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Winter 2012 Anime Thread 2.22: You Can (Not) Outpost Cajunator

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Asks questions so Ezalc doesn't have to
because feeding your sisters perversion, taking blame for it, and dealing with constant stress brought on by her wacky perverted hijinks and batshit crazy friends isnt a doormat character?
His only purpose in the show is to deal with constant shit because hes attracted to his sister, which is a pretty terrible one.

Here's how I see it. Kyousuke's basic character motivation (at least at first anyway) is the desire to reconnect with his little sister. For what's apparently been quite some time, probably years, his relationship with Kirino has been one of cold indifference. But after accidentally discovering her hobby, she decides to confide in him. She came to him with a genuine plea of help. And he wants to help, because she is his little sister and no matter how much he wants to deny it, he does love her as such (how much he loves her... well I won't go into where that might be going but at the beginning that's definitely not the case).

The "wacky friends" was actually his idea, because Kyousuke was smart enough to realize that what Kirino was originally trying to do (make him play all of the eroge she plays so she can talk to him about them, etc.) wasn't going to work. She needed friends who were actually hardcore into this stuff at least somewhat close to her level. And over the course of that process they ended up being friends of his as well.

And yes, he's dealing with all of the stress of the situation, but again he's doing so because he doesn't want to lose what he's finally gained after all this time; Kirino's acceptance of him as her brother and not just some stranger living in the same house. He's enjoying the feeling of being needed by his little sister, and doesn't want to throw that away, so yes he does bend a little bit more with her. But there are times where he most definitely puts her in her fucking place (like Episode 11 at the party). Not the behavior of a doormat.

The part where he took the blame for eroge stuff was dumb though, no question (however it was fucking funny).
And another Fairy Tail arc kinda finished.

Why the fuck does this show look so budgeted, but have such kickass music?

Yeah, the music is excellent. Intense Celtic style. Long running shounen adaptations generally have good music for some reason, though the only ones I would consider god tier are Fairy Tail, One Piece and Toriko.


sealed with a kiss
I have a little sister, and during her younger years if I was teasing her or whatever it wasn't completely unheard of for her to give me a quick elbow jab. Obviously this is an anime and there's going to be a lot of exaggeration to the extend of her actions for humor, but my point is that an attitude like that on a lesser scale isn't as uncommon as you might think.

My point is more that when my little sister would do something like that to me, she wasn't getting off scottfree! :3

Now, exaggeration is a staple of comedy. However, if the defining trait of a character is treated as comedy, and thusly exaggerated to the point of the typical tsundere violence, it defies the point of becoming a meaningful, believable character point.

I would say the last bit in the True Route of Episode 12 had her growing a bit in her interactions with Kyousuke. At the very least she was opening up to him a bit more and was definitely concerned with spending the last of her time with him. But yes, she's the character who grows the least over the entire show. However Kyousuke does grow as a character, as does Kuroneko.
The defining trait of a tsundere is that she/he starts out predominately disliking/being antagonistic to the chosen character (usually the main character). As the series proceeds, he/she gradually begins to show off the "dere" side more. I don't see how Kirino realizing she does care for Kyousuke after all is a break of any sort for the tsundere role.
Look, I'm not going to argue that these are somehow the deepest characters in the world, as they're totally not. However I do think you're letting your impressions of Kirino affect your view of the rest of the cast. Kirino is the flatest of the characters most definitely, but more than a lot of other MCs in shows like OreImo, Kyousuke isn't what I'd call a doormat. Sure he's willing to bend more than he'd like to for his little sister, but that's mainly because she's family and he doesn't bend over like that with regards to the others except Ayase because he has the hots for her. Other than that I'm not seeing the whole doormat argument for him to be honest. And I think you're stretching a bit on the other archetypes considering how very specific they are.

