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Trump v. Bernie Debate

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Hillary Clinton has pretty much been the presumptive 2016 nominee since 2008. She should have run away with this nomination no problem, but she hasn't at all and her opponent started from the bottom. Yes, many votes ahead still, but Sanders has been her much more competition than ever expected. If she loses California, maybe she's still the nominee if she's not indicted, but that's bad for her.

You know who else lost California but still did well? Obama, fuck he lost New York too.

And she's probably not going to lose California.


You know who else lost California but still did well? Obama, fuck he lost New York too.

And she's probably not going to lose California.

Obama is also living proof that the whole "The primaries are rigged against outsiders and newcomers" narrative is bullshit.


Again you guys don't think it's commendable for Bernie to keep going until the last votes come in...? Not understanding the hatred for someone who wants to see something through...

I would think that kind of hopeful thinking would be met with grandeur not hatred...

Oh well. Fight till the end, respect.


Would you mind elaborating on how people like Clinton enabled Trump, rather than the GOP base and white nationalism through the Tea Party movement?

Clinton, despite being a liberal is very much a "classic American" at heart. What I mean by that is that she is fully invested into the idea of the American Dream and the Capitalist system. She very much about individualism, but that's a double-edged sword that allows for cults-of-personality like Trump. Bernie is a socialist, and believes in a communal good. His whole idea is people coming together and everything giving back to society to make things like universal healthcare and education happen.

By people like Clinton I meant the establishment candidates on both sides who wan't America to remain as it is (still believe it is the greatest country on earth) and to not move towards democratic-socialist countries, or heck even something like here in Canada.
Just because you vote for someone doesn't mean you Belleive in everything behind them, support everything they stand for, or even like them, it simply means you chose to vote for them.

If I vote for Trump, it sure as hell won't be because I like the guy, it would be because a few choice things About him are agreeable and he is 1 of 2 eligible people who could have my vote. That is it.

"I don't believe in him but he's an eligible candidate."



She will be the nominee before the polls close in California on the 7th of June. She needs 69 delegates to be the nominee, after a few more supers pledged to her today. She's not going to be indicted because she didn't break the law. It's over.
There is a criminal investigation going on and Clinton's website has lied. "Yes. The laws, regulations, and State Department policy in place during her tenure permitted her to use a non-government email for work."

Today, concerning the state department: "The State Department’s inspector general sharply criticized Hillary Clinton’s exclusive use of a private email server while she was secretary of state, saying she had not sought permission to use it and would not have received it if she had."

I like Hillary much more than Trump, but she is a liar and would absolutely be a weak candidate against him. It is a very real possibility that she will be indicted.

Yes, I have a disdainful attitude toward people completely out of touch with reality. You're wasting my time along with everybody else's.
You're the only one choosing to waste your time.


By the way, the main reason I've soured on Bernie is because he's run such a negative campaign the last few months he's become unbearable. That shit is annoying. He was the same person who said he was proud of running a positive campaign!

He's hurting his reputation among people who used to like him and even possibly hurting Hillary too. That is not good.


Trumps gonna win. This is out of his playbook. He's going to play up his independent nature and try to make appeals to Bernie's demos. This exposure will be another opportunity for him to attack Hillary and try to appeal to the anti-establishment vote.

And it will probably work in getting quite a few people on the fence to jump to his side. That said, the onus is on Hilary to win over Bernie supporters and everyone else who isn't a yellow dog democrat. If Hilary can't rile up her base and show she is the better candidate when fucking Donald Trump is her opponent then she deserves to lose.

In the mean time, a debate like this would totally be interesting to see and if the proceeds go to charity that is even better.


Again you guys don't think it's commendable for Bernie to keep going until the last votes come in...? Not understanding the hatred for someone who wants to see something through...

I would think that kind of hopeful thinking would be met with grandeur not hatred...

Oh well. Fight till the end, respect.
Oh fuck off with that. He's going to debate the Republican nominee. Do people seriously not get why this is a stupid idea that has no foreseeable benefit to anyone not named Donald Trump?


