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Uncharted: The Lost Legacy - Review Thread

The significant issues about the game featured prominently in the discussions following release. These issues were not proportionately represented in the reviews.

I can call it a "misrepresentation" instead if it makes you all feel better about yourselves.

Significant issues...

You mean... contrary opinions?



The significant issues about the game featured prominently in the discussions following release, even among those who overall enjoyed the game (like myself). These issues were not similarly represented in the reviews.

I can call it a "misrepresentation" instead if it makes you all feel better about yourselves.
Sorry to break it to you, but a reviewer's job isn't to give an accurate summary of all the opinions people hold about a game.


The significant issues about the game featured prominently in the discussions following release, even among those who overall enjoyed the game (like myself). These issues were not similarly represented in the reviews.

I can call it a "misrepresentation" instead if it makes you all feel better about yourselves.

Was it winning GotY on GAF a "misrepresentation" too?





Sorry to break it to you, but a reviewer's job isn't to give an accurate summary of all the opinions people hold about a game.

They downplayed and obfuscated conspicuous problems which feature heavily in every conversation we've ever had on here about the game.

The reviews were dishonest.


Came back to see if the discussion became more civilized, but nope, never change Review Threads. Also saw a "SonyGAF", classic, but not a good look. Focus on the reviews people and don't accuse the industry of lying.
Why is everyone dogpiling on Bolivar for expressing his opinion in a review thread

There are respectable ways to express dissent; this isn't an example of that. Reducing the positive experiences of others to mere lies is worthy of all the derision, especially when you follow that up with "SonyGAF" to write off the justified responses. Not all opinions are created equal.
They downplayed and obfuscated conspicuous problems which feature heavily in every conversation we've ever had on here about the game.

The reviews were dishonest.

Your implying factual problems with the game. Pacing isn't a factual problem.

Was the game broken? Did it have performance issues? Were there save issues?

Cause if not, it's not lying or misrepresentation. You have no idea what your talking about and you just hold your opinion far higher than you should.


They downplayed and obfuscated conspicuous problems which feature heavily in every conversation we've ever had on here about the game.

The reviews were dishonest.

We're all the votes that resulted in Uncharted 4 being GAF's game of the year also dishonest? Just how many people were involved in this conspiracy?
I don't mean to harp on about combat but deciding factor for me since I loved the combat in UC4. Is there an encounter select in the game? If so does anyone know how many combat encounters there are?

Also could someone spoiler tag me on amount of set pieces?


They downplayed and obfuscated conspicuous problems which feature heavily in every conversation we've ever had on here about the game.

The reviews were dishonest.
Hold up - So you genuinely believe that opinions discussed here represent objective fact and should be used and consulted as guidelines by every reviewer lest they be labelled a liar?
because it's factual nonsense? he's implying reviewers give high scores to games they don't enjoy because...reasons. which is hilarious.

What so you believe all reviews are 'totally' impartial?

I understand your point in this case because you could argue Bolivar is saying it about 'every' reviewer of this game.

However, I can also see the side where a game is 'meant' to be liked, has good production values, big budget, high hype, previous history of good/great/acclaimed games both in that particular series and/or that particular developer and hell, even is still not a bad game/good game/game with some brilliant parts = meaning which media outlet is gonna want to slate the fuck or 'even what would be deemed by fans' as 'any/what they perceive as too much' 'criticism' when all that is gonna do is fuck up their own income/credibility because you know, fans....

(probably doesn't make much sense but I get it lol!).

Maybe Bolivia's part about 'lying' is his own interpretation and may well be in some small part/s which is enough for him/her to have his own perception. After all, a lie is a lie no matter how small.

Anyway I personally don't care about what scores reviewers give. I've been playing games long enough to know what I do, do not or maybe am getting fed up with - although I can sometimes be wrong as I loved Doom!


Wonder if the storytelling and dialogue are good, even if the plot is a hit and miss. Don't want to read reviews yet.


Didn't have the time to check the reviews, did they say anything about length or how many hours it did take them to complete?
Consensus seems to be around 8-12 hours if you play at a reasonable pace. There are however reviewers who said they got through it in 6


Wonder if the storytelling and dialogue are good, even if the plot is a hit and miss. Don't want to read reviews yet.
I can usually count on Naughty Dog games for an uninteresting plot, but great punchy dialogue and good character building moments. So I assume it'll be the same for this game.
I mean I liked Uncharted 4 less than several of the reviews but I'd never make the frankly delusional claim that they've done me a disservice for having an opinion that differed from mine.

Much less that they either lied or misrepresented the game, willingly or not.

