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STRAFE® |OT| REAL. BLOODY. FUN (also bleeding edge graphics and gameplay circa 1996)


Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
I think the most satisfying part for me so far is crowd surfing over hordes of enemies and then unloading the shotgun secondary and watching the carnage play out. It gives me that ghost train power pellet feeling from Pacman CE.

WAT!!!!!! You can jump on top of hordes????


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
Can you turn the stupid helmet off and lower the FOV from that ridiculous fishcam?
Is this game even playable with a controller? I don't have a m+k setup rn

I know controllers are supported but how viable is it

If you're ok playing BACKPEDAL® instead of STRAFE®, gamepad is probably workable. Most enemies can be baited, but some of the enemies in World 2 are extra fast and make backpedalling a less-than-effective strategy. Also some of the ranged enemies later on are harder to deal with if you, say, have a shotgun, and need to close the distance. I'm not personally a big fan of controllers in fast-paced FPS games, but if that's your thing, then maybe you can make it work.

Dice said:
Can you turn the stupid helmet off and lower the FOV from that ridiculous fishcam?
The HUD (Helmet) can be scaled so only the very edge of the bottom mask is visible, where the Ammo and health counters are. FOV can be scaled down if fisheye ain't your thing, but even at the lowest setting its still larger than what you often find on console games.


I really hope they are up to fixing and adding some stuff. It could be a great game is more work is put into it.

Needs more weapon impact, enemy sounds (so they arent sneaking up on you) and so on..
I really hope they are up to fixing and adding some stuff. It could be a great game is more work is put into it.

Needs more weapon impact, enemy sounds (so they arent sneaking up on you) and so on..

Yeah, I said earlier that I'd refund it, but they patched a bunch of stuff pretty fast. If they keep up this trend, it could turn out to be a decent game. I'll let them keep my $20 for now.
Gamecentral reviewed it today, they gave it 4/10.


Not the quake I was looking for it seems. :/

Dusk is the Quake you're looking for ;)

The update helps, especially with having enemy audio so you don't get killed off screen. Weapons don't sound as puny. I still wish they would just cut out fall damage entirely. For a game where you can jump around and on top of enemies' heads, it doesn't make sense.

STRAFE Patch 1:
We are working hard to address issues players are running into and are committed to fixing everything we can as quick as possible. Please bear with us and continue emailing us the issues you run into.

We're aiming to have the next one up in a couple days.

• Increased the height that triggers fall damage
• Halved the fall damage
• Increased health in first zone (ICARUS)
• Increased range of FOV (60-120)
• Fixed issue disallowing certain systems from using all available resolutions
• Weapon sounds are louder
• Fixed bug with weapon inventory
• Fixed problems with level geometry that could cause players to get stuck
• Fixed bug causing a secret gun to not fire
• Fixed bug causing secret gun to rarely not appear
• Raised and lowered the extremes on mouse sensitivity
• Fixed issues that could cause all enemies to freeze
• Removed self damage from three of the player’s primary fire (Flak,Rebound,LMG)
• Fixed volume of music in zone 3 (THE BURBS)
• Adjusted audio mixer to a better balance
• Adjusted some audio to have better spatialization
• Fixed bug that stopped some enemies from making their sound effects as intended
• Glowbrite pursue sounds
• Turret footsteps have better proximity
• Carrier footsteps sounds
• Adjustment to Glutton proximity alert
• Fixed bug that stopped item descriptions from showing in the merchant
• Fixed bug that stopped the player from navigating the inventory with the mouse
• Improved reliability for some minor secret activations
• Fixed in game achievement tracking from showing the correct achievement

It might not have been in the past, but a very large number of popular games in the genre today offer some kind of persistent progress. It's one of the things that has greatly improved the genre IMO.

