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Bernie Sanders' Campaign Is Concerned About supporters harressing others online.

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I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Do you think they aren't putting money into a SuperPAC? I mean as an investment firm with 17 billion dollars, I wouldn't be doing that shit for free.

We don't have any data that they are. As far as I know Hillary is for full SuperPAC donation disclosure.
Both Hillary and Bernie have their share of obnoxious supporters. All candidates do. Some of Bernie's supporters are probably just a little more vocal/acerbic on the internet for various reasons, including Sanders being the underdog engaged in a Tupac-like struggle against the world. Sanders has also seemed to basically pick up the Ron Paul contingent of know-nothing know-it-alls who dismiss anyone not supportive of their chosen messiah as either an ignorant nincompoop or a corporate sheep.


get some go again
are bernie sanders supporters going to turn into hillaryis44 style lunatics if he loses? definitely feels like they are going that way.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
are bernie sanders supporters going to turn into hillaryis44 style lunatics if he loses? definitely feels like they are going that way.

In such case let's keep them isolated in a dungeon somewhere, like hillaryis44.
They had no visible effect on the election thankfully.


are bernie sanders supporters going to turn into hillaryis44 style lunatics if he loses? definitely feels like they are going that way.

You mean overwhelmingly support the candidate they lost to en route to a historic presidential victory?

A guy beloved by Reddit having a disproportionate number of mysoginists in his fanbase? I for one am shocked.
Citation needed.

I'm sure every candidate has a statistical baseline presence of bigots, mysogynists, and racist/racially ignorant people in their camp. There are too few candidates and too many Americans for this not to be the case. And when there is a race-related protest against their candidate, or their candidate is running against a woman, these people will be out there spewing their shit about it.

I've never seen such a push to try to portray all or most of a candidate's supporters as being defined by these outlier assholes, as I have with Bernie and GAF. It's really amazing how much unsubstantiated crap you see about how terrible his supporters are. For every Bernie fan saying something stupid on GAF, there are about 200 posts complaining about them.


remember me
Seriously people. "both sides are doing this." That's what some of you are going with. No. It's not the same on both sides.

Bernie Bros are absolutely the ones harrassing people online. Not Hillary supporters. I'm not in anyway going out of my way to find these stories, but I'm constantly hearing about this. I have yet to hear about a single Hillary supporter doing shit like this. IT IS NOT HAPPENING ON BOTH SIDES. Bernie Bros are basically copying the gamergate handbook right now.

These people are going after Paul MOTHERFUCKING Krugman now, jesus f christ.
Right now I’m getting the kind of correspondence I usually get from Rush Limbaugh listeners, although this time it’s from the left — I’m a crook, I’m a Hillary crony, etc., etc.. OK, been there before — back in 2008 I was even the subject of tales about my son working for the Clintons, which was surprising because I don’t have a son.


Seriously people. "both sides are doing this." That's what some of you are going with. No. It's not the same on both sides.

Bernie Bros are absolutely the ones harrassing people online. Not Hillary supporters. I'm not in anyway going out of my way to find these stories, but I'm constantly hearing about this. I have yet to hear about a single Hillary supporter doing shit like this. IT IS NOT HAPPENING ON BOTH SIDES. Bernie Bros are basically copying the gamergate handbook right now.

These people are going after Paul MOTHERFUCKING Krugman now, jesus f christ.

The establishment must fall.
Bernie Sanders fans have pretty much destroyed r/politics. They should just rename it r/Bernie, almost nothing else gets through. Even when Trump says something completely outrageous it can't get through the Bernie posts.
A guy beloved by Reddit having a disproportionate number of mysoginists in his fanbase? I for one am shocked.

Holy christ - what is it with this crusade that seems to get people's rocks off around here? You absolutely need to cite inflammatory crap like this before posting it. Or better yet, don't post it at all.

Seriously people. "both sides are doing this." That's what some of you are going with. No. It's not the same on both sides.

Bernie Bros are absolutely the ones harrassing people online. Not Hillary supporters. I'm not in anyway going out of my way to find these stories, but I'm constantly hearing about this. I have yet to hear about a single Hillary supporter doing shit like this. IT IS NOT HAPPENING ON BOTH SIDES. Bernie Bros are basically copying the gamergate handbook right now.

These people are going after Paul MOTHERFUCKING Krugman now, jesus f christ.