Even if Sanders beat all expectations and won California, Clinton is very few delegates away from clenching the nomination and will get them when the polls in New Jersey close.

New York was Sanders absolute last shot. And he lost. I'm sure that even Bernie knows thats when he lost. He should have dropped out afterward because now he's just fundraising poor people's twenny seven dallas for no reason.

It's over. It's been over.
Do you actually think Sanders is plotting with Trump to make Hillary look bad? Listen, I know it's easy to perceive anyone who isn't on your side as evil, but Bernie and Hillary are both left leaning politicians who have nearly identical voting records, right? He's not doing this out of malice, and this "debate" won't have any measurable effect, if it even happens.

I'll totally eat my helping of crow if this is actually the junction point for the darkest timeline, but it probably isn't.

Of course I don't think Sanders is plotting with Trump. Why would I think that?

However, if they both get up on stage and if at any point Sanders attacks Clinton, Trump will agree with whatever attack Sanders made and run with it.

At that point, yes, I believe Sanders has helped the Trump campaign.

Let's be real, do you honestly think Trump is taking this to debate the merits of free college with Bernie Sanders?

Whatever Bernie's intentions, if the end result of the debate causes even a handful of on-the-fence voters to sit the elections out or god-forbid vote for Trump against Hillary, would you not say Bernie's approval of the debate ended up aiding Trump? Whether you think Hillary should've earned those votes in the first place or whatever, it wouldn't change the fact that Bernie helped Trump by "costing" Hillary votes.

Of course this is all hypothetical, and the debate will probably not even occur. Hopefully that kind of clears up why someone would be frustrated at this happening in the first place.
Oh god we're (yet again) at the point in the conversation where white males talk about how they don't want to compromise their conscious by voting for Hilary and other hilariously privileged statements that they're totally unaware are privileged as fuck.

Always my favorite part, god I can't wait for this election cycle to be over so most of these revolutionaries can hop on to the next fad/go back to their old one and stop pretending they care about the American political system. Because really I'm not sure who's worse, privileged liberals and/or bernie bros going on about being angry at the "system", not being represented, and their conscious/integrity when voting; or Trump supporters who want to make America great again cause really at the end of the day both of yall just want to protect your privilege you just go about it in different (but in some ways the same) ways.

Okay Trump supporters are worse, but fuck yall Bernie bros are annoying as fuck with your really eyerolling spiel. Like oh no, it's hard being white, no one represents us in politics! boo hoo. I'mma stick it to the government if my candidate doesn't win waaaaah.


The Autumn Wind
Clinton, despite being a liberal is very much a "classic American" at heart. What I mean by that is that she is fully invested into the idea of the American Dream and the Capitalist system. She very much about individualism, but that's a double-edged sword that allows for cults-of-personality like Trump. Bernie is a socialist, and believes in a communal good. His whole idea is people coming together and everything giving back to society to make things like universal healthcare and education happen.

By people like Clinton I meant the establishment candidates on both sides who wan't America to remain as it is (still believe it is the greatest country on earth) and to not move towards democratic-socialist countries, or heck even something like here in Canada.
This is, quite frankly, complete bullshit. Have you even bothered to read Hillary's platform?

Here, I'll help you: https://www.hillaryclinton.com/issues/


Trump Would basically just say "Bernie we may not agree on much but you have been treated horribly by the Democrats, Oh and you should have attacked her on the emails Bernie"

Actually they would agree to an extent on trade and they are both against TPP. Although their solutions are different.

Granted the odds of the debate actually happening are slim.
There is a certain tinge of anger under Bernie's campaign, that's true. Is that what you don't like about it? To each his own, but I think the American people have good reason to be angry so I didn't find that aspect off-putting. I would be pretty mad too if I, as a working class person had the food on my table swindled by billionaires like Trump.