If you get teleporter parts and find the teleporters in certain zones, you can get shortcuts to later worlds.
The MURDERZONE game mode also lets you unlock persistent stuff (but it's only for that game mode and not the main campaign)

I think that most reviewers didn't know this was a roguelike or didn't want it to be one, so they are kinda punishing the game for it. Also, I've seen complaints about levels and enemies being samey looking, things that really change once you get to later worlds, so I dunno if the people complaining about them didn't get there or didn't care.
I dislike the weapon sounds though, they screwed up on that front.
If you get teleporter parts and find the teleporters in certain zones, you can get shortcuts to later worlds.
The MURDERZONE game mode also lets you unlock persistent stuff (but it's only for that game mode and not the main campaign)

I think that most reviewers didn't know this was a roguelike or didn't want it to be one, so they are kinda punishing the game for it. Also, I've seen complaints about levels and enemies being samey looking, things that really change once you get to later worlds, so I dunno if the people complaining about them didn't get there or didn't care.
I dislike the weapon sounds though, they screwed up on that front.

I would love some sort of equippable "mod" or something that you can buy/earn/collect to take with you in each run, similar to how you choose a starting weapon. A little bit of persistence, but not a long laundry list of buffs to make the game super easy. Just to give each run a bit more flavor, a bit more variation. The mod could even come with downsides to partially counteract its benefits to provide some risk-reward decision making.

-Weapons found in the world start with twice the ammunition, but you get 50% fewer main ammo drops (or ammo costs twice as much in the converter).
-Start with a double jump, but take 30% more damage from acid
-Faster Run speed, but slower reload speed
-Ability to slow down time, but take a small amount of damage each time the ability is used (possibly ramping up damage the more you use it in each level).
-Cloaking ability that uses ammo as fuel
-Ability to respawn once, but all health dispensers are out of order (you can still buy armor and use the Regen ability)
-Slowly regenerate ammo, but can't use weapon upgrade stations.

So still an "FU this is a Rogue-like" feel, but with more options and a minor sense of progression.
I wish there was a way to find out where the last enemies are of a level to stop the music. Or has someone found a way to get the music to stop that I've missed, is it not just enemies?

Funny thing is, in Murderzone mode, the game tells you directly where the last enemies of a wave are.

I still believe there is too little health in levels, it'll just be the one time you get to replenish it with food. Armor is fine, but it can go away quickly with a couple of mistakes. With low health, I'm playing this way more defensive than what the game advertises itself as.

Black Canyon is way more fun cause of the open spaces, Icarus is too claustrophobic as an opening world which causes problems when you have hallways with hordes just rushing you.
I would love some sort of equippable "mod" or something that you can buy/earn/collect to take with you in each run, similar to how you choose a starting weapon. A little bit of persistence, but not a long laundry list of buffs to make the game super easy. Just to give each run a bit more flavor, a bit more variation. The mod could even come with downsides to partially counteract its benefits to provide some risk-reward decision making.

-Weapons found in the world start with twice the ammunition, but you get 50% fewer main ammo drops (or ammo costs twice as much in the converter).
-Start with a double jump, but take 30% more damage from acid
-Faster Run speed, but slower reload speed
-Ability to slow down time, but take a small amount of damage each time the ability is used (possibly ramping up damage the more you use it in each level).
-Cloaking ability that uses ammo as fuel
-Ability to respawn once, but all health dispensers are out of order (you can still buy armor and use the Regen ability)
-Slowly regenerate ammo, but can't use weapon upgrade stations.

So still an "FU this is a Rogue-like" feel, but with more options and a minor sense of progression.

I'd love that kind of thing too. I guess they wanted to make it as true to the roguelike formula as possible, so they went with almost zero persistence outside of the MURDERZONE mode.
They are obviously open to suggestions though, since that last patch tweaked a ton of stuff.


So the first time I played I picked the machinegun, pulled this lever:
and got some big energy gun. Tried shooting it in the first lvl and it gave me an achimvment for beating the game and sent me to the credits!? wtf
So the first time I played I picked the machinegun, pulled this lever:

and got some big energy gun. Tried shooting it in the first lvl and it gave me an achimvment for beating the game and sent me to the credits!? wtf

That's apparently the preorder bonus....


