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Bernie Sanders' Campaign Is Concerned About supporters harressing others online.

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The benghazi posts aren't coming from Bernie supporters, but conservatives in the GOP camp.

When Hillary is being attacked from the left, (most of the time)its on her actual record, not bullshit the GOP wants to use as some talking point for some dumbass investigation nobody cares about.

Conservatives on GAF? There are like 5 of us I think, and I don't say Killary. I can't speak for the other four though.


I respect berries campaign for calling out this shit and not passively accepting it like some other campaigns out there (hint, every republican one)
I think this is more an issue of demographics than anything else. Bernie obviously has the support of a younger, more internet savvy crowd, so if you frequent the internet you will see this loud minority more than the loud minority of Hillary supporters that I'm sure exist, but aren't as inclined to post on twitter, facebook, or an online forum. Personally I'm appalled by these supporters and I'm glad Bernie's campaign is taking steps to call them out, but to hold an entire group of people responsible for what must amount to maybe 3-5% of his supporters? That's ridiculous.

Please take a look at this blog post (not saying I endorse this guy 100%) that I was linked to yesterday that does a good job showing how this "Bernie Bro" (wow that's smug and condescending) stuff has been blown up even when some of these allegations are false, including one in the Jezebel article. http://www.carlbeijer.com/2016/01/how-many-smears-on-sanders-supporters.html


I respect berries campaign for calling out this shit and not passively accepting it like some other campaigns out there (hint, every republican one)

Well, the Jeb campaign doesn't really have that problem. Mainly because he doesn't have many supporters, but still.

The most vocal online comments I see are usually Cruz, Trump, and Sanders supporters. Granted, the Cruz and Trump people seem to be attacking each other at the moment.

Hillary and Obama supporters were pretty nasty at times to each other years ago.


It was the same paranoid, OTT bullshit from the Paulbots when Ron Paul ran for the presidency. Anyone who didn't support The Paul was somehow a corporate "shill" (there's that word again) and an apologist for mass murderers (WTF?!). And what really irked me was how their supporters insisted the "Ron Paul Revolution" was sweeping America and the "establishment" were in a panic. Lol. Then the primary results came in and Paul did dismally, as expected. Many Sanders supporters I suspect are former Paulites and spreading the same lies about Sanders' campaign being a mass movement. It ain't, not by a long shot.


Jesus GAF.



What does this even mean? You enjoy this? Some people are assholes and you enjoy that?

i certainly can't speak for slayven, but i took it to mean that it's almost refreshing to see a particular issue long since dismissed by many finally getting the attention it deserves

again, even as someone who will likely vote for bernie in the primaries, it's very off-putting and needs to be acknowledged. i imagine libertarians/ron paul supporters in the past were not overly comfortable with some of the nastier demographics seen there as well (though the scope/degree here isn't the same, granted)
I am human, I enjoy being proven right. I been saying for months that Bernheads were pushing away people. A lot of people with big and important platforms. Hell around Sept a lot of folks in alternative media just said fuck it and stopped talking about Bernie at all because they didn't want to spend the next week blocking emails, tweets, voicemail, etc.
I was a very vocal supporter of Hillary in 2008 (even did some work for her campaign here in Philly) and I'm a very vocal supporter this cycle, and it's not hard to admit that the sheer amount of hate/sexism being thrown at her specifically by Bernie Sanders supporters is off the charts, and blows anything she got from Obama supporters in 2008 out of the water. It's insane and gross, the woman can't lift a finger without people questioning the motives behind it.

I'm glad the article mentioned Elon James White, because he's been going OFF on Bernie supporters his last few podcasts, and detailing the kind of hate he's been getting for criticizing Bernie. Funny thing is, if you actually listen to Elon's podcast, he was MORE critical of Hillary until Bernie's supporters went rabid over the few incidences in which he did criticize the guy.

And even on GAF, it seems like if you're not on Bernie's side, you're the enemy to his supporters. And you really don't see that energy in Hillary's camp, at least nowhere near approaching similar levels.

