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Playtonic removes JonTron from Yooka-Laylee.

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How the hell does someone go 32 years without realizing that people usually get fired for publicly saying WHITE SUPREMACIST talking points?

Someone who doesn't realize that you're free to have political viewpoints, but not to spout them while representing a company.


But if Yooka Laylee has gone gold, how could they remove his work and name from the product? I would assume "gone gold" means a master has gone to the production line.

They're going to patch it, I'm not too sure if they can remove his name from the credits since I believe he actually backed the project + his work will most likely be in every retail copy of the game.


I think you would lost or keep your job based on performance. Policital / philosophical / whatever would be out of the equation. But yeah, that world does not and wont ever exist.

If you work for a company and air yourself publicly to millions of people as a white supremacist, you're affecting the company's finances directly.

I'm shocked I have to point out this simple fact.
A wise business decision - and that's what this is, a business decision. We, as consumers, made it clear that this inclusion puts our purchase at risk. Playtonic wants to entertain an audience and make some money so that they can a) live and b) continue to do what they love. Keeping this in there puts those goals at risk, so they got rid of the risk.

Even if you have a terrific employee who then starts spouting racist ideologies, often the risk outweighs the benefit. Internally, you risk losing other employees who may be uncomfortable or disagree with his presence, and externally you risk losing customers because you are perceived as supporting or enabling that rhetoric.

Culture and values are so important to companies these days, and anything that could compromise those (or the perception of those) is a risk that it's often best to eliminate.


I never knew he was in.

As a backer I'm not sure I'm comfortable with any youtube e-celeb of the moment in a game.
Good for them. Don't let this be forgotten and hopefully he'll lose out a lot for his racist views. Unfortunately it seems like this has t affected viewership on his channel at all.


Really disgusting that someone lost his job (which, based on the press comments, was very good at) based on his political view. I dont care if its a nazi, a communist, or a communazi.

You think an employer should be forced to keep someone on-board even if it might damage their brand or employee morale? Wut.

JonTron isn't getting arrested for what he said. That's about as far as free speech will take him.
JonTron tweets were absolutely disgusting. Thats out of question.

So what are you arguing then? The guy is free to have his opinion, but when his opinion becomes public, then a company has the right to not want him to represent them. You're talking like the guy was removed for being a republican or democrat.


Really disgusting that someone lost his job (which, based on the press comments, was very good at) based on his political view. I dont care if its a nazi, a communist, or a communazi.

Yeah I know loads of people have replied to this

People lose their jobs over inappropriate comments all the bloody time, and the fact that you think that's surprising just highlights Jim Sterling's point about how privileged Youtube celebrities are. Plus Jon didn't lose his job, he still has over 3 million subscribers. He lost an unpaid honour to cameo in a game.


It states how: with a patch.

In b4 mouthbreathers "fight to undo censorship and restore Jontron's passionate work from the sad playtronic cucks!".

I'm glad he's being removed from the game. They made the right decision.

Hopefully they throw salt in the wound with whatever dialogue/character they replace it with.
Its a moot point. People did have a problem and they responded. Like you're really low key defending some bullshit that's not worth defending.

Are you suggesting that they should have removed Jon in consequence for his white supremacist diatribe...before it happened? If anything, this means the decision wasn't final until after his statement clarifying things, and since it was such a laughable double-down, they were firm in the decision.

No, but maybe at least a week after it happened? I mean I guess it's only been 10 days, but it feels weirdly specific that this happened after they started to call them out.

Or, maybe, they had planned to something but had to be delicate in how they approached it legally?

I think he was just doing guest work, but then I'm just speculating at this point. This could be it.

Of course you are sympathising with him. You feel bad/it is umfair he is being pumished for what he did. How is that not sympathy?

He did voice work. He got paid. They decided not to use it. Where is the problem?

Forgetting that, why should we separate the person from the work? Why should shit human beings not be discouraged from being shit? A lot of people could have done the voice work he was given partly because of his platform. Now his platform suddenly doesn't matter?

Hm, I guess I'm misguiding my worry, which should simply not be stated. I don't feel bad for Jon at all, I guess I went on about something that really doesn't matter in the end.

I agree that shit human beings should be discouraged from being shit, I just don't think any of his shitness is even remotely on the game. But you're right, he's using the very same platform that got him there to spew bullshit, so fair is fair.
I didn't even know he voiced a character. Was it a big part?

I didn't even know that Yooka-Laylee had voice acting, I thought it was all "gibberish speak". Did Jon just record a bunch of random grunts, or something? Or did they have a weird model of him in the game?
Absolutely not. But think about thi:
If you find someone using a shirt with Hitler face, what would be your reaction?

My reaction would be nothing if on the street going about my business. But if they worked for me and came in wearing that shit, they'd be let go. This is a ridiculously silly point you're trying to make. You really think you're being clever here.

Was Jontron removed for wearing a shirt? If not, you should move off this line of logic.


Absolutely not. But think about thi:
If you find someone using a shirt with Hitler face, what would be your reaction?

At my place of employment, and likely at most places of employment, they'd make it about 10 feet into the building and then be promptly told to never come back.
Absolutely not. But think about thi:
If you find someone using a shirt with Hitler face, what would be your reaction?

I would react to them differently. A lot of people who wear Che Guvera shirts are ignorant to Che Guvera. Ignorance of Hitler is very, very rare in our country.

JonTron isn't wearing a Che Guvera shirt, he is being Che Guvera. HE is the monster.


Absolutely not. But think about thi:
If you find someone using a shirt with Hitler face, what would be your reaction?