This forum has been insufferable sometimes as a Bernie supporter. Smugness is off the charts. There's no denying the "bernie bros" bs, or bernie supporters being equated with the far right, misogynists, gamergate etc. No one should be harassed - it's definitely bad no matter who it's coming from.

As far as the Krugman thing goes, he has been behaving childishly when it comes to Bernie this time around, so the pushback against him is not baseless. He's always a guy who is generally against things he thinks are too "idealistic", so it's not a huge surprise, given how he behaved with Obama. This statement, just to point out a quick example, is laughable:

As far as I can tell, every serious progressive policy expert on either health care or financial reform who has weighed in on the primary seems to lean Hillary.

Again though, nobody should be harassed and I'm not for that.
are bernie sanders supporters going to turn into hillaryis44 style lunatics if he loses? definitely feels like they are going that way.
A portion certainly will, at least the ones who go from Sanders to Trump. Although It seems as though the entirety of Sander's supporters will be vilified as such. It's a common occurrence for any small vocal fan base.


Holy christ - what is it with this crusade that seems to get people's rocks off around here? You absolutely need to cite inflammatory crap like this before posting it. Or better yet, don't post it at all.

This forum has been insufferable sometimes as a Bernie supporter. Smugness is off the charts. There's no denying the "bernie bros" bs, or bernie supporters being equated with the far right, misogynists, gamergate etc. No one should be harassed - it's definitely bad no matter who it's coming from.

As far as the Krugman thing goes, he has been behaving childishly when it comes to Bernie this time around, so the pushback against him is not baseless. He's always a guy who is generally against things he thinks are too "idealistic", so it's not a huge surprise, given how he behaved with Obama. This statement, just to point out a quick example, is laughable:

Again though, nobody should be harassed and I'm not for that.

You know I think some of it may be that some Bernie supporters are so awful on other parts of the internet (or so I hear and read about) that people here already have their minds made up and group us all together. I'm not sure if I exactly blame them to be honest. I think most Bernie supporters on GAF are perfectly reasonable people. But I don't really go anywhere else for political discussion but GAF so my perspective may be different than others.


It's not a one way street though. Some people attack Sanders too hard for issues he is pretty good at. He is an extremely likable person and I don't think he is insensitive to racial issues; it's just that sometimes his messaging might be slightly better.

I don't understand this, personally. I like that he really has passion for finding solutions to income inequality and lack of universal health coverage, I merely tend to think that his particular solutions are somewhat half-baked. We need someone talking about those issues, but we need realistic solutions too. Of course, making comments to this effect on Reddit, or Daily Kos, or pretty much anywhere else that serves as a Bernie supporter stronghold, brings out nothing but claims of 'supporting the oligarchy', or endless repeating of 'PAID SPEAKER! EMAILGHAZI!' or some other thing completely tangential to her ability to perform the job (or Bernie's, for that matter). I can't wait until it's all over and we can move on to the real fight - keeping Trump or Cruz out of the White House.

(Also, I have to say that making a choice on the Democratic side of the election is really easy compared to the GOP. We have two perfectly good candidates to choose from, and I'd be happy to cast my vote for either one - but they have none.)


Holy crapola, how did GAF become such a Hillary circlejerk? I've asked this before and got into a long debate about it, but even then it wasn't as crazy as this. I'm not saying BernieBros don't exist of course. Once any movement is democratized over a large group of people you're going to have people who go too extreme with it-- especially when you've got such an energized base.

That being said, there really is a clear bias on this website. In this thread you guys are talking about Hillary Clinton's donors like it's a mystery that she's a corrupt politician. What does her involvement in the Super PAC system signify? Even if you figure it's got to be her because the alternative is Donald Trump, how could you think Hillary Clinton's on the up and up regarding Wall Street? And if she is in bed with Wall Street (which of course, isn't a crime), what does that say about her promise to seriously address income inequality?

The current state of income inequality is one of the largest national disasters this country has ever faced. Even if Hillary is still the pragmatic choice, aren't you essentially ensuring the collapse of the middle class by casting a vote for her? Isn't Sanders technically the right choice, or does that not matter at all?


Holy crapola, how did GAF become such a Hillary circlejerk? I've asked this before and got into a long debate about it, but even then it wasn't as crazy as this. I'm not saying BernieBros don't exist of course. Once any movement is democratized over a large group of people you're going to have people who go too extreme with it-- especially when you've got such an energized base.

