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Cringeworthy things you've seen gamers in person do?

"Gamer" is inherently a fine word, the problem is how it's become attached to an elitist subculture and used to rally around bizarre identity pseudo-politics. e.g. GamerGate, "real gamers," etc. I can see why some would be uncomfortable using a label that's accumulated so much juvenile baggage.

Fair enough, but this is a point entirely unrelated to the one I was responding to (which I've seen being made before).

I personally and vehemently disagree that it should be avoided because of perceived connotations, because the term describes a very clear concept, and if you allow those connotations to slip in, they're poisoning the concept, not just the term. If people think that gamers are sexist, nearly psychopathic manchildren, they're going to think that of "people who play games", not of the term "gamer". Further, by avoiding use of the term among the more social progressive community, and leaving its use only to GamerGate types, you accelerate this poisoning of the well by further association with them.

What is needed for people to stop having this perception of gamers is to fight back against the sexism and racism, speaking up and not letting stuff slip because "it's always been like this" or any other lazy excuse, and so on. There are no shortcuts like "let's just stop calling ourselves gamers, done!".

An adult playing a Nintendo handheld in public is pretty much a declaration of surrender in the struggle known as life.

Is it worse than an "adult" with hilariously teenager-edgy username and avatar combo declaring in a public videogame forum how people using handhelds for their intended purpose are destined to fail in life? Because of all the immature, cringeworthy, and insecure shit I've read in this thread, this quite takes the cake.

Haha, I bet people love you.
This thread is just filled with people to add to the ignore list.

The wisest thing I've read all thread. :)


Had several funny ones from working in retail.

One guy would contantly come to show us his My Little Pony Fanart and Fanfic

One guy would come every now and then, spend hours in the store and start annoying other customer. Like a woman would come in saying her son wanted Black Ops on Ps3 for his birthday and this guy would just walk up to her and go like
"Oh I think you should buy him the 360 version because based on the latest analysis it has a much better framerate"
"O...k? But I think he only has a Ps3 and he asked for that"
"well its his loss"

Stuff like this:


Hahah I allways get ads on Facebook for places that sell these.

It's almost a bit frustrating because I've seen some cool designs that I would actually consider buying. But they allways go and ruin it with some really cringy and corny text like the one on that pic


My friend calls Kojima a god. I'm not bothered by that itself, but his fandom of Kojima is something I associate with kids/teens and PopGAF. It can get on pretty ridicilous levels. Quoting Metal Gear series every fucking day at work.
My friend calls Kojima a god. I'm not bothered by that itself, but his fandom of Kojima is something I associate with kids/teens and PopGAF. It can get on pretty ridicilous levels. Quoting Metal Gear series every fucking day at work.

Fandom of a game director is at least better than these love affairs gaffers hold towards corporate figures and such. At least these guys actually created a game franchise.


Gold Member
Make this thread.

This. I read forums and Reddit more than I care to admit. All the cringeworthy stuff happens one of these places. I know gamers of all walks of life and none of them no anything about gamergate or this sight really. Some use reddit. They just play games and find out about stuff from tv or Gamestop.

I don't know whats worse and I'll keep spending too much time reading sites. (More than playing lol) but they just play.


Fandom of a game director is at least better than these love affairs gaffers hold towards corporate figures and such. At least these guys actually created a game franchise.

Oh yeah I don't mean being a fan or respecting a creator is bad by any means. But it can go "too far". Same with these "Thank you Miyazaki for saving video games" types. It's hyperbolic and silly at that point. There's a line to cross when going from a fan to obsessed.

I know gamers of all walks of life and none of them no anything about gamergate or this sight really.

While not related to this thread, this reminded me of something. I was having a coffee with my friend and tried to start a conversation about Gamergate. We didn't get very far since his first quesion was "Yeah I think I've heard about it, they are feminists, right?" I chuckled and explained that no, they are quite the opposite.


Nothing really in person but the overreaction to things like the Mass Effect 3 ending etc is cringeworthy. Also people who make petitions about missing elements of a game are pretty pathetic.


