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Overwatch trolls will face tougher penalties


I don't have high belief this will work. I mean they went back on report player because it was affecting people with less punitive measures, this one has a really high chance of hitting a person that isn't being an asshole from actually group of trolls if they don't monitor each and every report.


i like the part about getting a notification when someone has been "actioned" from your reporting.

that would be sweet to know that your complaint is not just going into a black hole of ignore.


Banning for intentionally going AFK? I dont agree with that. Especially if the game is already a lost cause.

I guess sometimes it can be hard to tell if it's actually a lost cause already. Someone could AFK in a theoretically winnable situation. So they're trying to discourage it entirely. Considering the remaining time in a lost cause match practice for the next one.
There are TONS of people who falsely report "Cheaters", "hackers" or bait people into saying something deemed grievous.

Hopefully there are some steps in place to counteract that too.

Also, some griefing is way too hard to monitor. People who troll/throw the game will find new ways to screw people over. I find that some throwers intentionally play wrong characters. Ive had players switch from Torb, to Hanzo, to Widowmaker, back to Torb during Attack, over and over again. Not building meter, just trying to piss off his teammates.

That is way too hard to enforce.

And then there are times people will report a Hanzo on attack, yet sometimes that Hanzo is actually doing his job

Edit: "Blizzard says you will not be banned for playing off-meta heros with the new reporting system"

That's good.
If a mercy is being trash, I'm going to tell them, if a DD isn't killing, I'm going to tell them. I work too much to waste time coddling bad kids. All my trash talk is gameplay related, I don't attack them personally, I don't know em. But I know if they're playing like shit. I've been master past 3 seasons and gone as high as 3900. It's worked for me since day one. I play in a group of 3 and we maintain a 50%+ win rate. You can defy trash talk without demoralizing people. Look at the army.

Michael Jordan routinely verbally abused and antagonized his teammates to 6 championships. Call it what you want, but Overwatch is an competitive game, trash talk is inevitable in competition. You don't see people in Hockey shutting down the fights cause some of the dudes don't have hands. What makes the competitive gaming scene so different.

I encourage constructive criticism, I think it's the only way you'll win. Babying a genji that keeps dying and has no medals doesn't help anybody. Too many times people will be like "It's okay bro" nah it's not ok our offensive junkets keeps charging the Zarya, nein

I am pretty aggressive on the Mic admittedly, but I'm not "fucking woman, of course you're playing mercy lol go make a sandwich" I'm just usually pointing shit out, calling out the kill feed, but I'm going to clown you while doing it. "Mccree, Why Pharah keep killing You, what's damage at? Switch if you can't handle Pharah."


Blizzard looks really good by saying this, but how exactly are they going to do it? It's a big oversight not having these systems in place before release, so it's hard to believe moderation is coming. It's like magic.




Honestly, the community is just too toxic. I played Overwatch for about a year, cause I loved it, but since that feeling has kind of dwindled, I haven't found the urge to play it as the community is a huge detraction I kind of dealt with. I still want to play, but every time I just decide to do something else now because it never feels worth it.

English is not my native language, so you guys feel you have the need to help my English skills please do so :D

Yeah, its pretty toxic. Its not toxic enough for me to stop playing but I stopped playing competitive.

Competitive is like Russian roulette. Common things are players or teammates throwing games, no communication (I always greet when joining) and structurally bad hero swapping and no idea how the game works.

I always promote teamwork because I love the competitive structure and climbing up the ladder. Sure, I had great fucking games and had an amazing time but it could be so much better.

Played four seasons and I got my golden Roadhog and Mercy weapon with 337 wins in 166 hours. After all these games I can safely say the game has great and fun players, but the grieving destroyed competitive for me.

Blizzard has to give tougher and permenant penalties for players who structurally troll. I will be back playing competitive fulltime once this goes in effect.