The problem is people like Clinton enabled people like Trump to exist, and even if Bernie goes away, the sort of passion he brought into politics won't go away. I understand you are very much passionate about the Democrats, but for many this is their foray into politics and to them Bernie is the only guys that has their interest at heart, even if his campaign wasn't as competently run as Clinton's.

Naw, I don't mind the anger, even if I think it's misplaced. It's the absolute shitty campaign he ran, starting from a structural level. Weaver and Devine are pretty much shit tier. If you name a losing Democrat, Devine's had his name attached to the campaign. Weaver's just an asshat of the highest order.

Bernie's team used some very...unfortunate language and actions throughout the campaign. They way they ignored the South entirely. The way they threw Planned Parenthood and HRC under the bus because they didn't support Bernie. The "Democratic Whores" thing. The way Bernie treated his volunteers by refusing to say in the state and thank them even if he was going to lose (this is a big one for me, because I've volunteered for a fuck ton of losing campaigns, and the people always had the decency to come out and say thank you, at least. Bernie just tucked his tail and ran to somewhere he thought he could do well.)

I've also been annoyed at every single time he loses, there's always an excuse. He lost Arizona because Fraud! He lost Mass because Bill body checked 20,000 people single handedly. He lost the South because they were conservative, even though he won some of the most conservative states in the country. : cough because they were caucuses cough: Always an excuse without a moment of self reflection that maybe, just maybe, he lost because he wasn't the preferred choice. In states he wins, there's no problem. In states he loses, it's always because of fraud, or the DNC, or conservatives, or low information voters that aren't smart enough to vote for him. That shit is tiring to me.

He never, ever takes responsibility for anything wrong his campaign does. The data breach? Maybe someone else did it too! His campaign getting caught pretending to be union workers? Not his fault. Pretending to have endorsements he didn't actually have? Meh. Who cares? Hundreds of thousands of dollars in illegal and over the limit campaign contributions? Let's pretend Hillary is involved in money laundering! The buck stops anywhere but at his desk. It's like Obama said, you want to know what kind of President someone will be, look at how they run their campaign. And he's done a shit level job with it.

And the thing that gets me the most is all these people that he's inspired to get involved, his actions of late have, in my opinion, made it very unlikely they're going to be willing to stay involved because of all the strawmen and boogy men Bernie's team have created. He squandered a HUGE opportunity. He still has time to land the plane. Personally? I don't think he will with the same type of dignity and support Hillary did in 2008. Hopefully I'm wrong, though.


I don't have a dog in the race but it's hilarious seeing HilGAF and BernieGAF go after each other while Donald voters are just sitting back and chilling. I'm seeing this on other online forums I frequent too.

I'm looking forward to this debate. Trump brings up a good case that whatever network wants it should pay up for charity since it'll draw huge ratings.


Some us don't want just any Democrat though, some of us want Bernie.

not enough to matter, clearly

It's not going to happen. Bernie can't take part in unsanctioned debates while running in the Democratic primary. Unless he actually wants the DSCC to really show him what putting a finger on the scale looks like, and he wants to fade into obscurity this won't happen. Trump and Bernie will bitch about it for a few days, then Trump will cite scheduling conflicts. It was a throw away answer on late night TV.

thank you for this reasoned post

It would do more than that, it would also hurt Clinton and help Sanders.

help him do what, lose with less grace?

And the majority of primary voters don't.

But hey enjoy giving your vote to the racist.

oh, he will

Never have I seen people turn so fast as they did on Bernie.

I don't like him at all, however I commend him for fighting in what he believes in...and he's being called a cunt and other things in here...? Shame.

it's almost as if there's literally been months of actions that caused this turn, tons of which has been discussed on this very forum, where former bernie fans like myself were constantly given another view of dude and came to a conclusion based on it

i imagine things are confusing when you're not paying attention to a certain side, yeah

Nothing says dead center like Ben fucking Carson

in one

You are best off just ignoring Heulen. Just somebody looking for attention by literally walking into every political thread and saying "I would vote for Trump OR Bernie. Pretty neat eh?" and praying someone will look.

this, all day
just gotta add details like ASEXUAL VOTE and something about provision 8675309, the absolute linchpin of any good campaign

It is a very real possibility that she will be indicted.


