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Palmer Luckey issue statement on actions on Nimble America


Felium Defensor
And facebook largely supports Hillary and has given her tens of millions. This is like cutting off an arm because of a papercut.

Tis but a scratch!


It's kind of tiring how many authoritarians (Peter Thiel, now Palmer Luckey as recently relevant examples) try to use Libertarianism is a cover.

Thiel supports the ideas of Mencius Moldbug, a guy who thinks fucking monarchy is the best form of government. Luckey is obviously a Trump supporter by all evidence except this most recent statement; and if he truly is a Johnson supporter, why is he throwing time and money behind Trump, liking tweets related to Trump, writing posts on reddit in support of Trump?

For all my issues with Libertarians... These people are, like, the opposite of libertarians. Why do they so consistently use that word as a cover for their authoritarian, personality-driven politics?
There's a lot of young conservatives that use libertarianism as a cover for not wanting to admit they're conservative. It'd be a lot less obvious if these guys actually knew a damn thing about being libertarian.

Melon Husk

I don't people are upset about him supporting Trump.

It's more about him funding that dumpster fire group. He actively and volitionally funded it, knowing their aims.
Thanks for a level-headed response.

Is there a detailed summary of the shitty things Nimble America has done?


There's a lot of young conservatives that use libertarianism as a cover for not wanting to admit they're conservative. It'd be a lot less obvious if these guys actually knew a damn thing about being libertarian.
And isn't it strange how there are so many young people who claim to be Libertarian yet that party receives so few votes in the elections?


Can racists ever stop being racist though?

Racism is an attitude, a feeling or an opinion (or a combination thereof) all of which can be changed. If they're very deep-rooted, though, it obviously takes a lot to change them. And, of course, your average racist won't feel any need to change their racist attitude because they don't think there's anything wrong with it.


Thanks for a level-headed response.

Is there a detailed summary of the shitty things Nimble America has done?

Not sure if it got to the actual "doing things" stage, as a lot of Trump supporters thought it was a scam. Milo Yiannopoulos had to step in and vouch for the anonymous billionaire that was starting it, saying he knew the person and "trusted him entirely".

The part where Milo sticks his neck out to support the thing is where I feel I've dug enough.


Can racists ever stop being racist though?
Probably not but we can get them to act less on those impulses.
Eh overtime yes.

My grandparents on my mom's side were pretty racist for most of their life. But once they hit 60 and my grandpa worked part time at the local hardware/farm depot he started to work side by side with Mexican immigrants. He got to know them and then went out of his way to learn Spanish so he could talk with them more. Eventually him and my grandma went to Mexico to help build houses for families in need, and then did the same thing in Phoenix. They eventually moved to Phoenix. It can happen.


That reads more like an apology to Facebook and Oculus than publicly addressing anything.

That's literally what it is, he's not sorry about his actions or beliefs, he's just expressing to his bosses that he "never meant" their companies to be dragged along with his douchebaggery.
Covering up for GF would make him lie like that. He donated 10k just because he's got so much he doesn't know what to do with it. I just wouldn't jump into wild conclusions here unless it's revealed that he wrote the post himself.

edit: and his personal life ain't my business.

So if he hired a hitman to kill someone, would we write it off as "meh, gotta spend it somewhere right?"

So gosh darned absurd a defense. He has a literal endless supply of options to which he may donate all around the world, you don't donate to Trump's campaign "just because."

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
On top of that milo confirmed it.

Plus the liking of Trump tweets (and never once retweeting anything Gary Johnson-related) and being at a Trump rally and wearing a Trump shirt.... yeah, he's not just lying about not having made the NimbleRichMan post all right.

Plus the liking of Trump tweets (and never once retweeting anything Gary Johnson-related) and being at a Trump rally and wearing a Trump shirt.... yeah, he's not just lying about not having made the NimbleRichMan post all right.

There's something special about an extremely rich person demonstrating lack of foresight


Does his best thinking in the flying car
Guys, the racist girlfriend flummoxed him with her feminine wiles. There's no other plausible explanation.

If it wasn't for her, PL would have cured cancer with his money

Y'all know how women are
I don't think this is fair at all. My understanding is that while incredibly racist, most KKK members these days are active parts of their physical communities and while they might hold terrible racist views they make a difference for their fellow white man in big and small ways. On the other hand, the alt-right are mostly a bunch of cynical young men with little in the way of life experiences beyond their bubbles who give all white men a bad name by being toxic elements of any online community they are part of.

I don't think that is a very good definition of the Alt-Right. The term Alt-Right was coined by a dude named Richard Spencer. Spencer is a dyed in the wool White Supremacist. He invented the term in an attempt to rebrand White Nationalism.

