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Same here, no difference with V-sync on/off or going between FAST/BEST-settings. Will await a new build/patch. Feels like a good fun game when hopefully fixed. =)

Vsync seems to fix it for me when I use windowed and then ALT+Enter it on my main monitor.


Having fun with it so far but everytime I try to upload a clip from in game it errors out. Maybe it's a firewall settings on my end.

Also getting the stuttering and frame drops here. Have V Sync off and using RTS to cap at 60 fps - maybe the game doesn't like another external app capping the FPS if it already does that by default.

ACE 1991

Devs said they worked hard to make the game control great with a gamepad. Considering this game is practically turned based, I don't see the advantage that KB&M has here

Plus analog sticks give you fine control over your forward movement

So how's it running on integrated graphics?


elevator intro is the hardest time ive had so far, just got past it though. this shit is so interesting, hard to put down.


My computer briefly hitches at the end of levels, so instead of saying "SUPER. HOT", I get


Like a drunk European trying to sell me a meal


Loving the game so far. Some levels are overwhelming at first but a few tries later you kill everyone with incredible moves - very rewarding.

My big gripe : no Azerty support so far - so I must play with the arrow keys on my mac. I'll try to play with a controller later on, but I'm moving so everything's packed right now.

Performance is not great on my poor old imac, but game is playable with low settings.


Are you supposed to lose the crosshair after the first level? I don't have it anymore and not sure if I turned it off, or the crosshair was only available on the first level. Fun to play without but I end up missing some shots I need to be hitting.


I'm doing the chat room in the menu, how long is it? Does it continue where you leave off if you quit?

I've been watching/reading it for 45 fucking minutes

Theres some really interesting stuff though

Ok don't Google ' super hot chat'

.....my bad



Dat gun catch > headshot

That's a game-selling gif.


Does it take awhile for your replays to show up on the website? I tried uploading one a few minutes ago but my page is blank.
I can't connect to the killstagram server when in game so I can't find my replays :(

I went into this chatroom.exe thing and was just reading that for ages and it is really cool, but I had to turn off rsm.avi because it was really unsettling to me o_O
Going out for a drive immediately after playing through some of this game was definitely a surreal experience. Time just wasn't flowing like I expected.

I need a way to turn off the "SUPER HOT SUPER HOT SUPER HOT" stuff, please.


Going out for a drive immediately after playing through some of this game was definitely a surreal experience. Time just wasn't flowing like I expected.

I need a way to turn off the "SUPER HOT SUPER HOT SUPER HOT" stuff, please.

Hit NUMPAD 7 seems to work, during the end of stage replays. It toggles the HUD on / off.
Is anyone else getting a headache from playing? I've never had any issues with any games before (Like ever actually) and now suddenly after like 5 mins playing my head goes to shit. I think the game is awesome but this is really putting me off :/ Heck I know people were having issues with The Witness like this, but I never had any problems playing that so idk why this is giving me these problems.


Played for 2 hours, quit game to go to sleep and just got an update for it on Steam.

Runs pretty good on my i3-2100, 650Ti, 8GB RAM PC.

Gameplay Spoiler:
Throwing weapons then switching bodies to pick them up midair is the most insane shit so far.
Tried using GeDoSaTo to remove HUD and it all it does is bring the game into no clipping and gives you back player control during replays. Super weird.


mine still says i have the Backer Beta Version in my profile even tho it's the full version now which is weird.


If you click "replays" in game it's meant to take you to your profile or something but I can't connect to it when I try

I've tried a few times since I bought the game but I keep getting a server error when I press Replays at the main menu.

edit: Got to it by turning off Malwarebytes Pro + Windows Firewall and Defender. Once the page loaded once, it worked properly even after re-enabling everything.

Might have been a coincidence but I'll post it just in case.


Connecting to killstagram thorough the game takes me to my profile page, but my replay isn't there. What do?


I finished it in one sitting, but it was a blast.

The main game was about 2 hours long for those that were interested.

I'll be going back to mess around in some of the bigger levels.
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