Oh god we're (yet again) at the point in the conversation where white males talk about how they don't want to compromise their conscious by voting for Hilary and other hilariously privileged statements that they're totally unaware are privileged as fuck.

Always my favorite part, god I can't wait for this election cycle to be over so most of these revolutionaries can hop on to the next fad/go back to their old one and stop pretending they care about the American political system. Because really I'm not sure who's worse, privileged liberals and/or bernie bros going on about being angry at the "system", not being represented, and their conscious/integrity when voting; or Trump supporters who want to make America great again cause really at the end of the day both of yall just want to protect your privilege you just go about it in different (but in some ways the same) ways.

Okay Trump supporters are worse, but fuck yall Bernie bros are annoying as fuck with your really eyerolling spiel. Like oh no, it's hard being white, no one represents us in politics! boo hoo. I'mma stick it to the government if my candidate doesn't win waaaaah.

we had that thread a while back on why no one who goes from bernie to trump should call themselves a liberal, think it goes without saying you also shouldn't pretend to give two tugs of a dead dog's cock about minorities, either
This is gonna be a shitshow. So many permutations...

Is it a shit on Hillary fest?
Will Bernie whale on Trump over his conservativism in general?
Will they be polite and buddy buddy? Ferocious and high energy?

I'm hoping for new gifs, and the new moniker of 'Bumblin' Bernie'. Or 'Senile Sanders'.

Maybe the Bernster will switch it around and we get 'Dastardly Don'


This sounds even more desperate than when Cruz made Fiorina his VP pick

Jesus, I still can't believe that happened.
just gotta add details like ASEXUAL VOTE and something about provision 8675309, the absolute linchpin of any good campaign


That's going too far. Look, if you don't like how someone votes, that's fine, but in a forum, we can all have differing opinions without having to resort to personal attacks. It's true, when to comes to issues that matter to me, social/civics issues aren't quite as high as other issues because though I am queer, I am not privileged enough to be LGBT or feel secure with current protections; the fact that but a single state in our 50 has queer people like myself listed as a legal, protected class from discrimination is sad and concerning. In a single state in this nation am I able to be myself and live as myself, as many other queers due in many other states. How dare you purposefully put me down, simply because I am not privileged enough as other fellow queers when it comes to legal protections. Not cool.


Rodent Whores
This is a chance for Bernie to take Trump down a peg and give a large audience to his progressive values and put them directly up against Trump's rhetoric. If Bernie succeeds, this will help the Democratic nominee, probably. Plus it's something a lot of people would want to see. Which coincidentally translates into money. Which would then be given to charities.

Still don't want to take that chance?
This is a chance for Bernie to take Trump down a peg and give a large audience to his progressive values and put them directly up against Trump's rhetoric. If Bernie succeeds, this will help the Democratic nominee, probably. Plus it's something a lot of people would want to see. Which coincidentally translates into money. Which would then be given to charities.

Still don't want to take that chance?

But don't you see?

This is all part of Bernie's plot to destroy America.


This is a chance for Bernie to take Trump down a peg and give a large audience to his progressive values and put them directly up against Trump's rhetoric. If Bernie succeeds, this will help the Democratic nominee, probably. Plus it's something a lot of people would want to see. Which coincidentally translates into money. Which would then be given to charities.

Still don't want to take that chance?
If he doesn't hurt or attack Hillary this would be the best outcome. His recent negativity makes this entire proposition a risk though.


Because they're convinced this is going to be about Sanders spreading his "message" instead of a desperate bid for attention any way he can get it and taking any chance he can to sling insults at Hillary and the DNC.

Really going to be curious if Hillary reluctantly decides to participate herself at this point, since she can't be happy about the stunt Sanders is pulling here and though she won't want to play ball and had no reason to get involved up to now, with Trump getting in there, I really don't think she has any option but to accept now since it will just be two hours of the two of them just dumping everything they have on her otherwise.

