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Try to explain to me WoW vanilla


Only one viable spec, Combat Daggers (look in the dictionary under tedious), we even had a throwing weapon talent iirc...

Combat swords was better, especially so as a human thanks to their (former) racial.

My question is can a game do the same thing now and pull it off or is everybody into the quality of life improvements too much to allow such a thing again? Is this why nobody can truly recreate Vanilla, even TBC WoW again? Have people got too lazy? Is it too hard to rely on a community established within a game?

If blizzard came out and said WoW2. It's vanilla WoW (even TBC) but with a new engine so the game plays smoothly, the graphics don't look over 10 years old (garbage), and the vanish bug is gone forever. Will it work? I know I would at least give it a shot.

Nobody can re-create vanilla because you can't go home again. It's less about things being "hard" and "community" as much as it was the right place and the right time for the people who experienced it. Other games have tried to re-create the mechanics of vanilla WoW or the MMOs before it but they all fail because you can't sustain your businesses on nostalgia.

People can opine on the glory days of FoH but even those who posted there and chased that nostalgia all ended up bitter husks of people tormented by their glory days.
My question is can a game do the same thing now and pull it off or is everybody into the quality of life improvements too much to allow such a thing again? Is this why nobody can truly recreate Vanilla, even TBC WoW again? Have people got too lazy? Is it too hard to rely on a community established within a game?

WoW was a continuation of lore that ended with multiple loose threads at the end of Warcraft III, and inhabiting the world in which those threads continued and in many cases were expanded upon and concluded was a significant part of the appeal in a game where grinding and extremely long downtimes were very common. None of that can be recreated without the same investment in a stable IP like Warcraft used to be. I don't see other publishers stepping up here now that games-as-service is driving the AAA publishing schedule and compelling worldbuilding gives way to long revenue tails on games with season passes, microtransactions and cosmetics providing the primary mechanism for player engagement.

Other companies have tried to capture an extremely niche audience with the old school hardcore MMO grind and they're enjoying at best a modest success. People have moved on to gaming on the go, a lifestyle more compatible with the responsibilities set upon the previous generation of hardcore MMO gamers who now face jobs, families and other adult responsibilities intruding on their 60 hour progression weeks. So it's unlikely that the explosive growth of WoW's Vanilla -> Wrath community will ever be recreated.

It's not laziness, it's a realization that MMOs become second jobs that don't pay you anything and where the rewards are increasingly ephemeral at best.


Combat swords was better, especially so as a human thanks to their (former) racial.

Nobody can re-create vanilla because you can't go home again. It's less about things being "hard" and "community" as much as it was the right place and the right time for the people who experienced it. Other games have tried to re-create the mechanics of vanilla WoW or the MMOs before it but they all fail because you can't sustain your businesses on nostalgia.

swords were only better when OP swords b ecame available very late in the xpac. Daggers were the spec for most of vanilla.
Mounts used to cost a butt ton of gold and you couldn't get the skill until level 40. It was a nightmare.

Instead of being transported to the dungeon, you had to do LFG and walk to the entrance to summon other people in the party. Warlocks were a godsend.

I remember one time I saw a tank Druid and I was stunned. They were so rare.


To me, vanilla WoW was about choice. I understand there was demonstrably less to do back in ye olde days but hear me out. I've never been a raider. Never will be. I just don't have the time or the will. It makes most MMOs pretty... dull for me nowadays. I like the ones I like and I stay subscribed to FFXIV but ultimately I feel like there isn't really much to do; I'm just grinding out gear so I can see the next raid so I can see the next raid, etc, etc. There's a reason most MMO players say that glamour is the real endgame. It's the only thing to really accomplish outside of raiding most of the time.

Back in vanilla I felt like I always had something to do that didn't have much of anything to do with raiding. Sure, the gear treadmill still existed but there was farming for gold so you could buy your mount. There was farming for mini-pets because they looked cool. There was exploration because without a mount the world felt massive. Hell, doing dungeons with people was fun and exciting because you weren't always there for the drops--or at least not drops to get you raid-ready. Blackrock Depths had quests associated with it that gave blue gear and that was exciting! You got to do quests! Purely inside of dungeons! It never felt like the game was 100% balanced around getting you into a raid to see it and the MMOs I've played (FFXIV & WoW) are completely balanced around that. You log on, do your daily checklist and... probably log off. There isn't a lot of interesting stuff to do unless you're raiding. I can't come home and shoot the shit with friends while grinding away in Feralas to maybe get a hippogriph mount or a sprite dragon pet.

