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Predict the Flops of 2017

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I think the Horizon sentiment comes from unobtainable hype levels the game is starting to reach. It will be a fine game, but a disappointment to many who expect the second coming.

In my gut, I get the Horizon mentions in this thread. Anyone using great positive impressions from preview cycles can look at all the games that were in a similar situation and flopped. My Destiny case says "Winner of 180 awards and nominations," and it flopped critically. Mafia 3 being an example from this year.
Anyone considered the Horizon might not do well because it features a non-traditionally attractive female protagonist that isn't from a legacy ip?

I've learned not to expect better of people in general after last year.

I swear... MS could have a majority of Japanese games and people will still repeat this nonsense...

But they don't... Call it a self fulfilling prophecy but the reality of the situation is that people who wants the most Japanese of Japanese games learn not to expect it from Xbox. Developers of the most Japanese of Japanese games learn not to put much resource on Xbox, unless they're desperate or that particular franchise is western enough to sneak passed people.
I think the Horizon sentiment comes from unobtainable hype levels the game is starting to reach. It will be a fine game, but a disappointment to many who expect the second coming.

In my gut, I get the Horizon mentions in this thread. Anyone using great positive impressions from preview cycles can look at all the games that were in a similar situation and flopped. My Destiny case says "Winner of 180 awards and nominations," and it flopped critically. Mafia 3 being an example from this year.
And you can just as easily look at games that got great impressions and were successes. That point is moot.


I think the Horizon sentiment comes from unobtainable hype levels the game is starting to reach. It will be a fine game, but a disappointment to many who expect the second coming.

In my gut, I get the Horizon mentions in this thread. Anyone using great positive impressions from preview cycles can look at all the games that were in a similar situation and flopped. My Destiny case says "Winner of 180 awards and nominations," and it flopped critically. Mafia 3 being an example from this year.
In what world did Mafia 3 flop? It's been middling sure but not a flop


Killzone looked amazing. Oh how it was going to bring back the multi-ways fps, the game to rival Halo and look what we got.

I'm wanting this to succeed but again, people are deluded if they think this going to be a guaranteed hit.

Nothing is guaranteed, but I also wonder where the thought that it will flop is coming from. Considering Everything up until this point has been very positive. I mean it's been playable at trade events for a while now and has been given nothing but praise from gamers.
I think the Horizon sentiment comes from unobtainable hype levels the game is starting to reach. It will be a fine game, but a disappointment to many who expect the second coming.

In my gut, I get the Horizon mentions in this thread. Anyone using great positive impressions from preview cycles can look at all the games that were in a similar situation and flopped. My Destiny case says "Winner of 180 awards and nominations," and it flopped critically. Mafia 3 being an example from this year.
^ This

It's reaching No Man's Sky level of hype, granted it actually seems to look god unlike NMS but it's worrying.
Horizon looks exactly like what I'd expect an open-world RPG from GG to be.

A beautiful, artistically appealing game with some nice ideas that will quickly become boring as hell and tedious. Happy to be proven wrong but eh.
Horizon if skin deep looks like a recent Tomb Raider or Uncharted with some light combat options. Which isn't the worst thing but I kinda feel we need to move beyond that and the setting gives them a chance to show new things. Fingers crossed.

The combat has more options then any Tomb Raider or Uncharted game.
Horizon will sell on hype alone. Look at No Mans. I have my doubts if it'll be any good, only the Cambridge studio has made a good game. I'd feel better if they were making it.

As for a flop, I'd be surprised if switch was anything other than a slightly more than Wii U hit. Pokémon could help.


Mock reviews are what game journalists who quit the industry tend to do.

The main issue with them is that the longer these reviewers are out of the industry and only working for EEDAR or whatever other consulting firm, the less in tune they are with the people still in the industry.

Now, they're often still in the general ballpark, but IIRC they were way over for what Medal of Honor 2010 scored and well under for Shadow of Mordor.

A lot of companies have moved to direct user testing feedback now due to this, since critical scores also tie progressively less to sales success these days.

That said, I'm expecting an 80+ from Horizon if the mock reviews are positive, since they're usually not tremendously off. Lower would be pretty bad for both the game and the mock reviewers.

That said, we saw sales on singleplayer heavy open world and hub based games go down quite a bit this year, as the momentum in the industry continues toward multiplayer games, so that will be the game's biggest uphill climb financially.

This also depends on what people expect though. 2-3 million is way easier than 5-7+ million.


Nothing is guaranteed, but I also wonder where the thought that it will flop is coming from. Considering Everything up until this point has been very positive. I mean it's been playable at trade events for a while now and has been given nothing but praise from gamers.

How long were those play sessions?


