or "Your mom hates Dead Space 2"

This type of game has its audience. Senran Kagura got backlash, but they're still releasing the games over here.
It's like Koei-Tecmo has read the internet, and is gauging "interest" for potential sales. Especially since this series isn't a major seller.

Play-Asia's meltdown is hilarious to watch. *munches popcorn*


I've seen more and more people who have nothing to do with Gamergate use SJW as a term, including progressives and feminists wanting to distance themselves from the "tumblr crazies". I don't think it's fair to make the jump to 'appealing to Gamergate' at this point, although that seems to be what ended up happening in the end.


What the fuck does that have to do with anything?
I think it is super shitty for a company to imply they cafe about a tragedy brought on through hate while at the same time fanning the flames of a hate group for profit? I think it just shows how corparations will act like they care about something but only on a surface level and mostly for marketing.


Funny thing is that, those of us who laugh way too hard with every whiny, insecure and definitely 'progressive' poster out there, neither agree with TK (they are probably backing down because of sales potential), or with PA and their aggressive advertising. I know for myself that i want the game, i'm importing the game, and I don't agree with any of them, or you.
You are so easily panicking when someone uses SJW, but you never want to have a discussion about it. Those that support GG, the other side of this filthy coin, are mostly banned, so you are having this echo chamber here, where you collectively say the same thing and agree with each other, fighting an enemy that isn't here. Your little villain is gone you know, we are just the regular people, watching your little drama and laughing.
And for the record, if gamers are the worst, no one is keeping you. Putting everyone in the same bucket and saying that blacks, whites, jews, males, left-handed people, people with one testicle, people with glasses, or gamers, are the worst... this son is the birthcry of fascism.

Drama? Me? Nah. I want my titty game too.


Oh God the conspiracy. Play-Asia isn't in some GG conspiracy. They literally only posted a tweet making fun of western social media. That's literally it. This is turning into some unhealthy paranoia.

Where am I turning it into a conspiracy? I am talking about being associated with the ideology that is being relied on and reproduced here.
Oh God the conspiracy. Play-Asia isn't in some GG conspiracy. They literally only posted a tweet making fun of western social media. That's literally it. This is turning into some unhealthy paranoia.

They're clearly pandering a particular narrative that is popular with a particular group. If you fail to see that then it's not others being paranoid as much as you being intentionally blind.


Where am I turning it into a conspiracy? I am talking about being associated with the ideology being relied on and reproduced here.

They aren't associated with any ideology. They just made fun of social media. That's it. It's not some declaration of war.


Fanning the flames of a hate movement and pandering to bigots in the name of the almighty dollar isn't very funny to me.

Well it is to me.
It's like watching two toddlers fight over who has the strongest dad.

We all know Diana down the street had the strongest dad.

I mean, there wasn't even any "side" there; Play-Asia was railing against something that doesn't exist.

I meant the situation in general :) probably to late now but check the Gematsu post about its Asian only release. Some yelling bigots other yelling sjw some talking about how pickled plums are good for your health.
I personally found the pickled plum post more relevant in a game post than most of the people there contending on who can sink the lowest.

PS. WTF does ISIL have to do with what now? Don't go total idiot ffs.


I've seen more and more people who have nothing to do with Gamergate use SJW as a term, including progressives and feminists wanting to distance themselves from the "tumblr crazies". I don't think it's fair to make the jump to 'appealing to Gamergate' at this point, although that seems to be what ended up happening in the end.

Both gamergate and SJW are false flags.

Both sides use it for shit flinging in the exact same way.

I wish both terms would go away. Its lazy shorthand for people that don't really want to direct their anger towards specific targets, instead just an opinion shared by a crowd.
When has this ever happened in video game history? And there's no such thing as the SJW.

Capcom changed R. Mika's taunt and Cammy's camera angle for her introduction for a reason in SF5. I don't particularly mind the camera angle even if it does;t look as epic, but changing a butt slap seemed quite preposterous to me. Wasn't one of the Fatal Frame outfits on the Wii U modified or censored? How about Xenoblade Chronicles changing the female outfits? No more breast size slider/modifier also? Why? Wasn't Smash Bros also censored or changed as well? Something is going on. Are they afraid to potentially offend Westerners or something? Why would DOAX3 be any different, especially considering DOA5 was/is always criticized for it's sexual content despite being am excellent fighter imho? Scantily clad females combined with quirky, niche volley ball game? I still think it could be tough sell in the West, but you never know.