Kyousuke does whatever Kirino wants. He never displays any intelligent thought of his own that would run counter to what Kirino wants him to do. There's a line between helping and supporting a family member, and becoming a slave to that person, and kyousuke manages to cross it in the very first episode. He has no personality. If you care to remember the happenings of the first episode (I'd rather not), Kyousuke starts out not knowing or caring about what Kirino does. It's a fantastic opening for the character, since it already hints at the fact he's a spineless apathetic shell who's sole purpose is to bumble his slack-jawed way through the tattered remnants of the plot. Now of course, I would never overlook the shining moment of raw, unfettered character development that takes the second half of the episode by storm. Descending in a ray of unholy light, the realization that he wants to know more about his sister dawns in the empty recesses of Kyouseke's mind. It's the single largest moment of Character Growth in the show, so it deserves special mention. Kyousuke decides to engage Kirino about her everyday life, enjoying sharing the highlights of her modelling shoots, her activities with her friends, the games she plays. He accepts and understands her fascination with eroge, anime, and other otaku activities. Furthermore, he opens up about his own personal life, telling Kirino about his daily activites, such as

Huh. What does he do?


He couldn't even proactively do anything with Kirino. He takes no true interest in her. He is never the instigator of anything in their relationship. His sole purpose is to be a convenient tool for Kirino.

He's a doormat.

edit: dammit, I missed another reply from Ruronizel since this took so long to type. :(


Asks questions so Ezalc doesn't have to
I think you may want to rethink your using of the phrase "doormat", because I don't think it means what you think it means.


He just comes across as a caring brother imo. There didnt seem to be anything particularly incestuous or strange about how he related ti Kirino. He took credit for the dvd and did other things to cover her butt, but it didnt seem beyond the realm ofvwhat a brother might do for a younger sister.


Asks questions so Ezalc doesn't have to
Did you even read the second part of my post, because I explain exactly why I use the term doormat to describe Kyousuke. :(

You described a boring person. Not a doormat. He doesn't just do whatever Kirino wants him to. He resists playing all the eroge she wants him to play (thus he helps her make friends instead), he tells her off at the end of episode 11 etc.


sealed with a kiss
You described a boring person. Not a doormat.

He hardly "resists" playing all the eroge she wants him to play. By the end of the very first episode, Kirino is forcing him to play eroge, while he just sits there like the dumb brute he is.


Well, I certainly hope you aren't going to say that because he isn't literally a doormat, I shouldn't use that term to describe him.

I'm prepared to go into a lot more depth as to why I think the term fits him, but before I do that, could you please describe how you would apply that term to a character, and provide an example? It would help to build a mutual agreement of what this less than scientific term means.


Asks questions so Ezalc doesn't have to
Well, I certainly hope you aren't going to say that because he isn't literally a doormat, I shouldn't use that term to describe him.

I'm prepared to go into a lot more depth as to why I think the term fits him, but before I do that, could you please describe how you would apply that term to a character, and provide an example? It would help to build a mutual agreement of what this less than scientific term means.

A "doormat" as I would describe it, is a person who is so spineless/wimpy/completely fucking useless that he/she, in most (not all) cases, does anything that anyone asks/commands them to do without any good reason for why they should do so. For example, Shinji Ikari spends most (not all) of Neon Genesis Evangelion being exactly that, a doormat. Hell, after running away and then being brought back Misato totally fucking calls him out on that when he's like "It's not like I want to, but Ayanami and you..." etc. He pilots an Eva because people tell him to do so. He moves in with Misato because she tells him to. He punches Toji because Toji tells him to. He goes to Rei's apartment because Ritsuko tells him to. He gets off of Rei after falling on her because she tells him to :)-P).

That is how I would use the term "doormat".


Martian Successor Nadesico 02-03

So Yurika's dad is like that, huh? Glad everything got situated.


The dynamics between the two camps were pretty interesting, and I enjoyed dat Engrish.

Friendzoning sucks.

Just when I thought things were looking up and the true embodiment of manliness was being kindled, that happened at the end. ;_;


If he
dies, I am going to be mad as fuck.