While there was less to do, it felt like I had more options for what I wanted to do. Part of that is definitely because everything was a very long-term goal, but I stand by the fact that most modern MMOs are mainly about ticking off the boxes so you can gear up so you can get into the latest raid.

It was also about shit like this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uhb2m7eLgYk

In order to start a raid, raiders had to do a questline that had them walking through Stormwind with a coterie of NPCs to uncover one of the primary NPCs as Onyxia, the boss of the raid, herself. It was awesome to see and it got your non-raiding player engaged with the raid and what was happening in the world. Shit, Naxxramas came with a world event that gave cool rewards to people who never set foot in the raid! Some of this extended into Burning Crusade.

...Fel Reavers, man. I remember being so goddamn hype to roll a blood elf paladin. Burning Crusade was also amazing.

(I know GW2 and ESO are more along the lines of that non-raider deal, but I can never get into them for some reason.)

The thing is, you can still do all of this stuff today, and a ton more. It's not like modern wow has less to explore or do, people just don't do it because the game is 13 years old.

How many guilds ever downed Kel'thuzad? Even at TBC, Nax40 was more challenging with a raid of 30 T4-5 lvl 70's than Kara and Gruul.

More than 60, and KT was roadblocked by having to actually have cleared the rest of the expansion prior, you've never pulled either boss if you think any single vanilla or tbc boss could compare to a hard boss in modern wow.
Combat swords was better, especially so as a human thanks to their (former) racial.

Nobody can re-create vanilla because you can't go home again. It's less about things being "hard" and "community" as much as it was the right place and the right time for the people who experienced it. Other games have tried to re-create the mechanics of vanilla WoW or the MMOs before it but they all fail because you can't sustain your businesses on nostalgia.

People can opine on the glory days of FoH but even those who posted there and chased that nostalgia all ended up bitter husks of people tormented by their glory days.

swords were only better when OP swords b ecame available very late in the xpac. Daggers were the spec for most of vanilla.
I think it was like
Combat Daggers > Combat Swords > SF Daggers for raiding. Combat Swords had the advantage of being a pretty legit PvP spec, whereas Combat Daggers was complete ass in PvP.
Best memories was during progression in bwl on burning blade, the guilds had to take turns wiping on bosses cause the server was so unstable.

Also the forums of each server were amazing. You became a mini celeb of the server and made friends with the opposite faction through there. I was on the horde, but because I was known on the forums, the big alliance guilds would leave me alone.

Oh and week long AV's were the best thing ever
I loved week long AVs, but as an Alliance on Burning Blade, AV was a fucking (hilarious) nightmare. It took me MONTHS to get an Ice Barbed Spear on my alt.

Really, every BG sucked as Alliance on BB. We were objectively the worse faction for PvP.

Chris R

Only downside for me with Vanilla was that I was expected to be Resto as a shaman for raiding. I was fine with it, but could see how others wouldn't want to be locked to a specific job for endgame.

Never had any money problems, just grab gathering professions and go to town.

World PVP was glorious when it was people leveling vs other people leveling. So much back and forth between Crossroads and Ashenvale. When MC geared 60s started showing up, it wasn't as much fun.

And when they introduced Battlegrounds, they were awesome. Fuck the haters, OG AV was a blast, even if it would take hours to finish. It felt like a real war, with people trying multiple different methods to sneak by enemy lines to capture a point.
I always thought a good idea that would be a good balance between a huge thoughtful design like the BRD, Strat, etc. and the modern approach of having to queue to a dungeon to complete it would be to have a huge sprawling dungeon with multiple paths and 10-15 bosses, but have the Random Heroic / Mythic+ version of it pick a specific path and set of bosses for it that changes each day.

Paths would converge on each other at certain points, so there'd be multiple permutations of layouts rather than just 4 different paths.

Mythic versions could let the player run it in any order they wish.

I like that idea a lot.

The trick for me is somehow retaining the mythos of 'unbelievably hardcore item to acquire' versus 'hey kids, you too get to play and feel rewarded!'. Ditto community versus ease: LFG in chat and in single server is ace for community, but for ease a Group Finder cross-server is just so convenient.

I feel like that is possible, but gating content off clearly isn't popular in current MMO land.


I think it was like
Combat Daggers > Combat Swords > SF Daggers for raiding. Combat Swords had the advantage of being a pretty legit PvP spec, whereas Combat Daggers was complete ass in PvP.

I loved week long AVs, but as an Alliance on Burning Blade, AV was a fucking (hilarious) nightmare. It took me MONTHS to get an Ice Barbed Spear on my alt.