Google "protein world controversy"
Oh goodness.

Like I can imagine an account like Sonic The Hedgehog tweeting the way they do because they're engaging their audience with a unique sense of humour, but stuff like this is... It's like watching some teenager in an argument dig a hole deeper and deeper.


Seeing as how this thread has blown up I have to say that this is looking like genius marketing for KT, Team Ninja, and now Play-Asia.

"So what's this fuss all about? Oh, DoAX3? What's that? Why is it considered sexist? Let me just google some images..."

3 minutes later, another pre-order is racked up over at Play-Asia while Hayashi rolls around the floor of his office laughing. Now they just need to fan the flames a bit and hope major games media picks up on it. The Play-Asia twitter guy needs a promotion for this.

There's nothing offensive in the slightest about it, they're just being flippant.

Play Asia is celebrating having 12k Twitter followers. While I'm sure their personal sales are up, they aren't going to be making a big difference to the sales of the game. Their prices will put off most of the lookie loos (and the game probably being shitty a good deal more).

This is a site after all with a game called Moe Chronicles in their best seller list.
I've seen more and more people who have nothing to do with Gamergate use SJW as a term, including progressives and feminists wanting to distance themselves from the "tumblr crazies". I don't think it's fair to make the jump to 'appealing to Gamergate' at this point, although that seems to be what ended up happening in the end.

SJW is such a dumb term, what the heck is supposed to be wrong to fight for Social Justice. Social Justice Radical or Extremist at least would have a negative connotation towards it.


Oh goodness.

Like I can imagine an account like Sonic The Hedgehog tweeting the way they do because they're engaging their audience with a unique sense of humour, but stuff like this is... It's like watching some teenager in an argument dig a hole deeper and deeper.

It just works


They aren't associated with any ideology. They just made fun of social media. That's it. It's not some declaration of war.

Not only are they relying on a specific narrative, but they're also retweeting racists and posting Breitbart articles, I'm not sure how clearer this can be.

Well it is to me.
It's like watching two toddlers fight over who has the strongest dad.

We all know Diana down the street had the strongest dad.

Okay, but recognizing and pandering to a hate movement that results in direct harm to people's well-being is not something that most people would fine funny or entertaining.


Controversies like these are always cooked up, random, and nonsensical anyway.

Do you remember the controversy Mass Effect generated in the U.S. when one of the sex scenes showed side-boob? Yes, you do.

Now, do you remember the controversy The Witcher 2 generated in the U.S. when there was full frontal nudity about 10 minutes into the game? No? That's because there wasn't any. Why? Because controversies like these rarely make any goddamned fucking sense.

Well said. People are simply easily led and influenced. What is a major deal today is inconsequential tomorrow. Just have to learn to ride the waves.


SJW is such a dumb term, what the heck is supposed to be wrong to fight for Social Justice. Social Justice Radical or Extremist at least would have a negative connotation towards it.

I think the warrior part came from because thats how people envisoned the people see themselves, radicals don't call themselves radicals after all. Kinda like calling someone a "white knight" in a negative way.
People still are ignoring the shitty game, but some fool thinks that buying it makes him a defender of free speech against the horrors of fascist tumblr.

Doubt that, this situation will probably make them feel worse. Since it's now something removed from the sale and they have to import. Feeling like some pervert subverting the roadblocks the system put in place.


Seeing as how this thread has blown up I have to say that this is looking like genius marketing for KT, Team Ninja, and now Play-Asia.

"So what's this fuss all about? Oh, DoAX3? What's that? Why is it considered sexist? Let me just google some images..."

3 minutes later, another pre-order is racked up over at Play-Asia while Hayashi rolls around the floor of his office laughing. Now they just need to fan the flames a bit and hope major games media picks up on it. The Play-Asia twitter guy needs a promotion for this.

There's nothing offensive in the slightest about it, they're just being flippant.

This post made me laugh legit. XD


Wrong about commas, wrong about everything
I was absolutely confused and had no idea why Skeletons had to do with any of this. Completely forgot about that plugin.

Seems like a perfect marketing move for both companies honestly and of course people are falling for it.
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