I had a gamer friend/co worker who would hit on every woman. One cringy example Is when we went to a game meetup and I had to calmly explain to him why he shouldn't invite a 14 year old girl who was there to his house. He literally didn't understand the problem with a 22 year old man trying to make a move on a 14 year old girl.

Another time was he would constantly hit on a female co worker who was already in a relationship, to the point where she talked to me one time and basically said "You know him right? Can you get him to stop?" Almost every time after that I caught him bugging her at her department i hollered at him to come over and help me out with something, which he cluelessly ignored to continue talking to her. Sorry lady I tried.


Fanboysism. I've already stopped accessing gaming forums entirely cause of it, if the moderation isn't capable of taking control over the situtation that kind of community is capable to destroy itself completely.

I've through the last 5 years been called Nintendo, Sony and Microsoft fanboy just because I constantly express what I deslike about said companies and their platforms.. it reaches a point where the community is unbearable to deal with.

Sometimes I look at some youtube channels and it's comments, and man... I can't believe of how some people do IN FACT believe they have to defend certain brand so much that they're even capable to straight up lie about it or just insult others. It's pathetic.

Thankfully here at NeoGaf the mods take good care about this stuff and maintain the order.

Crossing Eden

Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!
Some of you are just too fucking cool for school huh? It's cringey to wear video game attire? Are you on fucking crack?
Video game attire most of the time just isn't very fashionable. They're usually baggy poorly made shirts with a really less than stellar graphic typically with a character most people won't recognize or a really bad attempt at a joke:





I usually don't mind most things, but once at Best Buy, I overheard two adults, one of them was looking for PS4 stuff and the other one was like "You should sell your shit consoles and join the PC Master Race, there is always sales going on for cheap games".

I rolled my eyes, I don't mind the moniker when I see it here and there in forums, but in person it's super cringy


Hm, I once saw a person in real life with a handmade fightstick...placed inside a Noel Vermillion controller. The cord came out her posterior. It was horrifying and hysterical at the same time. He was banned from ever bringing it again.

Crossing Eden

Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!
I personally don't know anyone that I could describe this way.

But shit like this....I dunno.

"You look like just enough experience."
That statement doesn't make sense even if you forgo experience with an XP pronunciation... :|


Mainly it is the way some dress. I am not saying you need designer clothes or expensive clothes either. Just take 5 minutes to make sure you look decent. Guess that isn't only a gamer thing, but going to a few midnight launches and Pax I have noticed some really just don't care how they look at all.


Working in computer repair, I get to work on a sizable amount of "gaming rigs".

They often have desktop background of "PC Master Race", and brag at the counter how sweet their specs are when I couldn't give less of a damn. I don't game much on my PC, despite it being powerful enough to do so, I really only play Dwarf Fortress on the thing.

One time, I told a guy this and he went "Praise Armok!" really loudly and he started doing DF "memes" of elves being trash and clowns of the underworld and what not. I gave an awkward chuckle and opened up his "gamer" laptop to reproduce his no audio problem. The display turned on from sleep mode to show a full screen video of porn playing. Neither of us said a word and he just grabbed his laptop and left. Never saw him again.

I think it was an ultimate cringe because, being a girl, he was doing the "I'm going to impress you m'lady!" tone of voice to me hehe


is beloved, despite what anyone might say
One of the most "cringy" things that I see is Crossing Eden's behavior in social/political threads on the gaming side. Aggressively argumentative and quite honestly, borderline abusive. He's the #1 reason I stay off those kinds of threads.

Thank you! I'll be honest, I may even agree with him on some points in the political threads, but the way he goes about making them known is frustrating. But what is most obnoxious is that he loves to change the subject to political/social issues in innocent threads for obscure Japanese games. We get it, you don't like Japanese games Mr. Eden. I don't particularly care for Ubisoft open world games but I don't go into NEARLY EVERY SINGLE THREAD about Ubisoft, shitting them up and complaining about character designs or engine tech or trying to push my social/political agenda in them.
Some wowhead told me smash bros was a kids game and that I was a freak for playing nintendo games. This dude pours hours into cod and wow. (In 2016.) Needless to say, I fired him.