Fire his ass off?
That guy caused a world war and killed millions of people.
Do you know who is Hitler?


If you're ok with people working with actual nazis, go ahead.
In my country, companies that did this were nationalized as punishment for collaborating.
I won't do business with companies who are ok working with actual nazis.
As a reminder if you are an actual nazi and disclose it in your immigration form you cannot enter the US.
It's not actually ok to be a nazi.
Why the fuck do I have to type that to begin with.

If I see Herman Goering in the credits of a movie I want to buy, I'll fucking not buy it and if I already bought it it's going into a dumpster and I'm actually going to put it on fire.

John is not a nazi. Calling him one undermines the struggle that many jewish ppl had to deal with. Real nazis have killed and committed many atrocities.


I think you would lost or keep your job based on performance. Policital / philosophical / whatever would be out of the equation. But yeah, that world does not and wont ever exist.

If someone is an extreme anti-semite who thinks the Nazis did nothing wrong, and their employer is Jewish, do you seriously think that employer would go "Well he's welcome to think whatever he wants to as long as he does a good job"?

And y'know what, fine, if you're some racist asshole but you keep it in your head and only share it with your super racist friends, that's fucked up but that's not exactly dangerous. Dangerous is when you have a big public platform and are like "Ehhh all these mudbloods are messing up our country's purity, maybe someone should do something."

The random racist on the street is probably my natural enemy, but as long as he doesn't directly threaten me he can do whatever he pleases. But dudes who get up and publicly preach this kind of shit can all get fucked


No, but maybe at least a week after it happened? I mean I guess it's only been 10 days, but it feels weirdly specific that this happened after they started to call them out.

So to clarify, you're under the impression that their hand was tipped and they don't really truly actually totally give two fucks about any of this business?


OMG.. Talk about overreaction.. Personal viewpoints should never ever have an affect on an effin' job..
I could not care less who is making the voices of a video game characther.. it could be Hitler, stalin and Mao and the whole of islamic state who was doing the voices and I would not care one bit as long as the voices are good and fit the character..
The world has gone sooo mad.. you have "freedom of speech", but if you say a single thing "wrong" online, even a personal opinion, then you can get fired, get thrown in jail and get your whole life destroyed in a few seconds.. political correctness is the root of this evil..
I will actually consider not buying the game now because of the crazy decision to completely remove someone's voice acting, because Playtonic doesn't agree with his personal opinions..

And I say all of this without knowing anything about the guy or what he said.. as that should never even matter in the first place..

How do people even still make posts like this.

Sorry that I'm out if the loop, only played a bit of Banjo Kazooie, but when people are "voice acting" here in this game do they have actual lines or are they just doing the "guluhahahlalahahlalalgialuhahah" thing?
No surprise that TheBitBlock doesn't approve

I think you would lost or keep your job based on performance. Policital / philosophical / whatever would be out of the equation. But yeah, that world does not and wont ever exist.

You are arguing for political opinion to be a protected class.

Not only is that completely idiotic but it also contradicts you being a self-described libertarian (which as an ideology would be in favor of having 0 protected classes).


John is not a nazi. Calling him one undermines the struggle that many jewish ppl had to deal with. Real nazis have killed and committed many atrocities.

He's an actual bonafide neo nazi, he's not that far off, he just lacks the means to perform the atrocities.
Fire his ass off?
That guy caused a world war and killed millions of people.
Do you know who is Hitler?

You don't understand, he doesn't care if people are Nazis

Hitler needs work too

John is not a nazi. Calling him one undermines the struggle that many jewish ppl had to deal with. Real nazis have killed and committed many atrocities.

Real Nazis in this day and age very often haven't killed people. What you're proposing is to kill off the idea of a Nazi, because Nazis still exist, and a person doesn't have to commit genocide to be a Nazi.
Lol at thinking you shouldn't lose your job over publically stating your vile philosophical ideals and it should be based on performance. As if your philosophy won't affect your work performance. What world do you live in where a racist running an HR department isn't going to let their racism affect how they view and conduct hiring?

What world do you live in where a racist supervisor wont discriminate against minorities in the work place. Performance isn't just writing code or pushing paper. If you think that, re-evaluate your world view.
Sorry that I'm out if the loop, only played a bit of Banjo Kazooie, but when people are "voice acting" here in this game do they have actual lines or are they just doing the "guluhahahlalahahlalalgialuhahah" thing?

From what I've seen in the videos, random guttural noises.


Ask me about the moon landing or the temperature at which jet fuel burns. You may be surprised at what you learn.
Most of these racist idiots dont realize what comes after Freedom of Speech... Consequences. I know that sounds like a grown up term foreign to these manbabies but its the reality.

You can think whatever you like, thats OK. You can say whatever you like, thats also OK but theres consequences to words.

Reminds me of someone I know who was trying to argue that theyre just words and shouldnt be taken too seriously. I said you dont get to decide the meaning behind a word, society as a whole did over a long period of time. Pretty sure hes a closet racist but too afraid to admit it to us minorities.


No, but maybe at least a week after it happened? I mean I guess it's only been 10 days, but it feels weirdly specific that this happened after they started to call them out.

You're quickly running out of rationalizations, but still pointing your complaint about the developer's decision in the same direction, which should tell you something about your underlying motivations.

You're upset because potentially, a developer reacted to their audience bringing up a social issue with a celebrity contribution to their game after they actively promoted white supremacy. You're afraid that maybe they were secretly forced into it, and didn't want to do it themelves. Think about that.
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