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Dating-Age |OT3| Positivity, Confidence, and Not Being a "Nice" Guy

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Yes, this is right. Was there seriously any reason at all not to do this?

Not really, I just was more curious about when the proper time to text would be. So I guess that's been answered. Sunday afternoon it is, not tonight.

Yes, but to make a long story short, I'm a little gun-shy in that regard. I had an ex (in a 5 year relationship) that wasn't foaming at the mouth crazy, hell she never even went to church. Then she found out I was an atheist, joined the campus cult, and became that way, all because of me.
You're ex had other problems besides being religious. I'm a Catholic and I couldn't give a shit if my S/O was a believer or not, as long as they were OK with my beliefs and were willing to engage in debates about shit then it's all good.
Holy shit do I hate writing long ass post, so bare with me please.

Night started out pretty interesting, it was raining all day and that would continue throughout the evening. I arrived at the bar ten minutes early (like I always do on dates) so I could check out the place to see if I wanted to stick around for a long time. The bar was loud but not necessarily crowded. I take a booth seat in the back facing the door and try to relax. It wasn’t working. As much as anyone will tell you that I’m a very calm and chill person I couldn’t get out of my head. I kept playing the what if game for some reason. Those ten minutes felt like the longest ten minutes of my life. I felt like I was back on my first date, or like a kid staying up to 11:50 on Christmas Eve. Shit was surreal and I couldn’t stand it.

She text me to say she’s just around the corner and walks in right at 9:00. She looks so beautiful. We make eye contact and she’s just smiling at me. At that point you couldn’t kick the smile off my face which in turn makes her giggle. We greet each other; she buries her head in my chest and hugs tightly which makes me feel really good. For about thirty minutes we’re talking, laughing, and getting to know each other better. At times I would purposely let the conversation hit a lull to see if she would restart it. She wouldn’t. She would have her hand slightly resting over her lips, smile, and just stare at me. Which all that did was make me aware that I was fucking breathing. We talk for another fifteen minutes without her boyfriend coming up once. I felt like I had an army of Gaf posters in my head yelling “don’t mention the fucking boyfriend!” As the conversation hits another lull she stares at me and ask “so what do you want to know about him?” I just have a blank look on my face and say “whatever you want to mention about him.”

As she starts talking my heart starts to sink. Shit was difficult to listen to. She was talking about how he was one of the first people she met when she got to the states; and how he was super nice and never took advantage of her (I guess friend to girlfriend does work Gaf lulz). She said since they were spending so much time together that they just naturally became a couple; even though she wasn’t really romantically attracted to him. She also stated that with all the things going on in her life at the time that the relationship was one of the few stable things. I said to her “well that was then, this is now. Why haven’t you broken up with him?” She said if we hadn’t met she would have broken up with him that Monday but in meeting me things got complicated. I asked her when she was going to do it and she said she wanted to get it over with this weekend.

At this point I’ve heard what I wanted to hear and I’m trying at God like speeds to change the subject. Also at this point it was around 10:30 and the bar had definitely gotten crowded. I desperately wanted to leave but I couldn’t do what I normally do on a date (which is taking a walk through downtown) because it was still raining heavily. So I ask her if she wanted to go for a drive around the city. She agrees, so we pay for our waters and head out. We get in my car, put on some chill music, and drive off in no particular direction. Conversation started getting deep; we were talking about religion, the afterlife (conversations always go here for me), and relationships in general. She starts asking about past relationships and if I’ve ever had a girlfriend. I said not one that I would consider a serious girlfriend (mistake?). She asks “why?” I was vague, said I have trouble opening up to people (double mistake?).

Eventually my stomach starts kicking me from inside to let me know that I’m extremely hungry. In being incredibly nervous for the date I hadn’t really eaten anything since five that afternoon. So we stop at a fast food joint, (shout out to McDonald's) place an order, eat, and sit inside there for a few minutes. I noticed it stopped raining outside and I tell her lets go for a walk. We walked around the block a few times and at this point I’m in my head hardcore. I kept over analyzing shit and I don’t even know why because the date was going really well. When we were sitting at the bar she would rest her head on my shoulder and I would have my arm around hers. As we were walking around I could feel her eyes looking up and beaming into my skull; and all I did was keep looking around the city with a stupid smirk on my face. I kept hesitating to go for the kiss. I knew it, she knew it. Old couple sitting on the bench across the street fucking knew it. At one point she was telling me a story from her childhood about her family and I wasn’t evening paying attention. That’s just how badly I was in my own head.

We’re walking back to my car and all I’m thinking is “You have to do it… You have to go for it… You have to go for it or a puppy will die.” Also as we’re walking back she had gone quiet. I can tell she’s not awkward; she’s not impatient or disappointed. She’s just has her arms folded and looking down with a smile on her face so I know she’s expecting it. Fuck.