Finally. I've maintained that the Overwatch comp community has always been a dumpster fire, but over the 30 or so games I've played the last week or so I think I can count on one hand games that didn't have at least one whining or toxic asshole, even in the games that were won. And that's without getting into stuff like throwers. It's like being in a fucking daycare centre for manchildren.

If a mercy is being trash, I'm going to tell them, if a DD isn't killing, I'm going to tell them. I work too much to waste time coddling bad kids. All my trash talk is gameplay related, I don't attack them personally, I don't know em. But I know if they're playing like shit. I've been master past 3 seasons and gone as high as 3900. It's worked for me since day one. I play in a group of 3 and we maintain a 50%+ win rate. You can defy trash talk without demoralizing people. Look at the army.

Oh wow you're actually one of those. I need some popcorn for the "why did Blizzard ban me for my constructive criticism!?" thread.

Movies lied to me. I always thought the nerd crew was supposed to be the accepting, fun loving one...but honestly, real life sports seem like such a nicer environment for me.

Recent years have taught me that jocks were secretly the good guys all along.

Banning for intentionally going AFK? I dont agree with that. Especially if the game is already a lost cause.

I mean, if you literally can't make it back that's one thing, but intentional afkers when the game is "lost" are the worst, given the longer overtime spawns+desperation/cockiness (which tends to make weird things happen on both sides) means that the end is when dramatic shifts tend to happen.


Banning for intentionally going AFK? I dont agree with that. Especially if the game is already a lost cause.

Nobody cares, if you don't want to play then quit and take your leaver penalty. Stop ruining the game for 5 other people because you think you're at the center of the universe.
It's pretty frustrating playing this at the moment. Not only comp but even qucik play. People just stop playing at certain points and I message them asking what's up and they're like "1v6 trash team" and it's like... wow... overconfident douche much. These people are the worst.

And this is on console. I would love a report option for us.


I am pretty aggressive on the Mic admittedly, but I'm not "fucking woman, of course you're playing mercy lol go make a sandwich" I'm just usually pointing shit out, calling out the kill feed, but I'm going to clown you while doing it. "Mccree, Why Pharah keep killing You, what's damage at? Switch if you can't handle Pharah."

Do everyone a solid and just don't use a mic next time.
Fuck that, I talk trash all the time. Makes the team step up. Don't punish me for thin skinned people who can't mute folks. Grief is a whole different matter and should be a bananable offense.

I use it as a coaching technique

It's so very sad that people like you exist online.

I also love the hypocrisy of, "I should be able to talk as much shit as I want regardless of how it effects other people, but griefing should be bannable, because that could hurt my experience playing."


It's so very sad that people like you exist online.

I also love the hypocrisy of, "I should be able to talk as much shit as I want regardless of how it effects other people, but griefing should be bannable, because that could hurt my experience playing."

Guy already likened himself to being the Overwatch Jordan "coaching" people at his ranking. Dunning-kruger in complete effect.
Look forward to never seeing this on ps4.

And I don't mind light hearted trash talk...if I'm missing shots on the enemy Pharah and someone says...Jesus McCree, would you please hit a shot, I'm fine with that.

If I'm getting no heals and I say, hey mercy, think you actually heal me once in awhile...I don't see that as a bad thing.

I don't mind being held accountable in a competitive game and I don't think it's wrong to expect it of your teammates. That said, there's for sure a right way and a wrong way to go about it.


I'm fairly certain the report system is merely there for the placebo effect. If they do carry this out players may abuse it to punish anyone they feel isn't playing well.


Blizzard have been pretty good with Overwatch, perma-banning cheaters, facing the toxic community, all while providing more content to the game.


I believe any game made before 1997 is "essentially cave man art."
Watch out, people who don't play with team comp in mind >:)

Eppy Thatcher

God's had his chance.
I will say - if someone is being too aggressive/competitive for you but not actively messing with your ability to play the game or being racist/sexist or anything of that sort - that's kind of what the mute button is made for. You don't like this persons personality, tone, attitude... whatever. Mute them and move on. Some people don't mesh...