Can't have people who verbally judge other people like that working for me.

Hope it was worth it.

lmao wOw~

I hope I never get a fanboy for a boss


Berating people in check out lines over what console or game they're buying. Usually happens with Nintendo stuff interestingly enough. What's wrong with people?
Video game attire most of the time just isn't very fashionable. They're usually baggy poorly made shirts with a really less than stellar graphic typically with a character most people won't recognize or a really bad attempt at a joke

Bad t-shirts are a dime a dozen, there being bad videogame t-shirts doesn't mean anything. I almost never wear t-shirts with a design; the three game-related ones I have are a gift, a freebie that came with Child of Eden, and one I got from donating to Gamers for Peace way back then.

And I can't find online pics of any of them, bah. The one that's a gift has this image, but the shirt and background are black.


Oh, I remember another one that technically counts I guess. A Gamestop employee was berating me and my friend for not signing up for their Rewards card thing, kept repeatedly stating how it'd give us more value for the stuff we were trading in. I said "No thanks" several times, because I didn't want to bother going through the process, not to mention I didn't want to pay the price of the subscription; just wanted to sell my games and leave quickly. Despite this, they kept insisting on it, subtly inferring that I'm a dumbass if I don't do it, and even when they finally got that I wasn't going to subscribe, one of the employees capped it off by saying "One day you will see the light".


They somehow managed to convince my friend to get the card while I was waiting back in the car (He immediately regretted it and canceled it like 5 min. later), but yea, Gamestop employees are just so annoying. It's one thing if as an employee you gotta try and get people to sign up for that shit, but damn, learn to take "No" for an answer.
Oh, I remember another one that technically counts I guess. A Gamestop employee was berating me and my friend for not signing up for their Rewards card thing, kept repeatedly stating how it'd give us more value for the stuff we were trading in. I said "No thanks" several times, because I didn't want to bother going through the process, not to mention I didn't want to pay the price of the subscription; just wanted to sell my games and leave quickly. Despite this, they kept insisting on it, subtly inferring that I'm a dumbass if I don't do it, and even when they finally got that I wasn't going to subscribe, one of the employees capped it off by saying "One day you will see the light".


They somehow managed to convince my friend to get the card while I was waiting back in the car (He immediately regretted it and canceled it like 5 min. later), but yea, Gamestop employees are just so annoying. It's one thing if as an employee you gotta try and get people to sign up for that shit, but damn, learn to take "No" for an answer.

To be fair they have a quota to meet as part of the job, I'm sure they don't like trying to push them.


To be fair they have a quota to meet as part of the job, I'm sure they don't like trying to push them.

It's one thing to push it, another to infer that I'm stupid if I don't do it, and say lame shit like me "one day seeing the light." Really it was that last part that really irked me.


I'm sure I do cringe worthy game-related shit all thee time, but the worst I've seen is Gamergate.

Whether it's online or in real life, it's always a bad time.
I'm probably in the minority on this, but I'm really annoyed by those custom PC cases with a gazillion garish, flashing LEDs. So fucking bright you can see them across the fucking room.

And it's not just cases, either. Some people at work have taken to buying glowing keyboards and mice. I think they keyboards react to the speed of their typing? And the faster they type, the faster the keyboard flashes and strobes.

Sometimes we get actual business people in the room, waiting for a meeting room to become available and what not, and you can almost see the perplexity in their eyes.


Video game attire most of the time just isn't very fashionable. They're usually baggy poorly made shirts with a really less than stellar graphic typically with a character most people won't recognize or a really bad attempt

I think we are looking at completely different places to get vg related clothes.

There's actually been an uptick in nice looking vg gear recently, Like the ones posted before your post, The Nintendo x vans (hope you like scalpers) stuff, although the best ones are the ones that are incredibly subtle like this one

I hate undertale with a passion but this shirt and the earthbound one before it is simply brilliant because a normal person wouldn't think twice about it while people who are in the know ...well... know instantly what they are referencing.


I was in, urgh, CEX and I picked up a copy of Maximo and was thinking of buying it then a a person who was standing next to me told me not to buy it because he said "It isn't a good game."