Lagrange's split works perfectly, but just like Fate/Zero, I'll most likely stop at the very last episode of the first season before picking it up again...sometime.
Totally understandable.
the dental scene from the tatami galaxy?
Uh... er....... I mean, uh, yes. Yes that dental hygiene scene........................
Persona 4 ep 22

The first half was like epic persona incarnate, so good and I think it had the best persona Ive ever seen of all persona Ive encountered (P3P, yes greater than Thor, Odin, and Horus)
so many persona and fighting and battles was so good, hope its like that in the game, but even more so Beelzebub seemed like an utterly high level persona, Yu is that strong!? Ultimately, the dragon persona is the best persona yet in the anime, can we get it early game?

The second half confirmed my worst fears.
Of Dojima and Nanoko, I thought Dojima would die, but not Nanoko, but having Nanoko die, and in such a situation? I havent cried this much since a funeral. I mean when they showed her eyesight fading, and then dojima barely making it, and the ticker showing 0 I was just gone. P4 was supposed to be some happy go lucky anime, it wasnt supposed to be this hard hitting, deep, and emotional. This was not what I signed up for and I am on the verge of just leaving it now, what can they do to recover after this at episode 22?! Nanoko...

One last thing, Adachi is the best side character, I wish he had gotten more screen time over the course of the anime, and Naoto too, more speaking roles and an excellently written character.


Asks questions so Ezalc doesn't have to
This Oreimo discussion is getting terribly long-winded..

It is. I apologize, I guess I'm just defensive because I spent a lot of time writing about it and felt like I needed to defend my opinion. Envelope doesn't like the show, and that's fine.

EDIT: And now I remember why I stopped watching Nadesico. ;_;


Persona 4 ep 22

The first half was like epic persona incarnate, so good and I think it had the best persona Ive ever seen of all persona Ive encountered (P3P, yes greater than Thor, Odin, and Horus)
so many persona and fighting and battles was so good, hope its like that in the game, but even more so Beelzebub seemed like an utterly high level persona, Yu is that strong!? Ultimately, the dragon persona is the best persona yet in the anime, can we get it early game?

The second half confirmed my worst fears.
Of Dojima and Nanoko, I thought Dojima would die, but not Nanoko, but having Nanoko die, and in such a situation? I havent cried this much since a funeral. I mean when they showed her eyesight fading, and then dojima barely making it, and the ticker showing 0 I was just gone. P4 was supposed to be some happy go lucky anime, it wasnt supposed to be this hard hitting, deep, and emotional. This was not what I signed up for and I am on the verge of just leaving it now, what can they do to recover after this at episode 22?! Nanoko...

One last thing, Adachi is the best side character, I wish he had gotten more screen time over the course of the anime, and Naoto too, more speaking roles and an excellently written character.

You've probably answered this a billion times already, but have you played the game? (I'm inferring a no)

You're gonna really love the way the show turns out if not.


It is. I apologize, I guess I'm just defensive because I spent a lot of time writing about it and felt like I needed to defend my opinion. Envelope doesn't like the show, and that's fine.

EDIT: And now I remember why I stopped watching Nadesico. ;_;

Nah, not blaming you or anyone else. I think it just boils down to different strokes for different folks.


Asks questions so Ezalc doesn't have to
Nah, not blaming you or anyone else. I think it just boils down to different strokes for different folks.

Very true. Actually I think this is the longest I've ever argued about an anime with anyone here on AnimeGAF... and about OreImo of all shows.

I need a drink! #Fujisawaneedshisalcohol



sealed with a kiss
A "doormat" as I would describe it, is a person who is so spineless/wimpy/completely fucking useless that he/she, in most (not all) cases, does anything that anyone asks/commands them to do without any good reason for why they should do so. For example, Shinji Ikari spends most (not all) of Neon Genesis Evangelion being exactly that, a doormat. Hell, after running away and then being brought back Misato totally fucking calls him out on that when he's like "It's not like I want to, but Ayanami and you..." etc. He pilots an Eva because people tell him to do so. He moves in with Misato because she tells him to. He punches Toji because Toji tells him to. He goes to Rei's apartment because Ritsuko tells him to. He gets off of Rei after falling on her because she tells him to :)-P).

That is how I would use the term "doormat".

