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Cringeworthy things you've seen gamers in person do?


I wear game shirts, GAF. I'm even wearing a Bloodborne one right now!

Imagine that, and cringe as much as you want. Go on, have fun.

Here, a picture to help you:

I have a Bloodborne shirt a friend got me from the PSX last year. I'm going to wear the fuck out of it.

Most people wouldn't even know it's a Bloodborne shirt unless I told them, which I don't. I've even played with my band wearing the shirt on stage.


Neo Member
It's not necessarily gamers, but self proclaimed "gamers". They have the tendency to try and prove that they are in fact a "gamer" by telling you all the things they know about the select few games they play and why they are the best at them. Those make me cringe.


I wear my N7 tech jacket all the time and get nothing but compliments on it. Now if I were to explain said tech jacket to someone, I could see how a passerby might find it cringe worthy.

I think some people just need to lighten up. People have interests, maybe you don't agree with them, maybe they take it too far. Live and let live.


I have loads of people at work who play COD for campaign. Talking about people in their 30s to 50s. A lot of Ex-military folks too. So nothing wrong in liking COD either.

Now, firing a guy for playing WoW and COD is terrible and not something that should be bragged about.

That's not why he was fired. He was fired for being extremely disrespectful to all of the staff and customers for months. The last straw was when I invited the office over for some 8 player Smash 4, everyone was excited, and he just screams "No! Cause I'm an adult." Shitting all over everyone's enthusiasm.

I had been giving him a second chance despite the complaints from the staff and customers, but him acting like he was superior for playing "Adult" games was the second I realized he no longer jived with our team. it was just the way he said it/acted. Anyone would have made the same call.


Wearing a video game shirt.


I don't think it's any different than band tees. A few Street Fighter shirts I wear almost always get a positive reaction from somebody when I'm out shopping or whatever.

It's been awhile since I was 17 so maybe it's "cringey" for people desperately trying to appear mature.


Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
Calling out others for liking something.

Haha, I make fun of my coworker that sits next to me for liking FF8 all the time. It's all in good fun, though. He's a good guy, but he's so easy to tease.


Now this is something I don't get. Neogaf is meant to be a place of love & respect yet this topic is based around making fun of people. The fuck is this? Seriously, leave people the fuck alone, let them like what they like, do what they do and be who they are. As long as it's not hurting anybody else.

lol that's really cute


I'd be in the dick
I worked at Best Buy last year. Around October I was having a friendly conversation with the PlayStation rep about the launches of PSVR and the Pro and he was telling me about his hands on time with them. One of the other employees comes up, interrupts, and starts berating the rep about Sony's exclusive line up and how much it sucks compared to MS' and Nintendo's. The rep initially laughed thinking it was a joke but got pissed when he realized they were serious. The two argued in front of me for about 20 minutes, throwing out sales figures and other things, before the manager pulled the other employee away and gave him a lecture about how our sales people aren't supposed to be biased.


I'll use my own cringe moment as an example.

My first day of 3rd grade the teacher asked everyone in the class to stand up & introduce themselves and tell everyone what our favorite thing was.

The first 10 or so kids in the class mentioned stuff like Barbie dolls or TMNT stuff.

Long story short, my turn comes around and I stand up, say my name , and enthusiastically say, "... and I like SCORPION from MORTAL KOMBAT!" I then acted out Scorpions chain throw yelling "Get Over Here!" As I retracted the "chain".

After that, every boy in the class decided it was only right to act out there favorite superhero during there class intros.

I made tons of new friends shortly afterwards though. Seriously.
I'll use my own cringe moment as an example.

My first day of 3rd grade the teacher asked everyone in the class to stand up & introduce themselves and tell everyone what our favorite thing was.

The first 10 or so kids in the class mentioned stuff like Barbie dolls or TMNT stuff.

Long story short, my turn comes around and I stand up, say my name , and enthusiastically say, "... and I like SCORPION from MORTAL KOMBAT!" I then acted out Scorpions chain throw yelling "Get Over Here!" As I retracted the "chain".

After that, every boy in the class decided it was only right to act out there favorite superhero during there class intros.

I made tons of new friends shortly afterwards though. Seriously.
That's fucking hilarious. I wish I was that intense.


Hmm, interesting idea. Reminiscing might bring back the nightmares though.

I literally kept a can of room deodorant on the shelf above the cash register with "nerd buster 3000" scrawled across tape on the side for this very reason.

It might seem cruel to some, but motherfucker, if you are going to come into my store and ask for service whilst smelling like one month old unwashed underpants stuffed inside a dead cats bum and inducing my gag reflex, then I'm damn well going to grab that spray and do a couple of laps around you.

Other customers pissed themselves when i did it too and whispered "thank you".

You're a hero.
It's weird how there's so still much self hate and shame for video game enthusiasts. I'm guilty of feeling second hand embarrassment as much as the next person, but I understand on some level that it's not really fair to those I'm embarrassed for, or myself.

What is 'cringey' is the hyper cynical, jaded, and pseudo-intellectual awareness that many have developed through the perverted lens of the internet.
Videogame tattoo's

I kid i have a Imp Midna and Wolf Link Tattoo.