Here is an interview with Spencer that happened at the RNC: Energized white supremacists cheer Trump convention message

I don't think people have fully recognized the degree to which he's transformed the party," said Richard Spencer, a clean-cut 38-year-old from Arlington, Virginia, who sipped Manhattans as he matter-of-factly called for removing African-Americans, Hispanics and Jews from the United States.

Like most in his group, Spencer said this year's convention was his first. On his social media accounts, he posted pictures of himself wearing a red Trump "Make America Great Again" hat at Quicken Loans Arena. And he says he hopes to attend future GOP conventions.

"Tons of people in the alt-right are here," he said, putting their numbers at the RNC this week in the dozens. "We feel an investment in the Trump campaign."

He and his group chatted up convention goers late into the night, including an executive from a major Jewish organization and a female board member of the Republican Jewish Coalition. They sat at the marble bar as Spencer explained his position on blacks, Hispanics and Jews. They challenged him repeatedly and expressed shock at how calmly he dismissed their rejection of his ideals.

"We'll help them go somewhere else. I'm not a maniac," Spencer said of the minorities he wants to eject from the country. "I know in order to achieve what I want to achieve, you have to deal with people rationally."

Spencer is not some shitposting kid. He is part of an organized group of White Supremacists who are actively courting and using cynical young men to forward their aims.

They held a conference in D.C. last week. Here are a few choice quotes from the proceedings:

"Race is a foundation of identity. You’re a part of something, whether you like it or not."

"When you ask whites to celebrate diversity, you're asking them to celebrate their dwindling numbers."

"I do not want my country to become one in which my children and grandchildren are not only a racial minority, but at the rate things are going now, a hated and despised minority."

"Why is Africa poor? Why is, on the other hand, Haiti equally poor? … This is because they’re populated by the same people."

"East Asians have the highest IQ — about an average of 102, 103. Next come whites at about 100. Next come Hispanics, which are a very varied population — hard to put a firm figure on them. And then blacks have an average IQ of about 85."

"There’s been an overrepresentation by Jews in intellectuals who have tried to undermine the legitimacy of white racial consciousness."

"Jews have their own identity. They’re not European."

The Alt-Right as we know it, is a coalition of 3 groups. Neoreactionary thinkers (who believe that democracy is inherently evil), Buccanonite Paleoconservative racists, and the channers. Vox has a nice primer on the movement.

This is a real and dangerous group that is far more than a few disaffected boys making each other laugh with frog memes.
We need to be careful about what it is we shame. Scientific findings, so long as they are true, cannot be racist per se. I'm talking specifically about the sentence that is a statement about on-average IQ differences. That statement is largely correct (see the Wikipedia page on race and IQ for a brief review). But it's worth noting that the IQ gap between whites and blacks has been shrinking, and that the reasons for all of these differences are complex.

That only works if you assume that IQ is a scientific measure of intelligence, which it is not.

Spencer and his ilk are only using IQ as a measure of racial superiority. They make this very clear.


That only works if you assume that IQ is a scientific measure of intelligence, which it is not.

Spencer and his ilk are only using IQ as a measure of racial superiority. They make this very clear.

From your linked article:

IQ tests are good measures of innate intelligence--if all other factors are held steady. But if IQ tests are being used to compare individuals of wildly different backgrounds, then the variable of innate intelligence is not being tested in isolation. Instead, the scores will reflect some impossible-to-sort-out combination of ability and differences in opportunities and motivations.

So one, they are valid measures of intelligence. But the author thinks they are being misused. Fine. So we can also use tests that correlate highly with g, like Raven's Progressive Matrices or backwards digit span, neither of which is practiced by anyone or involves cultural skills. We get the same results.

Look, the "IQ isn't valid" is an old argument that doesn't work anymore. We've tried the alternatives, this is a real thing. It doesn't reflect racial superiority, but it's real.
From your linked article:

So one, they are valid measures of intelligence. But the author thinks they are being misused. Fine. So we can also use tests that correlate highly with g, like Raven's Progressive Matrices or backwards digit span, neither of which is practiced by anyone or involves cultural skills. We get the same results.

Look, the "IQ isn't valid" is an old argument that doesn't work anymore. We've tried the alternatives, this is a real thing. It doesn't reflect racial superiority, but it's real.

This is not the place for this discussion, so I will say two more things and leave the last word to you.

