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If fighting games want to be mainstream esports, they need less fanservice

So, with Street Fighter, I don't find it strange that a bunch of muscular, fit, colorful, confident, aggressive characters would choose to dress in such a way that they show their bodies off. What we don't need is the camera sailing up their assholes.
This is key. You can have fanservice that's not totally classless, there are levels to this.
When I learned the term back in the early '90s due to anime, I learned it basically as "a scene or element added to a piece of media that isn't there to serve the narrative, but instead appeal to fans in a specific way". While some people assign that strictly to things related to sex, that can be "showy" alt outfits, panty shots, the ending of Legend of Korra, a cameo by a certain character, and plenty of other things.

I've seen no reason to change that definition over the course of my life, so that's how I'd still define it.

That's great. I get that there are basically two different definitions of what fanservice is, and that you have a desire to "take it back" so to speak. But this is just a dumb argument mired in semantics. One can probably contextually determine which "fanservice" we're talking about, and it's clear what's being discussed right now.


Oh, she's definitely used for fanservice. I'm saying the outfit is fine, but the posing, the photography, the lingering on certain parts of her body, is less so.

I can totally see, besides fanservice, a reasoning for the outfit. Her body is her weapon, she needs to be both flexible and aerodynamic.

Sure, she needs to be flexible and aerodynamic and yet:


A character who's body is also a weapon who is more flexible and more acrobatic than Cammy who doesn't need his ass or pectorals bulging out of his body. There is no reason for Cammy's design other than titillating the male straight gamer.
I'm still salty over the Juri redesign. Street Fighter's best design in years and then in SF5 they give her huge boobs and a skin tight body suit (with initial designs showing a v cut down the middle that went below her navel).


Just have a set of tournament clothes.
They could be form fitting like yoga pants.

Yoga pants makes everyone happy.


You're right, there is definitely no middleground to be found between Mika showing it all and keeping her whole self covered.

This must be one of the dumbest pictures I have seen on the internet.

I posted it for fun, ofc there's a middleground or maybe a tournament attire that can be used like other martial arts sports idk.
Just have a set of tournament clothes.
They could be form fitting like yoga pants.

Yoga pants makes everyone happy.

I don't know about sexy clothes, but all of them wearing the same tournament clothes would look boring to me.
I like to see them battle in different outfits.


Sure, she needs to be flexible and aerodynamic and yet:


A character who's body is also a weapon who is more flexible and more acrobatic than Cammy who doesn't need his ass or pectorals bulging out of his body. There is no reason for Cammy's design other than titillating the male straight gamer.

I'm not talking about need so much as plausible choices that the character could have made herself. I'm aware that she's not real and made no actual choices herself on a meta level. But creators have to have latitude to make choices for their characters, and I don't have a problem with a leotard when it's a real actual thing that a real actual acrobatic person can choose to wear.

I find Laura much more over the top, but I can also acknowledge that there are no doubt women who do dress like that in real life. I don't think all fanservice should be removed. I think we need (as I've already said) orders of magnitude less of it though.
Sexuality NO NO we can't have that on American TV. Violence turn that shit up.

I do like that we have Disney XD Cammy meme now like ESPN Mika.
Just create tournament Evo costumes that each character must use during top 8, but don't be lazy with it.. knowing Capcom they would just give the guys and girls some default costumes. Be creative, personally I think espn issue is cammy's super finisher.


Very simple solution next cap com pro tour bundle they offer e-sports outfit give it to the whole cat and the alternates would be colors of different nations.

There's already plenty of classy outfits in the game to choose from, so adding more doesn't solve the problem. ESPN's problem has been with the default outfits. Players already have enough to worry about being on the biggest stage in fighting games, and now they have to worry about choosing the right outfit for TV which is silly.

You don't get shots like this that often in beach volleyball.

Cammy's design has been around for 20+ years, and plenty of women identify with her character and dress up as her. The fault lies with Capcom for designing animations that focus on her crotch. We already seen them go back and fix her introduction animation, and later remove her nipples from her default costume, so those design decisions should be questioned, especially when you look at how they designed Chun Li, Juri, Laura, etc. for SFV.

