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Resident Evil Community |OT2| Best Fans Ever!

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
Huh. So I get those emails from RE.net about those quizes they hold, most of the time they're not anything special, just kind of dorky stuff, and today's was too but it made me think on something I hadn't thought of before.

Brad Vickers is the only RE character to appear in all three of the original RE games, huh? I mean I knew that technically I guess, I just had never thought about it and it's a bit strange the development teams behind these games decided to move Brad into each RE game.

I mean the reasoning is obvious enough, Brad is the only non-main RE character to escape the initial Mansion incident. So probably in RE2 they snuck him in as an, "awww, Brad..." sort of deal, and then in RE3 decided to show how he died and gives a way for Nemesis to demonstrate his S.T.A.R.S. mission and twisted tentacle killing without killing anyone major. So from that angle it makes a lot of sense why he appears in all three, he was the 'easily disposable' survivor from the original game. But now I find myself curious what went down when they were deciding to include Brad in RE2 and RE3.

Also this reminds me I kind of wish the series would be more willing to kill its darlings. The series is about people coming out of terrifying situations, I do understand that. But the series is very apprehensive to killing its darlings, which I do understand as killing them off will piss off some fans and turn some people away from the series. But I think doing risky moves like that can benefit a story about constant deadly danger, especially as when we start having reoccurring characters we have characters who have literally survived and beaten several major incidents involving monsters, villains, and various dangers. Chris and LEon are the two most reoccurring characters, canonically just in the games and CG films (I'm not delving into things like the mangas or stage plays or whatever) we know of nine incidents Chris has survived so far, and seven incidents Leon has survived.

I also kind of like the series being goofy with that and having reoccurring characters, but I am curious how the series might be if it decided to kill darlings every once in a while. At this point in time, the only 'darling' character the series has killed really is Albert Wesker. And even then, though they killed him they won't let him die (but I'm okay with that and how they've handled it actually, though curious where that odd Umbrella Corps plot point is eventually going to lead to).
The question is who makes an in game appearance in the original 3 games, but if I recall correctly you never actually get an appearance of Brad in RE1, just his voice.


Question about Coda Veronica HD (the remaster at 720p with new lighting):

What are the differences between PS3 and 360?

Poor fps? Bad controls? Or they are the *same* port for both the systems?

In terms of gameplay, they should be exactly the same (although the 360 controller's D-pad is ass, and you want to play CVX with a D-pad). As far as graphics go, I remember hearing somebody (maybe CVXfreak? Not sure) say there were noticeable visual differences between the two versions, and that the X360 version looked better. I don't remember exactly what was said, though. I've only ever played the PS3 version, so I can't say for sure, myself.


The question is who makes an in game appearance in the original 3 games, but if I recall correctly you never actually get an appearance of Brad in RE1, just his voice.

They were probably counting Brad's appearance in REmake (he appears briefly in the intro, I believe). They used the REmake versions of Enrico and Jill for their character pics in the Email, after all.


Also this reminds me I kind of wish the series would be more willing to kill its darlings. The series is about people coming out of terrifying situations, I do understand that. But the series is very apprehensive to killing its darlings, which I do understand as killing them off will piss off some fans and turn some people away from the series. But I think doing risky moves like that can benefit a story about constant deadly danger, especially as when we start having reoccurring characters we have characters who have literally survived and beaten several major incidents involving monsters, villains, and various dangers. Chris and LEon are the two most reoccurring characters, canonically just in the games and CG films (I'm not delving into things like the mangas or stage plays or whatever) we know of nine incidents Chris has survived so far, and seven incidents Leon has survived.

Capcom had a perfect occasion to kill Chris in RE6, with Piers being his successor (a military dude, a successful BSAA agent, a marksman). But nope, in the end Chris survived and - while loosing his entire team once again - returned to his positive "we have to keep fighting for the future" self.

They were probably counting Brad's appearance in REmake (he appears briefly in the intro, I believe). They used the REmake versions of Enrico and Jill for their character pics in the Email, after all.