Really, every BG sucked as Alliance on BB. We were objectively the worse faction for PvP.

Combat daggers was better through aq40 and in naxx if you could get a servo arm maces became better


Combat daggers was better through aq40 and in naxx if you could get a servo arm maces became better

Wish I still had my servo arms for tmog since they got removed when new naxx came out. I was double servo arm hemorrhage in naxx, it was actually highly competitive. Though you could only have one.


It was also about shit like this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uhb2m7eLgYk

In order to start a raid, raiders had to do a questline that had them walking through Stormwind with a coterie of NPCs to uncover one of the primary NPCs as Onyxia, the boss of the raid, herself. It was awesome to see and it got your non-raiding player engaged with the raid and what was happening in the world. Shit, Naxxramas came with a world event that gave cool rewards to people who never set foot in the raid! Some of this extended into Burning Crusade.
Yeah, this quest and all the raid unlocks were fine like once or twice. But not if you were of the one or two tanks in the guild, and had to do this shit for every other guild member.
I had to do onyxia and mc unlocks for like 15-20 people. I hated everything about it, I don't think i did BRD ever since vanilla.

And BRD... It's cool looking, lore around it was ok, but god was it trash heaven. Labyrinthian design, few bosses with nothing worthwile on them, with tons of trash everywhere.


Mounts used to cost a butt ton of gold and you couldn't get the skill until level 40. It was a nightmare.

Instead of being transported to the dungeon, you had to do LFG and walk to the entrance to summon other people in the party. Warlocks were a godsend.

I remember one time I saw a tank Druid and I was stunned. They were so rare.
I do remember how long it took to get my first mount lol. And your comment about dungeons, so true, getting to the entrance to get going. Warlocks with the ability to create a portal we're indeed a godsend. Ah good memories...
Oh, and getting a large group together to raid the crossroads was a blast!


Vanilla WoW is still and will always be my home to my top 10 greatest and proudest moments in gaming. I still miss every moment and every mountain climbed in my WoW career from the server first Onyxia kill and our first Nefarian kill. No other game has ever scratched that itch for me. I am an EST gamer but OG Dragonblight was the best. I started our fledgling Age of Reason guild with a few close friends but I ended up with and will always be The Epic Crusade for life!
As a hunter I enjoyed getting the bomb from MC (major domo?) put on my pet and later summoning it by Iron Forge AH.

That pic on the first page plus marics wife cracked me up big time.

The first time you went into artrec valley pvp was like "hoooollly shit"

Oh man I just remembered one hunter skill that was basically for one boss in MC (tranq) and you just had to rotate it with 2 other guys aha.


Something else vanilla had was just great dungeon design, before every dungeon became a linear winged hallway. The EQ influence was still there and it was still possible for someone new to become lost in great dungeons like Stratholme. I don't think anything has come close to dethroning BRD for best dungeon design in an MMO and it's been 13 years.

Only so far as dungeon map layout goes, at any rate. Blizzard have gotten a lot better at designing boss encounters since those days, both for dungeons and raids.


As a hunter I enjoyed getting the bomb from MC (major domo?) put on my pet and later summoning it by Iron Forge AH.

That pic on the first page plus marics wife cracked me up big time.

The first time you went into artrec valley pvp was like "hoooollly shit"

Oh man I just remembered one hunter skill that was basically for one boss in MC (tranq) and you just had to rotate it with 2 other guys aha.

Alterac Valley was the best...


I think a lot of the appeal came from people just not knowing anything about the game. Now, everything has been mathed out and we know where to put points and optimise, we know about bosses before they're even live thanks to PTR testing, people can see a boss watching a stream to prepare etc. When the game was new, everyone was discovering things together and the game was still fresh. Not so much anymore.

Hunter weapon being a meme as well
I think a lot of the appeal came from people just not knowing anything about the game. Now, everything has been mathed out and we know where to put points and optimise, we know about bosses before they're even live thanks to PTR testing, people can see a boss watching a stream to prepare etc. When the game was new, everyone was discovering things together and the game was still fresh. Not so much anymore.

This too. That plus the game world = utterly absorbing.

I kinda figure a new game needs to change its rules every week to defeat the knowledge beast that now dissects all games in minutes...


Yea it was. This thread is making me miss wow. I played for 7 years I believe 03 through to 2010. This is making me want to revisit it.

Is it worth a revisit now?
Modern WoW is nothing like vanilla through wotlk.

