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I'm ugly


You are not alone in not liking yourself. Everyone does it regardless of what they look like. No one has an accurate image of what they look like. You may be placing too much importance on your physical appearance.

Ugly people fucks.
Ugly people date.
Ugly people do important work.

Ugly people do everything all other kinds of people do.

Remember you miss all the shots you don't shoot. Always shoot your shot.


It happens. Get ripped and make a lot of money. Its your only hope.

Other people dont give a shit by the way.

Careful. You might attracted hot, but truly ugly people.

OP, invest in yourself. And put yourself out there more. You'll find it matters less and less, especially with age.
You're not ugly, you're adorable in a way visuals can't capture

Having muscles would be an uncomfortable feeling to me , I just want to be perfectly thin.

If I can't have face that matches who I am then what's the point.
Lol you ain't gonna get ripped overnight

So I've sorta been noticing the themes with your posting lately Flow...I think you really need to be seeing somebody if you aren't alrrady


I am not a looker.

I have a beautiful wife and three beautiful kids. I have plenty of friends.

It's not about looks, it's about personality. As trite and corny as fuck as it sounds, believing in yourself goes a loooong way.
Are you sure it's not your breath? /s

Consider hitting the gym if you feel self conscious about your looks. It won't change your facial structure but I'm sure you will gain a good amount of self confidence about yourself overall.

this is true. i'm not confident either but i try to make a habit of going to the gym and seeing some improvement every week even if it is just a little bit, it is a good feeling.


Build and they will come.

It's like an RPG, min-max your spec but more importantly nurturing a fun-going personality. People make snap decision about you by looking at how others interact with you.

You're never too ugly to achieve this.


I look in the mirror and think I look passable. Then I see photos of myself and just think 'yikes, is this how people see me?'.

I know I'm not attractive but I just try and deal with it. Play the hand you're dealt.

I know the feeling OP. I have several times debated burning my face, or rubbing acid on it, or something so people don't have to look at it, because if its an unpleasant experience for me to see it in the mirror, I can't imagine how other people feel. I don't have any good advice, but I hope you're ok.
Disfiguring yourself isn't going to fix anything, dude. Please don't do this. If the thoughts are invasive, seek help for them.


I know the feeling OP. I have several times debated burning my face, or rubbing acid on it, or something so people don't have to look at it, because if its an unpleasant experience for me to see it in the mirror, I can't imagine how other people feel. I don't have any good advice, but I hope you're ok.

what the fuck

seriously guys go see a therapist, this level of self-hatred is not normal
I look in the mirror and think I look passable. Then I see photos of myself and just think 'yikes, is this how people see me?'.

I know I'm not attractive but I just try and deal with it. Play the hand you're dealt.
Hah, I know right? I just never take selfies or vacation shots with me in them

If I do I have to mess with the angle and lighting for 30+ mins
I used to be called an ugly duckling in school, girls would target me for ridicule and pretend to like me by giving me fake numbers and asking me what I'm doing tonight.
I don't know what you look like, but Sometimes a good clean up can do wonders to your self esteem. Get a good haircut and some stylish clothes. Maybe work out a bit.
Its really all about how you carry yourself.


when is my burrito
I'm going through a divorce and that's made some of my insecurities about my "weak" chin and "high" forehead come back as I do some reflection. The best advice I got was to make a list of all my positive qualities, physical or otherwise.

1. It's a good read if you're feeling in the dumps.
2. It helps you keep things in perspective. If somebody is so focused on that one aspect of you, they're not worth being your friend.
3. If you have trouble putting a list together, you should get with a counselor or doctor to check your vitals, mood, blood chemistry to make sure there isn't something else driving your mental state that you can hopefully easily treat. Make sure you're getting enough sleep.


I can see how this can lower your self-esteem. What you need to remember is, you need to find your strength. You don't look good but there are things you can do to make yourself like you. Go to gym, get ripped. Or focus on your skills that you are good at, get a good job make more money. Do volunteer work, lots and lots.

the thing is once you are 35-40 year old, looks hardly matters. At the end its how good of a person you are.

I think about this quote all the time lol
I’m pretty sure you’re prettier than me OP and I’m not too terribly ugly myself. Just need to fix my hair and hope the sun isn’t too bright out.


The universe does not care how ugly you are. Warm breezes carress ugly faces, sunsets shine brilliantly for unsightly gazes, and none of the stars in the night sky will mock or scorn you for your open admiration. There is so much more in the world than what others think of how you look.

Still, if people cannot see how beautiful you are, try to see it and nurture it within yourself.

There is beauty in kindness. You are in a unique position to understand your pain, so be compassionate. Empathize with sadness, celebrate for joy. Be the sort of person you wished was there for you.

There is beauty in resilience. You have persisted through a lot, even if not everyone understands. But you haven't given up, and defiance is a quality all its own. As I get older, I find that these experiences shaped who I am as a person, and wouldn't ever trade those away.

