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I just can't get over my disappointment with Xenoblade Chronicles X

Had the same reaction to Chrono Cross.

Except I'm liking X better because the first one isn't all that great, it's just decent. The story in the first is alright and that's it


Will QA for food.
It took me a long time to accept XCX for what it as, but in the end, I put nearly 100 hours into it and enjoyed my time in the world. I definitely don't want the series to continue in this direction though. And while there are a few really good tracks, the OST (and how it was implemented sometimes) was a major let down.
The first time I got my flight module and soared above Mira is one of my top 3 moments in gaming. Took my breath away.

Loved XBCX. Soundtrack really grew on me too. It's been my go-to workout music and I find the energy of Sawano's music inspiring. Story could have has better progression though, but I found the day to day quests helped bring the characters to life.


I am having a hard time deciding if I liked Xenoblade or X more. Xenoblade has a more enjoyable cast for me and more music I like, but everything else X does better, especially after getting a Doll. I can understand not liking it because it is way different from the first, but that alone doesn't make it a bad game.

Danny Dudekisser

I paid good money for this Dynex!
I'm kinda in the same boat, OP. While I still liked the game, I liked literally everything about it less than Xenoblade Chronicles. We went from one of the best games all time to like a 7/10 game at best.


What's happening there is that the camera operates entirely differently indoors or in certain areas vs the open world. It's a stupid decision and one that bugged me throughout the game. You pass an invisible line and suddenly the camera moves like molasses.

So it's not just my copy. It's by design.

Good to know. Annoying and baffling, but at least I know I need to just adjust to it, instead of losing my mind looking for a setting that isn't there.


Yeah the music is really really awful most of the time. This has soured me the most and it's the main reason I've no interest in playing it anytime soon.

I'm a music guy, it's one of the things that make or break a game for me.

Ulysses 31


I enjoyed the first game but haven't played X yet, I remember the hype for this being pretty big, going by this thread it seems like the game didn't even come close to meeting those expectations which is a shame.
I haven't finished it yet due to having a 2 year old but I have my skell and have loved much of my time spent with the game. Side quests are awesome and I'm actually a fan of the music. I can't say yet which one I like more, this or the first one.


10 hours in and I still have no drive to go back. Which is a shame because I like a lot about it. But the whole "do all this before you can play the next story mission" design I absolutely hate. It's not fun to me, it just feels like work.
It's not a bad thing that it was made for people who like to explore in mind, but it's annoying after enjoying the more straightforwardness of XC1. Thankfully they seem to realize that they need to appease both styles rather than one or the others for the next game.



Haha. So this is another by Skypunch lol? He seems can help hating/tsundere with this game lol.^~^

I enjoyed the first game but haven't played X yet, I remember the hype for this being pretty big, going by this thread it seems like the game didn't even come close to meeting those expectations which is a shame.

Rather than not meeting the hype. It is more that this series brought a different product and fans of the previous can not accept this product as what it is.^~^

I liked it more than Xenoblade tbh.

Me too bruh.^~^ Don't worry you are not alone lol.

where you sawano fans at

Here here.^~^ sitting while hearing so nah, so fern.


I just finished the main story over the weekend, after about 100 hours of play, and I really enjoyed it -- except for the New LA music. Jesus Christ.

A lot of XCX felt like a successful mobile game on a bigger screen: a fun, compelling way to kill time -- even if it doesn't ultimately mean a whole bunch. I liked fighting. I liked doing missions. I just enjoyed exploring and playing it, even if it may not have been what I thought I wanted from a Xeno game.

The main plot is fine, if sparse: more of a jumping-off origin story for future games than satisfying in and of itself. But, to me, the game was more about how we all get by (and get along) day-to-day on this new planet. The side missions added up to be the real story, and I had a great time.


Christ, OP. How many threads are you going to dedicate to your dislike of various aspecrs of this game? It's like your fourth.
Its fine, I definitely need a bit more clarification on people calling it 'amazing' tho
me thinks some ninty fanboy mentality might have came into play


I just finished the main story over the weekend, after about 100 hours of play, and I really enjoyed it -- except for the New LA music. Jesus Christ.

A lot of XCX felt like a successful mobile game on a bigger screen: a fun, compelling way to kill time -- even if it doesn't ultimately mean a whole bunch. I liked fighting. I liked doing missions. I just enjoyed exploring and playing it, even if it may not have been what I thought I wanted from a Xeno game.