Then again, I suppose she could risk it and just let the people see for themselves how both Trump and Sanders are people who will do anything for attention, but I'm not sure she really wants to risk it.

Seriously, what the hell Sanders, what the hell... I know he has nothing to really lose at this point and no reason not to pull a stunt like this and has much more to gain by going along with something like this, but still... What a circus...

As far as I know she wasn't invited.


Hillary deleted e-mails before turning them over to the state department, and the state department found e-mails that she did not turn in to them. Hillary supports pretty delusional themselves if they think this investigation isn't going to be terrible for her.

And no, I would never vote for Trump, even if I was American.


Oh god we're (yet again) at the point in the conversation where white males talk about how they don't want to compromise their conscious by voting for Hilary and other hilariously privileged statements that they're totally unaware are privileged as fuck.

Always my favorite part, god I can't wait for this election cycle to be over so most of these revolutionaries can hop on to the next fad/go back to their old one and stop pretending they care about the American political system. Because really I'm not sure who's worse, privileged liberals and/or bernie bros going on about being angry at the "system", not being represented, and their conscious/integrity when voting; or Trump supporters who want to make America great again cause really at the end of the day both of yall just want to protect your privilege you just go about it in different (but in some ways the same) ways.

Okay Trump supporters are worse, but fuck yall Bernie bros are annoying as fuck with your really eyerolling spiel. Like oh no, it's hard being white, no one represents us in politics! boo hoo. I'mma stick it to the government if my candidate doesn't win waaaaah.

Wow. So, uh, you do realize that white people are not a hive mind, right? Just because the government is mostly white doesn't mean life is sunshine and rainbows for white people. That we can't have legitimate grievances against the government. White people disagree with each other. Often, and vigorously.

This seriously feels like a strawman post. It's the exact sort of thing conservatives think the concept of privilege is about. Yeah, I'm white, I've got loads of privilege, but that doesn't mean my interests are represented in politics.


This is a chance for Bernie to take Trump down a peg and give a large audience to his progressive values and put them directly up against Trump's rhetoric. If Bernie succeeds, this will help the Democratic nominee, probably (HUELEN EDIT: Regardless of it is Sanders or Clinton). Plus it's something a lot of people would want to see. Which coincidentally translates into money. Which would then be given to charities.

Still don't want to take that chance?

I like how you put it. In the words of Clinton, deal me in.
Tell us how you really feel, HillaryGAF. :p
It needlessly damages the party brand, and, worse, will cause direct harm to the actual candidate. Sanders has claimed his top priority is making sure Trump is not the next President. These sorts of actions don't match up with that statement.
This sounds even more desperate than when Cruz made Fiorina his VP pick
And here we thought it couldn't get more ridiculous than that. Turns out we just had to wait a month.
Barring some miracle, assassination, sudden death, etc it's over.
They'd give it to Biden.
But don't you see?

This is all part of Bernie's plot to destroy America.

No one is actually saying that.

But, look. Here's the reality of the situation. Hillary is going to be the nominee. Not Bernie. I know that's hard for a lot of people to accept. It was hard for me in 2008 to accept that Hillary wasn't going to be the nominee. It hurt. But, math is math.

Bernie is not the nominee. The loser of the primary does not go up against the presumptive nominee of the alternative party. It's not done. Why? Because it's stupid as all hell. Bernie doesn't get to debate the party platform against Trump because, again, he's not the nominee. He does not speak for the party. Hilary does.

If this stupid thing were actually to happen (something I still highly, highly doubt) Trump will get Bernie to agree with him on an attack against Hillary. This has no potential whatsoever to help our chances in November. It only has the chance to give the GOP attacks to use against Hillary that will come directly from Bernie's mouth.

It's stupid as all hell.
Also, let's not forget on which network this debate would occur, and who would be the moderators.

Fox News.

Just in case you thought this would totally be a benign debate about policy and issues without any bent at all, no siree.
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