I just nodded politely and ended up buying the game anyway...the game is actually not that bad.


I think we are looking at completely different places to get vg related clothes.

There's actually been an uptick in nice looking vg gear recently, Like the ones posted before your post, The Nintendo x vans (hope you like scalpers) stuff, although the best ones are the ones that are incredibly subtle like this one

I hate undertale with a passion but this shirt and the earthbound one before it is simply brilliant because a normal person wouldn't think twice about it while people who are in the know ...well... know instantly what they are referencing.

Fangamer is easily the best for VG related clothes.
I'm sure I do cringe worthy game-related shit all thee time, but the worst I've seen is Gamergate.

Whether it's online or in real life, it's always a bad time.

I think calling Gamergate "cringe worthy" is a bit of an understatement. :p

Instead of bitching at the thread, why not be a little self-aware and laugh at yourself
Where is the self-awareness in belittling others?

If the subject had been "Cringeworthy gaming-related things you've done in person" and the OP had led with a personal example, then we would have been cooking with gas.


Calling out others for liking something.

This, so much. Funny thing is the OP was doing it too. Like, yeah, the guy was being pretty obnoxious about something he likes, but I've had people even flip on me for playing Zelda music while I study. Some things just don't sit well with others, and it's hard (in the case of hte guy in the OP) if you really like something that so many others dislike.

I like Zelda, which is popular, but my favorite is Zelda 2 - so even I get crapped upon a lot and it's silly.

For the actual thread, I had someone say they were a serious gamer that bought all the consoles to play all the exclusives. So I started asking them about which systems he has/ He said "all current generation systems". I was like. hey that's cool!

They he said he had just the xbox 360 and PS3. No Wii, no 3DS, no Vita/PSP. Ignoring handheld because maybe he only meant home console, I asked him why he says he owns them all when he has doesn't have a Wii.

"Wii? That thing doesn't even play games. It's basically a paperweight. That does not count, and owning one is an insult to "real" gamers".

Dislike something all you want, but man... any reference to what a "real" gamer is because they play on a platform you clearly dislike to the core just... irks me.

Crossing Eden

Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!
I think we are looking at completely different places to get vg related clothes.

There's actually been an uptick in nice looking vg gear recently, Like the ones posted before your post, The Nintendo x vans (hope you like scalpers) stuff, although the best ones are the ones that are incredibly subtle like this one

I hate undertale with a passion but this shirt and the earthbound one before it is simply brilliant because a normal person wouldn't think twice about it while people who are in the know ...well... know instantly what they are referencing.
Lowkey gaming stuff isn't super cringeworthy. The stuff you posted is pretty low key. But still. Those don't look super fashionable.

Mobile Suit Gooch

Grundle: The Awakening
I guess seeing my friend buying those MT. Dew gamer fuel, I guess.

Hearing stories about people stalking best buy and GameStop to see if they're buying their console of choice. ( *cough*Tim Dog *cough* Cough* Mooch)

Maybe seeing people here arguing about how objectionable Kat, Aloy and 2B's outfits are.
Cringiest thing was when a guy cancelled on a girl on a date because one of his games was delivered early. Can't understand to this day why he couldn't just wait.


Bad t-shirts are a dime a dozen, there being bad videogame t-shirts doesn't mean anything. I almost never wear t-shirts with a design; the three game-related ones I have are a gift, a freebie that came with Child of Eden, and one I got from donating to Gamers for Peace way back then.

And I can't find online pics of any of them, bah. The one that's a gift has this image, but the shirt and background are black.
That's an awesome gift and an awesome t-shirt. Too bad it's black.


I think calling Gamergate "cringe worthy" is a bit of an understatement. :p

Where is the self-awareness in belittling others?

If the subject had been "Cringeworthy gaming-related things you've done in person" and the OP had led with a personal example, then we would have been cooking with gas.

I get what you're saying, but the "others" here are us, gamers. It seems like people are taking offense to the idea that their hobby and their gaming merch might be cringeworthy to someone else.

To which I said, it's ok to be self aware and laugh at yourself once in a while.
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