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Trump: Trans Soldiers now barred from the military entirely



If Trump didn't actually discuss this with anyone and just Tweeted this out, what kind of weight does it hold? He is the Commander-in-Chief, so does the military just have to start acting on this even though the only policy in place is three Tweets?

Note: I have no idea if he did or did not clear this with the military, just questioning the scenario in which he didn't.


Unconfirmed Member
Here's a legal rundown of whether or not a president can dismiss officers . Hilariously, it exists because apparently Trump said some shit about maybe firing Generals last year.
And the reasons don't matter at all if he does it? Another fucked up presidential power.


I earned 100 Gamerscore™ for collecting 300 widgets and thereby created Trump's America


Feel like we're probably in for another big news day in Trumpistan.


Seeing as how surely he cannot possibly just decide this all of a sudden, I trust this is a rather obvious distraction tactic to keep us from focusing on the Health Care issue?


garbage trump probably feeling a little brave after some bathroom bills being passed or proposed. this is literally a party of hate.


The President of the United States just decided and confirmed this impactful, regressive policy decision that will impact the country and its military for years to come...on Twitter.

Clearly taking a page out of Putin's "POWERFUL ARMY CAN ONLY CONSIST OF STRONG STRAIGHT MEN." manual.


Even if this isn't official and doesn't end up happening, Trump has still shown his cards about how he feels about the transgender community in the military, and there are bound to be countless trump supporters in the military.
Either way he has ended up making life for transgender people even harder with a careless, idiotic tweet.
A tweet that could literally destroy lives. Disgusting


My husband served under Don't Ask, Don't Tell. He's seething this morning.

A hearty fuck you to Trump, to his voters, and to the "there's no difference" crowd.
As a point of order, he can't just involuntarily separate serving troops on a whim - he can mandate policy changes, but certain due process has to be followed.

In other words, no one's getting kicked out overnight, and you can expect a quiet rebellion among policy writers and the various JAG Corps.


The President of the United States just decided and confirmed this impactful, regressive policy decision that will impact the country and its military for years to come...on Twitter.

Just makes me sad.

Your children will read about this in their history textbooks. Just a straight up screenshot of the tweet.

At the same time this is cool and depressing.


Aside from the general kinds of disgusting and awful that this is, specifically what happens to transgender people currently serving? Just kicked out, just like that?


The Birthday Skeleton
The country with the highest military budget in the world can't afford to have equality in its ranks. Disgusting and shameful.


Looking for meaning in GAF
There's no way he consulted with anyone in the chain of command about this decision.

"Consulted someone" from Trump = I pulled this out of my ass, but I want someone to throw under the bus if people don't like it.



Only confirms what I've been saying, the GOP lost the war on gays. Now they're turning their sights against the transgender community because they don't have the wide ranging acceptance that the gay community now mostly has, and this can be used as the new social conservative wedge issue.
Can someone explain this? As an outsider I don't understand...

They did this solely to make it a talking point on our upcoming midterm elections

Spoiler: That isn't why they did it. That's just the spin. He did it because he's a fucking idiot.

This is going to turn out like the Muslim ban on flights, there will be chaos for 2-3 days until it gets smacked down


Says the fucking pussy who dodged the draft 4 times, about people who are voluntarily serving the country. Fuck off, Don.


Man that deferred because he had shin splints tells others willing to join the military that they can't because of their gender identity.


This is a disgusting but not unexpected move. I wonder how long it will be until sexual assault investigations will become too costly for the US military?
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