Pretty cheeky.
Some impressions for the curious!

I've been waiting for this to come out for so long. I was concerned over the mixed reviews. Well, played it for a couple of hours and so far I think it's great. A couple hours isn't a lot of time, but I definitely want to play more.

I grew up playing Wolfenstein 3d, Doom, Quake / 2 / 3, Serious Sam, etc. This game takes a bit from all of those and wraps it in a difficult roguelike. I'm not sure how 'fair' it is yet, but so far all enemies have been melee or projectile, no hitscan yet, so there's usually time to get out of the way. It definitely has an old school sort of feel. I get strong Serious Sam vibes when I'm strafe kiting a group of mobs and shoot a grenade in the middle. The combat feels more like Serious Sam to me than any of the others.

This game does one of my favorite things that you don't see that often in games - totally persistent bullet casings / bodies / decals / gibs / shrapnel / etc. I hate it when games make that stuff quickly disappear. Something about that just feels great, like your actions are actually impacting the world. It's a great way to figure out if you've been somewhere before too.

There seems to be lots of little charming touches around the game which add to it's flavor.

I'm on a Core i7-2600, 16GB RAM, GeForce GTX 760, Win 10, 1920x1080 @ 8x anti-aliasing. Runs fine so far (60 fps) except when level generation is happening behind the scenes (I presume that's what's happening).


Neo Member
I was really excited for this game and backed it, but it turned out to be a huge tank of shit.

+10000 to what every other sensible person has said: Backwards Walking Simulator 2017.

Guns feel like crap, everything is Unity floaty, it all sucks.

Very disappointing.


I like the game quite a bit, but I understand the complaints about weapon feel.

Never did feel like the roguelike elements worked for it; one of the key elements of Quake is that it's great because of the bespoke level design. I'm never gonna agree with any of my friends who are making roguelikes that that's the way to go. I get why they want to do it, but I'm always going to prefer games with bespoke level design.

Still no release date on this though, right?

When we were chillin earlier this year, Dave let it slip, but told me not to tell anyone.

Sooner than you think tho.
Ok, so beat the game, but then got stuck in the Athena after the final "boss". Had to off myself to end the round. This was a shotgun run, but a Machine Gun run would have probably gone smoother. I was actually down to 1 health and no armor in this run (on Level 3 no less), but thanks to the Regen mod, was able to claw my way back. It was pretty tense for a while there though, and I almost gave up.

Final Tally

Overall it's a fun game, and not too insanely hard once you get a feel for enemy patterns and get a few upgrades. Some of the weapon upgrades, especially with the Machine Gun, are really fun and change up the game for the better.

But the bugs man....I've had 3 out of 7 runs fail because I got physically stuck in geometry, which is far, FAR more deflating than dying to an enemy. Might dip into the Murder Zone a bit, but I also might just put the game down for a while until it gets a few more patches. Don't regret buying the game, I got my money's worth out of it, especially since I typically don't finish rogue-likes. I do hope the game improves and finds more success in the future though.


Dusk is the Quake you're looking for ;)


Also check out Unloved if you want a DOOM like rougelike that scratches the same sort of itch this game tries to but...better I guess? Haven't played this yet, but although Unloved feels like a game that was made on a $20 budget the dude has a ton of experience doing making DOOM mappacks and so him taking his experience there and transplanting it here while threadbare is still very solid. Also, 4 player coop!
I'm watching some footage of this on YouTube and it looks really good, but I'll join the chorus of wishing it had proper level design instead of being procedurally generated. It generally looks very fun though, but I'd be getting it on PS4 so I will probably wait for a few patches to drop first.