Not at all true. Bernie's campaign has been actively fueling the paranoia/conspiracy narrative since the server hacking incident.
Yep, Elon was there at Netroots so he been seeing this shit sense second 1


Believes Dragon Quest is a franchise managed by Sony
There is reason to believe that the media is against Bernie Sanders. Whether some people go overboard on it is another matter entirely, but let's not dismiss the facts of the matter and pretend its not happening.

All last year, the actual amount of news coverage was like 10 minutes all together, usually in small bites and most of the time negatively and even using the Hillary campaigns arguments directly against him, trying to trap him into talking about her negatively to have a soundbite.

Hillary on the other hand, has never once been called out for corporate corruption outside of the debates by the other candidates

(in which she was somehow universally called the winner in literally every one in big bold letters with literally no real nuance on the actions of the other debaters, or besides the fact that apparently she absolutely dominated, which was not the case in even her best showing)

and every interview has her looking like a victim of an attack because Bernie happens to want to highlight those issues.



The DNC and DWS have clearly not recused themselves in the debate schedule either or on cable news about their behavior during interviews, despite DWS being her campaign co chair in 2007, and none of them have even admitted to that being the case to the public.

That email shit was absolutely a non story, and in the end, amounted to nothing, while the real issues on supporting TPP before she was against it and such, or even talking about the TPP in general were almost never explained to the viewer simply watching the news.

For me, its absolutely ridiculous to say that you can blow up certain Sanders supporters for being assholes(and there are many who are young, dumb and stuff like all kids are), yet not actively see the actual unfairness.

Like in the Iowa debate a few days ago for example, where they were constantly trying to hammer Sanders for "punishing rich people" and "bringing back big government", and basically spamming the "he'll raise taxes!" on every single article without any context into the savings for his plans, while Clinton gets softball questions like "which President inspires you the most?"

Absolutely shameful...

the worst bias is ignoring the people entirely...thousands and thousands of people have been marching for days, for weeks, in all the major cities in America






But just watching the corporate media, you'd never once hear a peep about it, and would not even know it was happening without social media, literally zero major media networks have covered it. If it was Hillary rallies being coordinated on this huge level so systematically, i don't believe for a second they would not be tripping all over themselves to cover that shit
What's interesting is how each supporter perceives GAF. It seems to me like some Hillary supporters think GAF is overrun with naive Bernie supporters while some Bernie supporters think GAF is mostly full of stupid Hillary fans.


I am human, I enjoy being proven right. I been saying for months that Bernheads were pushing away people. A lot of people with big and important platforms. Hell around Sept a lot of folks in alternative media just said fuck it and stopped talking about Bernie at all because they didn't want to spend the next week blocking emails, tweets, voicemail, etc.

You're right, young people can be jerks. That's all this is. I had to deal with the same shit in OWS, where excitable young [white] males would use it as an excuse to act a fool. Then they became the story instead of the actual problems that OWS was trying to address. (There were also some agent provocateurs, but I shouldn't get into that since it comes off like a conspiracy theory.) The point is, it has nothing to do with Bernie or his platform, it's purely a function of age. It's also interesting how much time is being spent talking about these "bros" rather than the actual issues.


This is amazing, DirtyLarry.

This is dope, Larry.
Thank you. I know I just did a drive by on this thread, but was willing to take a chance as I would like for this illustration to get out there somehow. I have done plenty of other Illustrations but this is the one I am trying to "promote." Tried Reddit but I never have luck there. Otherwise just have friends and family sharing.

So I apologize for just sharing an image in the thread and not posting OT, but I was not sure how else to do it.


What's interesting is how each supporter perceives GAF. It seems to me like some Hillary supporters think GAF is overrun with naive Bernie supporters while some Bernie supporters think GAF is mostly full of stupid Hillary fans.

The only real measure of GAF preference (that I know of) was an unofficial poll that was run a while back, maybe a month or two ago. Bernie led pretty easily.

Other than that, we don't really have any reference to point to.
Fantastic post, a lot of people seem to either ignore or are unable to see how biased modern news is when it comes to pushing out or stigmatising legitimate left wing opposition.

