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Trump: Trans Soldiers now barred from the military entirely


Anti-inclusive but if you want to serve in the military, especially under Trump, especially as trans, you are probably making a bad decision at best and are a bad person at worst.

Yeah at this point I would advise people to stay away from the military. I'd be stunned if we make it to the next presidential election without getting sucked into a war (either with or without congressional approval).

I've kind of run out of things to say about Trump (and announcing going back on a changed military policy via *twitter*???), so I'll keep it brief:

Fuck Trump.
what about people in the service all ready

what about people who need to re-up their contract

is this legal

does the POTUS have the power to unilaterally impose this restriction

are you a massive fucking cunt

who exactly did you talk to?


How long will this stand? Can he even make such a decision?

Are all trans employees of the military just fired? Even a freaking janitor?

What's going on?


Yes, but as in, is this law or is it just him spouting shit as usual?

From what I understand, Obama decided to allow transgender individuals to serve openly last year (not sure if he signed an EO or how it works exactly), and it sounds like Trump is reversing that.



Is this Top Gun for the NES? Off topic, but oh my god this game.

On topic: I can't believe that he felt the need to announce this on Twitter.


I feel like the only explanation for something this dumb and awful is that something else big is about to come out that he wants this to distract from.

Or he's just a twat.


Why would he announce this in the morning when everyone is getting up? I guess he wants to dominate the news cycle and conversation for today? Pretty vain tbh.


Anti-inclusive but if you want to serve in the military, especially under Trump, especially as trans, you are probably making a bad decision at best and are a bad person at worst.

I mean... some people feel the need to serve their country in spite of who happens to be president right now. That should be commended and the military should respectfully allow them to serve.

Wanting to protect the country you love doesn't need to equate to supporting the president.


( ≖‿≖)
victory and cannot be burdened with the tremendous medical costs

Tremendous cost lol. Maybe Trump saw that "I sexually identify as an attack helicopter" meme, thought it was real, and thought the government would have to start paying to turn people into helicopters.



Wow. This is beyond disgusting. Fuck Trump, fuck republicans and fuck the GOP.

Just fuck anyone anywhere who supports this asshole.

How long until this shitstain tries to ban all LGBTQ+ peoples?

Id never willingly wanna serve for this monster.
This won't hold up. He could maybe get a very dicey push to deny transgender soldiers medical assistance with transitioning and coverage for related issues while serving or as veterans, and even that would be a fight, but a blanket bar to service just isn't going to pass muster.


Why would he announce this in the morning when everyone is getting up? I guess he wants to dominate the news cycle and conversation for today? Pretty vain tbh.

Well, the healthcare "debate" in the Senate seems to be a shitshow, so it's up to his usual diversionary tactics to save the day with little transphobia and discrimination.
Transgender people who want to serve our country are a "burden" and "disruptive", tell us how you really feel. What a complete asshole.


Remember, this is "American Heroes" week, and there are trans people serving in the military...

Once again, a screenwriter would get laughed out of the room for proposing something as crazy as our current reality.

Maybe it'd fly for Arrested Development though.


I think the pressure is getting to him. He can't say this without some law being pushed through right?

Trump is going off the deep end.


Wow, this is one of the most horrible statements Trump has actually ever said. Totally evil and completely out of the blue. It's so horrible that it can't even be a distraction from the healthcare disaster in the Senate or anything.


Question: what's view of perception of his followers if stuff like this subsequently gets shot down?

Do they not see that and go about thinking "good on Trump" he got that done when in fact he didn't?

Do they see it get shoot down and think "at least he tried"?

It feels from outside US it's both of these with main issue being they just dumbly see him as doing good things instead of accepting he's a train wreck.
For the trans that didn't vote for Trump, I feel very bad for them. They are brave for being who they feel they identify with and more brave for wanting to fight for this fucked up country.
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