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Miyamoto: Nintendo can't comment on NX because of "an idea that we're working on"

Calm Mind

Well, I'm sure Nintendo considers Sony and MS' attempts to undercut Wii U's Gamepad functionality as a contributor to Wii U's failure. Nintendo revealed Wii U fairly early and Sony and MS announced their own versions of Gamepad functionality before Wii U released. Made people question what was special about the Wii U when they could use Vita to play PS3 games remotely.

That would mean that whatever NX is it's something that Sony and MS could really easily make their own versions of and beat NX to market with.

This screams to me a combination of hardware and software innovations.
Nintendo's best "gimmick" or best card is their game library. This is something no one can copy. If only they could realize that :")

I really hope their gimmick is the scrolling wheels thing and not some lazy gadget. This would be far more unique and revolutionnary for gaming.


I'ld hope and i actually so believe that we won't see another gimmick but a fundamentally different approach. The gimmick died with 3DS and WiiU

One can hope, right?
I'ld hope and i actually so believe that we won't see another gimmick but a fundamentally different approach. The gimmick died with 3DS and WiiU

One can hope, right?
Considering how well the 3DS sells, I don't think Nintendo is done with gimmicks.


So you already know what the NX is? You should share.

Im saying that ship has long sailed considering E3 is over. It will probably be revealed with a Direct that has a blowout of information with a few games thrown in. Id like to be proven wrong.


That has to be it, right?

If the NX has features that use off the shelf tech in a unique way, it may not be hard to duplicate, and they wouldn't need to pay royalties or licensing costs. The real innovation will be how the software takes advantage of the hardware. Nintendo will have an advantage being first to market in that case.


Are you making fun of yourself

Why would you buy a console for one game

You kidding? I love Smash Bros. a lot, it's one of my favorite games and I've made a lot of good friends traveling and playing it competitively, but I still think the Wii U is a horrible console and wouldn't say I like it.

I basically bought Smash 4 for $260 which is an investment that's paid off for me personally, I don't really think of myself as a Wii U owner/fan just a Smash player


At the q&a for shareholders they just said again that they weren't at e3 with nx because they were afraid others might copy their ideas and features...


I'm saying that NX's gimmick won't be something super unique. It's something that Sony and/or MS could easily do with their current devices and implement before NX launches.

Nintendo probably knows this, and the same cycle of motion controls could occur if Nintendo is successful. It'll be dismissed as a fad, then if there is a large market, Sony and Microsoft will imitate. Isn't that what the Scorpio is? Just a super powerful XBox One, made to compete with the PS4?


At the q&a for shareholders they just said again that they weren't at e3 with nx because they were afraid others might copy their ideas and features...

Were they like this with the Wii U? Or is this a new belief with the NX?

This screams to me a combination of hardware and software innovations.

Really hope that if this gimmick/innovation is NOT as ill concieved as the tablet that was barely even used, worse yet forced into some games.


Nintendo probably knows this, and the same cycle of motion controls could occur if Nintendo is successful. It'll be dismissed as a fad, then if there is a large market, Sony and Microsoft will imitate. Isn't that what the Scorpio is? Just a super powerful XBox One, made to compete with the PS4?

Nintendo wouldn't mind if that happened. They always get imitated.

The issue is that with Wii U Sony and MS undercut them by releasing their versions before Wii U launched. This was possible because Sony and MS already had hardware in place that could imitate Wii U with the right software. So that implies that NX isn't something as unique as the Wii Remote. It's something PS4 or XB1 could imitate with software updates to currently available hardware.

It also implies that they are confident it is something that Sony or MS will want to imitate immediately. Of course, ever since the popularity of the Wii, Sony and MS will probably try to imitate whatever Nintendo comes up with ASAP.


No way. I'm being stubborn on this one because literally nothing else makes any business sense whatsoever for Nintendo.

Why would they want to create another failed home console? They already own the portable market. It just makes so much sense to leverage that monopoly and keep a toe in the home console market by throwing the HDMI signal sender in there.

A portable with Wii-U similar level would last all of 30 minutes on a battery and cost 400+$. Good luck playing Zelda on that. Good luck losing the market where you're basically left as the last competitor vs phones.

An Hybrid is a way to do a super expensive portable device that do nothing besides play games that nobody want since phones already exist and everyone has one, and even top tier phones have bad graphical specs (200-300 mflops for 500+ $ devices, have fun).