ESPN is just looking out for their own best interests.
Right. But nobody is talking about removing characters. "Fergus, the Irish tekken player, only plays female characters. And he's not the only one." OK. The female characters are still there even if you impose restrictions on using the more risque outfits. The 99.9% of the time you're not playing the game at EVO, you can still use the characters and outfits you want.

Oh I get what you're saying, and I don't particularly disagree with you, however at the same time I see this as an Americanism, that wouldn't be required here.

In your mainstream, people can't curse, or be nude/sexual, but violence is fine.
CSI is nonstop corpse close-ups, but no nipple shots or "shits".

The MKX situation of tone down sex appeal, but increase gore, is actually quite fucked up.

The greatest Irony of all these things, is always when I travel to FG events, DoA has by far the most female entrants.


Seems perfectly fine to have the players just choose different costumes if ESPN is so picky about it. No need to change the entire game for everyone else because of one american tv station


Capcom simply needs to add free "Event standard" costumes that are both good looking and fit with the character to use at these tournaments.

Pretty simple really.

Valve has "low violence" models for Dota 2 in China - its enabled in China, but everywhere else gets the "full violence" models. I think that's the kind of thing that could happen for viewers.

Full crotch shots on Twitch and ESPN can have their censored version
Nope. Been 2 years, and some members of Gaf keep trying to sing this same tune.

SF5 has been on TV like 5 or 6 times already around the world.

Hate to break it to you, but fighting game esports are already being taken seriously.


I don't know about sexy clothes, but all of them wearing the same tournament clothes would look boring to me.
I like to see them battle in different outfits.

They don't have to be the same,
Jeans and a blouse looks good on women in real life too.
Not all clothes have to show cleavage and panties to look good.

It's just an extra set of clothes for mainstream appeal and for TV/advertisers.


Isn't the leotard sexier?

Anyway, ESPN shouldn't be allowed to tell players what to pick.

League of Legends is THE esports, and it has skins, but Riot doesn't tell the players to pick certain skins.


Nope. Been 2 years, and some members of Gaf keep trying to sing this same tune.

SF5 has been on TV like 5 or 6 times already around the world.

Hate to break it to you, but fighting game esports are already being taken seriously.

People are arguing about leotards and stuff, but the basic premise of this thread is a dud. Street Fighter having sexy costumes doesn't stop it from being on ESPN - so where is the argument in the first place? A more sensible or honest topic from the OP would've been a direct "I wish Street Fighter didn't have these sexy costumes", because the esports angle doesn't make much sense.

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
Isn't the leotard sexier?

Anyway, ESPN shouldn't be allowed to tell players what to pick.

League of Legends is THE esports, and it has skins, but Riot doesn't tell the players to pick certain skins.

League Of Legends also doesn't have the kind of camera angles that Street Fighter V has, though, right?
'Gamers' couldn't even admit Quiet was deliberately over-sexualized (to the point of absurdity) even when Kojima straight up admitted to it. For some reason people would rather die denying what's a blatantly obvious truth to any other human being who has a life outside the industry.

The hilariously hyperbolic and aggressive defenses from people on what should be a completely uncontroversial issue make me embarrassed to be a part of this community. The "If I can't have tits and ass then you might as well just ban games or put everyone in a burka" argument is so infantile that I struggle to understand how these kind of people cope with the realities of a modern workplace, let alone dating.

We always have to use kid gloves when discussing these topics because people get so upset by having their precious gaming safe-space intruded upon by people who believe women should have a place at the table. You realize how little developers think of you when they create this stuff, right? They're laughing their way to the bank as you go out of your way to defend something they intentionally made to exploit your childish predilections in the first place.


'Gamers' couldn't even admit Quiet was deliberately over-sexualized (to the point of absurdity) even when Kojima straight up admitted to it. For some reason people would rather die denying what's a blatantly obvious truth to any other human being who has a life outside the industry.

Im sorry, what?

Quiet is one of the most criticized and brutally mocked characters in the history of gaming.

