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People believe the earth is flat

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The spherical nature of the sun's lighting in their own rendering is amusing.


I love how people never pass up an opportunity to trash religion, especially in threads that have nothing to do with it. We get it, it's cool to think religious people are all kooky idiots.

I never push my religion on anybody nor do trash others who disagree with me, yet the Internet constantly tells me how much of a moron I am for it. Honestly, it gets old.


I love how people never pass up an opportunity to trash religion, especially in threads that have nothing to do with it. We get it, it's cool to think religious people are all kooky idiots.

I never push my religion on anybody nor do trash others who disagree with me, yet the Internet constantly tells me how much of a moron I am for it. Honestly, it gets old.

Then get off the internet and appreciate the real world, where religion is everywhere, often aggressive, and plays significant roles in politics, economics, and geopolitical conflicts.


Don't be shocked or offended at that 100% factually correct statement.

The flat-earth blatantly ignores all of the facts and science that contradicts it, and their belief holds no purpose other than to be paranoid about government. I mean, it's a completely different matter.
I sort of appreciate their honesty - 'all science that agrees with us is good science, all science that disagrees with us is part of a vast conspiracy'. This is of course how all other psuedosciences also operate (anti-GMO, anti-vaccine, etc.), but in contrast they tend to jump through as many mental gymnastics as possible to produce some thin veneer of objectivity.

These folks often just come out and just admit you have to invest in their crazy narrative before you start looking at the evidence or you won't "get" them - this is useful because it lets you know immediately to ignore them from the start, whereas other folks with crazy beliefs want to lead you down the rabbit hole slowly for hours and hours before really piling on the crazy and making you realize how much time you wasted with them.

Just a general impression I've had talking to a few.


Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.
To believe this you'd have to dismiss the fact that we literally left space, landed on the moon, and saw that Earth is a globe. Not to mention the years of science describing not only OUR globe, but the existence of other globes as well.
The movie Gods of Egypt pulls back the camera to show flat Earth with a little sun orbiting it. Coupled with the all-white casting of the Egyptian gods it is a hilariously un-selfconscious moment.

It makes me sad how many people are just blinded by what 'scientists' tell you.

You all have eyes! Just look around you. Round Earth is one of those things where scientists got together and said 'I bet we could even make them believe THIS' Even though it directly contradicts what your own eyes are seeing! I can't believe so many people fell for it.


Whats the motivation for perpetuating the idea of a round earth?

It's Big Education and their investments in the MASSIVE round globe industry! They needed a leg up on the map maker monopoly so they created and propagated the lie of a round earth through the school system! Open your eyes folks, the truth is out there.


Whats the motivation for perpetuating the idea of a round earth?

They don't want us regular civilians to know about how they teleport ships etc from one of the flat earth to the other. Trying to hide their ability to teleport anywhere in the world they want to. How do you think they plant those drugs on so many people and read my mind when I don't wear my Anti-Mind Hat.


There's two things I have trouble with when this discussion comes up.

Firstly, they don't want you to try to explain it to them. I could explain to Bob that there is, in fact, a curve between those two cities, it's just a very slight one, not easily visible to the naked eye, because the Earth is just really really BIG. Planet-sized, if you will.

Secondly is... WHY?!? This isn't like Big Oil or whatever.. there's no conceivable reason why such a "conspiracy" should exist. There's no money in believing the Earth is round. It's like geocentrism, there's no "conspiracy" about whether the entire universe revolves around the Earth, and no reason why it makes your life lessened by the fact that it doesn't.


I love how people never pass up an opportunity to trash religion, especially in threads that have nothing to do with it. We get it, it's cool to think religious people are all kooky idiots.

I never push my religion on anybody nor do trash others who disagree with me, yet the Internet constantly tells me how much of a moron I am for it. Honestly, it gets old.

Well you do believe in something that's as valid as believing that Michael Bay's Transformers is real and a documentary.

Don't worry, I do too, I've lived my whole life as a highly religious individual, but at some point you have to admit there's nothing we can prove and our beliefs are just as ridiculous to others as we see something like the flat earth society. I mean if you go back throughout history there are countless cases of religious persecution against the progress brought on by science, particularly with the flat earth heh.

I guarantee our religions are not the same (I'm essentially a dedicated Hare Krsna, through a variant of that religion) and so even to us as two religious people we probably view the others religion as nothing more than idiotic fantasy, do you believe me when I tell you the world exists because Vishnu breathes out and when he breathes back in it will cease to exist? Or do you think me an idiot.

Consider these circumstances before you get defensive about your beliefs being questioned or mocked.
Actually, the Earth is flat- in sections.

The Earth is more like a Quintillagon - trillions of sections of flat planes connected to each other on dirt "hinges" to form a spherical shape.

The Beard

So, if you put a telescope on top of Mt.Everest, on a clear day, you'd be able to see North/South America, Antartica, Europe, Australia, and Africa?

Come on don't be stupid. It's all because of those fisheye lenses.

We(like 10people in total) know the truth and only want to educate the rest of the population.

Join us or be forever stupid.

Flat earth for life!


Don't be shocked or offended at that 100% factually correct statement.