Really though the Nintendo games are for kids only statement is the dumbest imo and the console war fights they even happen in real life from time to time. One of my friend groups is anti PS the other anti Xbox.

All of my tattoos are video game tattoos, but they're all subtle references. I've got a jackdaw over a sunset at sea in the pirate style for AC4 (loved those games but I hopped off after that one), ME paragon symbol done up a bit, and a fall scene that's meant to reference the ship from the first Halo, the Pillar of Autumn.
It's not necessarily gamers, but self proclaimed "gamers". They have the tendency to try and prove that they are in fact a "gamer" by telling you all the things they know about the select few games they play and why they are the best at them. Those make me cringe.

Oh god I think this might have made me cringe more than any of those other people did for you


Always getting side-eyed by the GameStop clerk whenever I buy a Project Diva game.

Fuck you man, let me enjoy my virtual J-Pop idol rhythm game in peace.
Once at Gamestop I saw a guy ask to buy a copy of Dragonball Z Bukkake 3(I assume he meant Budokai).
Might have been something he refers to the game as within his friend circle so much but didn't mean to say at the store, but it slipped out. Happens. It's happened me as well with a different game.

Most recently for me, at a zoo and someone calling one of the gorillas Winston (Overwatch). I really shouldn't cringe. I do and say the dumbest shit all the time!

As for the codec sound. Really!? Only gamers, and not all gamers at that, recognise it. It sounds fine. To any other person it just sounds old school. Ring notifications are fine because of how subtle and suitable for the job they. Sonic rings, Mario coins, Pokémon item collection etc. They're all good for the job.


An adult playing a Nintendo handheld in public is pretty much a declaration of surrender in the struggle known as life.
I use mine all the time on my commute. Everyone is staring at a gadget of one sort or another, I don't see how choice of media when you're stuck somewhere for an hour every day is an indicator of how successful you are. Nobody cares, everyone is just minding their own business. The last time I worried about what people thought about stuff like that (or even noticed what gadget people were toying with on public transport) was when I was an insecure adolescent.

I love the use of 'Nintendo' here- if I use my Vita on the train instead am I suddenly more visibly successful at life or something? :D
I was heading home one morning and saw a garage sale sign just a block off, so I stopped by. I browsed around for a bit and then walked over to a small set of steps with a young kid, maybe 15 years old, sitting on it, and stacks of gaming magazines at his feet. I simply greet him and make small talk. I flip over the first magazine and see that it's a gameinformer with uncharted on the cover. Attempting to be a normal human being, I comment "do you like uncharted? I'm really looking forward to uncharted 4" The kid looks at me as if I just insulted his mother, scoffs at me, and proudly claims "I've actually joined the master race. I don't game on consoles. Consoles are a joke." At a loss for words, I just kind of simply take my hand off the stack of magazines, and say "welp, gotta go."


I have a coworker who is very into social justice and is also a gamer. And personally, I'm absolutely down with that. Most of my largest concerns with games come from a place of social justice and representation, I love discussing the subject, and I find it very important. However, my coworker kind of uses social justice and outrage as a way to place himself above others and outright dismiss certain games if they don't fit into what he defines as correct.

Zelda BOTW, for example, has been a sore subject recently. Another coworker and I are excited for it, but every time we discuss it, this dude will pop in with an audible sigh talking about how Nintendo is so stuck in their sexist Japanese ways by having you save a princess in all their games and "I can't believe you guys would even consider supporting that junk." And yeah I value that viewpoint, but I think a lot of socially conscious gamers can enjoy something while still seeing its problems, and he just cannot enjoy anything if it has a social flaw. Obviously, I agree with him, but it's not the only thing I care about. He is very smart, and a great guy, but sometimes I want to talk about stuff that I actually enjoy in games rather than all the negatives.

So I guess that fits the topic: putting themselves above others who like something
Stuff like this:


all you can eat cringe

There are definitely times, but it's usually the runners, not the audience for me.

I can take a thousand "hypes" and waluigi laughs to every "because programming is hard AMIRITE?" and "these developers are so bad." Etc.

Most of this thread, including OP are just kind of petty and children trying to sound adult.


Nothing cringeworthy about a videogame enthusiast forum making fun of people for openly liking videogames in public. nope


Some teens mocking kids for the games they like, in a store. In front of the kids their moms.

Shit, when i was a teenager/early 20's. i used to do the "gang" thing. i was a knucklehead, but always l iked gaming and technology. I got hooked on Everquest back in like 2000-2001. I hid that i played the game for a few years. Once my buddies found out. ooh my god, the endless amount of shit they threw at me! haha. It was all in good fun, but boy did i hear it.

When i would leave after partying or what not. We partied hardcore back in them days, i would always hear, bitch your going to go home and kill dragons huh! haha That shit made me laugh so hard.


I wear my video game t-shirts proudly.

My favorite has the Minecraft creeper with tentacles that says "Lovecraft".

Cringe if you will, I give no fucks.


I work with a dude who makes obscure jokes that aren't that funny and nobody else gets (because they are old or aren't nerds). I laugh anyway, because he's one of the nicest dudes I ever met and I don't want his feelings to get hurt.

Gamers already have enough problems without us turning on each other...
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