The amount of stuff we deal with in the UK, either the complete shit show of our last election or the way the media focus on bullshit things about The labour leader and ignoring some very legitimate points he has.

Eventually we will get to a point where the right side will loose completely, be it from the world going to hell and the poor uprising or the older, non Internet generation will die out and traditional media will no longer have the grip they currently have on voters.

I just hope we can get the ball rolling now so we can at least try to save this world from the near inevitable destruction we are going towards. In that case I hope Sanders wins, from reading up about him and watching his interviews I wish he was in charge here because he seems the perfect candidate to make some real change that could show that this way of thinking is what the rest of the world needs to follow.
Why is it that anytime Sanders, his campaign or his supporters are attached or commented on they're by "pro-Clinton" or "anti-Bernie" people? This bizarre persecution complex some of you have is getting annoying. Someone disagreeing or calling to out doesn't mean they're part of the opposition. Some people are trying to take objective looks at things and people are getting SUPER defensive. Not everyone or even most people, but a particular loud and whiny minority it seems

Also is that an entire article quoted?!
Why is it that anytime Sanders, his campaign or his supporters are attached or commented on they're by "pro-Clinton" or "anti-Bernie" people? This bizarre persecution complex some of you have is getting annoying. Someone disagreeing or calling to out doesn't mean they're part of the opposition. Some people are trying to take objective looks at things and people are getting SUPER defensive. Not everyone or even most people, but a particular loud and whiny minority it seems

Also is that an entire article quoted?!

Yes and yes. Ha. Greenwald is killin it recently though.

I absolutely agree with that article - it's a much more articulate critique of the position than I could hope to put out there.
Why is it that anytime Sanders, his campaign or his supporters are attached or commented on they're by "pro-Clinton" or "anti-Bernie" people? This bizarre persecution complex some of you have is getting annoying. Someone disagreeing or calling to out doesn't mean they're part of the opposition. Some people are trying to take objective looks at things and people are getting SUPER defensive. Not everyone or even most people, but a particular loud and whiny minority it seems

Also is that an entire article quoted?!

Yup. This is the worst.

Any newspaper doesn't endorse Bernie = Establishment conspiracy
Any elected official doesn't endorse Bernie = Establishment conspiracy
Any corporate person donates to Hillary = Wall Street conspiracy

Absolutely toxic.
hyper partisanship can blur one's vision causing irracional hate of all opposing forces to the point of insulting because to destroy the opposition

Mass One

Why is it that anytime Sanders, his campaign or his supporters are attached or commented on they're by "pro-Clinton" or "anti-Bernie" people? This bizarre persecution complex some of you have is getting annoying. Someone disagreeing or calling to out doesn't mean they're part of the opposition. Some people are trying to take objective looks at things and people are getting SUPER defensive. Not everyone or even most people, but a particular loud and whiny minority it seems

Also is that an entire article quoted?!

Is there any way for a someone to express a negative opinion or doubt about Sanders without it being label as such? We had that thread where Coates wrote a negative article around Sanders and even here it was called a hit piece.

Is it best to get into the current election after the Democratic nominee has been picked?
I'll give Sanders this: To the best of my knowledge Ron Paul never tried to reign in his fanatics on the internet, though that may be because they all jumped ship to Bernie as the hip new "anti-establishment" candidate.


As if Bernie could police the entire internet and quiet all of the fanatics...I don't understand why the OP is seemingly blaming him or thinks that it will hurt his polling or standings. Do you think Trump's fanatics hurt his polling? When it comes to the internet and politics just expect there to be ridiculous fanaticism on both sides of the religious spectrum. And I'm sure Hillary would have more fanaticism if she were touted as being far right or far left.
I was a very vocal supporter of Hillary in 2008 (even did some work for her campaign here in Philly) and I'm a very vocal supporter this cycle, and it's not hard to admit that the sheer amount of hate/sexism being thrown at her specifically by Bernie Sanders supporters is off the charts, and blows anything she got from Obama supporters in 2008 out of the water. It's insane and gross, the woman can't lift a finger without people questioning the motives behind it.