I don't remember Brad being visible in the intro, not even for a split-second.


Capcom had a perfect occasion to kill Chris in RE6, with Piers being his successor (a military dude, a successful BSAA agent, a marksman). But nope, in the end Chris survived and - while loosing his entire team once again - returned to his positive "we have to keep fighting for the future" self.

I don't remember Brad being visible in the intro, not even for a split-second.

To be fair. Piers taking chris' mantle would be pretty shit


To be fair. Piers taking chris' mantle would be pretty shit

Nah, I don't think so, and I'm saying it as a post-RE5 Chris fan. It's just that Capcom doesn't really have where to go with Chris now. He's constantly the "I have to protect my teammates" guy (while constantly failing at it; even in Revelations Jill and Parker eventually saved themselves from that drowning room >_>) and nothing else. Maybe they will do something new with the RE7 dlc.


Nah, I don't think so, and I'm saying it as a post-RE5 Chris fan. It's just that Capcom doesn't really have where to go with Chris now. He's constantly the "I have to protect my teammates" guy and nothing else. Maybe they will do something new with the RE7 dlc.

Eh, piers as a character wasn't even that generally well received. If you're gonna have someone replace a character. That's like one of the first things you need to do.


To be fair. Piers taking chris' mantle would be pretty shit

Eh, piers as a character wasn't even that generally well received. If you're gonna have someone replace a character. That's like one of the first things you need to do.

He may not have been liked by you Jaw, but Piers has a lot of fans. He is pretty much everywhere in the fandom. You've got your fan art (including lewds), you've got your parodies, you've got your tumblers, and I'm sure there's plenty of fan fiction for him.

To say he was not well received is a complete misnomer.
I knew it! Here's REmake's intro: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=AL0gQgdaRrk

Brad is visible and talking to Chris around 0:40 in the video.
I'm such an RE nerd. :p

Question states original games though.

He may not have been liked by you Jaw, but Piers has a lot of fans. He is pretty much everywhere in the fandom. You've got your fan art (including lewds), you've got your parodies, you've got your tumblers, and I'm sure there's plenty of fan fiction for him.

To say he was not well received is a complete misnomer.

Piers only got popular as a potential power bottom to Chris. As his own character he doesn't seem popular at all.


He may not have been liked by you Jaw, but Piers has a lot of fans. He is pretty much everywhere in the fandom. You've got your fan art (including lewds), you've got your parodies, you've got your tumblers, and I'm sure there's plenty of fan fiction for him.

To say he was not well received is a complete misnomer.

I mean everyone get's fan art. Even steve gets fan art, but I don't think anyone here would have wanted him to take Leon's place.
You can have fans and still not be in a position to take such a mantle. Piers would need more build up than he got in RE6 to really be in a position for a passing of torches.


Question states original games though.

It uses the REmake versions of Jill and Enrico for their pics, though. Either they're counting REmake as another version of RE1, they're counting Brad's voice in RE1 as an "appearance", or the question doesn't make any sense and Capcom is dumb. All three are equally possible.

Also, I liked Piers. :/
Capcom had a perfect occasion to kill Chris in RE6, with Piers being his successor (a military dude, a successful BSAA agent, a marksman). But nope, in the end Chris survived and - while loosing his entire team once again - returned to his positive "we have to keep fighting for the future" self.

It wouldn't surprise me if the BSAA just gave Chris soldiers they wanted to get rid of anyway at this point.

BSAA Captain: "You're next assignment: Globetrotting with Captain Redfield"

Soldier: "FUCK!"


Piers was okay, I wasn't too fond at first but started to warm up to him, especially when he started to stop taking his big baby partners shit.

He was no Jake and Sherry though who were the only characters in RE6 I enjoyed but he was still alright.
I wouldn't have mind Piers, it was an okay character. He should have at least appeared in 2 games to develop the character though (if he was a succesor to Chris)


I wouldn't have mind Piers, it was an okay character. He should have at least appeared in 2 games to develop the character though (if he was a succesor to Chris)

Yeah. I don't think you can have any sort of worthwhile succesor and only give them one game to take such a mantle.