The main plot is fine, if sparse: more of a jumping-off origin story for future games than satisfying in and of itself. But, to me, the game was more about how we all get by (and get along) day-to-day on this new planet. The side missions added up to be the real story, and I had a great time.

That's what i really like about this game actually. It is really slice of life story of being blade. The fact that the quest feel so grounded as it dealt with paranoia of the NLA citizens, racism, stressed on a new planet and other funny things like teaching xenoform on humans way of living. It makes me keep wanting to do more quest to learn more about those xenos culture.^~^

Its fine, I definitely need a bit more clarification on people calling it 'amazing' tho
me thinks some ninty fanboy mentality might have came into play

Opinion my friend. Not everything needs to be stupid console wars. Like if i said i hate xenosaga series and feel xenoblade is okay game while X is for me the perfect game, am i fanboy?

Its a modern Nintendo game. What did you expect, that they put effort in it?

And then come post like this lol. Is this going to happen to all Nintendo thread here?


It took me a long time to accept XCX for what it as, but in the end, I put nearly 100 hours into it and enjoyed my time in the world. I definitely don't want the series to continue in this direction though. And while there are a few really good tracks, the OST (and how it was implemented sometimes) was a major let down.

Basically how I feel. It was a fun game to play and the world was incredible. I played the first Xenoblade game over 5 times. I don't see myself coming back to X for a long time if ever, so it definitely didn't hook me the same way.


Couldn't agree more. Compared to the previous 4 games Blade is a piece of shit RPG(barring XS2).
Great exploration game. This really should have been an experience walking simulator instead because I can't stress how rewarding the world exploration is.


I think it would have been better off if it was never titled Xeno. It really isn't one.

I know he apparently "made the game he wanted to make", but it felt like Nintendo had their bullshit all over it.


I can see where *some* of the criticism from OP comes from but it's still an amazing game. Put 140 hours in it, which is more then any other game since Pokemon Soul Silver.

Story itself could've been presented in a better way though, that's for sure.


I think it's a vastly better game than the first. I agree on the music, though there's definitely enough good-to-great tracks here. I don't care about story in jrpg's anyway and feel the same about the characters. Had they been better then yes, it would have been an even better game, but it's a very minor point imo. What the game sets out to do it nails.

The world of Mira is nothing short of a spectacular achievement in world-building and the exploration is just stellar. It's a rare game where just finding new areas is enough of a reward. For me the best part is how layared it is, first you're forced to explore on foot and after getting a feel for that you get your Skell, which just gives you an entirely different view on the world and after 30 more hous you can freaking fly. The sense of achievement is fantastic and you're rewarded for your hard work in a spectacular way. I also love that flight isn't this magic thing, you still have to be very careful with fuel and your HP, so it's not something to take for granted.

Honestly after all the somewhat negative reactions I heard after the Japanese release I had my expectation set a lot lower, but that proved entirely unwarranted. It's a different beast from the first game, but for me personally it's all the better for it. I can definitely understand the other side of the coin, but it's a very person-to-peron game. The reasons people give for not liking the game are perfectly fine, but if you don't necessarily care about those aspects and are in it for the gameplay and exploration, you should think this game is pretty damn great. I do.

Well said and I agree with you. You pretty much nailed my feelings on it.

Its fine, I definitely need a bit more clarification on people calling it 'amazing' tho
me thinks some ninty fanboy mentality might have came into play

Oh please. I buy very few Nintendo products, at all. I didn't buy a WiiU until Christmas and I bought it specifically to play XCX and Tokyo Mirage Sessions during 2016. I honestly had very little hype going in to XCX, I bought it mainly on the premise of "huge world to explore, and you get to play with giant robots too".

XCX appeals to me personally. I can explain to you, again, why that is, but I don't think it would make any difference. It's a divisive game and I can completely understand why. It doesn't have a strong narrative focus and many parts of the game are obtuse and not at all intuitive. But man, the stuff that it does well is right up my alley and that's why I love it and keep playing it.


Junior Member
Its a modern Nintendo game. What did you expect, that they put effort in it?

hmmmm.....yeah theres obviously no effort put into it. fucking nintendo and their quick cash grabs like xenoblade chronicles X!

on topic: im excited to play it but my expectations are muted. Xenoblade blew me away even more because i had no expectations so im trying not to be hyped fir X. cant wait til this fall to play it
Never had a problem with it myself besides the story but then again Xeno is my favourite series so I was a little disappointed with how they handled cutscenes in open world settings and stuff. It was still a damn good game though battle system wise. It fell flat in story and character development for sure.


