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Gay and Bisexual relationship thread |OT|

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We are indeed. Who wants to start the new thread? Im surprised we arent in community yet.

I'm assuming we haven't been moved to Community yet because it gets far less traffic and keeping us in Off Topic allows the new little Juniors to find their way here.

I know I probably wouldn't have found it for awhile if it were in Community.

we are nearing lock territory, say your last words gurls



Gay and Bisexual |OT| Cock-Gobblers Anonymous and the Other 99% of Us

My apology for saying this but I hope this is just a joke. IMO, that is a bit tacky and crass for a thread title (not to mention probably not fit in with the new Google no-naughty stuff rule so it'd get mod-locked right away). More importantly, I don't think it's the kind of title that'd encourage people who are sexually confused to come and participate in the thread.

I also agree with those who said that whatever new thread is going to be created, it should not be in the community section because it may get lost there and would not be as obvious to newcomers and visitors passing-by. The original point of the thread was to serve as a support group to people who otherwise don't have any other way to disclose their sexuality.


No thanks, that's a shitty ass slur. Hope none of you is being serious about it because I surely wouldn't post there (not like that matters, anyway!).

In other news, I was reading today about the german catholic doctors wanting to "cure" homosexuality and I was pretty enraged. It really makes my blood boil, and I'm generally a happy and chirpy person!
No thanks, that's a shitty ass slur. Hope none of you is being serious about it because I surely wouldn't post there (not like that matters, anyway!).

In other news, I was reading today about the german catholic doctors wanting to "cure" homosexuality and I was pretty enraged. It really makes my blood boil, and I'm generally a happy and chirpy person!

I'm dead serious. If I had my way, the thread would be called:

FAGG|OT| Let's find a cure!




in before: "You don't saaaaaay!?!?!"

I'm pretty sure the "fag|OT|" is a joke, but then the same people that are joking will get mad whenever someone says fag in the next thread (if we still survive :p) and gaygaf circle of drama will be complete.

ps. I love drama, we all do :)
not really

I love you guys! <3 Please don't punch me :( :D
With the repurposed community subforums that doesn't seem like it'd be as much of an issue now. If AusGAF can exist so can this, surely.


There was a good deal of drama around it the last time.

There used to be a ton of OTs for various minority groups in the off topic section. Someone decided to create a "white person" OT, whichcaused a ton of drama. Mods decided to lock that thread, bt in order to look fair, also decided to shut down all the minority threads. They did allow OTs for facets of that minority- the "black culture" thread and "GLBT relationship" thread most notably. Predictably, both of these evolved into catch-all threads that closely resembled the old locked threads, but official policy concerning these sorts of threads has not, to my knowledge, changed. It's probably not a good idea, therefore, to draw attention to the fact that this thread is less about relationships than it could be.

My apology for saying this but I hope this is just a joke. IMO, that is a bit tacky and crass for a thread title (not to mention probably not fit in with the new Google no-naughty stuff rule so it'd get mod-locked right away). More importantly, I don't think it's the kind of title that'd encourage people who are sexually confused to come and participate in the thread.

I also agree with those who said that whatever new thread is going to be created, it should not be in the community section because it may get lost there and would not be as obvious to newcomers and visitors passing-by. The original point of the thread was to serve as a support group to people who otherwise don't have any other way to disclose their sexuality.

That's something all threads sent to community have to deal with, though. Just the nature of the beast that threads that are constantly bumped to the first page shouldn't be cluttering up the O section when community exists. PonyGAF definitely became more insular and had less fresh blood owing to the transfer to community, and that's true of most community threads, but it was still the right call, and it's the right call here, too.


I would personally prefer that this thread openly become a gay community thread, as with the old one, and be moved to Community. I think that's a minority opinion, though.

Dr. Malik

I would personally prefer that this thread openly become a gay community thread, as with the old one, and be moved to Community. I think that's a minority opinion, though.

Agreed and it should be called

Grindr [OT] Trying to Find Love in a Hopeless Place


This thread should be open to all talk yeah. Maybe moving to community will allow us to have that. Without posting male pics in every post of course.


Maybe the "new OT" could be renamed to something more general; while still "restricted" to avoid turning it into a mega-thread (and continue in the Community-side). Many avoided and avoid this thread because of the "relationship" focus (even if most of the time it's not about that :p). The thread was quite dormant for some time too because of that.

Many gay (and non-gay)-GAFers also would like to talk and ask for advice and other misc. things; but don't know if it's possible because of the "relationship" title. Neither will make a new thread afraid of possible backlash and other things.

Maybe "LGBT -Support- |OT| Advice, relationships and everything in between"...or something. :p


Yep let's invite hate language, I'm sure no one in Gaf will scream hypocrites when someone gets ban for using that word

I'm sorry, I just found it funny that "gaf" is an anagram of "fag" :(

In other news, I was reading today about the german catholic doctors wanting to "cure" homosexuality and I was pretty enraged. It really makes my blood boil, and I'm generally a happy and chirpy person!

I stumbled recently upon an interview with a founder of a Passover Group - a Christian (who would have thought, eh) group that helps curing homosexuality. She was referring to homosexuality as an "issue" and likened it to alcoholism, i.e. you can cure gay and make him attracted to women (as an example she pointed out Alan Medinger, an "ex-gay" who is now living in a straight relationship), but as soon as the guy stumbles upon gay porn, the "gay addiction", as she called it, will return. So yeah, that attraction to women was really weak then. Hard to call such a person "cured".

However, the fun began when she started listing reasons why boys become gay. First is the "lack of masculinity", i.e. a boy has inferiority complex and doubts that any girl will ever choose him, so he turns his affections into men. (I'm sure that the reason most of my friends from childhood were girls, right? And at one point at least three girls were "fighting" over me.) The second reason was when I didn't know whether I should be laughing or be enraged. The women said, and I quote: "If I ever meet a young gay who lived in a non-pathological family, whose parents loved him and supported him, then I will believe that there's a gay gene".

And of course, "the true healing comes through Jesus Christ"...


the piano man
Maybe the "new OT" could be renamed to something more general; while still "restricted" to avoid turning it into a mega-thread (and continue in the Community-side). Many avoided and avoid this thread because of the "relationship" focus (even if most of the time it's not about that :p). The thread was quite dormant for some time too because of that.

Many gay (and non-gay)-GAFers also would like to talk and ask for advice and other misc. things; but don't know if it's possible because of the "relationship" title. Neither will make a new thread afraid of possible backlash and other things.

Maybe "LGBT -Support- |OT| Advice, relationships and everything in between"...or something. :p

The first think I'd suggest to the regulars here is to actually mingle.

It soo clear that friendships and whatnot are taking place through other means like some skype or facebook community that the thread has virtually lost its purpose in a forum.

a selected few read and reply to a selected few and that's not very friendly.

that's the thing that could be improved on.


The first think I'd suggest to the regulars here is to actually mingle.

It soo clear that friendships and whatnot are taking place through other means like some skype or facebook community that the thread has virtually lost its purpose in a forum.

a selected few read and reply to a selected few and that's not very friendly.

that's the thing that could be improved on.


I lurk in this thread more than I post, but half the time I feel like the discussions taking place here are in response to something that happened on Skype/TinyChat/Tumblr/Whathaveyou.

So I generally only post in response to new members posting gay-related issues, which has become rare.
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