Plus it make much more sense to release an actual portable console and a much more powerful home console that also play the games from the portable device and possibly vice-versa, so that they don't risk losing the portable market that they have and strenghten the offer on the side of the home software with uprezzed/upeffected games from the portable.
Nintendo wouldn't mind if that happened. They always get imitated.

The issue is that with Wii U Sony and MS undercut them by releasing their versions before Wii U launched. This was possible because Sony and MS already had hardware in place that could imitate Wii U with the right software. So that implies that NX isn't something as unique as the Wii Remote. It's something PS4 or XB1 could imitate with software updates to currently available hardware.

It also implies that they are confident it is something that Sony or MS will want to imitate immediately. Of course, ever since the popularity of the Wii, Sony and MS will probably try to imitate whatever Nintendo comes up with ASAP.

It seems like they're playing a game of chicken with Sony and the Neo. I honestly wouldn't be at all surprised if Sony is closely watching Nintendo to see if they can't add this new hook before the Neo launched, and it seems that Nintendo is waiting to announce this hook until the Neo plans become finalized.

It's not necessarily that it's some kind of incredible feature which will sell Wii style, but at the very least Sony is aware that Nintendo has that kind of potential when it comes to developing hooks/gimmicks, so they'd be irresponsible not to try and see if they can replicate it themselves. Doing so after launching the Neo wouldn't have nearly the same potential as adding it into the Neo itself.


He's a pretty swell guy in my books anyway.
Those who think it's a hybrid are not thinking about much money would be lost in selling one system with games that would have to cost less than competing consoles, or have constant complaints about how expensive their handheld games are. It makes no sense.
Explain how you know this again?

No one knows but the fact that they're keeping silent so as to prevent them from copying it sorta implies that it's something that Sony and MS can actually copy, at least somewhat effectively.

I think Nintendo is waiting Sony to announce Neo before unveil NX.

Is Sony waiting Nintendo to unveil NX before announcing Neo?

It sure seems like it. Sony though doesn't have as much to gain by waiting for Nintendo though, since there's no assurance that the gimmick/hook/whatever will actually sell or be desirable to the market, so I think they'll be the first to unveil their console.
Were they like this with the Wii U? Or is this a new belief with the NX?

Really hope that if this gimmick/innovation is NOT as ill concieved as the tablet that was barely even used, worse yet forced into some games.
When The Wii was introduced it gave ample time to Microsoft and Sony to work on their own waggle controls. Sony even tripped over themselves to gut rumble from their controller so they could have a gyro in there.

It's the difference between having a year with an exclusive feature or a whole generation I presume. Depends on how quickly your competitors can make R&D rip something off.


Sony even tripped over themselves to gut rumble from their controller so they could have a gyro in there.

Sony were in the middle of a patent infringement lawsuit preventing them from adding rumble, they didn't choose to remove it.
Hence "Rumble is a last gen feature" PR, because those grapes were really sour


Considering how well the 3DS sells, I don't think Nintendo is done with gimmicks.

You mean dramatically worse than it's predecessor with major games completely excluding 3D features and almost no games making use of gyro? 3DS is not selling because of gimmicks. It's selling in spite of them because of brand recognition, price and library. The 3D is horrible.


No one knows but the fact that they're keeping silent so as to prevent them from copying it sorta implies that it's something that Sony and MS can actually copy, at least somewhat effectively.

Microsoft is sitting on billions and billions of dollars, Sony is a large consumer electronics company with a lot of expertise in different areas.

Of course they can copy nearly anything Nintendo comes up with from a physical hardware standpoint.
I don't doubt that Nintendo are worrying about imitations, but Sony and MS could pretty much copy anything. Sony added a gyro into the PS3 in a matter of months. Wii U was similarly aped, even though its gimmick uses a separate screen and custom chips.

With the mobile revolution, your average person has access to more technology than ever before. The chances of consumers already being familiar w/ whatever tech NX uses in its gimmick are pretty high. How that technology is implemented in software will make the difference.

Russ T

You mean dramatically worse than it's predecessor with major games completely excluding 3D features and almost no games making use of gyro? 3DS is not selling because of gimmicks. It's selling in spite of them because of brand recognition, price and library. The 3D is horrible.
It's good you're ignoring the second screen slash touch screen as a potential gimmick, as that just shows once again that people stop thinking of things as a gimmick once they're successful.