OP is just like me.
I still can't get over how bad FE Awakening is so I find every chance I can to complain about it (even now).

I laughed when after the lauch people kept saying "nah, just wait 30 hours until you get the Skell and it gets good", because they sounded exactly like FF13 fans.

This. People saying wait until X hours for it to get good need to stop, especially when X > 5.


Honestly after all the somewhat negative reactions I heard after the Japanese release I had my expectation set a lot lower, but that proved entirely unwarranted.

Yeah, I have to add that this was the case for me, too. I was really scared after having heard rumblings of it not being so great (though I didn't want to dig too deep into reactions and get spoiled). I was so relieved once I started playing and enjoying it.

It wasn't what I hoped it would be. It was something different altogether, and maybe better for it.
I laughed when after the lauch people kept saying "nah, just wait 30 hours until you get the Skell and it gets good", because they sounded exactly like FF13 fans.
The more I play it the more I admire it. The only thing I hate about it are the 'lol Tatsu I'm gonna eat u' jokes. I'm over 20 hours in and pretty much every cutscene has one.


Purple Drazi
I didn't buy the game. Importer impressions were a major bummer for me. XCX sounded like it missed the mark on most of the reasons I wanted to play it, so I waited (impatiently) for the Western release, had it all confirmed tenfold, and backed away. I feel I've absolutely made the right choice; the game is, sadly, not for me.

Xenogears ties FFVII for my favorite video game, so it's an unfortunate stance. But it is what it is.

I wish Takahashi good fortune in the wars to come.


I have yet to play the original Xenoblade Chronicles, but after Xenoblade Chronicles X I'm not sure I want to.

Probably the only purchase I regret so far on the Wii U.

So, in a way, I agree with OP, the game was a disappointment for me too.


I laughed when after the lauch people kept saying "nah, just wait 30 hours until you get the Skell and it gets good", because they sounded exactly like FF13 fans.

It did sound like that to me, too. But after playing, I changed my mind. It was good before the Skells. I was surprised how many places you could get without them. And once I did get mine, I usually only used it for loot farming, fighting aerial enemies, or to get me places where going on foot was impossible or slow. I loved running around and exploring and fighting on foot.
If Star Fox didn't come out, this would be my most disappointing game of the generation.
The battle system they chose to go with just isn't fun. Voice work (especially for that tiny alien race that all speak like the Chipmunks, ugggggghhhh) is all around bad. The music is some of the worst I have heard in a video game. The pacing is all over the place, requiring fetch quests to actually get access to the next part of the story... which ultimately isn't even worth the time for. The game is a chore.


I laughed when after the lauch people kept saying "nah, just wait 30 hours until you get the Skell and it gets good", because they sounded exactly like FF13 fans.

Ironically enough it almost sounds like the opinions have turned upside-down regarding this.

I certainly think Skells made exploration, and thus the whole game, much more boring. They were cool for a couple of hours, but in the end I rarely used them unless I absolutely had to.


I laughed when after the lauch people kept saying "nah, just wait 30 hours until you get the Skell and it gets good", because they sounded exactly like FF13 fans.

I got the skell and it still didn't do it for me. (I gave up on this game after 40 hours of gameplay).

Not to mention, the skell pilot license test quest is ABSURD and completely unrelated to actually piloting a skell. What were they thinking? It was a straight up offense to the player's time.

Game is also unnecessarily long.

It was so bad how they blocked main story progress by forcing you to do some side-quests and/or arbitrary objectives just to artificially lengthen the game. Please devs, never force exploration. It turns it into a chore instead of the fun and wonder it should bring.


The blank/silent protagonist was by far the biggest issue the game had.
The second was not having a British dub.

And I ask again, why in heck would they have a British dub/English accents for citizens of New Los Angeles? That would make absolutely no sense.

Silent protagonist is a problem for some people, granted. That is a valid complaint but not one for me. Silent protagonist worked for me in XCX, it felt like "my" experience instead of me playing someone else's story.


I can't add anything to the game as it's still in shrink wrap for me but having listened to the soundtrack and letting it sink in, I do agree that the vast majority of the tunes in X are throwaway.


I liked the world itself, the combat, and the fact that Amazon screwed up and I only paid $19 for the game.

I hate everything else, characters and music in particular (and the overall game structure/quests). I think I've spent 10-11 hours with it, and I have no real urge to go back and finish it. I wish I did, because I really wanted to like the game.
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