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Spring Anime 2012 | Welcome Home, Space Cowboy

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I suppose that could be it. For some reason, I'm reminded of the girl with two mouths from Eiken:

My suffer-a-thon may have ground to a complete halt when I was only able to make it through ten minutes before having to pop nerve meds and go to bed early, but at least I got this out of it. It's the girl on the right--when she leans down for some reason, her mouth doesn't move with the rest of her face and a second mouth appears. I promise you it's not a nose.

I tried to warn you :(
But you wouldn't listen. Why didn't you listen?
What a fucking great series. Certainly one I'll revisit later and will absolutely buy if it is available on disc. I honestly think I like enough to put it on my top ten list. It was that enjoyable.

It really is an incredible series. I don't know that I would put it in my Top 10, but it's definitely pretty high up on my personal list. All of the characters are extraordinarily well developed. Watching the series was a genuine treat every week.


Hakugei: Legend of the Moby Dick 25-26 END


Great ending to a great show. These final two episodes really closed the show well, with a climax that was both an exciting and satisfying conclusion to Hakugei. The visuals were also strong as in line with other recent episodes. My only knock would be that the final minutes of the last episode were incredibly abrupt. The climax happens and basically just ends within the next moment. It would have been nice to see what the crew did after all was said and done.

In terms of the show overall, if you've been following my posts at all its probably pretty clear that I enjoyed the show quite a bit. It's a well directed space adventure with a loveable cast, great comedy, and great action. Captain Ahab in particular is one of the most memorable characters I have come across in anime. The performance by his VA is top notch, combined with great dialouge and manly attitude lead to some pretty incredible moments in the show. Ahab is funny, manly, a little insane, selfish; yet at the same time he is definitely a sentimental man who cares deeply for his crew and the few friends he has. He is a wonderful character that really makes the show what it is.

I think in general when the show does focus on certain characters to develop them and give backstory it does it amazingly well. Looking at Dew the android, White Hat, or Murato both all of them are pretty well fleshed out and have some great backstory episodes. Dew's growth throughout the show is really well done. I was also impressed by Murato who I initially thought was another strong character in the show. For a guy that initially appears to be rather flat villain, his later characterization as a tortured soul is quite a turn around. The episode that focuses on his backstory is a great one. Another character that goes through pretty major, and rather hilarious, transformation during the show is Mutz. He is originally introduced as the "strong and silent swordfighter" who rarely seems to interact with anyone and is usually seen training with his sword. He is much like Dew in the early going except not hostile. As the show goes on begins to act more like the rest of the crew, even though there is never any direct exposition or scenes that would imply he has had some change of heart. He starts getting in on their antics, harassing the women, singing with the crew, etc. It's a shame a number of other characters were left without any real backstory, it seemed like the crew could have some pretty interesting pasts. At the same time it fits fairly well in the context of the show considering the men nor Ahab really care about any of each others past lives before becoming whale hunters.

I haven't really talked to much about plot details in my previous post, mostly because it seemed a bit pointless since it seems like no one else has watched this show. That said the story is pretty neat. What I assumed would be something much closer to the original Moby Dick novel, except in space, is really much different than that. I'm pretty happy with how everything went in this regard.

My one main knock against the show would be its soundtrack. Outside of a couple of good tracks, its mostly forgettable stuff. It does its job within the show, but its nothing impressive either.

In short, this is a show well worth checking out. A worthy series in Dezaki's career.
HeartCatch PreCure 8-10

Dark Precure is a nice change of pace and it's cool that
the double dildo attack didn't work
, but it still feels like something is missing. What we need is an evil teammate precure. Like Cure Abyss or Cure Inferno. They would be ruthless in battle and wouldn't care how many innocents get caught in the crossfire, inadvertently causing more casualties than the villains. Now that would be a magical girl show worth watching.


Just catching up on the newoldtamina news.

Spring/Summer yay
Fall wtf?!

I'm really hyped for all 4 oldtamina shows in Spring/Summer. Fall... not so much.

Do we have any idea what Psycho Pass is about?


The Light of El Cantare
Amagami SS+ 12:


And right on the heels of that gender inequality discussion comes this piece of work...

Sadly, this episode taught me that toesex isn't nearly as hot as fingersex. Last scene was Chester Cheetah levels of dangerously cheesy.
You have a 100% chance of getting NTRed by your girlfriend if she's older than you and goes off to college, so I suppose Junichi did the only thing he could to stop it

Amagami SS+ 13:

Worthless onsen episode. Oh well.

SS+ didn't really live up to my expectations. I really wanted the show to build on the established romances, but rather than take the stories in a creative direction, most of the character arcs relied on standard relationship drama that didn't entertain or engage me.
Also, Kaoru had the worst arc, which is unforgivable
. SS+ was never bad or a chore to get through, though, and is still easily required viewing for any fan of the first series. I'd definitely still watch another season that maintained roughly this level of quality.