The press just liked the game more than me. That's all. I don't need to get mired in a nerd ego trip about how I'm always right and the press is a bunch of fools. It's really quite simple and has nothing to do with "SonyGAF."


Why is everyone dogpiling on Bolivar for expressing his opinion in a review thread

No one is dogpiling on Bolivar that he didn't like UC4, but the fact that he said the games media was lying and hyping up the quality of the game when the fact is that it was universally liked by most critics and won the most game of the year polls.
This thread is crazy. Having actually played the game, I think the balance of gameplay styles is better in The Lost Legacy than in A Thief's End.

It all depends what you consider to be "gameplay". If the only kind of "gameplay" for you involves shooting people in the face, then the combat is used sparingly, but there are some good encounters IMO.

But it's obviously not the only kind of "gameplay" to begin with. The Lost Legacy has quite a lot of puzzles, both environmental (I can see where I need to be, but how do I get there?) and more traditional ones that you need to complete to progress. This is all mixed with the exploration (in the series' largest ever level no less) and platforming aspects.

Like I say, I think the balance is right here. It feels like an Uncharted: Greatest Hits to me, which I find very agreeable personally.

I'm glad Naughty Dog mixes it up with different gameplay elements, rather than pit you against waves and waves and waves of soldiers like the earlier games did. I feel like the series has matured in the right way.

I haven't played LL yet, but I've played all the console Uncharted entries.

There's no question everything the player does while engaging in a game counts as gameplay—from light adventure games like Gone Home/Firewatch, to Bayonetta/DMC, and everything in between. Even low-impact gameplay such as choosing dialogue options or inspecting environments/objects can be engaging.

The hangup with Uncharted's non-combat gameplay is that it has always been merely complimentary to the combat. The climbing, the puzzles, and now the exploratory segments are not fully realized like the combat scenarios.

About the climbing:
I've played Grow Home and Grow Up, two games entirely about climbing. Putting aside how long they are (they can be beaten in an hour or two, or can be 100%'d which could take far longer), the moment to moment climbing is engaging because the player must hold a trigger/key in order to grip onto a surface. There's no stamina meter, but if the player lets go of a surface with the robot character's left hand before attaching the right hand to something, they'll fall, and unless they catch themselves, they could lose progress. What the player does in moment-to-moment gameplay matters.

In Uncharted, The climbing itself requires no timing or inputs beyond pushing in a direction and pressing X. In a static environment, it's often impossible for the player character to fall due to player error—when there's a bunch of crazy stuff going on, that's a godsend as the player's attention is split between leaping between/hanging off the sides of trucks and fighting enemies, or hopping from roof to roof while dodging helicopter fire. Even during the UC4 auction stealth segment, the streamlining of the climbing only helped make for interesting scenarios involving pull guys off ledges or avoiding their flashlights. The traversal serves the action well, but it does not feel complete on its own. Stuff like swinging around with the rope, sliding and the piton are great because they introduce the need for actual timing and planning, but they're underutilized and hardly are ever mixed-and-matched with one another (until the penultimate chapter), and sliding rarely gets mixed with combat outside of the Scotland ending and that one arena that was shown at E3 '14. There's nary a moment where the path forward requires any discovery or thought, so merely going through the motions can get really dull when it's this frequent.

Exploratory segments:
These areas in UC4 are gorgeous, and the island hopping one and the Madagascar areas allow the player some agency as to where they want to go at certain points, but exploration is rewarded with some random artifacts that have no contribution to the story or the gameplay—you can't sell those for money to get more weapons or tools, and Drake doesn't describe the history behind the treasures (which he never did in previous games, but those were always just slightly off the beaten path, whereas in 4, there's stuff like the actually neat Madagascar well puzzle that leads to ... a random piece of treasure). Finding the diary entries near old pirate corpses is cool because they parallel the main story, but that's pretty much it. Any hidden weapons will have just a few shots, and there's no real feedback loop for exploration—you just do it, maybe find a treasure or power weapon (with no way to get extra ammo) and then it's back to the main path. Stuff like the painting room was entirely a series of looking through empty drawers until a cutscene triggered.

Contrast that with something like Firewatch where the dialogue choices affect further dialogue and give some insight into the characters involved. Uncharted 4 has maybe three moments where the player can choose dialogue, and beyond that it's all pretty vapid banter. The only times the conversation felt substantial was during the island hopping part with Sam as that really showed how bummed Drake was at that point, and the poriton with Elena. Finding objects in Firewatch often had some story purpose, and picking stuff up is a core game mechanic, and there's plenty of stuff to find in Firewatch, even that stuff doesn't loop back into — it's a way to interact with the game world. There's really no interacting with the environments in Uncharted because every input on the controller is for combat purposes—there's no dedicated "pick up/inspect object" button, but there's a cover button, punch button, aim trigger, shoot trigger, reload button, etc. The exploratory segments feel like afterthoughts, and play as if they're complimentary, yet they take up a lot of time, just like the climbing segments.