And eventually, you can look at the mirror with pride, thinking, "Yes, the person I see before me is ugly, but there is no one I admire more, and there is no one I would rather be."


I knew a guy in highschool who was legitimately ugly. Tons of acne, bad teeth and everything BUT he actually got a gf I thought was pretty cute. The thing was he just exuded confidence and I'm pretty sure that made him attractive. What I'm saying is that how you look in a mirror isn't the only thing that can make you attractive to others.


Do something about it then. I mean lemmy and steve buscemi managed just fine with the ladies and they're not exactly good to look at, if you make something of yourself and put the effort in it wont hold you back.

Moose Biscuits

It would be extreamly painful...
So what? Most people are and they live just fine. What's special about yours?

Yeah, this. I'm ugly, you may be ugly, there's a bunch of ugly people. So what? It's not like this world has a bunch of "You Must Be This Attractive To Ride" gates stuck up outside buildings.

Okay, there are a few things that you'll have more trouble doing if you're ugly. But there are usually ways you can compensate. What do you want to do that you feel being ugly stops you from doing?
The universe does not care how ugly you are. Warm breezes carress ugly faces, sunsets shine brilliantly for unsightly gazes, and none of the stars in the night sky will mock or scorn you for your open admiration. There is so much more in the world than what others think of how you look.

Still, if people cannot see how beautiful you are, try to see it and nurture it within yourself.

There is beauty in kindness. You are in a unique position to understand your pain, so be compassionate. Empathize with sadness, celebrate for joy. Be the sort of person you wished was there for you.

There is beauty in resilience. You have persisted through a lot, even if not everyone understands. But you haven't given up, and defiance is a quality all its own. As I get older, I find that these experiences shaped who I am as a person, and wouldn't ever trade those away.

And eventually, you can look at the mirror with pride, thinking, "Yes, the person I see before me is ugly, but there is no one I admire more, and there is no one I would rather be."

Quoted for truth.


Neo Member
You have to get out of that mindset. You have to understand that beauty is in the eye of the beholder is a saying for reason OP. You have to feel confident about who you are and as long as you are confident people will gravitate toward you regardless if you are "ugly" or not. Because at the end of the day there are going to be people that hang out with you not because you are pretty or ugly but because of what you bring to the table and that you are confident being you


I used to have thoughts like you. I'm still working on my self image issues, but now I have a wonderful girlfriend and the old me would have wondered how the fuck I could end up with her. Just work on gaining confidence, that and humor work wonders.
I have a friend who thinks he's ugly, to the point he calls me crying when he has low self esteem. And I'm gay, and I seriously think he's an 8/10. It's unfortunate he doesn't swing this way lol.


Pump points into charisma and intelligence then. Ya gotta balance shit out.

Oh and exercise and eat good and dress well. A fat wad of money goes a long way towards attractiveness too.
I know this might sound a little dumb, but I've known this to work for a couple of people I know to help with their self-confidence. When you look it the mirror. Just tell yourself each and every day something like. "I'm the shit!" Or "I'm amazing". It's a small thing, but if you do it over and over it can really help.

Also. If you don't like a part of yourself, you can always work on it. Go to the gym, drink more water, change up your style. There's no instant fix to these issues, but you can slowly build yourself, and your confidence up.

And OP, never forget that there's always people there for you. I know neogaf isn't always the best place online, but at the very least you do have others here willing to give out a helping hand. So don't be discouraged.


Chances are you're not as bad as you think OP, just a lack of confidence. I have a similar problem even though there are constantly signs pointing to me feeling wrong about how I look, but no matter what I can't change how I feel.


I look at my face in the mirror and see person that I wish wasn't me.

It just doesn't feel right at all.

I know that I probably should just get over it but that is easier said then done.

I hate this misfortune of not being able to look away and think about something else.

I never wanted to be hideous.
It hapens to many of us. I guess there's always plastic surgery, the problem is money of course haha, but it's ok.

The secret is, not let yourself go, keep clean and groomed, dress well.

Even if our visages are not the most pleasant to look at, there's no need to give people more reasons to look away, is there?


Hate to be a downer but this is sum fairytale bullshit. The world is packed w hot bad ppl and hideous good ppl

OP chill bout bein ugly. Look at Steve Buscemi, he's ugly af and is worshipped by ppl
When people reach about 50 you can definitely tell how a person is by looking at its face, as facial muscles start to keep themselves into their most comon position.


Hit the gym and style yourself better.

Someone can be ugly but still ooze sexappeal. Go for the sexappeal.


At least you're not Tom Cruise, OP. That ugly bugger has a tooth in the middle of his face.

Seriously though, I sometimes have issues with my appearance. Next time you're looking in the mirror, tell yourself you're a handsome devil.


These threads are usually made by above average looking people who just need to dress better.

But if that really isnt the case, as in you see that people are purposely looking away from you(and that it isnt all in your head). Then I dont see why plastic surgery isnt an option. Sometimes surgery is the answer.
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