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Sony president wants to improve margins on their multi-platform releases (Updated w/ analysis)

More people get to play the games? Seems to be the ‘great’ reason why people round here think it’s a great idea for Xbox.

That’s said…. I’m absolutely gonna but GT7, DS2, and ghost Tsushima , when they pop up on PC. Helldivers 2 has been pretty ok.

Well, good to hear you've been enjoying HD2 at least. Lots of people are, clearly.

In theory "more games for more people" is nice, but in practice it only seems to matter if those games are on platforms they're already at. And if those platforms hold a vast majority in market share, customers are, IMO, ironically doing the work of the corporates on their preferred platform to simply amass more market share.

That's why companies like Valve, for example, love these types of "pro-consumer" messages; they get to have their monopolies grow without doing a lot of the work and without looking like a "typical" competitive corporation.

Yeah that's true, they released the PS4 Pro as a means to stop end users to migrate from console to PC but their stratagy has shifted a lot the past few years. To branch out their audience, expand and get better ROI. I just meant in the traditional console hardware space, where MS is looking to downscale their efforts in Xbox hardware. Therefore reducing direct competition. Sony can now focus on maximising profits, without damaging their brand.

I genuinely don't think this makes a lot of sense though, because these systems aren't only competing in neatly-defined market segments. If PC is getting something like 99% of the same multiplat 3P games as the consoles are, AND it has lots of exclusives not even on the consoles, how does it not compete against console for the typical gamer?

If Sony want to increase their revenue and profits (but particularly profits), shouldn't mobile be a better and safer area to do that in, versus PC? Nintendo literally set a blueprint for this, even companies like ABK as well with COD Warzone. Why are Sony completely ignoring that and risking devaluing appeal of their console to hardcore/core gamers with a more aggressive PC/Steam port push of non-GaaS?

While I doubt they will release day one launches on PC for big budget AAA games right away. GaaS games are going to be there, no doubt. Not sure if it will devalue their brand. The masses will still buy and play consoles for their ease of use and entry level price plus brand recognition. Either way I'd expect faster to release PC ports.

Day 1 GaaS titles won't risk devaluing the brand, at least not as much as non-GaaS would. Although, the idea of getting free online with PC, vs. paying for it on PS+, does run a growing risk. It's one Sony could easily resolve by tying free perks and such to PS+ subs, and since PS+ is only on PS consoles, that makes those perks defacto to the console.

They won't do that, seemingly. If PS follows the same strategy as Xbox, it's 100% going to depreciate the value perception of the console to some core enthusiasts. Meaning lower hardware lifetime sales, and slower early adoption of new hardware, plus (likely) lower revenue. It also means they lose out on benefits of single-platform design scope focus, optimization, brand reinforcement, so on and so forth.

The real reason that decline wouldn't look "as bad" for PlayStation as compared to Xbox, is because PlayStation is simply a much bigger global brand. So there's more cushioning when they fall. But a fall can totally happen.

Yea it wasn't just the multiplatform quotes. The fact that they missed their console sales target and predicted a drop in year 4 after missing the last one is horrible. But it also questionable if they know where to go wirh their core business.

Yea pretty much the whole audience for the ps5 pro is likely to switch. Why wouldnt they. It would definitely be cheaper

Yep and like someone else was saying (maybe it was you?), coming in short of the fiscal target when Xbox AND Switch are declining in sales shows that there's a good chance at least MS and Sony are losing would-be customers to PC (Nintendo is an exception because the Switch is a relic at this point and sales decline should be expected).

So the question for Sony should be: why? Is is just because of the hardware price increase? Or is it because of things they don't want to mention, like some already shifting to PC in anticipating all of Sony's games are going to get ported there (even Day 1)? IF Spiderman 2 is underperforming, is it maybe due to a combination of superhero fatigue, game design fatigue and/or MCU fatigue affecting related games?

We don't know, we can only guess and speculate. But given declines with Xbox in particular you'd think PS5 would be able to hit the 25 million FY target, and profits would be higher. But revenue being higher while profits declining hints it could be mainly an issue with costs growing too much too fast.

Well, I'm just going to be repeating my same take on this so clearly we are just not going to see eye to eye on this. Appreciate your perspectives though.

For sure, always 💪

Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
If Nintendo ever releases powerful hardware that can run 3rd party games then the industry is theres for the taking.
It would be, but then that's where paying for 3rd party exclusives comes in. Something they aren't willing to do at huge scale. That's literally how they lost the first time.


Maybe? No way to know. My point is that it is not factual to say PC ports caused Xbox's demise. People need to stop saying it is.

Would you agree that porting a console game to PC disincentivizes a segment of PC gamers from buying that console?