1. There is a long history of IQ being used for entirely racial reasons. The Alt-Right's use of IQ fits in this context.

2. The best weapon that the Alt-Right has is to muddy the waters. They are attempting to usher in a post-fact society. This is something that they specifically talked about in D.C. last week. When you come in and try to apply nuance to their hate speech, you play right into their hands.


There are two types of people in Palmer Luckey's mentions right now, those that were with him and those that are against him. There is something more interesting there.

They both think this is all true.
From your linked article:

So one, they are valid measures of intelligence. But the author thinks they are being misused. Fine. So we can also use tests that correlate highly with g, like Raven's Progressive Matrices or backwards digit span, neither of which is practiced by anyone or involves cultural skills. We get the same results.

Look, the "IQ isn't valid" is an old argument that doesn't work anymore. We've tried the alternatives, this is a real thing. It doesn't reflect racial superiority, but it's real.

You should be shaming their misuse then and not defending it. If we find IQ disparities we should be looking at what it tells us about our education system and society instead of defending racists use of the findings to push an oppressive agenda. You're coming off as a dick rn.


This is not the place for this discussion, so I will say two more things and leave the last word to you.

1. There is a long history of IQ being used for entirely racial reasons. The Alt-Right's use of IQ fits in this context.

2. The best weapon that the Alt-Right has is to muddy the waters. They are attempting to usher in a post-fact society. This is something that they specifically talked about in D.C. last week. When you come in and try to apply nuance to their hate speech, you play right into their hands.

I hear you. I just don't want people who don't know better to go look up the IQ lit and suddenly decide that liberal elites have been lying to them, so the Alt-Right is on the right track. When, as you say, they're misusing this work profoundly.

And you're right, this may not be the place for this discussion.


Douchebag. Yes, me.
There are two types of people in Palmer Luckey's mentions right now, those that were with him and those that are against him. There is something more interesting there.

They both think this is all true.

What is "Palmer Luckey's mentions"?
Absolutely no chance I can ever buy Oculus with this horrible guy. Even if he leaves the company.

I was leaning more towards the Vive anyway after FB acquired Oculus. Vive comes from a company I really respect (Valve) and another whose design I love (HTC).

Anyway I'm not hijacking this into system wars. I think Luckey is reprehensible. What is worrying me is there seems to be this acceptance of racism across much of the globe right now. Here in the UK astonishingly it seems to have gone slightly backwards in recent years in terms of the attitudes towards race and religion. This whole episode is indicative of that trend.
Absolutely no chance I can ever buy Oculus with this horrible guy. Even if he leaves the company.

I was leaning more towards the Vive anyway after FB acquired Oculus. Vive comes from a company I really respect (Valve) and another whose design I love (HTC).

Anyway I'm not hijacking this into system wars. I think Luckey is reprehensible. What is worrying me is there seems to be this acceptance of racism across much of the globe right now. Here in the UK astonishingly it seems to have gone slightly backwards in recent years in terms of the attitudes towards race and religion. This whole episode is indicative of that trend.

Absolutely. The current trend is bone-chilling. I've never considered leaving America until recently.

Re: Oculus - Luckey's just sorry he got caught. Note that he only apologizes for the damage he did to Oculus the company, not the millions of people affected by the white supremacist group he's supporting.

Oculus as a company is a mess. Rubin failing to speak out about this and just covering the company's ass ensures that even if Luckey were to leave, not a cent of my money will ever go towards supporting Oculus or any games they publish.


https://www.reddit.com/r/oculus/comments/54bdcn/support_for_oculus_rift_on_our_game_vertigo/ Some super cool developers announcing support for Oculus because of this shitshow.
They're taking advantage of what's happening. They don't even have touch controllers. They also don't seem to understand(or they do and are just fear mongering) that dropping Oculus support doesn't mean the consumers lose out. They can always buy from Steam.

But yeah calling alt right support a normal, political view is pretty awful.


Sounds like every "I'm sorry you got offended by what I said, but I'm not actually sorry I said it" non-apology ever. Anytime you get one of those it pretty much guarantees they're a shitty person.


Crazy that he so brazenly did this.

Sure there's an apology now, but I feel like whenever he's in front of the press again, this is going to be a talking point he can't get around.

I have some friends who work for Oculus, I have to wonder what they think of all of this.


Crazy that he so brazenly did this.

Sure there's an apology now, but I feel like whenever he's in front of the press again, this is going to be a talking point he can't get around.

I have some friends who work for Oculus, I have to wonder what they think of all of this.
I know someone who works for them as well. He uh... does not feel good about this whole situation.


We believe that the VR community needs to stick together and if we fight among ourselves then we could cause harm to this new medium.

So they're supporting the headset with the only API that is anti-sharing.

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