Toxic behavior? Bannable offense type of stuff? That's grief idiots. That's sexist, absurb trash talking for no reason fuckwads. People throwing or what not... all that shit. Report to oblivion.

Waiting for this functionality on the PS4 and hoping i stay lucky enough to not really need it.


Gold Member
I'll believe it when I see it. They said the same thing multiple times regarding policing behavior in World of Warcraft. In Vanilla and early Burning Crusade WoW, they actually DID police behavior regularly. On my server (Skywall), I saw many people get suspensions for bad behavior and sexist/racist/toxic chat, including a few of our own guild members (who were then no longer guilded). I, myself, got a 72 hour time out for being particularly nasty to a guy who was purposely griefing me on Netherwing Ledge.

As soon as WoW skyrocketed in popularity, GM policing simply died off. The community became absolute shit not long after. There were no penalties for being a complete troll or asshole in Trade chat or General chat. It took multiple expansions before they added the auto-mute after report function and several more before they added auto-squelching for users who were frequently reported.

In essence, Blzizard decided it wasn't economically feasible to pay for GMs on their cash cow MMO to continue to police users. I just don't see them spending money to properly police users in Overwatch. At best, it's just going to be a stricter auto-ban, auto-mute function that will likely be abused. At worst, nothing will really change.


Blizzard sure promised alot:
- Doomfist.
- Roadhog changes.
- Summer games.
- New POTG evaluation mechanic.
- Less dupe for loot boxes.
- Customizable aim reticle.


Gold Member
It sound promising that apparently they're going to notify you if they take action against someone you've reported.

A lot of games and services would do well to implement that kind of feedback to the person submitting the report.


Fuck that, I talk trash all the time. Makes the team step up. Don't punish me for thin skinned people who can't mute folks. Grief is a whole different matter and should be a bananable offense.

You sound like the guy who kept being annoying and telling me and my other teammate what to do and giving the enemy our positions when we stopped listening in 3v3. When we actually won we because disregarded everything he said in the last round he went "see? making them mad made them play better."


I encourage constructive criticism, I think it's the only way you'll win. Babying a genji that keeps dying and has no medals doesn't help anybody. Too many times people will be like "It's okay bro" nah it's not ok our offensive junkets keeps charging the Zarya, nein

I am pretty aggressive on the Mic admittedly, but I'm not "fucking woman, of course you're playing mercy lol go make a sandwich" I'm just usually pointing shit out, calling out the kill feed, but I'm going to clown you while doing it. "Mccree, Why Pharah keep killing You, what's damage at? Switch if you can't handle Pharah."
I mean hearing this constantly would definitely be annoying and distraction from the game, but I wouldn't report you for this. But I also don't believe this is the worst you will do, considering your posts.

Also since this is Blizzard, I'd really hope this would be the case for HotS too. I haven't played ranked matchmaking in a long time, for obvious reasons, so I don't really see that much toxicity(it's no Dota). But I did report someone for afk/feed 5 minutes ago. Would be great to never see them again.


Is there no mute button in Overwatch? Griefing and trolling is rampant in Dota 2 as well, I have no tolerance for blatant cheaters and feeders, but some leeway for trash talking.

I've met a few people with serious anger issues, but it only became more emphasized during the heat of the moment.


Fuck that, I talk trash all the time. Makes the team step up. Don't punish me for thin skinned people who can't mute folks. Grief is a whole different matter and should be a bananable offense.
When you get banned from the game for being a narcissistic asshole, I hope you take it as a coaching lesson.
Is there no mute button in Overwatch? Griefing and trolling is rampant in Dota 2 as well, I have no tolerance for blatant cheaters and feeders, but some leeway for trash talking.

I've met a few people with serious anger issues, but it only became more emphasized during the heat of the moment.

There is a mute button. There is also a way to not be in chat at all.


Good. The community has gotten so so awful. A bunch of me-centric player-babies.

The quit penalties being so harsh has created quite the trolling environment, trapping you with the worst type of players or face a long wait to play again.
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