That being said, there really is a clear bias on this website. In this thread you guys are talking about Hillary Clinton's donors like it's a mystery that she's a corrupt politician. What does her involvement in the Super PAC system signify? Even if you figure it's got to be her because the alternative is Donald Trump, how could you think Hillary Clinton's on the up and up regarding Wall Street? And if she is in bed with Wall Street (which of course, isn't a crime), what does that say about her promise to seriously address income inequality?

The current state of income inequality is one of the largest national disasters this country has ever faced. Even if Hillary is still the pragmatic choice, aren't you essentially ensuring the collapse of the middle class by casting a vote for her? Isn't Sanders technically the right choice, or does that not matter at all?

Well I think the OP sort of answered that. Bernie supporters in other places are really being terrible people and it's souring opinions and making Hillary support even greater.

Worse, Bernie Sanders didn't bother to address it until now despite it going on for months and months. Bernie supporter by the way.
I'm a Bernie fan myself, but the most annoying trend I've seen (especially in my brother, who is really passionate about him) is this attitude like "Oh, you don't agree with me? Well that's just because you don't understand yet." Like people can't have honest disagreements, but instead the difference is only caused because the other person is too dumb to understand why Bernie is obviously the best.

Thankfully, I'm able to separate Bernie's annoying fans from the man himself. I'll still likely vote for him come Super Tuesday.


I'm a Bernie fan myself, but the most annoying trend I've seen (especially in my brother, who is really passionate about him) is this attitude like "Oh, you don't agree with me? Well that's just because you don't understand yet." Like people can't have honest disagreements, but instead the difference is only caused because the other person is too dumb to understand why Bernie is obviously the best.

Thankfully, I'm able to separate Bernie's annoying fans from the man himself. I'll still likely vote for him come Super Tuesday.

Agreed. The other side of that is, oh you're a Bernie supporter? Well that's because you are young and/or new to politics.

Can't we all just stop being dickish to one another and stop making assumptions about others? I'll assume you are not a horrible person and please do the same for me unless I prove otherwise.


Agreed. The other side of that is, oh you're a Bernie supporter? Well that's because you are young and/or new to politics.

Can't we all just stop being dickish to one another and stop making assumptions about others? I'll assume you are not a horrible person and please do the same for me unless I prove otherwise.

I don't think it's a good thing to condescend the way a lot of Bernie supporters do, however, there are some reasonable assumptions to make about someone who is too enthusiastic about Hillary Clinton, the least of which is that they don't care that she's not going to fix income inequality unless the majority of Democratic constituents convince her to move leftward. I mean, that's really a big deal to me. I think that if a person doesn't care about how severely corrupt Hillary Clinton is, it's not unfair to make assumptions about that person's morality.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
I do find it amusing that it was the Hillary supporters who harassed the crap out of Obama supporters in 2008 and now the worm has turned the other way.


I don't think it's a good thing to condescend the way a lot of Bernie supporters do, however, there are some reasonable assumptions to make about someone who is too enthusiastic about Hillary Clinton, the least of which is that they don't care that she's not going to fix income inequality unless the majority of Democratic constituents convince her to move leftward. I mean, that's really a big deal to me. I think that if a person doesn't care about how severely corrupt Hillary Clinton is, it's not unfair to make assumptions about that person's morality.

I don't think it's fair at all. I agree with you and Bernie, income inequality has a lot to do with the problems in this country. But just because somebody may disagree that it is the root cause or that they have other priorities or that they are choosing to take the more practical approach that can actually be accomplished in today's political climate, does not mean they are immoral. Just the same as if somebody favors Bernie and his stances they are not bigoted or naive or immoral either.
I've seen plenty of people I know get dogpiled by Bernie Sanders supporters on Twitter, to a degree I only see from RWNJs. This doesn't apply to all Bernie supporters, obviously (or else it would apply to me). However, it is a serious problem, and it gets talked about more often because it happens so much more often.
The massive salt when Sanders loses and endorses Clinton will be amazing

Every single one of the type of person this article is describing will vote for Trump if Bernie isn't nominated. This general election is going to be extremely close, extremely embarrassing, and extremely sad. I only take solace in knowing whatever happens it's exactly what we deserve.


I wish their was more political journalism that wasn't trying to be so snarky.

The Berniebro is now what happens when Reddit eats a fairly liberal, if irritatingly opinionated white guy, and spits him out. He is tired, he is covered in boils, and he is intent on destroying Hillary Clinton by any. means. necessary.