Subete no aware
SS+ didn't really live up to my expectations. I really wanted the show to build on the established romances, but rather than take the stories in a creative direction, most of the character arcs relied on standard relationship drama that didn't entertain or engage me.
Also, Kaoru had the worst arc, which is unforgivable
. SS+ was never bad or a chore to get through, though, and is still easily required viewing for any fan of the first series. I'd definitely still watch another season that maintained roughly this level of quality.
This was basically the Rihoko show. They just had to animate the rest of the girls out of some misguided sense of obligation.

But I'm kickstarting Kill Me Baby S2. If five people send £1 each, we'll be able to fund all of it!
As long as the OP stays the same.


The Light of El Cantare
Lol, no. They're integral parts of what makes anime so good.

Without them, I would die. And there was nishishishsihsihi in this.

Onsens are the worst type of anime fanservice because everything from the neck down is totally obscured with water/towels. They're really just for the most extreme form of breast guys who can be satisfied by a tiny bit of top-boob floating above the water. Even beach episodes in all their genericness generally have better fanservice.

More Nishishi is always welcome, but I would have rather it been a solely Miya episode like the BD special from the first series.

This was basically the Rihoko show. They just had to animate the rest of the girls out of some misguided sense of obligation.

This. All of the other waifus were mishandled in some form or another, and Rihoko only escaped this because it was pretty much the true end of her arc from the first series.


Maturity, bitches.

They should be paying me $1.60 for the courtesy of watching KMB.

But it was the best show of the season. It literally ticked all the boxes:

Best OP ☑
Best ED ☑
Best characters ☑
Best voices ☑
Best jokes ☑
Best story ☑
Best show called Kill Me Baby ☑

If I were to actually kickstart an anime it would be to finish series 2 of Mitsudomoe.


Another 5

Why would anyone go to this school? People dying left and right is not something you can really keep a secret. The school would have been closed years ago.
Just a bit hard to buy the plausibility of that.

The strongest part of the show continues to be the atmospheric direction. It's enjoyable to watch even though the story doesn't really make a lot of sense.


Got a good OFSTED report.

Doesn't matter if
people are literally dying. I mean, usually in these kinds of stories it just starts off as some kind of urban legend, and that's fine. But in this case PEOPLE ARE ACTUALLY DYING, REPEATEDLY. This would be all over the news and no one would go to the school.
But it was the best show of the season. It literally ticked all the boxes:

Best OP ☑
Best ED ☑
Best characters ☑
Best voices ☑
Best jokes ☑
Best story ☑
Best show called Kill Me Baby ☑

If I were to actually kickstart an anime it would be to finish series 2 of Mitsudomoe.

Most of this post is terrible and yet, you managed to save it at the end. Amazing.


That is a problem I also have with this British TV show called Midsomer Murders.

I mean, come the fuck on, dozens of people die in this tiny English hamlet and not one citizen thinks of moving away?! The rest of England must be a fucking bloodbath if that's the case.

See, at least Higurashi was able to have its cake and eat it too by
having a Groundhog Day Loop reset the show with every arc.


sealed with a kiss
The second half of HeartCatch has been a lot better than the first.
Why do evil versions of characters always have much cooler outfits?

Dune is pretty boss, he rides around on his asteroid desert-ifying planets. His next target is earth, which means our heroines need to level up some more! The Palace makes a a return for another training arc! Now they have to fight the shadow in their hearts, which for Erika and Itsuki simply means facing the worries and fears that wilted their heartflowers in the first place. Yuri has to come to terms with Cologne's death. And Tsubomi... since she's the "main" character, she hasn't run into any of the problems the other characters has faced, so she needs to wait til next episode!
So that's how all the statues got into the Palace.


She may not have the best transformation, but Erika is still the best precure


Maturity, bitches.
I would pitch in 100$ right now if this was offered.
possibly a couple hundred if it had a realistic chance.
But you could use that $100 to buy the first BD!

That is a problem I also have with this British TV show called Midsomer Murders.

I mean, come the fuck on, dozens of people die in this tiny English hamlet and not one citizen thinks of moving away?! The rest of England must be a fucking bloodbath if that's the case.
That's the countryside for you!

I swore I was the only person that liked Mitsudomoe...
*places rolled $50 bill in BGBW's suit pocket*
I'll use this for whenever they release a Mitsuba figurine. Maybe I should switch back to my old Inuguchi (dog boy) avatar.


Highschool DxD 1

Who doesn't!?
Fake boobs deserve some love, too.
Teeth-face is scary.
I like how the characters in this show have their priorities straight.

This seems like a show that is better to watch after the physical release, to remove what little censoring there is, though for this kind of show, they could have used a better eyecatch, one where her body had a posture that didn't make me wonder how a person could manage to stay like that, and her feet looked like feet, not like two pieces of ham.
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