Gold Member
Would you agree that porting a console game to PC disincentivizes a segment of PC gamers from buying that console?

Yeah, absolutely. I'm part of that segment. But I think there would have to be a heck of a lot more people like me for it to really matter. I just think console only gamer will remain console only gamers (for the vast majority) and those gamers are the bedrock of PlayStation.
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Gold Member
I think it is the loudest lol I gave in some time... well done .. holy shit

Mister Wolf

Depending how they move this second half of the generation I may now longer feel the need to keep a Playstation in my backpocket.
Well as phill says “ we everybody plays we all win” maybe this is all Sonys first steps towards it.

They always seem to follow key MS steps, themselves….. charging to play online, subs( there PSN+ Tiers) their own investments in cloud gaming. GAAS. They even got themselves a COD marketing deal after they seen what it done for MS on the X360. So maybe opening up the games to potential more customers and devices is the way to go. After all, them huge Sony game budgets are not always a given going forward, but if they are…. Maybe switch and Xbox should be on the cards at some point for them.

Bruv...Sony pushed into cloud gaming first well before Microsoft. Microsoft just made a bigger stink about it, as usual. Same with GaaS if you want to get serious: SOCOM and Everquest say hi.

It just feels like maybe current Sony have forgotten that being a leader, means leading. Looking at what competitors are doing, taking the best of them, making it better and adding that to PlayStation. As in the console.

Meaning they should be looking at PC (Steam in particular) and Nintendo, seeing what works there that isn't on PlayStation, and bring that to PlayStation. Not the other way around.

That's what the competitive spirit would be leading them to. Maybe it still is; we need more clarity and a showing of the plan in action, to see what Hiroki's words actually mean in practice.


Gold Member
Yeah, absolutely. I'm part of that segment. But I think there would have to be a heck of a lot more people like me for it to really matter. I just think console only gamer will remain console only gamers (for the vast majority) and those gamers are the bedrock of PlayStation.
I dont.. I think that is a cascade event...eventually everyone will notice the advantages of playing ALL the games of ALL the platforms (outside nintendo) in just one machine.. and thst machine can also do emulation and modes ... Im a console player only by choice for several years and I will change to pc in a heart beat if exclusives are no more. Be assured the "normies" will follow eventually, information spreads fast. It will not be quickly but it is unavoidable imho.


I guess he's talking about 1st party GAAS titles coming to pc day one, also maybe about shortening the delays of non-GAAS pc ports. Releasing their single-player games day one on PC would be stupid af, and I believe they know that.


Yeah, absolutely. I'm part of that segment. But I think there would have to be a heck of a lot more people like me for it to really matter. I just think console only gamer will remain console only gamers (for the vast majority) and those gamers are the bedrock of PlayStation.
The problem they have is that the bedrock isn’t coughing up enough money.


Fuck this. I'm moving to PC full time.

Makes sense for me PC is where it's at. Some of my favourite games are PC (and Mac) exclusive such as the Total War series Hearts of Iron IV, Pharaoh etc.

Plus a load of classics that'll never see the light on console like Dawn of War, Total Annihilation, Star Craft etc.

All of this, plus every Microsoft game day 1, more Sony titles and better performance. Just need Nintendo to break next.

Just a shame that PC gaming is wildly expensive.

I think when the PC/ console hybrid form factor is refined that might be the norm. This is why I would not be against a dual boot Xbox. I can play Xbox on Xbox….. and steam on Xbox too, which would include all the Sony games I bought. All in one box. And yeah I’d like Nintendo to open too. But I don’t see Nintendo ditching hardware until the home console becomes a niche product , like the graphics card, and every casual ( especially gen Z and beyond) is on tablets on phones. The market will eventually force their hand. As it stands they will be the last to do so though. I think their hybrid handheld form factor has given them a lot of breathing room and further distance t he selves from Xbox and PlayStation as a direct competitor even though they are, a direct competitor. They do enough to attract people who don’t really care for a traditional console. And that audience will be the majority soon enough…… all my nephews play cod on iPads, ( one of them is a PC gamer though) … a bunch of them own switches. The Xbox/ PS is for people over 30 who grew up with a console under the TV. It’s our vynil record, our radio…. The consoles is THAT to these kids.

I’ve said before it’s all about the account and the sub attached to it these days. A lot of it really just down to generationional taste.


Bruv...Sony pushed into cloud gaming first well before Microsoft. Microsoft just made a bigger stink about it, as usual. Same with GaaS if you want to get serious: SOCOM and Everquest say hi.

It just feels like maybe current Sony have forgotten that being a leader, means leading. Looking at what competitors are doing, taking the best of them, making it better and adding that to PlayStation. As in the console.