I've witnessed some Bernie supportes sort of inventing a fantasy character, almost like a positive straw man of sorts. And we of course saw the same with Ron Paul 4 years ago (I remember how hilariously wrong Ron Paul fans had his stance on abortion for instance, even to the point the fan-owned RonPaul.com had his stance COMPLETELY wrong.) I feel like this could be written about without resorting to this.. whatever you call this article lol.


A Bernie supporter called me a piece of shit, the other day, for stating my opinion on Hillary and Bernie. The rage is strong on Facebook, among liberals, and if you need proof check the NYT or NPR pages. It seems that no one can ever bad mouth Bernie or do anything but talk well about him, or they are criticized. Insufferable bunch (not Bernie supporters, in general, just the loud bunch).

Also, I strongly believe she needs to announce him as her running mate, if she ever wants to get control of the election. Trump will be harder to beat than most online liberals think.


I don't think it's a good thing to condescend the way a lot of Bernie supporters do, however, there are some reasonable assumptions to make about someone who is too enthusiastic about Hillary Clinton, the least of which is that they don't care that she's not going to fix income inequality unless the majority of Democratic constituents convince her to move leftward. I mean, that's really a big deal to me. I think that if a person doesn't care about how severely corrupt Hillary Clinton is, it's not unfair to make assumptions about that person's morality.
It might help if you realize claiming Hillary does not care about income inequality like its fact makes you sound crazy. Hillary obviously cares about it and has outlined policy plans about this very issue and has a strong voting record in the senate on this issue.

Making up facts in your head and acting shocked that Hillary voters don't agree with your made up ideas shouldn't surprise you.

Of course Hillary supporters care about income inequality, they are by and large liberal democrats who back her. They trust Hillary on the issue more than Bernie. That is all.


Bernie Sanders fans have pretty much destroyed r/politics. They should just rename it r/Bernie, almost nothing else gets through. Even when Trump says something completely outrageous it can't get through the Bernie posts.

I only see what gets to the front page which is mainly Bernie stories but there's a demographic explanation for that. Hillary support comes most from women and people over 50. (Trump only has a few percent support under 30 and under 15% support under 40). Bernie has nearly 80% support in the 18-44 cohort and Reddit is typically under 30 and male (last time I read about it reddit was estimated something like 15% female, probably lower in the big chaotic subreddits. edit: wikipedia says it's much more equal than that)
These people scare the hell out of me. Terrify me. But it's not for anything they actually think or feel about things. I can take that on separately. The harassment is never cool, of course.

They scare the hell out of me because they remind me of Nader supporters in 2000, and those remorseless bastards unleashed W upon the world. Disproportionately white, male, younger, economically liberal, technologically literate, always happy to get in an argument.
The Ron Paul (or the also mention Nader) supporter similarities have been there for a while, he's pretty much picked up the fervent zealots, even if they aren't the same people they're of similar type. It's felt that way to me for a good while now, there tends to be one candidate they latch on to every presidential election. I'm sure had the internet been prevalent in the early 90s Perot would've been their candidate.


anyone paying attention at how shit went down after BLM did their demonstration interrupting him saw this, it's known

also, reddit ruins things

So by South Carolina primary, will we see people blaming black people? It'll be poetic.

oh, there's no doubt in my mind, yeah

...a Tupac-like struggle against the world

bern's kickin it with killer mike, but he's not droppin his Against All Odds just yet, man


Here's an illustration I did of Bernie earlier today. Feel free to use it when you harass his non supporters online!

anyone paying attention at how shit went down after BLM did their demonstration interrupting him saw this, it's known

also, reddit ruins things

The "reddit demographic" has been a really obnoxious cesspool with respect to politics for the last decade. They seem to flock to the anti-establishment candidate with the least restrictive social policies (as far as young, fairly educated white men are concerned), so this time it's Sanders.

bern's kickin it with killer mike, but he's not droppin his Against All Odds just yet, man

I was being facetious.


The "reddit demographic" has been a really obnoxious cesspool with respect to politics for the last decade. They seem to flock to the anti-establishment candidate with the least restrictive social policies (as far as young, fairly educated white men are concerned), so this time it's Sanders.

I was being facetious.

agreed - as someone who favors bernie, i'm bummed to see it but glad when it's called out

and i was too :)


These people scare the hell out of me. Terrify me. But it's not for anything they actually think or feel about things. I can take that on separately. The harassment is never cool, of course.