Id say give it a shot cause Legion is a decent expansion, but don't expect the game to be exactly what you may remember it as.


I did all the content in vanilla WoW before TBC. It was fun in the moment, some of the best times I had playing video games. But looking back on it, it was filled with a lot of frustration because people were just bad. Getting 40 people was a pain in the ass. I got to rank 12 in PvP and reached my limit, the grind was just too much.

WoW today is a superior product, and I like the way they trended with Legion. There was maybe a little toooo much grinding to do for your artifacts in the beginning of the expansion, but I hope they have a better handle of it in the future.

SWG pre-CU is still my favorite MMORPG ever.
You know how people give nintendo shit for not having enough of their devices to meet demand?

Blizzard couldn't print enough CDs. It took about six months after launch before my girlfriend at the time could even find it in stores. I played for a week on her trial account, but I was fairly fresh off of UO at the time (skipped Everquest almost entirely), and didn't much care for the path MMOs were taking. She had played Lineage, and found more to like.

And the game ran at >10 fps, but that was the fault of my computer.


Yea it was. This thread is making me miss wow. I played for 7 years I believe 03 through to 2010. This is making me want to revisit it.

Is it worth a revisit now?

LOL I have no idea. I have not played seriously since Naxxramas. I still remember a few members of my guild getting banned for disenchanting epic purchased PVP items for Nexus crystals so that everyone could enter Naxxramas...
I watched someone stream WoW in the past year, and it looks like a complete clusterfuck. His primary interaction was going into a menu and clicking on things that made little cut-out characters slide along a line until they reached a treasure chest or some shit. Over and over.


I watched someone stream WoW in the past year, and it looks like a complete clusterfuck. His primary interaction was going into a menu and clicking on things that made little cut-out characters slide along a line until they reached a treasure chest or some shit. Over and over.

Sounds like someone wanted to make it look like a clusterfuck. It's not.
The bosses are harder now but the game is easier (well, certain flavors of said bosses but pedantry). Depends on whether or not you have what it takes to get out of the Ballpit At McDonalds For the 99% and wanna part with it or stick to Dota 2 or PUBG for your competitive gaming needs.

OTOH, people became MUCH less tolerant of wipes, expecially in Wrath.

I'd rather play vanilla but you're definitely right and yeah BC had way better PvE fnord.

Except those Hallways of Trash 'N Bosses. After BRD and Dire Maul, that was a letdown.
lots of old WoW beta and vanilla screenshots of mine (a few TBC too)


i'd hyperlink 'em but they're on photobucket so probably gonna get that stupid error pic now lol ... -_- but anyhow, they're the only ones I have online yet.
i'll put a couple quick on imgur and quote 'em here


^that last one is what being one of the first R14 Warriors was like with MS+Whirlwind+Sweeping Strikes doing 8-hits of 4000+ damage lol

was so OP until that idiot Tauren made a video about it and got it nerfed (just like that undead guy did in beta -_-) ppl can't help themselves lol

anyhow, got a HD in a box somewhere with 100s though... I used to have a small 'blog' that I wrote daily beta journals on so I used to post tons and tons of screenshots

used to sort of write journals about beta, leveling, etc -- was the first player to lv55 in beta, 4th player ever to lv60... first orc warrior to reach High Warlord... used to post journals on on the official forums too (e.g. getting to Rank 14 or the Scepter of Ahn'Qiraj quests)

Tseric would often reply or Caydiem too haha

miss the vanilla WoW community :O


My question is can a game do the same thing now and pull it off or is everybody into the quality of life improvements too much to allow such a thing again? Is this why nobody can truly recreate Vanilla, even TBC WoW again? Have people got too lazy? Is it too hard to rely on a community established within a game?

Getting the resources to make a game of WoW's size and the design talent to make it fundamentally great is just not going to happen again in today's market. Too many terrible knock-offs came out in the wake of WoW that fell into this weird space where they were simultaneously too indebted to WoW to feel fresh and not indebted enough to understand what made WoW mechanically fun in the first place. The well has been sufficiently poisoned.

There's this narrative that WildStar failed because it didn't have a raid finder. WildStar failed because it was a trash game to actually play. You can still find mass market success in games that defy QOL conventions today, they just aren't in the MMO space. See: Destiny raids (clearly inspired by early WoW) and the Souls games.


Hunters were broken AF at launch. Then they fixed hunters so they had the highest white damage in the game, plus the ability to Feign Death and drink to replenish mana/dump aggro to allow for some hefty damage.