Meaning they should be looking at PC (Steam in particular) and Nintendo, seeing what works there that isn't on PlayStation, and bring that to PlayStation. Not the other way around.

That's what the competitive spirit would be leading them to. Maybe it still is; we need more clarity and a showing of the plan in action, to see what Hiroki's words actually mean in practice.
If playstation had a actual pc store, i might even understand their strategy better. But they don't. they're just supporting steam, which is one of their biggest competitors in gaming.


i am now waiting for essays why it is essential for Sony to go multi-platform as we have seen multiple produced by Sony boiz on neogaf in the last 2 weeks.
Xbox going multiplatform is a disaster and people are melting down because they know it's signaling the end of the console. i don't know if people are saying it's the way to save the xbox. playstation putting games on pc is literally on the same slippery slope.
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It would be, but then that's where paying for 3rd party exclusives comes in. Something they aren't willing to do at huge scale. That's literally how they lost the first time.
They orginally lost it due to incompetence and fear of piracy. And they don't need 3rd party exclusives when they have a plethora of their own. All they need is to welcome 3rd parties with capable hardware.
Nintendo is in position to be the "apple" of the industry.
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Reverse groomer.
Sony and MS dumping superior versions their games on PC/Steam, especially day one, is going to snag the very top end console gaming enthusiast and all of their money with it.
The same top end console enthusiasts who bought...

Unimpressed Sea GIF by SpongeBob SquarePants

Only a million PS4 pros?

Wow. Losing a million sales. What a threat to sony and the PlayStation brand.


They do affect console sales. But not only that, they will lose control and profit over sales and services. And no, this is not fantasy.
If they continue relasing console exclusives on PC many people will inevitably migrate to it. Because not everyone has the need to go where their friends are or have his library on the same device, account, etc. No everyone has problems with game install and configuration on PC. And they are going to have PS, Xbox games and many other PC exclusives on one system.

Sure, the PC is more complex and more expensive at first, but you don't have to pay for online services or limit yourself to what Sony and its developers offer you. And, of course, you can do much more than play.

We are going to let time pass to see how Ps5 sales are going to be lower than those of Ps4, and how PS Plus subscriptions stagnate and decrease to exchange them for a few million more sales on PC from which they do not obtain the same percentage of profit and criticism.
Honestly the only time I hear about peole gaming on pc is on forums like this. My family and friends play on PS5. Me and my brother are probably the only PC gamers I know.


Reverse groomer.
I don't think this will be as successful as most envisage it to be.
It would be easier if Valve just released steamos 3.0 to all systems instead of making a whole box for it. You get the console/PC fusion without needing to buy a set top box

Handhelds are a more appealing and interesting form factor.


I think this is pointing the finger more towards GAAS, that required a huge budget to make and maintain after release. Why do you think Sony took the axe out on Bungie. Maintaining a game like destiny without a monthly sub and depending on micro transactions for revenue must be a stressful nightmare.


Reverse groomer.
But what if the real issue isn't the console market itself, but rather that the market for big-budget console games is actually pretty niche?
400 million players is certainly not niche. But you are right that big budget games are not going to grow anymore because the market's reaches everyone who is interested


What time is it?
The problem they have is that the bedrock isn’t coughing up enough money.

There is never enough money in business. Potential sales of any given console on the very high end is `150 million and realistically you are probably looking at closer to ~90-120 million. That potential really hasn't changed since the PlayStation brand was introduced. What has changed exponentially is the cost of of development. That's been offset by better marketing (more game sales) and more ways to monetize that userbase (subscriptions, DLC, MTX, etc.), but there comes a tipping point where you need a bigger audience which is why we've arrived at porting to PC. The bedrock is coughing up more money than ever and selling one game to that bedrock is far more valuable than selling a game outside of your walled garden even if you don't consider the 30% cut that another storefront would take. Could we see day-and-date releases of single player titles on PC? Maybe. Sony's PC ports have done okay and maybe being available would propel them to new heights, but I have a hard time thinking it would be that significant. Sony certainly has enough data to make educated guess and formulate a strategy.

I don't expect a max exodus to PC for the vast majority of console gamers. PC gaming might be easier than ever, but it's still far less convenient than consoles and with the GPU pricing ballooning the last few years, consoles offer pretty good bang-for-your-buck. And while you could argue that cost of ownership overtime favors PC, consumers rarely look beyond up front costs and you also have to consider that buying 10 games for any given system is the very high-end for most.
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Gold Member
i am now waiting for essays why it is essential for Sony to go multi-platform as we have seen multiple produced by Sony boiz on neogaf in the last 2 weeks.
I think is pretty easy.. sony moved large parts of revenue to Gaas development... for thus shit to be sustainable they have to put it everywhere.. so I wont be surprised if even Xbox receive gaas games day 01

Now.. if they move all their titles to PC day 1 .. well.. them its gameover eventually for traditional consoles.. playst5stion will eventually achieve the same irrelevance of xbox
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What the fuck did I wake up to today.