Scalebound had Massive Flop written all over it from way back when it was first revealed. Even if it turns out to be a competent or even a good game, I don't think anyone's going to buy it. Its audience would be limited on PS4, on Xbox1 it's already dead. Unfortunately, I must add. I'd love to be proven wrong.
I don't think its that limited. It doesn't seem as much of a Japanese game as you think. It's open world with co-op throughout. It's gonna be marketed as a Witcher type game that you play with friends


What have we actually seen of Horizon, that field, taking down the big beast, capture a small one and automatic climb a really big one for press button to awesome. There just isn't a lot there, is the game that and little more?


Sea of Thieves. Assuming it's even a 2017 title.

Hopefully I'm wrong, but looking at sales of most Rare games post Microsoft buyout, I just have a sinking feeling, you know?

Pun totally not intended.


Scalebound probably, I have a feeling it's going to be the next Lair. The last dragon game I played that I enjoyed was Reign of Fire with cheat codes, we really need a good dragon game.

I have faith in Horizon, whenever Sony refers to it they call it a franchise which shows how confident they are that it's going to succeed. Plus impressions for the game from Gaffers and the press have been positive so I see no reason to worry it will be a flop.


What have we actually seen of Horizon, that field, taking down the big beast, capture a small one and automatic climb a really big one for press button to awesome. There just isn't a lot there, is the game that and little more?
It looks for me like The Witcher 3. Many Devs from Bungie and CDPR working there now. I'm expecting +88 scores.


Wait, what? Speaking nothing of the game or its prospects, I don't follow your logic. Horizon has good visuals so it's going to be something that the most casual of players recognize? That doesn't make any sense, sorry.

Now if you were talking about something like good word of mouth or a strong marketing presence, then I'd be more inclined to talk about its wider appeal. I happen to think it will perform very well, but that will come from word of mouth and strong marketing, not its visuals.

Visuals, not graphics.

Red haired protagonist.
Post apocalypse.
Bow and arrow.

This will stick.


The Switch will do fine but GAF will treat it like a flop because it didn't reach reach the same level as the Wii or DS did. On the flip side, GAF will keep touting VR as the next big thing of gaming despite the fact that it'll ultimately be a niche gimmick with a few stand out games like motion control gaming was.
Marvel vs Capcom Infinite unfortunately. I have a feeling Marvel wants it to be a mega blockbuster which fighting games rarely are, especially after the SF5 fiasco.
Marvel comic and movie fans will eat it up if the marketing and character roster is right.
And you can just as easily look at games that got great impressions and were successes. That point is moot.

It goes both ways and I presented that as a counter-argument to all the "Well it's got nothing but positive impressions so far" posts. Almost all preview coverage is positive.

In what world did Mafia 3 flop? It's been middling sure but not a flop

I wouldn't say it reached what many people thought it was during the preview cycle. People talked about it like it was going to score well and landed at mediocre and middling scores.
I only think Horizon might disappoint a notable amount of people here. (Possibly including myself) It will probably do well commercially and critically.

As for actual flops that came to mind - Scalebound, critically and commercially.

Neir, commercially.

I feel like Nioh has a better chance than Neir commercially.


How long were those play sessions?

Does it matter? Gameplay is gameplay. We've seen the combat, mounts and crafting. That's what we can expect. If gameplay is good that's something a game can always fall back on. I have no clue about the story so I won't comment on that, but if people like the way it plays and controls you can't really overlook that.


I think The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild will get critically panned due to its similarity to other open world games and not being unique but I think fans will love it and be commercially succeed.

Cant wait for it :).


Sea of Thieves. Assuming it's even a 2017 title.

Hopefully I'm wrong, but looking at sales of most Rare games post Microsoft buyout, I just have a sinking feeling, you know?

Pun totally not intended.

It still seems like there is nothing in that game. Get on a boat, shoot some ships. 12 months later, oh there is a map, follow, dig and treasure, then.....


Resident Evil 7 is getting massive praise and the media has already played the first 4 or 5 hours of it.

i'd heard some backlash about re7 but i was mainly speaking with regards to sales. capcom went in hard on the multiplayer aspects of 5 and 6 to reach a more mainstream audience, and this is a complete reinvention of the series - single-player, first-person perspective, and other weirdness not related to the main plot of the franchise (thank god).


Scalebound will mainly flop because nothing about it seems grandiose. Nothing about it screams the masses need to have this day one. Also it's a game that really doesn't even appeal to the One fanbase. I'm expecting to do less than QB


Scalebound is an easy choice.

Why are people down on Horizon? I think it looks awesome.

Yeah, it has looked horrible in every showing. Clearly headed for critical and commercial failure.

Horizon will be a nice 7-8/10 Ubisoft-like, though.
I don't think Scalebound will be a bad game at all. Its E3 demo was poor, but the behind closed doors demos at Gamescom looked very promising. They should have showed more of that ilk. Kamiya deserves the benefit of the doubt as well, his track record is superb.

Commercial succes is an entirely different kettle of fish though.
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