EVERYTHING was a gimmick "once upon a time". EVERY new Nintendo console has featured a gimmick. OF COURSE the NX will have a new gimmick.
According to my Facebook "On this Day" feature I played the Wii U for this first time exactly 4 years ago. It was done in a secret warehouse on a side street from Times Square in NYC. I think that was one of the best ways to see a new system that had a new way of playing. As important as E3 is, I hope that Nintendo does a lot of hands on demos of whatever NX turns out to be. As seen with some of the PSVR threads the hands on demos are the only true way to see if you will enjoy something new.


A portable with Wii-U similar level would last all of 30 minutes on a battery and cost 400+$. Good luck playing Zelda on that. Good luck losing the market where you're basically left as the last competitor vs phones.

An Hybrid is a way to do a super expensive portable device that do nothing besides play games that nobody want since phones already exist and everyone has one, and even top tier phones have bad graphical specs (200-300 mflops for 500+ $ devices, have fun).

Plus it make much more sense to release an actual portable console and a much more powerful home console that also play the games from the portable device and possibly vice-versa, so that they don't risk losing the portable market that they have and strenghten the offer on the side of the home software with uprezzed/upeffected games from the portable.

Everything in the bolded sentence is wrong. Assuming a FinFET process, it should be doable at around $200 with significantly better battery life than 3DS. Also, I think you meant GFLOPS, as MFLOPS would put that at like N64 level. Also, you know that those phones have 50-80% profit margins.


since the console has been confirmed to be out in march 2017,the only thing i can think of that Miyamoto can be referring too is the one "expansion unit" stuff we saw in that patent.
It makes sense,because the console architecture can still be already defined and near starting production,while those "expansion units" are still being worked on,since they will be probably out sometime later
Microsoft is sitting on billions and billions of dollars, Sony is a large consumer electronics company with a lot of expertise in different areas.

Of course they can copy nearly anything Nintendo comes up with from a physical hardware standpoint.

The poster I was responding to was asking how we knew for a fact that the NX gimmick/hook was not something unique and is something that Sony/MS could copy easily and quickly. Obviously your point is correct as well.

I don't doubt that Nintendo are worrying about imitations, but Sony and MS could pretty much copy anything. Sony added a gyro into the PS3 in a matter of months. Wii U was similarly aped, even though its gimmick uses a separate screen and custom chips.

I think Nintendo is worrying about imitations specifically from Sony applied to the Neo, since it is supposedly coming out this holiday, which would be before the NX launches. If Sony can get this "brand new concept" into the Neo before launch it would heavily devalue the NX having it, even if it's not utilized well.

All it really takes is for one of the imitations to succeed to deliver a crushing blow to Nintendo, so they're likely just being safe this time. Can't blame them honestly.
You'd think with the amount of times they've used the explanation about not wanting to show their hand to competitors people wouldn't still be trying to decipher the intricacies of what it means in one particular case. It's a stock answer and doesn't necessarily have to mean anything, I think more important is to have a short period between reveal & release, where they can feed off the reveal excitement instead of squandering it like the 3DS launch. People's attention spans are a lot shorter these days.


Explain how you know this again?

They are claiming that the reason they haven't revealed NX yet is because they don't want their competitors to copy them. We're supposedly less than a year from NX's launch, so to be so secretive this close to launch likely means it's something that Sony and MS could implement themselves in less than a year or at least announce plans for within that timeframe to enough of a degree that Nintendo feels it would take the wind out of their sails.


since the console has been confirmed to be out in march 2017,the only thing i can think of that Miyamoto can be referring too is the one "expansion unit" stuff we saw in that patent.
It makes sense,because the console architecture can still be already defined and near starting production,while those "expansion units" are still being worked on,since they will be probably out sometime later
I don't think Nintendo has interest in a "specs matter" route. They've been quite clear about not needing to jump into that battle, even if it's in a unique way.
Nintendo is in a tough spot. Having an element of surprise could be something that they feel will give them some sort of advantage.

Everything in the bolded sentence is wrong. Assuming a FinFET process, it should be doable at around $200 with significantly better battery life than 3DS. Also, I think you meant GFLOPS, as MFLOPS would put that at like N64 level. Also, you know that those phones have 50-80% profit margins.

Where did you get that from? If you are thinking about the Nvidia Shield, you would have to consider the form factor.


I think whatever the Big N is working on, it's most likely AR or 3D related.

I personally loved the AR tech/demos the 3DS had packed in with it. That was fun and innovative imo.