This is interesting, because I wouldn't call Shinji a doormat, since he is given actual character development
antidevelopment? Regression? :p
throughout Evangelion. There's distinct change, motives, and causes in his actions during the series, and they change as the series progresses. He might be a doormat, but it's a transforming one!
ok, that was a terrible way to put it, I'm sorry

Kyousuke, however, doesn't demonstrate change. As for your definition,
A "doormat" as I would describe it, is a person who is so spineless/wimpy/completely fucking useless that he/she, in most (not all) cases, does anything that anyone asks/commands them to do without any good reason for why they should do so.
, I would say that kyousuke still fits that description. I would peg him under the "completely fucking useless" type, since as I mentioned previously, he does nothing outside of what kirino wants. His actions throughout Oreimo are tied to Kirino in everything he does. Even though the focus of Oreimo is on their relationship, crucial character development is often found outside that realm, but that just wasn't present in Oreimo. Furthermore, most of the time (with the single exception in episode 11, as you said) he does everything that Kirino wants him to do. At the same time, his reasoning for doing so is fundamentally poor and unsound. He does not have a good reason to go to the lengths he does.

Edit: I don't know about you, RurouniZel, but I am enjoying myself immensely. If only I could have chosen a better show than Oreimo to debate about. :(


envelope, have you watched You're Under Arrest? I feel kind of bad for tricking you into watching Ultimate Girls and YUA is really good.


sealed with a kiss
envelope, have you watched You're Under Arrest? I feel kind of bad for tricking you into watching Ultimate Girls and YUA is really good.

It's somewhere on my list of "things I will eventually watch after I finish watching the things I'm currently watching" !!


Asks questions so Ezalc doesn't have to
Kyousuke, however, doesn't demonstrate change. As for your definition, , I would say that kyousuke still fits that description. I would peg him under the "completely fucking useless" type, since as I mentioned previously, he does nothing outside of what kirino wants. His actions throughout Oreimo are tied to Kirino in everything he does. Even though the focus of Oreimo is on their relationship, crucial character development is often found outside that realm, but that just wasn't present in Oreimo. Furthermore, most of the time (with the single exception in episode 11, as you said) he does everything that Kirino wants him to do. At the same time, his reasoning for doing so is fundamentally poor and unsound. He does not have a good reason to go to the lengths he does.

Edit: I don't know about you, RurouniZel, but I am enjoying myself immensely. If only I could have chosen a better show than Oreimo to debate about. :(

Agreed, I admit I'm having fun too.

For me, a person doesn't have to change so much as they have to show a desire to act of their own accord. For example, while most of what Kyousuke does in the show does indeed revolve around Kirino, it's not all at her beck and call. Many times in the show he takes the initiative, which is proactive, not reactive.

For example, there's the whole bit in the third episode where he passionately defends her and her hobby to their father (and I like how his argument isn't that it's good for her, bur rather that it's not detrimental to her). But she never asked him to do so. He chose to do so of his own accord. After he chases her down and she cries about how her father called the hobby she loved so much completely worthless (thus making her feel worthless), all Kyousuke asks her is to make a decision. She tells him that she'll never give up the hobby because it's a part of who she is. He then says "That's not a bad answer. Okay, leave the rest to me," This is not the actions of a doormat letting someone walk all over them (thus the name), it's the actions of a person who's willing to stand up against their (rather intimidating) father because he thinks that keeping the hobby and keeping her newfound friends is far better for her than letting her father throw them away. And he KNOWS that at this point Kirino wouldn't stand a chance of convincing him. He views his position of "older brother" as one of being able to support his little sister when she's in need.

And yes, she does boss him around, but he also resists at least somewhat and is willing to call her out. She tells him to play an eroge at the end of the 1st episode, and at the beginning of the 2nd she's angry because at the end of a week he's barely touched it. He does eventually do so, but only one route, not the complete like she wanted. When she's acting mopey after Ayase finds out her secret, and she screams at him for "not understanding anything" he doesn't just take it; he stands up and argues back at her. Again he takes the blame, but that's to preserve Kirino's friendship with Ayase despite it destroying his chances with her. We've discussed Episode 11 already. In Episode 12, he clearly doesn't want to go to Akiba for a midnight launch of a new game for her, but she begs and pleads not only in the nicest way she ever has in the show, but insists it will be the last request she makes of him, etc.