Don't you find the two statements to be quite different? "I believe in a God/many Gods." and "I believe the Earth is flat." seem to me to challenge science in different ways – one asserts a belief/statement that has no evidence, while the other asserts a statement (not so much a belief) that challenges accepted evidence. To me, the latter is more egregious.

As to the deleterious repercussions of a belief in spirituality or religion, that's quite a different discussion altogether.


I wonder how they view people that have navigated the circumference of the globe. Do they think they're liars? Do they think you get teleport ed from one end of the world to another once you hit the edge of the map?

Ray Wonder

Founder of the Wounded Tagless Children
There are and have been many minds more brilliant than yours that have believed in some type of God, intelligent design, higher power etc.

Doesn't mean that the thought that it's true isn't ridiculous. If there is a heaven and a god, them existing is outrageous. Completely insane. That we believe anything in any of those books is crazy. If it's true, and those guys you're talking about are correct, awesome. Still doesn't subtract from the fact that it's a ridiculous idea.


Gold Member
So i've been hearing about this group called Flat Earth Society where they think the world is flat. They have some compelling arguments despite being ridiculous of course. I've heard a lot of crazy things but does anyone here believe the earth is really flat? I mean just looking at the moon will give you a good clue.

Does it, though? Have you ever seen the other side of the moon, or is the same side always facing you? Yeah. Think about it, man.
Doesn't mean that the thought that it's true isn't ridiculous. If there is a heaven and a god, them existing is outrageous. Completely insane. That we believe anything in any of those books is crazy. If it's true, and those guys you're talking about are correct, awesome. Still doesn't subtract from the fact that it's a ridiculous idea.

I'm imagining a hilarious exchange with Ray Wonder at the pearly gates.

"Ray, in your life you were pretty adamant that god and heaven were total bullshit. You stand before heaven now, what do you have to say?"

"This is fucking ridiculous. Who came up with this ridiculous idea?"

"Ray, I'm trying to tell you this is how it always was. You just chose not to Believe."

"Man whatever this is so stupid, honestly."


Doesn't mean that the thought that it's true isn't ridiculous. If there is a heaven and a god, them existing is outrageous. Completely insane. That we believe anything in any of those books is crazy. If it's true, and those guys you're talking about are correct, awesome. Still doesn't subtract from the fact that it's a ridiculous idea.

Your problem is you equate the concept of "God" specifically and exclusively to that of the ones described in religious texts.

There is a deeper, more philosophical, and reason-based approach to that discussion. A discussion that brilliant minds have had and will continue to have.

The language you choose to use, calling it ridiculous and what not, comes across as arrogant and short-sighted - as if you'd already gathered all the knowledge of the universe and solved all the mysteries to life, consciousness, and existence.

If your brain hates going to those places, that's not a problem, that's your decision. But make no mistake, it's not a decision rooted in any sort of intellectual or ideological superiority to those that choose differently.


Don't you find the two statements to be quite different? "I believe in a God/many Gods." and "I believe the Earth is flat." seem to me to challenge science in different ways – one asserts a belief/statement that has no evidence, while the other asserts a statement (not so much a belief) that challenges accepted evidence. To me, the latter is more egregious.

As to the deleterious repercussions of a belief in spirituality or religion, that's quite a different discussion altogether.

Many scientific findings do the same for the claims of religion. There was no worldwide flood. Rabbits don't have cloven hooves. A creator god would still need to be created; if not, neither would the godless universe. I could go on.


I wonder how they view people that have navigated the circumference of the globe. Do they think they're liars? Do they think you get teleport ed from one end of the world to another once you hit the edge of the map?

It's easyly explainable on a flat earth model. To my surprise, most of the "common a sense" reasons for a globe can be "debuked."

If you have a chance go to Eric Dubay's youtube channel. Just for giggles.

I assure you, your perspective of the whole thing will change.

I still believe in the glove btw, I just question science much more now.

Ray Wonder

Founder of the Wounded Tagless Children
I'm imagining a hilarious exchange with Ray Wonder at the pearly gates.

"Ray, in your life you were pretty adamant that god and heaven were total bullshit. You stand before heaven now, what do you have to say?"

"This is fucking ridiculous. Who came up with this ridiculous idea?"

"Ray, I'm trying to tell you this is how it always was. You just chose not to Believe."

"Man whatever this is so stupid, honestly."


I definitely would have that first line in there. More like

"This is fucking ridiculous. How is this real? Well, since you made my brain and I only broke a couple small commandments, can I come in please?"

Your problem is you equate the concept of "God" specifically and exclusively to that of the ones described in religious texts.

There is a deeper, more philosophical, and reason-based approach to that discussion. A discussion that brilliant minds have had and will continue to have.

The language you choose to use, calling it ridiculous and what not, comes across as arrogant and short-sighted - as if you'd already gathered all the knowledge of the universe and solved all the mysteries to life, consciousness, and existence.

If your brain hates going to those places, that's not a problem, that's your decision. But make no mistake, it's not a decision rooted in any sort of intellectual or ideological superiority to those that choose differently.

No that's not it. I'm sorry it came off that way. I'm not knocking people who believe it, it's just so supernatural and beyond comprehension that it's, ridiculous? I don't know how else to describe it. lol

Other ideas of god that I'm ignorant to, I'm not speaking on. I'm talking, right now, about the Christian god, and heaven.
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