People threat Quiet with less respect as a creation than actual honest to goodness fanservice characters for the sake of tits and ass.
Im sorry, what?

Quiet is one of the most criticized and brutally mocked characters in the history of gaming.

People threat Quiet with less respect as a creation than actual honest to goodness fanservice characters for the sake of tits and ass.

Are you serious? You can look in threads from this very year to see people still denying there was anything wrong with Quiet, let alone all the huge threads when the game was first being marketed and sold. People took that words and deeds shit to heart and refused to budge, "she has to wear that because she breathes through her skin lol".

This might be true in some communities today, but it was in no way the dominant discourse for a long, long time. That's how pathetic the gaming community can be. It can take years for us to admit to something as baseline and obvious as that.
I sort of doubt that the existence of fanservice is going to be the make or break point for someone when they consider if they want to start watching fighting game esports.

(in before "But it totally was for me.")


It's pretty interesting to see people say that fan service blocks fighters from being"real esports" then ignore all the fan service in mobas, games that already have tv contacts and multi-million dollar prize pools.

"That Cammy skin is scandalous, but I need to drop 300 for fire bikini DotA skin n this year's compendium!"

Fan service is not, not will ever be, the block.


League Of Legends also doesn't have the kind of camera angles that Street Fighter V has, though, right?
It does, just not in gameplay.

Still, there's a better argument for cinematic angles being a problem for televised esports then sexy models, especially in sf5 where the camera spends a great deal of time up shirts and down shirts. Hiring an actual fashion designer would help things. But again, none of that is a gate. If it we're, ESPN would be covering kof14 exclusively.
Fighting games don't need to stop leaning so hard into fanservice because of esports.

They need to do it because fanservicey designs generally just suck. Netherrealm realized this with MKX and their female designs suddenly went from laughably bad to actually pretty damn decent. Capcom hasn't gotten the message yet apparently.

They went from ugly and sexualized to the point of hilarious stupidity in MK9 to ugly and boring in MKX. I'd take the first option (Battle Strippers) any day.

I also think any comments about the 'practicality' of fighting game outfits are off-base. It is literally the last consideration I want designers to have. Aesthetic appeal is way more important.


I don't understand the hatred of Fan Service on GAF, Jesus Christ.

I can certainly agree some designs are a bit over the top (Quiet, MGS5), but Mika and Cammy have been eating those costumes for decades and nobody playing them gave a shit about ESPN

America's fear of sexuality/nudity compared to their love of violence is equally confusing to me


That's great. I get that there are basically two different definitions of what fanservice is, and that you have a desire to "take it back" so to speak. But this is just a dumb argument mired in semantics. One can probably contextually determine which "fanservice" we're talking about, and it's clear what's being discussed right now.

I never once brought up the definition of fan service myself, have no idea why I was expected to define it, and have zero concern for "taking it back". The only thing I cared about was who is or isn't part of the conversation so often due to people's stereotyping.
Do they also ask football and basketball teams to remove the cheerleaders? Because that's fanservice too.

Except the difference here is a Cheerleader is not the primary focus during a televised event...

Now if you argued "why do they air the Lingerie Football league, but hate this idea?" You'd have an argument... (i dont know if they ever aired the Lingirie football league, but it makes my point)
I think it's weird how much more perved out SF5 is vs SF4. I also don't get why they can't make a CPT mode that locks out stages and costumes and has CPT rules built in.

They could keep the softcore stuff they enjoy making while still making something that can be broadcast without a sexual content warning.

Having said that, real sports have cheerleaders in bikini tops and boy shorts gyrating whenever they go to a commercial break so I question how truly ruinous women in sexy costumes can be.


I don't understand the hatred of Fan Service on GAF, Jesus Christ.

I can certainly agree some designs are a bit over the top (Quiet, MGS5), but Mika and Cammy have been eating those costumes for decades and nobody playing them gave a shit about ESPN

America's fear of sexuality/nudity compared to their love of violence is equally confusing to me

Again, the whole fear of sexuality while promoting violence thing is reductionist and not an effective argument at all. Both gratuitous violence and objectification have negative effects if taken too far. They absolutely are not mutually exclusive. Just like how desensitization to extreme violence can have an adverse impact on children and adults alike, the overt sexualization of women sets unrealistic expectations for what women should do and how they should dress to be considered "sexy", and further propagates the misogynistic stereotypes that have plagued the fighting game community for years. And misogyny is definitely still an issue in the community and among gamers in general.