Brad had better be in RE2make as a zombie to kill again. I trust Capcom to remember this. Also, make sure he has a huge hole in his throat/face from Nemesis' hand.

Piers seems cool to me, I haven't played all of RE6 and not on PC yet, but I thought he was fine based on watching the entire story. He at least got a heroic definitive exit instead of getting Carlos or Billy'd.

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
I actually ended up quite liking Piers. I think he worked as a great foil to Chris in RE6, but is an interesting enough character on his own. Chris & Piers Campaign in RE6 I think is the most 'military' thing in the whole series, even in other entries with the BSAA it feels more like an organization rather than some military group. I think RE6 is the first game to capture te BSAA as the 'military' unit they are/were, and Piers is kind of the most 'military man' character in the whole series, he kind of reminds me of a more developed version of the militia you meet in RE3. But he has a strong sense of duty and obviously had a lot of respect for Chris, but due to how Chris is in RE6 gives him a lot of tough love to snap him back but does choose not to abandon him even when Piers is begrudged with him. Chris and Piers story is actually the only story chunk in RE6 I actually fully enjoyed, even though I think Jake and Sherry are overall the better characters to come from it (but their 'plot' is rather simple, and I simply don't like Leon or Ada's story in RE6 despite liking the characters). Piers kind of seems like a jerk in a lot of RE6, but with good reason as he needs to be to snap Chris back into it, and it's only towards the end when Chris snaps back that Piers begins to reveal more of his likable side, and ultimately how much he'd be willing to sacrifice for his team and (in the cheesy RE way) the world. The lesson he was trying to remind Chris the whole game that he has a responsibility to those who died under him to see things through, and to demonstrates this and how seriously he means his message he makes the call to do sacrifice himself for the greater good (and entrust Chris to continue to do what's best for the world and remind him Chris has a duty to uphold)..

I couldn't see Piers taking Chris' place, but I did like the character. I also am not fully convinced he's dead, if the fucking Resident Evil series teaches me anything if you don't actually see a character's absolute death then they may not be dead. But I kind of also doubt they'l ever bring him back (since at this point he'd be a B.O.W. or whatever, though I admit for a one-off thing having a heroic B.O.W. in Piers might be kind of cool to see, it'd be dumb but I think in-line with the series natural dumbness).


Piers was never coming back either way. Hunnigan is the only post RE2 character to make a return in a later game (as far as I can tell).


Piers was never coming back either way. Hunnigan is the only post RE2 character to make a return in a later game (as far as I can tell).

There's also Krauser (although the Operation Javier was a prequel to RE4) and... That's it? Shit, Capcom is really bad with them introducing new characters and then forgetting all about them :/

Edit: what Golnei said.


I had to look up Operation Javier (never played Darkside Chronicles) that's certainly better than all the other characters. I know he was also in the Mercs standalone game as he helped a lot in the requirements to Rebecca's alt, but ehhh I wasn't sure I wanted to count that as it doesn't really expand on him as a character.

Man, Capcom have a ton of Resident Evil characters, with costumes to go with them, incredible third-person shooter mechanics with RE6, and a huge list of locations. I feel like it's time... for another standalone mercenaries game.

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
Technically Piers pops up in Revelations 2 as well, but that's very technical as it's just an email by him.

Though by that same logic, Clive O'Brian from Revelations 1 and Alyssa Ashcroft both had light callbacks in Resident Evil 7.

Nikolai Zinoviev from Resident Evil 3 has the same fate as you find notes by him in Resident Evil Zero.

Parker from Revelations 1 also appeared in the recent Resident Evil: Heavenly Island film, which is canon. For some reason the Resident Evil Revelations characters like to make odd cameos it seems.