I guess we just disagree in how we view Kyousuke's actions. :p I agree this debate has been fun. ^^;


It's very boring

garbage, don't bother

Aww. The mystery tag had me in hopes.

Passable. Fairly solid cast combined with some decent mysteries/investigations. Some of the later episodes drag a bit, and the show mixes its tone around a bit too much. The MC is a generic cardboard cutout for the most part. I enjoyed it, but its certainly not a must watch by any means.

Is the Loli poster deceiving me or is she a good character? I still wanna try it :/


Kamisama no Memochou: Good/Bad, GAF?

Passable. Fairly solid cast combined with some decent mysteries/investigations. Some of the later episodes drag a bit, and the show mixes its tone around a bit too much. The MC is a generic cardboard cutout for the most part. I enjoyed it, but its certainly not a must watch by any means.


sealed with a kiss
Agreed, I admit I'm having fun too.

For me, a person doesn't have to change so much as they have to show a desire to act of their own accord. For example, while most of what Kyousuke does in the show does indeed revolve around Kirino, it's not all at her beck and call. Many times in the show he takes the initiative, which is proactive, not reactive.

For example, there's the whole bit in the third episode where he passionately defends her and her hobby to their father (and I like how his argument isn't that it's good for her, bur rather that it's not detrimental to her). But she never asked him to do so. He chose to do so of his own accord. After he chases her down and she cries about how her father called the hobby she loved so much completely worthless (thus making her feel worthless), all Kyousuke asks her is to make a decision. She tells him that she'll never give up the hobby because it's a part of who she is. He then says "That's not a bad answer. Okay, leave the rest to me," This is not the actions of a doormat letting someone walk all over them (thus the name), it's the actions of a person who's willing to stand up against their (rather intimidating) father because he thinks that keeping the hobby and keeping her newfound friends is far better for her than letting her father throw them away. And he KNOWS that at this point Kirino wouldn't stand a chance of convincing him. He views his position of "older brother" as one of being able to support his little sister when she's in need.

And yes, she does boss him around, but he also resists at least somewhat and is willing to call her out. She tells him to play an eroge at the end of the 1st episode, and at the beginning of the 2nd she's angry because at the end of a week he's barely touched it. He does eventually do so, but only one route, not the complete like she wanted. When she's acting mopey after Ayase finds out her secret, and she screams at him for "not understanding anything" he doesn't just take it; he stands up and argues back at her. Again he takes the blame, but that's to preserve Kirino's friendship with Ayase despite it destroying his chances with her. We've discussed Episode 11 already. In Episode 12, he clearly doesn't want to go to Akiba for a midnight launch of a new game for her, but she begs and pleads not only in the nicest way she ever has in the show, but insists it will be the last request she makes of him, etc.

I guess we just disagree in how we view Kyousuke's actions. :p I agree this debate has been fun. ^^;
I think we've pretty much exhausted this topic by now, but I'll just point out that in Episode 12, Kirino still gives a huge beating to Kyousuke, who still doesn't do anything about it. :3


Asks questions so Ezalc doesn't have to
Wasn't there an anime ABOUT bathing?

Thermae Roma I think

I think we've pretty much exhausted this topic by now, but I'll just point out that in Episode 12, Kirino still gives a huge beating to Kyousuke, who still doesn't do anything about it. :3

True, but that's the "Good Ending" one, the non-canonical route. And yes, I think we've exhausted this topic completely.


Sailor Moon 3-10

This show has this amazing self-aware charm to it that I'm just adoring. Things like the musician directly asking Usagi why she's in the car with him, her pose confusion from episode one, and the question of why Umino had certain photos keeps being answered almost immediately after I ask myself about these things. Also had no idea Usagi was somewhat whiny and inept going into this. It's used to great comedic effect.

Lost it at this.

And this.

And this.

And this.

I can't tell if I'm enjoying this too much or not.