I'm watching some footage of this on YouTube and it looks really good, but I'll join the chorus of wishing it had proper level design instead of being procedurally generated. It generally looks very fun though, but I'd be getting it on PS4 so I will probably wait for a few patches to drop first.
I want a proc-gen FPS that has great gameplay. Having it different every time is much more fun than doing the same levels over and over IMO.
I want a proc-gen FPS that has great gameplay. Having it different every time is much more fun than doing the same levels over and over IMO.

I'm more like you, but there are a lot of people out there that thrive on mastering the familiar. Then again I was also one of those weirdos that played NMS for 200 hours and enjoyed himself, so what do I know ;)

It's also not like STRAFE's levels are minecraft-esque in their levels of randomness. They're more like mix and match rooms/areas glued together in different ways each time. You see some familiar rooms (and certainly structures) each time, but I also saw new rooms/areas every time I played. This newness is why I generally enjoy, or at least don't mind the more random elements of rogue-likes.

But to each their own.
I played a World 1 level where I couldn't figure out where to go at all - the only thing I could see was a locked blue door with no conceivable way to open it. I could hear mobs behind the door but I couldn't get to them. What are you supposed to do in this case?

I'm not a fan of their map. It's really low res, the angle is weird, and the animation to toggle it just doesn't look good. Same with the inventory, it's a display inside your helmet but it does this weird slow zoom thing, it's way too slow. Those buttons should quickly toggle overlays.
I wouldn't mind reload as much if it just happened faster. Not like animation speed but starting delay. If you fire the last bullet, it doesn't automatically reload. It waits for you to dry fire, THEN it reloads. The game should just start the reload when bullets hit 0, since that's the only thing you'd ever want to do when you have no bullets, there is no downside to doing it. It's a dumb thing and they should change it. Make it a toggleable gameplay option even.
Uh huh


Please indie FPS makers, get away from this trend. Not all of us are gagging for roguelike elements in every genre.

The problem is that having lots of varied levels that are well designed and have a variety of settings and visuals is expensive, time consuming, and difficult.

making it a "randomly generated" game fixes all that because you just build lots of little building blocks for your engine to put together and it takes a fraction of the time and creative talent. You also get very bland samey feeling levels that have no interesting hooks or flow.

The Real Abed

Yeah, personally I would have rather the levels and story be set in stone and it be more like DOOM or Quake were. I love random levels as much as the next guy, Spelunky is still king IMHO, but it doesn't need to be in every genre.

The thing about DOOM and Quake are how you can play the levels over and over, learn the layout, the placement of the enemies, and try and beat them faster and faster and more efficiently over time. I've played through every episode of DOOM, DOOM II and Final DOOM (On Brutal DOOM) so many times I almost know where everything is. And I love it.


Uh huh


Please indie FPS makers, get away from this trend. Not all of us are gagging for roguelike elements in every genre.
Did you actually click the link before the smartass gif treatment? It's literally a doom 2 mod rougelike that the mod creator split off into its own game, and the game still bears a ton of that doom gameplay design feel because of it. It's a rather old mod too, so it's not like dude was just trend jumping for easy cash.
The problem is that having lots of varied levels that are well designed and have a variety of settings and visuals is expensive, time consuming, and difficult.

making it a "randomly generated" game fixes all that because you just build lots of little building blocks for your engine to put together and it takes a fraction of the time and creative talent. You also get very bland samey feeling levels that have no interesting hooks or flow.

Yup. I know why it's a popular way to make games for indie devs. I just prefer indie FPSs that are bespoke like the recent Signal From Tolva, Superhot, or Desync.

Did you actually click the link before the smartass gif treatment? It's literally a doom 2 mod rougelike that the mod creator split off into its own game, and the game still bears a ton of that doom gameplay design feel because of it. It's a rather old mod too, so it's not like dude was just trend jumping for easy cash.

Dude, why are you talking about makeup? It's roguelike lol. And yeah, I'm turned off just by that word. I've given enough roguelike games a try, just that alone is a dealbreaker to me. No matter what base it's built on. Sorry.
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