I'm glad the article mentioned Elon James White, because he's been going OFF on Bernie supporters his last few podcasts, and detailing the kind of hate he's been getting for criticizing Bernie. Funny thing is, if you actually listen to Elon's podcast, he was MORE critical of Hillary until Bernie's supporters went rabid over the few incidences in which he did criticize the guy.

And even on GAF, it seems like if you're not on Bernie's side, you're the enemy to his supporters. And you really don't see that energy in Hillary's camp, at least nowhere near approaching similar levels.

Not at all true. Bernie's campaign has been actively fueling the paranoia/conspiracy narrative since the server hacking incident.

I also think it's delusional not see what's coming from the other side - a coordinated smear effort to paint opposition broadly as misogynists (etc). It's dishonest and itself off-putting - weaponizing sexism, and tacking it unjustly to any anti-clinton rhetoric. There are a lot women who support Sanders. What's sad is to marginalize their views in favor of the twisted narrative.


When someone complains about Sanders supporters, it really says more about them. Clinton has more supporters with louder, more influential posts, both in the media and otherwise. If you dedicate your time to supporting Clinton (and/or bashing Sanders), it makes sense to get the most pushback from Sanders supporters. Of course Clinton supporters won't speak up. The problem is when they take that pushback to vindicate their warped view and generalize it to all Sanders supporters. Have some supporters gone too far? Sure - but not all. I think it's just as much of a dishonest smear tactic as it is an effort to steer attention away from all of Hillary's record.

You have got to be kidding me if you don't see the overall pro-Hillary slant on GAF. I like Hillary and will vote her, but this place has been really off-putting.
Yup. This is the worst.

Any newspaper doesn't endorse Bernie = Establishment conspiracy
Any elected official doesn't endorse Bernie = Establishment conspiracy
Any corporate person donates to Hillary = Wall Street conspiracy

Absolutely toxic.

And the penchant to attach sexism to any Sanders supporter or Clinton critique isn't toxic? It marginalizes the views of millions of female Sanders supporters and sexism in general.

On the other hand, Clinton is unabashedly, the establishment candidate, and is getting the large majority of establishment support. She's also drowning in Wall Street money. No surprises there.


And the penchant to attach sexism to any Sanders supporter or Clinton critique isn't toxic? It marginalizes the views of millions of female Sanders supporters and sexism in general.

On the other hand, Clinton is unabashedly, the establishment candidate, and is getting the large majority of establishment support. She's also drowning in Wall Street money. No surprises there.

Please show that anyone and any article here has stated its every Bernie supporter. And that every criticism of Clinton is met with accusations of sexism.

We need receipts.

It shows you didn't even read the linked article.
And the penchant to attach sexism to any Sanders supporter or Clinton critique isn't toxic? It marginalizes the views of millions of female Sanders supporters and sexism in general.

On the other hand, Clinton is unabashedly, the establishment candidate, and is getting the large majority of establishment support. She's also drowning in Wall Street money. No surprises there.

I have personally never seen this, but if it is occurring it is toxic for sure.

Pretending that they are happening in equivalent amounts is wrong though.


Here is another perspective on the situation.

The “Bernie Bros” Narrative: a Cheap Campaign Tactic Masquerading as Journalism and Social Activism by Glenn Greenwald.

The concoction of the “Bernie Bro” narrative by pro-Clinton journalists has been a potent political tactic – and a journalistic disgrace. It’s intended to imply two equally false claims: (1) a refusal to march enthusiastically behind the Wall-Street-enriched, multiple-war-advocating, despot-embracing Hillary Clinton is explainable not by ideology or political conviction, but largely if not exclusively by sexism: demonstrated by the fact that men, not women, support Sanders (his supporters are “bros”); and (2) Sanders supporters are uniquely abusive and misogynistic in their online behavior. Needless to say, a crucial tactical prong of this innuendo is that any attempt to refute it is itself proof of insensitivity to sexism if not sexism itself (as the accusatory reactions to this article will instantly illustrate).