Nope. CVX is a PS2 to PS4 classic. The only thing we'll see of CVX is probably the game hitting backwards compatibility on Xbox One. Might be awhile until we get physical copies and the game on PC.

That straight up fucking sucks. CVX is one of my favorites. I want an upscaled PS4 version Capcom you hack fraud fucks.


That straight up fucking sucks. CVX is one of my favorites. I want an upscaled PS4 version Capcom you hack fraud fucks.

It is upscaled, runs aT 1280*960 as opposed to 640*480 on PS2. Having replayed the HD release on PS3 I'd say the PS4 version falls down in terms of the 4:3 aspect ratio, lack of dynamic shadows and non-HD interface, but overall doesn't look much worse as it runs at a comparable resolution and actually has a decent brightness level. That said the EU PS4 version is fucked due to weird 50hz issues, avoid that one completely.
Man, Capcom have a ton of Resident Evil characters, with costumes to go with them, incredible third-person shooter mechanics with RE6, and a huge list of locations. I feel like it's time... for another standalone mercenaries game.
I'va said this a few times. Don't know how Capcom hasn't done that already, unless they are making a surprise reveal at E3 or TGS (wishful thinking)


So how do you guys feel regarding the RE movie reboot news? Didn't take long huh. :p

It doesn't really surprise me at all.

In other words, the cynical part of me is of the mind that no matter how much Capcom may try to push Monster Hunter in the west in the next few years (including letting Anderson get his mitts on the movie rights, next), it won't go over nearly as well as Capcom may hope. So, in that respect alone, already having RE's movie future in cinema decided makes a lot of sense, if you're Capcom. No reason to put all your cinematic eggs in one basket, in any case.
Reboot cannot be worse than what we've been getting.

If they ditch the superpower shit, great, if they don't, we've lost nothing.

Hoping they use game characters as main stars, and not just characters stealing their names like we've been getting.


Reboot cannot be worse than what we've been getting.

If they ditch the superpower shit, great, if they don't, we've lost nothing.

Hoping they use game characters as main stars, and not just characters stealing their names like we've been getting.
Yep that's what I want most. Give the fans of the game something more to enjoy rather than just cameos. Even if the stories are their own thing.

Like to me. If they wanna keep the whole action thing. I'd make the first movie with a lot of the main cast (Jill, Chris, etc) and set Wesker early as the villain. They want to do another six film series again. So write out a rough outline (rather than just writing a movie whenever a retconning the last) and go from there.

Even with a small budget, they could do a lot to make a bit of a universe that carries a little bit of weight. Kind of like howthe original movie teased Nemesis and what not. They need to do more of that sort of thing.

So the first movie is based of RE1 and we get the whole "oh shit Wesker is alive, and then some sort of tease to RE2 and so on.

You don't gotta follow things 100% obviously. But that goes a long way in keeping the audience interested in sequels. The fact that RE:TFC basically ignored the end of RE:5 I think just pissed a lot of people off

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
Apparently the live-action RE movies are getting a reboot.

Details such as the reboot director, stars, and how the reboot would fit into the franchise narrative are being kept under wraps. But Martin Moszkowicz, chairman of the board at Constantin Film, did confirm to Variety at the Cannes Film Festival that a reboot is in development at the giant German production company, which owns rights to the franchise and has produced all of its installments.


James Wan is confirmed to be the producer. With how quickly the news is dropibg. We might see a new film in 2-3 years. Also maybe this hints at them trying to do a horror film, since that is where most of his producing credits lie.
James Wan is confirmed to be the producer. With how quickly the news is dropibg. We might see a new film in 2-3 years. Also maybe this hints at them trying to do a horror film, since that is where most of his producing credits lie.
Wow, that's great to hear, I like The Conjuring, Saw and Insidious.

There may be hope.


James Wan is confirmed to be the producer. With how quickly the news is dropibg. We might see a new film in 2-3 years. Also maybe this hints at them trying to do a horror film, since that is where most of his producing credits lie.

While a well known producer is good it usually dont mean shit if they cant find a good director and writer.
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