We got back to the parking lot where my car was and I just went for it. We start kissing… hard (this girl bites man). I feel it was easily one of my worst kisses but she enjoyed it so I guess it wasn’t all bad. She’s giggling. I’m acting stupid. I finally stop and ask her what’s up? (Triple mistake?) She just looks at me and says “finally.” So after a few more minutes of making the people in the surrounding cars uncomfortable we get in my car and take off. I drive her back to hers, talk a little more; she then gets in her car and follows me home to my apartment. On the way back to my place my hearts racing. That previous ten minute wait that felt like an eternity was made bitch by this fifteen minute one. I’m trying to relax and play out all the scenarios in my head. Listening to music was my only sanity at that moment and it did allow me to calm down. We pull up to my building, start kissing heavily in the elevator ride up, and eventually make our way into my apartment. And at that point that’s where I end this description because I don’t want to go into more detail and get banned from Gaf lol.

So all this took place a few hours ago and she’s now asleep in my bed and I’m sitting in my kitchen listening to music and typing this out. I don’t even know if I really want to post it but its helping me replay the night in my head and look for mistakes. Anyway I’m just rambling at this point so if you made it this far thanks for reading and I just have one question. Is it normal to so much energy after something like this? I feel like my adrenaline is rushing but haven’t really done anything.


But if she sees me and I don't look good then it might as well be over already.


if you go in not giving a shit nobody else will give a shit.

Even a broken clock is right twice a day.
I am curious(as I'm sure others are) as to how you "cold approached" her. What was your opening line? Did you ask a question and transition into a conversation, or a more aggressive approach with the sole intent to get her number.

Went indirect, made a comment about which cereal was better. That got her to smile; I took note of that. Introduced myself, said she was pretty and that it looked like she was making a really critical decision in her life. Conversation went from there.

Edit: And yes I did go in with the intentions of getting her number or at least to make her day.

Not really trying to make you feel bad. I'm happy for you that you're starting something with a girl you're really into, I am. I just wish you didn't reveal the "I'll go deal with the breakup after I leave your bed" detail. You have to admit it summons a bit of a storm cloud.

Oh I already know what the eventual downfall of the relationship will be. This woman has every single detail of her life planned out and I still laugh at dick jokes.

Maybe try and leave the apartment and do something fun.

I do agree with you on this. Weathers been garbage all week and hopefully It'll get better tomorrow.

Edit: Also, that relationship was ending regardless of her meeting you, remember that. Don't let it ruin any potential happiness you guys have.

Thank you.

Edit: Thanks NotTheGuyYouKill.
Not sure if anyone still cares but I've still been trying to work on my game but so far it's been rejection as the only result. The only positives I can think of are on two occasions different people said my voice was very calming, I guess that's cool but I'm not sure if that's a good or bad thing.

Other than that it's been business as usual.
Not sure if anyone still cares but I've still been trying to work on my game but so far it's been rejection as the only result. The only positives I can think of are on two occasions different people said my voice was very calming, I guess that's cool but I'm not sure if that's a good or bad thing.

Other than that it's been business as usual.

Well, what have you been doing? How do you approach people? What do you say?


Not sure if anyone still cares but I've still been trying to work on my game but so far it's been rejection as the only result. The only positives I can think of are on two occasions different people said my voice was very calming, I guess that's cool but I'm not sure if that's a good or bad thing.

Other than that it's been business as usual.

Keep at it mang. Chin up.
Well, what have you been doing? How do you approach people? What do you say?

Just doing what anyone would do. Making small talk, asking questions, commenting on something I notice about them like clothing and so on. I'm not the smoothest talker in the world but between the tips I've seen here and my own touch I think I do alright, but perhaps it's not enough.


Not sure if anyone still cares but I've still been trying to work on my game but so far it's been rejection as the only result. The only positives I can think of are on two occasions different people said my voice was very calming, I guess that's cool but I'm not sure if that's a good or bad thing.

Other than that it's been business as usual.

Rejection doesn't mean the end the of the world man. Hell, getting rejected in person feels extremely liberating. It's only going to make you a stronger person. I'm hitting a brick wall on the online dating front but that's still not going to stop me from hitting other chicks until some chicks finally reply.

You mentioned that you write poetry right? Go check out an open mic in your neck of the woods and read your stuff even if you're sweating bullets and your knees are trembling from being nervous. As you exit the stage make eye contact with everyone. You'll be guaranteed to make conversation with people because there will be people that enjoyed your stuff. I didn't do that last time I read up on a stage but I will next time.
Rejection doesn't mean the end the of the world man. Hell, getting rejected in person feels extremely liberating. It's only going to make you a stronger person. I'm hitting a brick wall on the online dating front but that's still not going to stop me from hitting other chicks until some chicks finally reply.

