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4Chan's /v/ hosting their own Video Games Awards ceremony


There's no such thing as /v/'s opinion. Trying to think of any subset of anon as a cohesive group is an exercise in futility.

I really like the 'game we hated the least' award for GOTY

lol, fine I'll correct myself. Nobody who was on at the time cared.
Well, I'm gonna be nominated on this one.


But yeah, this is what gaming needs. Not some "Oscar Worthy" awards, like the VGA's try to be.

I agree, although I do believe that there needs to be a professional awards show for video games. People with actual credit, probably like game developers.


There's no such thing as /v/'s opinion. Trying to think of any subset of anon as a cohesive group is an exercise in futility.

I really like the 'game we hated the least' award for GOTY

They're like Legion from ME2 - A bazillion individuals who can sometimes be coaxed into giving a majority opinion.


Unconfirmed Member
I agree, although I do believe that there needs to be a professional awards show for video games. People with actual credit, probably like game developers.

You mean game developers voting for game developers? Don't they already have an award show?
Why is this not the EA award? Are we still pretending Activision does more than just milk the fuck out of their games?

If you check the nominee's for the reward you'll see that activision actually isn't even nominated.

EA's Origin
Microsoft's E3 conference
Sony hacking scandal
Ubisoft's DRM


If this actually took off (already almost 200k votes cast) then the industry might actually begin to listen to us again, I hope it's a success.


Your noise filter has to be turned up to maximum when browsing /v/. Especially with that conspiracy anon thread which was crazy idiotic. It was kinda sad.

A couple anons will talk crap about GAF, but for the most part they don't give a damn about us.

Oh man the conspiracy stuff in that thread is awesome.

It's like listening to one of those insane homeless guys ramble about how the KGB is mind controlling us.
If this actually took off (already almost 200k votes cast) then the industry might actually begin to listen to us again, I hope it's a success.

Important to note that in order to vote you must log into your steam ID, makes those 200k votes a little more meaningful. Not much more, but a little more.
If this actually took off (already almost 200k votes cast) then the industry might actually begin to listen to us again, I hope it's a success.



If you check the nominee's for the reward you'll see that activision actually isn't even nominated.

EA's Origin
Microsoft's E3 conference
Sony hacking scandal
Ubisoft's DRM

Right, and don't get me wrong I'm rooting for Origin to win that (though sony will probably win based on their negative reaction to sony from that recent thread we had), but the name of the actual award puzzles me. So many are still under the false impression that Activision is the root of all evil in gaming.


If this actually took off (already almost 200k votes cast) then the industry might actually begin to listen to us again, I hope it's a success.

Nah, the industry listening is kind of a lost cause. Too many moneyhats and multi-million dollar deals to leave room for the consumer.


I expected Star Wars: The Old Republic to be nominated for a lot of these negative categories, really.
Last I checked, there was a incredible amount of blind, seething hatred aimed towards that game and Bioware in general.


yeah I'm surprised that SWTOR isn't in the most hated category. The amount of vitriol towards it on /v/ is hilarious


I expected Star Wars: The Old Republic to be nominated for a lot of these negative categories, really.
Last I checked, there was a incredible amount of blind, seething hatred aimed towards that game and Bioware in general.

Yeah, it started after Dragon Age 2 and never really let up. It's funny, because it caused then to retroactively hate other Bioware games as well.
I wish the categories didn't have joke names. Seems like it's trying too hard to me. It will likely be better than the vgas, but it's still going to be embarrassing.
/v/ could be worse—I've seen /vp/ and its slew of PokePorn fan-fics. That was when I scrounged the board for good theory threads—we have Chanarchive for that now, thank Jebus.

lol at VY Canis Majoris shenanigans.


Whatever man. Making fun of gabe Newell for being fat. Totally cutting edge comedy right there.

The "Gabe is fat" meme has transcended bad joke status and become something far more... The fact of the matter us that most people on /v/ adore Valve and Gabe, they just have a funny way of showing it. In my professional opinion, they're totally tsundere.


That doesn't make it funny.

If you look just a tiny bit beneath the surface, you'll realize that the fattest developer category is really a monument to their appreciation of Valve and Gabe. They just put it that way because it's the easiest joke they can turn it into. It's not like Gabe Newell is the only fat game dev alive, yet he's the only choice for voters. He was given his own category and a guaranteed win, it's the best possible compliment you can get from /v/.
The "Gabe is fat" meme has transcended bad joke status and become something far more... The fact of the matter us that most people on /v/ adore Valve and Gabe, they just have a funny way of showing it. In my professional opinion, they're totally tsundere.

You must think I said it was cruel. I'm sure /v/ think their in jokes are hilarious, but I'm not part of /v/. Is this award show solely aimed at /v/?


The "Gabe is fat" meme has transcended bad joke status and become something far more... The fact of the matter us that most people on /v/ adore Valve and Gabe, they just have a funny way of showing it. In my professional opinion, they're totally tsundere.

Agreed, they love Gabe and Valve, they even write one word a post letters to them and get replies, a few of them dislike valve as they view it as a draconian distribution format, however they are the minority from what i've seen.
If you look just a tiny bit beneath the surface, you'll realize that the fattest developer category is really a monument to their appreciation of Valve and Gabe. They just put it that way because it's the easiest joke they can turn it into.

Easiest joke... We can agree on that part.


I respect their opinion more than the VGA awards.

Also full credit to 4chan for a lot of effort on STALKER modding.


Wanna hear a good joke? Waste your time helping me! LOL!
How do people not think the STALKER award is funny?

Even if you haven't played STALKER it's a pretty funny category for an award.


So why is someone advertising it for them here on gaf?

Because they're a relatively large gaming community, and having their own award show is a pretty cool thing. Plus I'm sure there are plenty of people who visit both /v/ and GAF. I get that it's not for everyone but it's at least worth taking a look at.
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