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Street Fighter X Tekken new info and videos round-up


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
Damn, March 6th is actually a Tuesday. That's brilliant.

No way!!!!! A game coming out on tuesday?


Neo Member
Miranda's thighs have everything to do with everything. BTW, I'm personally curious about feedback on the video's that LPN and I did with GamesRadar. Did you guys like how we presented it or was there anything you felt we didn't cover too well? Personal likes or dislikes?


Miranda's thighs have everything to do with everything. BTW, I'm personally curious about feedback on the video's that LPN and I did. Did you guys like how we presented it or was there anything you felt we didn't cover too well? Personal likes or dislikes?

Where's my ling?


Miranda's thighs have everything to do with everything. BTW, I'm personally curious about feedback on the video's that LPN and I did with GamesRadar. Did you guys like how we presented it or was there anything you felt we didn't cover too well? Personal likes or dislikes?

I thought they were great, can't think of anything at the moment that I would change. You tend to go over everything that I would look for.
Miranda's thighs have everything to do with everything. BTW, I'm personally curious about feedback on the video's that LPN and I did with GamesRadar. Did you guys like how we presented it or was there anything you felt we didn't cover too well? Personal likes or dislikes?

I like the breakdowns with LPN more than the one with the 3 guys in the room talking about King/Marduk.


Miranda's thighs have everything to do with everything. BTW, I'm personally curious about feedback on the video's that LPN and I did with GamesRadar. Did you guys like how we presented it or was there anything you felt we didn't cover too well? Personal likes or dislikes?

Presentation is great. Everything explained flowed to my understanding. However, I'm still waiting on some Ling technology. :D


Sketchbook Picasso
Miranda's thighs have everything to do with everything. BTW, I'm personally curious about feedback on the video's that LPN and I did with GamesRadar. Did you guys like how we presented it or was there anything you felt we didn't cover too well? Personal likes or dislikes?

I already posted feedback a few pages back, hope you didn't miss them. Overall, just appreciative of the fact that you guys are covering so many characters that we've seen so little of so far.

I like the breakdowns with LPN more than the one with the 3 guys in the room talking about King/Marduk.

I appreciate them both, really. The LevelUpYourGame stuff is more of a friendly, "hanging with your buds!" Kinda environment, and since their show is 40 min on just 2 characters, it goes really in depth, and has solid breakdowns of what's good, and where.

The Gamesradar stuff is more of an overview / primer style, which is better for a "quick study" format, and it leaves you hungry for more, in a way. (Maybe a little too hungry?) They have less conversational filler, and aren't as strictly organized, but are more to-the point, which I could see being all some would want.
"Miranda's thighs have everything to do with everything. BTW, I'm personally curious about feedback on the video's that LPN and I did with GamesRadar. Did you guys like how we presented it or was there anything you felt we didn't cover too well? Personal likes or dislikes?"

I thought they were great. I've seen on other forums that some said that moves on some characters that are known to exist got skipped over/forgotten about.
No. COD Elite is a subscription service that gives exclusive content. A Season Pass is just a discount for pre-buying every piece of DLC in one big purchase.

Ohhh alright. Good looks everyone!

I would be willing to pay for it if they do decide to roll with a season pass and it comes at a good price.
Man King looks insane already, dem knees. Requesting screencap of Miranda's thighs please. I need to see what the hype is all about.

Crackfiend, the vids were great. They covered alot in a short amount of time to give you a general idea of how everyone plays. Plus they got me hyped for charatcers that I didnt even care about. The only thing that I can even slighty complain about was LPN and "Julia Stiles" lol that made for a good laugh.


And King's jumping knee destroyed every single team on both sides, and then he juggled his partner for all eternity.



|OT| The King is dead. Long live the King

Someone explain Miranda...also anyone else worried about playtime split with this and me on the same dat?

From the Cross Assault thread.