Setec Astronomer
EDIT: Sailor Moon as well. Is there somewhere I can buy it?

Toei is currently withholding the licensing rights from the rest of the world. There's the old ADV release but the quality is horrible. Pioneer did a much better job but they only cover S, Supers, and the movies.


sealed with a kiss
Sailor Moon episodes 1-6


(sorry, but I can't be bothered to go back and get screenshots from each episode. maybe next time!)

I love the Sailor Moon OP so much.

Luna is an awesome cat, always smacking sense into Usagi when she needs it (which is most of the time). Some of the monsters are seriously creepy, they really like abusing their joints to the point where it makes me wince. As for Usagi herself, it's enjoyable watching her break on to the scene filled with confidence, only to turn tail the moment an enemy attacks. Narag points out how she's quite a bit whinier than you would expect (just look at the Precure heroines for a nice contrast) and it's definitely something I'm appreciating. Narag, you aren't supposed to pull ahead of me in a single day.... :(

Also, she and her brother have a nice appropriate, natural relationship, unlike a certain other show I could mention. ^^

brushy brushy

The facial expressions are really nice and varied, even with the simpler 90's designs.

Tuxedo mask is slightly annoying so far... And Hitokage ruined him for me. Curse you, Ultimate Girls.

On a completely unrelated note, I wonder who this could possibly be.

I'll give a special mention to episode 6. From the very beginning, it oozed quality on a level that the other episodes just didn't have. This really was Ikuhara at his prime, and it shows.


Kamisama no Memochou: Good/Bad, GAF?

Overall kinda lackluster, but the end-arc made it up for me. Easily.

I did like what little mystery component there was though, and I'm a sucker for it even if it's just a little.

Also, off-topic of that: I'm really surprised whenever I see people who've not watched Sailor Moon before. In the 90's that was my gateway drug into anime.


I do plan to eventually have the entirety of sailor moon on dvd. Its not going to be cheap though.
Really hoping they eventually rerelease it.


Asks questions so Ezalc doesn't have to

Toei is currently withholding the licensing rights from the rest of the world. There's the old ADV release but the quality is horrible. Pioneer did a much better job but they only cover S, Supers, and the movies.

Damn, that's what I was hoping wasn't still the case. It's still super expensive. >_>


sealed with a kiss
Overall kinda lackluster, but the end-arc made it up for me. Easily.

I did like what little mystery component there was though, and I'm a sucker for it even if it's just a little.

Also, off-topic of that: I'm really surprised whenever I see people who've not watched Sailor Moon before. In the 90's that was my gateway drug into anime.

I watched Sailor Moon years and years ago, when I was really little, and I absolutely loved it then. It's been so long though, I decided to do a rewatch and see how my adult self enjoys it.


Also, off-topic of that: I'm really surprised whenever I see people who've not watched Sailor Moon before. In the 90's that was my gateway drug into anime.

They played it in the early 00's as well on early morning cartoons in Canada. My friends thought it was "girly" but fuck that, it was great.

I think i'll give Memochou a try. I enjoy when shows pick up near the end.


I watched Sailor Moon years and years ago, when I was really little, and I absolutely loved it then. It's been so long though, I decided to do a rewatch and see how my adult self enjoys it.

Ahh, that makes a lot of sense then in your case!
They played it in the early 00's as well on early morning cartoons in Canada. My friends thought it was "girly" but fuck that, it was great.

I think i'll give Memochou a try. I enjoy when shows pick up near the end.
My friends too! But I didn't care because I just loved it.

Also yeah. And the present-day premise/setting is still pretty well done in it, and the ending kinda justified everything that happened for me because they did a hidden buildup to that final arc that was pretty good looking at it in hindsight.


Asks questions so Ezalc doesn't have to
I watched Sailor Moon years and years ago, when I was really little, and I absolutely loved it then. It's been so long though, I decided to do a rewatch and see how my adult self enjoys it.

Yeah, I saw some of it when I was younger but not all that much. Sailor Moon was my imouto's thing, I was watching Ronin Warriors. XD
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