Random memories:
-walking. Lots of walking.
-Out of Combat paladin in the edge of the battle to rez people in raids
-Having to actually talk to people to get things done
-I tried to talk to somebody's Succubus because I thought they were a player who had become a Demon Hunter with demonic powers like Illidan, and I wanted to know how (there were no <X's pet> tags back then)

Oh and I still have my old manual, which is full of heaps of shit from the Beta that they never corrected. E.g. Tauren being too big for mounts so they had a special "Plain Strider" ability. Also I think there were some race/class combos that didn't make it into the final game (like Tauren Rogue maybe?).
Dire Maul Tribute runs was probably my favorite activity in Vanilla. I was sad there was nothing else like it in TBC or WotLK.


Hunter weapon being a meme as well

Rhok'Delar quest was pretty cool in that it was designed to test how good you were at Hunter mechanics.

But in reality, all the shitty Hunters (and there were lots of 'em) just paid someone else to do it for them.
^ Great collection, brings back memories.

The nostalgia, it's too much!
I put a bunch more into an IMGUR album with commentary for each screenshot.


Tried to explain them all there but post about half of the better ones here, too.
first time WoW ever reached 1000 concurrent players

Beta 1 and original Skill/Talent system (Dwarf Warrior 1)

Beta 3 (Dwarf Warrior 2)

Vanilla (Orc Warrior -- my main)

Stitches and the Cross Dagger Warrior days and the No auction house/Trade Channel days (Beta 1)

When Horde Undead could speak to Alliance (Beta 2; worked in Beta 3, too)

My inner Larry Elmore (Beta 3)
One of/maybe the first 'Stormwind Raid' (Beta 2)

End of beta (Beta 3)

role playing Horde heheh (vanilla)

role playing a Blade Master (I used to go PvP in low level areas like this -_-)

Hanging out waiting to head to Blackrock Mountain

my main, one, and only ever character (vanilla) High Warlord Orc Warrior of The Horde

and our Overlord and Saviour, High Overlord Saurfang

1 2 3 4 5

funny little tidbit.... anyone remember the troll thread FACTS ABOUT HIGH OVERLORD SAURFANG? the one with the memes that ended up on Saurfang's card in the official Trading Card Game?

that was mine -_-

the 'for Saurfang "two-handed" is just a suggestion' was one of the original ones I wrote for the OP .... tbh i think this is the first time i've ever even posted about it.

anyhow, the last pic posted above is actually the exact pic I used for the "FACTS" OP. and if you find old copy/pastes of the FACTS thread you can see it linked my my old beta website (telus/mehwulfe/kyan) heheh that said the OP when I posted it with an alt (still have the alt, too) was like 10-15 facts maybe, so it was really a community-driven meme. I just decided after my High Warlord roleplays (you can see I featured Saurfang in the HWL one, for example) I wanted to make him the sort of Chuck Norris (he was trending at the time) of WoW o.0 so I made that alt and OP, stoked the fire a bit, and the 'facts' just kept on rolling. sometimes i think Tseric or Caydiem knew though because we talked a few times about him (I always featured Saurfang pre-FACTS in my HWL roleplays or when Saurfang's face got changed I talked with Tseric about it. plus Caydiem was in charge of a lot of small roleplay/flavour events, so I sometimes wonder if she decided to include him more in in-game events to keep the FACTS ball rolling,


Gold Member
Having a lot of epic items or a lot of gold was actually a sign of dedication.

The world felt ENORMOUS because of the limited transportation options.

People were generally more excited about the game and less concerned with getting things done as fast as possible.

You had to actually talk to other players to do anything that was not solo play (other than battlegrounds). Five man dungeons could take a couple hours with a PUG and by the end you knew who was who.

Talking to others was the biggest difference in terms of the community - that and the lack of cross-realm activity. There's a lot less room for toxicity when you have to interact with other players directly.

It wasn't a perfect game but it was a really fun time.

So much this. Vanilla and TBC WoW were amongst my favourite moments in 25 years worth of gaming. The current game feels like a bloated parody in comparison.


only ever played WoW for about a month, and it was a year or two ago. I always felt like I missed out on a cool experience by not getting into it back in the day, but this thread is fascinating. would love to see another just like it for pre/season 1 league of legends, which is hilarious to go back and watch vods of.


A Vanilla WoW official server is all that I would bother returning to play. I'd also enjoy TBC or WotLK, maybe in a progression style release, but everything after Cataclysm is ruined in my opinion.
Dire Maul Tribute runs was probably my favorite activity in Vanilla. I was sad there was nothing else like it in TBC or WotLK.