As for this and ME3... we'll I'll be picking both up but definitely going to jump into this first, imo the start of a fighting game is the most fun time to play and explore one. As long as you can keep away from spoilers playing ME3 now is exactly the same as 6 months later (except you'll have DLC story content added on to what you can get Day 1). But jumping into SFxTK Day 1 when everyone is playing it will be completely different t jumping into it 6 months later when most casuals have moved on (COD whatever) and you're dealing with people who know what they're doing 90% of the time while you're trying to learn the basics.

mr. puppy

happy i watched Max's preview videos on all the mechanics, i'm a lot more interested in this game than I was before. i really like that charging super mechanic


So I got a chance to watch some Cross Assault last night. It was not bad, but there were a couple things that drove me crazy. First the guy 'hosting' serisouly drove me crazy with the way that he said 'Cross Assaul' ... dude there is a T on the end pronounce it! Second the 5 minute trial challenge was pretty hardcore...but why did they start the timer at the loading screen rather than the initial 'Go'...stole 15 seconds of the time.

Anyhow it was nice to get a chance to see some of the trials for characters I know nothing about.


Oof, SSF4's loading was pretty good, wonder if it's because of all the stuff that the game loads.
How big is the install data I wonder...

From the trials character select to gameplay it was 15 seconds. In vs it did not seem as long...but they didn't have a clock up ;)


My play time will be divided between this and Yakuza: DS~

BTW, what're your thoughts on the meter management in this game?
Cross Arts (Lvl. 3 super)'s damage is basically 100+Damage of Partner's super. One benefit of it is that it does not leave your opponent with grey recoverable health (and remoevs whatever grey health they have?).
As such the damage of it is 500>Lvl. 3>400.
Now in long combos, chances are you'll end up using your Super instead of the CA, so that makes it uses limited if not very rare.

However, I find that in this game, 2 stocks are enough to take out 50% at most, on average, of an opponent's health.
In addition it'd be interesting to see what combos players can come up with that consume 1 stock AND give them another 1 stock from their combo which they can use to finish it with if they want.


Sketchbook Picasso
BTW, what're your thoughts on the meter management in this game?

I like the fact that, compared to SFIV, you're not losing all of a certain meter between rounds for no reason. This gives more strategy to it, rather than the forced "Lets blow it all!" feel that Ultras give.

I think LvL 3's will get use as combo enders, mostly (they seem to kinda suck as anti-airs, to me, as much as Games Radar mentions them being good for it), especially when you know you need to keep recoverable health from being gained from a not-sure-kill.

Without Dizzy, I don't really see there being any ToD combos thanks to the heavy scaling. I think they have it balanced to a "Biggest combo = Pandora chance for opponent" area of damage.

I'd normally wanna say "meter use to determine position and advantage!", but Tekken characters have so many ways to do that anyway, that they probably really don't need meter to get those hard knockdowns and various space setups.

I really wonder if we'll grow to see the 2 school of characters use meters in entirely different ways? Tekken characters using more EXs and long combos, SF's using more supers and pandora + super for sure kills, or something of the sort?

Noone in this game so far has a power-up super yet either, eh? I wonder if any of the DLC characters will... It'd be interesting if they gave Elena a way to heal with meter (like her healing SA), but I could see such things being somewhat broken with Gems that do similiar things.

"Jumping medium punch from air to air creates juggle status"

Can we get some people to make character videos that dont try and play it like SF4.

Even Bison trials seen yesterday lead you into his jumping medium for juggle... but then they explore the depth of this game, by showing him chain 2 normals on the juggled opponent, into Psycho Crusher.

It's not bad to start off with the SFIV derived ideas, but I doubt we'll see much of people truly exploiting the uniqueness of it all, until release. (Oh, and Desk and Markman videos.) It does seem like some Air-to-airs only create juggle on counter, and others create it just by hitting (such as Bison or Ryu double mediums).
"Can we get some people to make character videos that dont try and play it like SF4."

The Level Up Your Game videos are taken from a Tekken/Some SF player perspective, so they don't really approach things from quite the same way as the various SF players do.
So everyone has a chargable move that turns into an ex, then a super. But if you dash out of it, it cancels it but the next move you do gains counter properties. But does the charged move become an ex if you charged it to an ex, canceled it and then did the move again?


Wow, this hasn't been confirmed? Probably another MvC3 situation then.

Maybe the Vita port will have it as it would have more time to cook, lol.

It's really seeming that way unless they have one last trailer that they are keeping under wraps because they are doing something major with spectating in this game that they feel is a game changer for the genre.

Also, your avatar needs more Moe girl. :(

Edit: @ h3ro. I've been following this thread pretty closely, so I would've thought you guys would discuss it if it was confirmed. Got a link?
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