This gen sucks. Gaming is dying.
Look man, you’ll still get the games you like just much less frequently and farther apart. I know it sucks but film/television/literature are still doing relatively fine. Invest in those?

The second all the normies got in with fornite the industry you loved kind of died. It’s like a terminal illness that has just gotten it’s host on its death bed.


I read this comment:

"To be blunt, let's not spread misnomers like Xbox games going to PC kept the brand afloat because that is categorically false. "

You were replying to me so not sure who else you could have been addressing that to.

It is speculation to say what would have happened if Microsoft had not ported their games to PC so nothing about that is an "undisputed fact". That is your opinion. Nothing more.
Again the data says otherwise. As for the "speculation" about what would have happened to the Xbox if Microsoft had went another way, you would be right.....if I had made thar argument but I did. Post of my comments are about what HAS happened, I don't need to speculation when thw last decade of Xbox struggling.


Reverse groomer.
My bad, this is all great news.

The dudes just saying stuff. Consider panicking when you see shit come to fruition. If Phil Spencer is any indication company c suite will talk just to hear themselves talk. Your exclusives could be going to pc day 1. The could also stay staggered releases or even stop coming entirely.

Even if this does happen though the games still come to ps5 and you still enjoy your console gaming experience.


This is so funny seeing how everyone bashed Xbox :messenger_tears_of_joy:
1st party games on PC and 1st party games on a competitor’s console is not the same thing. At all.
What MS are planning to do is pure stupidity as far as I’m concerned. They’ll sell more games but they’ll kill the platform.
What Sony are planning to do is just what MS has been doing for a couple years now, there is always going to be a ”Pro” version from now on, it’s awesome, and won’t kill the platform since not everyone is ready to spend $2000+ on a PC. Sony is going to completely dominate the AAA space.


I think is pretty easy.. sony moved large parts of revenue to Gaas development... for thus shit to be sustainable they have to put it everywhere.. so I wont be surprised if even Xbox receive gaas games day 01

Now.. if they move all their titles to PC day 1 .. well.. them its gameover eventually for traditional consoles.. playst5stion will eventually achieve the same irrelevance of xbox
I said in Xbox thread that next ms console should be hybrid windows pc(maybe some special version) with some default Xbox overlay app but able to run GeForce now and steam, box should be upgradable (memory, storage, maybe even gpu) - no more generation shit and set should include dock-able handheld running same OS and using the under TV box almost like eGPU. If Sony would go all in on PC with day1 all games, hybrid (under tv box + dockable handheld) like this would sell very well.


Reverse groomer.
The second all the normies got in with fornite the industry you loved kind of died. It’s like a terminal illness that has just gotten it’s host on its death bed.
The industry I loved is still here. The industry many people loved is atill here. The industry he loved was a small circle, a fraction of the full image. Bro did not expand his horizons and now that the only stuff he plays is.... getting ported to other platforms he doesn't know what to do other than whinge. It's insane.

Dozens of genres, companies and games and he exclusively tied himself to sonys brand of third person ots narrative focused games... it's his funeral ngl


1st party games on PC and 1st party games on a competitor’s console is not the same thing. At all.
What MS are planning to do is pure stupidity as far as I’m concerned. They’ll sell more games but they’ll kill the platform.
What Sony are planning to do is just what MS has been doing for a couple years now, there is always going to be a ”Pro” version from now on, it’s awesome, and won’t kill the platform since not everyone is ready to spend $2000+ on a PC. Sony is going to completely dominate the AAA space.
re. MS - It all depends, if it is going to be limited to gaas (these type of games should be everywhere to maximise profits), and some older, smaller games then the impact should not be that big. We don’t know yet what exactly MS is planning.

re. Sony we don’t know exactly what they mean by going Multiplatform


1st party games on PC and 1st party games on a competitor’s console is not the same thing. At all.
What MS are planning to do is pure stupidity as far as I’m concerned. They’ll sell more games but they’ll kill the platform.
What Sony are planning to do is just what MS has been doing for a couple years now, there is always going to be a ”Pro” version from now on, it’s awesome, and won’t kill the platform since not everyone is ready to spend $2000+ on a PC. Sony is going to completely dominate the AAA space.

You get like double to triple the performance of a console for 2k. A console like experience might costs 1k at most.
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