This is probably WAY too ambitious but I think a cool idea would be to have the controller "record" it's surroundings(say your living room) and then your living room would "come alive" on your tv with creatures coming out from under the couch, etc. AR 2.0 something like that. Is something like that doable?


No one knows but the fact that they're keeping silent so as to prevent them from copying it sorta implies that it's something that Sony and MS can actually copy, at least somewhat effectively.

It sure seems like it. Sony though doesn't have as much to gain by waiting for Nintendo though, since there's no assurance that the gimmick/hook/whatever will actually sell or be desirable to the market, so I think they'll be the first to unveil their console.

Sony is not waiting for NX reveal for Neo there's just going to reveal it closer to release they even said as much.

I think Nintendo is worrying about imitations specifically from Sony applied to the Neo, since it is supposedly coming out this holiday, which would be before the NX launches. If Sony can get this "brand new concept" into the Neo before launch it would heavily devalue the NX having it, even if it's not utilized well.

All it really takes is for one of the imitations to succeed to deliver a crushing blow to Nintendo, so they're likely just being safe this time. Can't blame them honestly.

Neo is just a stronger PS4 it's not a new console so there not wating for NX. They are doing there own plan just like Nintendo is doing there own.


Im saying that ship has long sailed considering E3 is over. It will probably be revealed with a Direct that has a blowout of information with a few games thrown in. Id like to be proven wrong.

Nintendo will not debut the NX quietly. In fact, it's likely NX will be first shown at a live event that resembles/ is a press conference.


Nintendo is in a tough spot. Having an element of surprise could be something that they feel will give them some sort of advantage.

Where did you get that from? If you are thinking about the Nvidia Shield, you would have to consider the form factor.

And you have to consider the age of the Shield and the fact that it's two nodes behind at this point. You can get the same performance as the Shield Portable now with around a quarter of the power consumption, or even less.


A portable with Wii-U similar level would last all of 30 minutes on a battery and cost 400+$. Good luck playing Zelda on that. Good luck losing the market where you're basically left as the last competitor vs phones.

An Hybrid is a way to do a super expensive portable device that do nothing besides play games that nobody want since phones already exist and everyone has one, and even top tier phones have bad graphical specs (200-300 mflops for 500+ $ devices, have fun).

Plus it make much more sense to release an actual portable console and a much more powerful home console that also play the games from the portable device and possibly vice-versa, so that they don't risk losing the portable market that they have and strenghten the offer on the side of the home software with uprezzed/upeffected games from the portable.

By my estimates, it would cost Nintendo only around $12-$13 for a 16nm Nvidia chip for a March 2017 launch with the following:

  • 4-core A53 CPU
  • Pascal GPU w/ 2 SMs (256 "cores")
  • 64-bit LPDDR4 interface
You would be able to clock the CPU at 1GHz and the GPU at 400MHz for a total power draw of about 1.85W, which would give you over 200 Gflops of raw GPU power (with a far more modern GPU arch than Wii U). This is well within the expected power draw for a handheld like the 3DS or Vita, and should be capable of providing pretty good battery life (depending on other components, of course). The cost is only slightly more than the $10 the 3DS SoC was expected to cost at release.

Granted, my calculations have a large margin of error, but it's certainly within the realm of possibility that Nintendo could release an affordable handheld in early 2017 that's more powerful than the Wii U.


By my estimates, it would cost Nintendo only around $12-$13 for a 16nm Nvidia chip for a March 2017 launch with the following:

  • 4-core A53 CPU
  • Pascal GPU w/ 2 SMs (256 "cores")
  • 64-bit LPDDR4 interface
You would be able to clock the CPU at 1GHz and the GPU at 400MHz for a total power draw of about 1.85W, which would give you over 200 Gflops of raw GPU power (with a far more modern GPU arch than Wii U). This is well within the expected power draw for a handheld like the 3DS or Vita, and should be capable of providing pretty good battery life (depending on other components, of course). The cost is only slightly more than the $10 the 3DS SoC was expected to cost at release.

Granted, my calculations have a large margin of error, but it's certainly within the realm of possibility that Nintendo could release an affordable handheld in early 2017 that's more powerful than the Wii U.

It doesn't seem like Nintendo is keen on replacing the 3DS quite yet. Their comments about the larger installed base and being able to sell to it at the Investor Briefing make me think we're getting a console first. Your suggestion would be a very interesting device to release late in 2017, though, especially if the shared library comes to fruition and people can play Wii U levels of fidelity for Smash Brothers and Breath of the Wild on their portable.
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