Nobody is saying to take these things out completely. If you want to enjoy a more sexualized or violent experience then you are welcome to. But as video games strive for a larger audience they need to reconsider the norms of the past to reach larger and more diverse audiences.


I don't understand the hatred of Fan Service on GAF, Jesus Christ.

I can certainly agree some designs are a bit over the top (Quiet, MGS5), but Mika and Cammy have been eating those costumes for decades and nobody playing them gave a shit about ESPN

America's fear of sexuality/nudity compared to their love of violence is equally confusing to me

I think the problem you're seeing here is two issues being conflated.

The issue of America apparently having a problem with sex and male and female video characters not being designed equally.

Personally I don't have a massive issue with fan service if it was equal, but it never is. Compare the male cast and female cast in SFV and it's pretty clear the female cast was designed to titillate where at worst the male cast(Hot Ryu, Zangief, Urien etc or any male who happens to show a lot of skin in the game) were designed with a power fantasy focus in mind or as a kind of joke.


I don't understand the hatred of Fan Service on GAF, Jesus Christ.

I can certainly agree some designs are a bit over the top (Quiet, MGS5), but Mika and Cammy have been eating those costumes for decades and nobody playing them gave a shit about ESPN

America's fear of sexuality/nudity compared to their love of violence is equally confusing to me

Why do people keep parroting that without it having any base on anything.
"I guess this must be an american thing" is just a lazy way trying to brush this thing off.
I think that voilence is easier to diggest in general because you can make it easily commical, or not real like slapstick in cartoon. Violence and conflict is also something that is easier to implement in games in general.
Or the US could be less uptight about trivial bullshit such as video game characters in skimpy clothing. Rest of the world doesn't care and is fine.

Hilarious how it it didn't event take 2 post for another person to mention this "argument"


Or the US could be less uptight about trivial bullshit such as video game characters in skimpy clothing. Rest of the world doesn't care and is fine.

I remember seeing an ice cream commercial of a topless woman on the beach when I lived in Europe. Even as a kid, I knew it was good marketing. I turned out just fine.

Cammy in a leotard isn't going to hurt anybody. Meanwhile, on the next channel, the most violent shit is probably being shown but nobody cares because cartoon ass cheeks aren't showing.


Naw I don't even like fan service but the only people who thought it was a problem was ESPN. Even the giant esport games have fan service


Or the US could be less uptight about trivial bullshit such as video game characters in skimpy clothing. Rest of the world doesn't care and is fine.

I remember seeing an ice cream commercial of a topless woman on the beach when I lived in Europe. Even as a kid, I knew it was good marketing. I turned out just fine.

Cammy in a leotard isn't going to hurt anybody. Meanwhile, on the next channel, the most violent shit is probably being shown but nobody cares because cartoon ass cheeks aren't showing.

Agreed. The sensitivity to skin and equating it to bringing down a gender is ridiculous in a game which shows both male and female warriors as equal prowess wise. The whole fan service not equal is bs for SFV when the camera zooms in on the junk of Claw, Zangief and Urien, and featuring males in underwear


Are you serious? You can look in threads from this very year to see people still denying there was anything wrong with Quiet, let alone all the huge threads when the game was first being marketed and sold. People took that words and deeds shit to heart and refused to budge, "she has to wear that because she breathes through her skin lol".

This might be true in some communities today, but it was in no way the dominant discourse for a long, long time. That's how pathetic the gaming community can be. It can take years for us to admit to something as baseline and obvious as that.

I have never seen anybody here in gaf ever defend quiet or talk about her without a mocking tone.

Kojimas "ashamed of your deeds" tweet is thrown around everywhere in the net to mock the design.

It does, just not in gameplay.

Some Default costume splash images are absolutely embarrassing, specially Janna's and Misfortune's.
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