Rhok'Delar quest was pretty cool in that it was designed to test how good you were at Hunter mechanics.

But in reality, all the shitty Hunters (and there were lots of 'em) just paid someone else to do it for them.
I solo'd the entire demon-hunting quest on my questionably geared alt...then never bothered pursuing the black sinew from Onyxia to actually get the weapon. That was seriously one of my most fun and satisfying WoW experiences.

Honestly, soloing shit on my hunter was probably my favorite pasttime despite having a full Bloodfang Rogue with Thunderfury and a spread of epic swords, maces, and daggers to play around with. There was a video series called Hunter vs World that I idolized.
I put a bunch more into an IMGUR album with commentary for each screenshot.


Tried to explain them all there but post about half of the better ones here, too.

funny little tidbit.... anyone remember the troll thread FACTS ABOUT HIGH OVERLORD SAURFANG? the one with the memes that ended up on Saurfang's card in the official Trading Card Game?

that was mine -_-

the 'for Saurfang "two-handed" is just a suggestion' was one of the original ones I wrote for the OP .... tbh i think this is the first time i've ever even posted about it.

anyhow, the last pic posted above is actually the exact pic I used for the "FACTS" OP. and if you find old copy/pastes of the FACTS thread you can see it linked my my old beta website (telus/mehwulfe/kyan) heheh that said the OP when I posted it with an alt (still have the alt, too) was like 10-15 facts maybe, so it was really a community-driven meme. I just decided after my High Warlord roleplays (you can see I featured Saurfang in the HWL one, for example) I wanted to make him the sort of Chuck Norris (he was trending at the time) of WoW o.0 so I made that alt and OP, stoked the fire a bit, and the 'facts' just kept on rolling. sometimes i think Tseric or Caydiem knew though because we talked a few times about him (I always featured Saurfang pre-FACTS in my HWL roleplays or when Saurfang's face got changed I talked with Tseric about it. plus Caydiem was in charge of a lot of small roleplay/flavour events, so I sometimes wonder if she decided to include him more in in-game events to keep the FACTS ball rolling,

That's some good shit. I think I remember that thread!

And that Blademaster setup is ace.

It really is amazing, in hindsight, how all the pvp montages on warcraftmovies that were infested with the absolute shittiest lens flares, backpedaling, clicking and a universal stock library of papa roach and in flames tracks ended up being infinitely more entertaining and culturally relevant than what WoW's esports arena scene could ever produce

WoW PvP videos are responsible for the majority of my musical tastes :lol There was a ton of In Flames and FORTY PERCENT SKILL, but it also introduced me to Akala and Wu-Tang Clan.


Hunter weapon being a meme as well

Worst part of doing that quest was someone would always stumble on you fighting a giant elite and decide to "Help" out. I remember multiple times fighting Solenor and having one of the top horde warriors shoot it with an arrow just to mess with people.

Parax was a terrible person.


Who paid you to grab Dr. Pavel?
Worst part of doing that quest was someone would always stumble on you fighting a giant elite and decide to "Help" out. I remember multiple times fighting Solenor and having one of the top horde warriors shoot it with an arrow just to mess with people.

Parax was a terrible person.
Whooooaaa. How famous was Parax? He was a legend of the Horde on Khadgar.


Whooooaaa. How famous was Parax? He was a legend of the Horde on Khadgar.

Another Khadgar player? I remember running into him a lot doing some world pvp here and there. After BC he kinda just fizzled out, Same with almost all of Scion and the top members of Remnant.


Who paid you to grab Dr. Pavel?
Another Khadgar player? I remember running into him a lot doing some world pvp here and there. After BC he kinda just fizzled out, Same with almost all of Scion and the top members of Remnant.

Horde on Khadgar went down the shitter during the expansions, all the top players left. Last I played was Nov. 2016 and Remnant still existed in name only basically.


Man vanilla WoW was something else. There will(hopefully) never be another game I enjoy/want to play as much as that. I remember in highschool playing that game for 6+ hours every night after school questing/raiding with my guild on Alexstrasza. We got to the very beginning of AQ when BC came out and that's when I finally dropped the game.


Horde on Khadgar went down the shitter during the expansions, all the top players left. Last I played was Nov. 2016 and Remnant still existed in name only basically.

I remember making friends with some Horde and eventually making a shaman to do MC and BWL with Blue Dragons. Horde actually treated people with respect while Alliance was filled with a-holes. That continued to carry on through the expansions until all those a-holes all joined Challenge Accepted.
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