That's why I don't consider "balance" to be giving each of these types of gameplay anywhere close to the same amount of run time. If the climbing itself is super basic, it doesn't need to show up for long stretches of time. Following linear paths up cliff walls without any real choice of where to go and without any need to consider my inputs or time things well does not hold my interest. Walking around beautiful environments losing its luster when there's nothing for me to do or find that has much significance to the story, the lore or the gameplay. Merely hearing scripted quip-filled conversations between characters in which I have no influence over that don't tell me anything I didn't know about the characters already doesn't make the dull, lengthy climbing segments and empty exploration any better.

I would love a game that incorporates everything Uncharted 4 attempted, being equal parts traversal with exploration and combat in a treasure-hunting setting, but it would all need to be fully realized and not just feature the most basic, simple versions of each of those types of gameplay. It's why hearing that Lost Legacy has even more of surface-level exploration and insubstantial downtime is disappointing to many.


They downplayed and obfuscated conspicuous problems which feature heavily in every conversation we've ever had on here about the game.

The reviews were dishonest.

What conspicuous problems?

The pacing is totally a subjective thing, and I probably preferred UC4 to 2 and 3 in that regard. Not enough combat? I thought there was enough combat.

The worst thing I can say about the game is the absurd contrivance that is Sam's very existence. I didn't have it #1 on my GOTY list; the competition was stiff. But it was up there maybe 3rd or 4th. Most/all praise the game gets is well deserved.


Why is it such a gaf tradition to have a shit show out of an Uncharted review thread?

Like seriously can't we have a review thread without such insanity level?


Amazing thread.

Extreme marketing + big hype since forever to its release + reputation from previous Uncharted's + Naughty Dogs faith

Watch this one have much lower sales due to lots of people disappointed with UC4

Lost Legacy is DLC, and as you said doesn't have nowhere near the same marketing push as the numbered entries yet you're attributing what it's likely/expected to be lower sales solely/mostly to disappointment with the previous title?


Why is it such a gaf tradition to have a shit show out of an Uncharted review thread?

Like seriously can't we have a review thread without such insanity level?

To be fair in this case, it's really just one guy at this point (I didn't 100% read ALL the earlier pages). Granted, too many of us are engaging with his ridiculousness, and I'm guilty there as well. I'll stop.

If everyone keeps responding to the "insane" posts, then that's all the thread will be.

Be the change you want to see in the GAF

Basically this.
The significant issues about the game featured prominently in the discussions following release, even among those who overall enjoyed the game (like myself). These issues were not similarly represented in the reviews.

I can call it a "misrepresentation" instead if it makes you all feel better about yourselves.
Who's twisting facts to make himself feel better? The lack of self-awareness is rivaled only by your lack of understanding how opinions work.

But yeah agreed, giving a dumb comment too much attention entirely


I can usually count on Naughty Dog games for an uninteresting plot, but great punchy dialogue and good character building moments. So I assume it'll be the same for this game.

Indeed, although I really enjoyed the Avery plot in UC4. Anyway, since TLL has new direction, I'm curious about it.
Why is it such a gaf tradition to have a shit show out of an Uncharted review thread?

Like seriously can't we have a review thread without such insanity level?

If everyone keeps responding to the "insane" posts, then that's all the thread will be. Discuss what you consider to be important and respond to posts like that in kind and it might be different.

Be the change you want to see in the GAF
I will eat my PS4 if Sony isn't planning to eventually make a Sully-centered Uncharted where he fights Nazis

Seriously Sony, give me that game
If everyone keeps responding to the "insane" posts, then that's all the thread will be. Discuss what you consider to be important and respond to posts like that in kind and it might be different.

Be the change you want to see in the GAF
Personally, I prefer a dogpile than insane nonsense not getting called out. It invites others to start their similar rambling.

I prefer to send a clear an unambiguous message that those kinds of posts are unwanted on gaming forums I frequent.
I will eat my PS4 if Sony isn't planning to eventually make a Sully-centered Uncharted where he fights Nazis

Seriously Sony, give me that game
Ok this sounds incredible.


They downplayed and obfuscated conspicuous problems which feature heavily in every conversation we've ever had on here about the game.

The reviews were dishonest.

Collusion between all major games review sites to downplay the issues. Sony really did stoop to new lows

Do you really believe that?
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