They scare the hell out of me because they remind me of Nader supporters in 2000, and those remorseless bastards unleashed W upon the world. Disproportionately white, male, younger, economically liberal, technologically literate, always happy to get in an argument.

No people had a choice and didn't vote for Gore in Florida. Gore should have gotten more votes by bether campaigning.


Compare him to Ron Paul!

Attack his annoying supporters!

So obvious, but it'll probably work. We just love rich people, don't we? I can't wait to be one!

don't mean to single you out, but man, slayven's pointing at something here that exists & is a problem, not pulling it from his ass. some of ya'll are just on about what hilary does, and that kinda speaks volumes to the issue at hand.

They scare the hell out of me because they remind me of Nader supporters in 2000, and those remorseless bastards unleashed W upon the world. Disproportionately white, male, younger, economically liberal, technologically literate, always happy to get in an argument.

as an aside: i never got going after the Nader votes in 2000 - as an FL resident, many in that camp weren't looking to vote for Gore at the time, i felt. moreover, that mentality really solidfies our 2-party system.


you can't put a price on sparks
It really makes you wonder what it is about Sanders that attracted these people. You'd think he'd repel them considering his overall message.

it might just be as simple as frontrunner being a woman, and Sanders is an older, white male


remember me
Holy crapola, how did GAF become such a Hillary circlejerk? I've asked this before and got into a long debate about it, but even then it wasn't as crazy as this. I'm not saying BernieBros don't exist of course. Once any movement is democratized over a large group of people you're going to have people who go too extreme with it-- especially when you've got such an energized base.

That being said, there really is a clear bias on this website. In this thread you guys are talking about Hillary Clinton's donors like it's a mystery that she's a corrupt politician. What does her involvement in the Super PAC system signify? Even if you figure it's got to be her because the alternative is Donald Trump, how could you think Hillary Clinton's on the up and up regarding Wall Street? And if she is in bed with Wall Street (which of course, isn't a crime), what does that say about her promise to seriously address income inequality?

The current state of income inequality is one of the largest national disasters this country has ever faced. Even if Hillary is still the pragmatic choice, aren't you essentially ensuring the collapse of the middle class by casting a vote for her? Isn't Sanders technically the right choice, or does that not matter at all?

Bernie's plans are not going to happen. That's just reality. He is not going to fix income inequality. There is not going to be any revolution. If you think there is, you are being naive.

Just because Bernie is farther to the left, it does not mean that he'll be able to get more concessions out of a Republican congress than Hillary would. Obama couldn't even get a public option with the dems controlling both the house and the senate, what makes you think any of Bernie's plans will actually pass with a Republican House.

A Democratic president will have to work on small wins, like Obama has been for the last 6 years. Executive actions, federal appointments, Supreme court nominees, and even the occasional compromise (like the recent oil export ban lifting in exchange for solar/wind credits). I'm a realist, not an idealist. And facing this reality I want a pragmatist like Hillary.


There are a few on GAF. Doesn't help that Hillary got also zealous supporters here. Bernie and Hillary threads are always such fubwhen extremists from both sides sling mud at each other.

I am both annoyed by people threathning to aid Trump if Bernie loses and those kind of Hillary supporters who rather see Bernie lose than Hillary win. These weird tear licking guys who revel in the thought of going to reddit should Bernie lose.

agreed. assholes on both sides

Dude Abides

It's too bad because Bernie really is a decent guy trying to run a decent campaign for the most part. But he happens to attract angry young dudes to a much greater degree than Hillary does and while Hillary fans generally like Bernie, a significant number of Bernie fans have convinced themselves that Hillary is a conniving wall street bitch.


Pretty sure this is just people on the internet doing the things that they do.

Every candidate has their own % of shitbags.

No one is immune.

Interesting that it's just Bernie supporters being singled out as vile troublemakers.

The Kree

Closet racists/sexists are on both sides of the aisle, unfortunately.

I don't think it helps anyone to empower them and get them back into the political process.

I'm so defeated that I'll take any vote for the best candidate, even if it comes from a douche bag.
as an aside: i never got going after the Nader votes in 2000 - as an FL resident, many in that camp weren't looking to vote for Gore at the time, i felt. moreover, that mentality really solidfies our 2-party system.

It is a two party system, you'd have to basically blow up your entire political structure to get rid of it. No amount of wishing and supporting of 3rd parties is going to make lick of difference, a third party has no chance and only serves to help whatever part he is most opposite of. Hence hell yes blame Nader.
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