What's interesting is how each supporter perceives GAF. It seems to me like some Hillary supporters think GAF is overrun with naive Bernie supporters while some Bernie supporters think GAF is mostly full of stupid Hillary fans.

It makes for some fun to read threads.
Cherry pick one line without addressing the entirety of the post itself.

Well the rest of it is even more worthless. I was trying to be nice by ignoring it.

I mean, no one can have their head THAT far up their own asses to believe THIS is true:

Clinton has more supporters with louder, more influential posts, both in the media and otherwise.

...and people can't call out Bernie supporter's inappropriate behavior because they are apparently just trying to distract from Hillary's record? Laughable.

I think it's just as much of a dishonest smear tactic as it is an effort to steer attention away from all of Hillary's record.


Can you elaborate on the Clinton's involvement with Haiti. If that's really true, then I really can't vote for her, but I just don't see Bill and Hillary doing that, especially since they had a charity event for Haiti.
If you want a more thorough, critical look at the Clintons' activities in Haiti, read this detailed Politico longform article on it.

They are involved with a lot of charity work there. What you can probably say about their involvement is that they are well-intentioned but were not so well-prepared to deal with the idiosyncrasies of Haiti.

And the penchant to attach sexism to any Sanders supporter or Clinton critique isn't toxic? It marginalizes the views of millions of female Sanders supporters and sexism in general.

On the other hand, Clinton is unabashedly, the establishment candidate, and is getting the large majority of establishment support. She's also drowning in Wall Street money. No surprises there.
You certainly weren't very subtle about your sexism.
Hillary when pinned against the wall about campaign finance: "Blah blah blah... uh... 9/11!, SEPTEMBER ELEVENTH, first WOMAN president!!!"

*crowd goes crazy*
Bernie and Trump have been the only ones keepin it 100 on the need for campaign finance reform. Still needs to change regardless of what Bernie's doing. Not to mention, nine eleven, tragedy, brave men and first WOMAN for the president of the UNITED STATES!!!
nine eleven, first WOMAN PRESIDENT!!
Please show that anyone and any article here has stated its every Bernie supporter. And that every criticism of Clinton is met with accusations of sexism.

We need receipts.

It shows you didn't even read the linked article.

Semantics - my general message is clear. Of course it's not "every" Bernie supporter, but smearing them as BernieBros is an actual media thing now.

I'm not referring to any particular linked article - just what was stated in that post.

I have personally never seen this, but if it is occurring it is toxic for sure.

Pretending that they are happening in equivalent amounts is wrong though.

I absolutely don't think they're both equivalent and I don't see any benefit to trying to argue between them. Weaponizing sexism and marginalizing female Sanders supports when faced with a few, loud assholes is shameful and the basis for the entire bullshit BernieBros narrative. Certainly worse than pointing out that Hillary is the establishment candidate and receives more money from Wall St - if that's what you're referring to.I don't want to retype everything from my larger post above.
I absolutely don't think they're both equivalent and I don't see any benefit to trying to argue between them. Weaponizing sexism and marginalizing female Sanders supports when faced with a few, loud assholes is shameful and the basis for the entire bullshit BernieBros narrative. Certainly worse than pointing out that Hillary is the establishment candidate and receives more money from Wall St - if that's what you're referring to.I don't want to retype everything from my larger post above.
Lol, you are not even trying to look at this objectively.

All poor Bernie's supporters are doing is calling Hillary the establishment candidate who gets money from wall street eh? LOLOLOLOLOL

The victim complex is strong with this post.
Well the rest of it is even more worthless. I was trying to be nice by ignoring it.

I mean, no one can have their head THAT far up their own asses to believe THIS is true:

...and people can't call out Bernie supporter's inappropriate behavior because they are apparently just trying to distract from Hillary's record? Laughable.

Clinton has more media supporters? What's laughable about that? You're off your rocker.

And it absolutely is a very convenient way to distract from her prior efforts on the US penal state, as Coates pointed out in the Atlantic article himself.
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