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Rocky 2 Is The Worst Sequel Ever Made (It's actually Highlander 2)

What is the worst sequel ever made?

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I know. I just hate Jennifer Lawrence.

I like Jennifer Lawrence but she's terrible in Apocalypse just like everyone and everything else in it.

I honestly might dislike it more than X-Men 3 because I like Apocalypse as a villain so much and he was just completely mishandled in every conceivable way in that movie. At least X-Men 3 has the excuse of being a production nightmare with Singer's departure and such.

Wtf? Hating on star trek v? People are out of their minds today.

What? Star Trek 5 is routinely considered one of the worst of the Trek movies. As someone who thinks it's a pretty bad Trek movie but a pretty good Kirk/Spock/McCoy story, I have been stuck half-heartedly defending that movie more times than I can count. It's a highly disliked film.


I know. I just hate Jennifer Lawrence.

Definitely not a highlight, yeah, and I hate how her popularity has caused them to push Mystique to the front of the series when she's a side villain at best.

I honestly might dislike it more than X-Men 3 because I like Apocalypse as a villain so much and he was just completely mishandled in every conceivable way in that movie. At least X-Men 3 has the excuse of being a production nightmare with Singer's departure and such.

In my book, ruining the Dark Phoenix Saga is a greater crime than ruining Apocalypse.



Butterfly in the sky. I can fly twice as high.


In my book, ruining the Dark Phoenix Saga is a greater crime than ruining Apocalypse.

I don't disagree, but they were (and are) never going to do the Dark Phoenix story right. I dread the next mainline X-film since Apocalypse clearly hints they're going to tackle that next, and I'm sure they'll screw it up in all new and disheartening ways. Telling the Dark Phoenix Saga properly would take at least two films, and Fox is just not willing to play that long game. Also the seeds planted in Apocalypse reveal they have no clue what the story is about or why it works.

They had a much better chance of simply nailing what's really a pretty straightforward villain with Apocalypse and couldn't even do that, so I find it far more disappointing than biffing a major storyline they never had a prayer of adapting properly in the first place.
Mortal Kombat: Annihilation is a worse sequel than Highlander 2.

It's not like it had that far to fall, either. And yet - it's like tripping on a curb and waking up next to the fucking core of the planet.

(Rocky IV and V are the worst sequels in the Rocky series)


Gold Member


This is truly the greatest atrocity to the original content there ever was.
Looks like I'm gonna have to cook up a post explaining to you impetuous, knee-jerk nipplehead whippersnappers why your beloved Rocky IV is one of the sweatiest pieces of shit in Stallone's bungee-corded career.

It'll be Part II to my True Lies blockbuster

You guys can argue if the sequel is the worst you've ever read.

It'll be great.
Threads like these make me want to cut people.

Rocky 2 is great. Highlander 2: The Quickening is awful. Highlander 5: Whatever is holding 2's hand and jumping off a cliff.


Mods doing the Lord's work.

There are plenty of bad sequels, but there aren't many that actively hate its predecessor.


I don't disagree, but they were (and are) never going to do the Dark Phoenix story right. I dread the next mainline X-film since Apocalypse clearly hints they're going to tackle that next, and I'm sure they'll screw it up in all new and disheartening ways. Telling the Dark Phoenix Saga properly would take at least two films, and Fox is just not willing to play that long game. Also the seeds planted in Apocalypse reveal they have no clue what the story is about or why it works.

They had a much better chance of simply nailing what's really a pretty straightforward villain with Apocalypse and couldn't even do that, so I find it far more disappointing than biffing a major storyline they never had a prayer of adapting properly in the first place.

That's a fair point, Apocalypse could have been handled relatively well, but there's no way Fox will ever get the set-up, follow-thru and payoff right to really nail the Phoenix saga, so... yeah.

I just assumed it would be god awful based on the response, and it wasn't even near the bottom of the barrel for the franchise... plus my shit-o-meter is all out of whack since I watched BvS.


Gold Member
It's one of the reasons I want there to be a good reboot. They can finally adapt the second half of the book properly.

With you on that.

That first movie was so good. The music, cinematography was just on fucking point. The scenes of Bastian in the book shop and in the school set the mood so fucking well.


Joe Dirt 2 is such a sad sequel that
A)it was straight to Crackle
B)they couldn't even get Kid Rock to return, and that man has no shame.

Completely undermines all of Murphy's character development throughout the first movie and reset him back to robot mode. Fun movie, but a terrible sequel.

Nope. Completely missed the point.

Robocop is about Murphy reclaiming his humanity.

Robocop 2 is him realizing that despite reclaiming said humanity - he can never go back to his old life. He becomes bitter AND more robotic because he thinks he has nothing left. He starts to act like a machine - subsequently getting his ass handed to him by Kane.

After getting rebuilt and nearly driven insane by OCP treating him like a machine, he pulls a desperate move to clear his head literally. He realizes his humanity is part of his strength and rallies the other cops to take down Kane together. He uses his ability to think like a human to do what no machine can do. His machine half is all logic and procedure - his human half is about intuition and cunning.

A machine would never have thought to try to drop Kane from a 10 story building, or lure Kane into a trap with the Nuke. Hell, he uses the power of continuity to remember "Hey, I've got this cannon from before I used on ED-209, probably good if I bring that along."

There's a reason the last line of the movie is "Patience Lewis. We're only human."


Fucking seriously OP?

Every single Rocky other than 5 is an entertaining movie at the very least. 5 is such terrible shit that it isn't even entertaining. I just pretend that it doesn't exist, to be honest.

Also, people hating on IV... smfh. It's probably the most outright entertaining one in the series, even if it isn't as high quality.
Also, people hating on IV... smfh. It's probably the most outright entertaining one in the series

If you're entertained by things like

Warrant videos


Watching dogs take a shit

Then yeah. Rocky IV is entertaining.

If you actually enjoy the characters of Rocky Balboa and Apollo Creed, though, then it is suddenly a hell of a lot less entertaining.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Lethal Weapon 3 is pretty terrible. When is the last time you heard someone say "Lethal Weapon 3 is my favorite..."
You're wrong. It had the best training montage in the entire series.

How can you call it the worst sequel of all time when in the same series you have Rocky V?

Rocky 2 is one of the three good movies in the series next to the original and Balboa. The rest are cringey crap.
How dare you. 4 has the best training montage and training montage music.


Rocky 2 isn't even the worst Rocky film in the franchise, let alone the worst sequel ever made (Batman & Robin, Son of the Mask, Blues Brothers 2000, Terminator Genisys, Cars 2). One could say the same for Highlander 2 not being the worst in its own series when the Highlander franchise has films like Endgame or The Source to offer but Highlander 2 is a legitimately terrible film in its own right whereas Rocky 2 is a logical continuation of the series before the 3rd and 4th films raised the series to its goofiest heights, Rocky 5 crashed it into the ground, Rocky Balboa salvaging it and Creed starting off fresh.

Creed > Rocky > Balboa > 2 > 4 > 3 > 5.


No way, Rocky 2 is good stuff...I think you meant to say (assuming we're only talking 2nd movies in a series) A Christmas Story 2, Highlander 2, Thor 2, Exorcist 2, Transformers 2 or Speed 2.


Bish loves my games!

Completely undermines all of Murphy's character development throughout the first movie and reset him back to robot mode. Fun movie, but a terrible sequel.

I don't know, maybe because HE IS PART FREAKING ROBOT. I don't get the Robocop 2 hate. That last fight is epic. Plus Tom Noonan.
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