You mentioned that you write poetry right? Go check out an open mic in your neck of the woods and read your stuff even if you're sweating bullets and your knees are trembling from being nervous. As you exit the stage make eye contact with everyone. You'll be guaranteed to make conversation with people because there will be people that enjoyed your stuff. I didn't do that last time I read up on a stage but I will next time.

I feel you man, I deal with rejection better than I did in the past but at the same time I'm still human you know, I can't feel awesome all the time. Sometimes I see other people doing well and I wonder what they have that I don't.

As far as your suggestions goes I'm just a fan of those things, not much of a writer myself.


Thank you.

I turned my laptop on to be able to write this easily:

The problem with the boyfriend is that she felt she owed him that because of how good he had been. Unfortunately, being a good friend a boyfriend does not make. Her situation was critical by the point you got there and you were the straw that broke the camel's back.

You weren't the cause, it was the pitiful situation that relationship was. Had she kept going, it would have been beating a dead horse.

Take it easy, take it slow and don't overthink. What's done is done. Make the most out of it.

Edit: And never mention the boyfriend again. Ever.
Do any of you guys feel like some aspect of the dating game in this thread is over analyzed?

I feel like "knowing when to text" or "how to cold approach" don't really have a right or wrong, and if anything the only thing holding most of us back is just action.


Do any of you guys feel like some aspect of the dating game in this thread is over analyzed?

I feel like "knowing when to text" or "how to cold approach" don't really have a right or wrong, and if anything the only thing holding most of us back is just action.



What arjen said. Since both of you were extremely comfortable with other at that point, I think you could've been aggressive by flipping her over and made out with. Women love when guys are aggressive; it seems that you were paralyzed by your thoughts on how she would react so you didn't decide to make a move.

My brother was in a similar position as you except that he made a move and went to town. She was probably a little bit surprised by the fact that you didn't make a move. So next time you end up on a bed, don't cuddle man; make a move. You can do something as simple as whispering in her ear that you have something you want to tell, flip her around, and make out with her. Good luck.

Super triple confirmed. I've had a girl straight up tell me that when we were in bed together.

Again my escalation method is based on what I want to go for which is usually thigh rubbing / holding / squeezing on to butt then breasts, making out whenever in that process. Stick your hands into her clothes, under her bra / panties, whatever.

Guess it's time for me to man up then! It's not like I didn't want to because I did go in for the kiss afterwards when she was about to leave but now it seems totally obvious that I should've done something...bummer... Although one side note; she did sleep over a few dates ago and I actually tried to put my fingers downtown but she said she wasn't sure if she wanted that so that might be why I was hesitant to do it this time. Although making out probably would've worked out fine and I think she's more comfortable now since that was only a couple of dates in. Well, she'll be gone for a few more days but hopefully I'll be able to update you guys with some good news soon!


i don't know why i keep falling for this but hey not dooing anything else with my time. izick you're not really in a suitable position to be attempting to date. you should really spend like half a year on yourself and then reconsider it.


----- ------
Do any of you guys feel like some aspect of the dating game in this thread is over analyzed?

I feel like "knowing when to text" or "how to cold approach" don't really have a right or wrong, and if anything the only thing holding most of us back is just action.

Everything in this thread is over analysed :lol. What's worse is frantically sweating over not getting texts when planned.

Guys, get a grip.


i don't know why i keep falling for this but hey not dooing anything else with my time. izick you're not really in a suitable position to be attempting to date. you should really spend like half a year on yourself and then reconsider it.

What the hell does that even mean? Half a year on myself?

Deleted member 81567

Unconfirmed Member
I actually agree with Chinner. How old are you Izick?


Unconfirmed Member
Izick I think you should take on Chinners' advice and spend half a year on fixing yourself up and stop looking for dating or anything else for a little while. Go and exercise, make new friends, try new hobbies, do things that will improve on skills or make you feel better about yourself and more confident. It's the best thing to do for you right now.
I've been dating a girl for about 2 months now. Told her I loved her yesterday. Her response? "But you don't really know me"

Edit: we haven't had sex, but we've been close.

Went to a dance later that day and she was dancing with another guy. We talked for a bit, but didn't mention the love thing. I know she likes to dance, and has done it about a month ago without bringing me along. Says its her thing.

This is what prompted the jealously questions.
Oh, and regarding the dance, I asked her for a dance, but she said that she would be distracted and wouldn't be able to get into the dance.

Edit - we texted for a bit after the dance was over. Just casual banter.


Oh, and regarding the dance, I asked her for a dance, but she said that she would be distracted and wouldn't be able to get into the dance.

Edit - we texted for a bit after the dance was over. Just casual banter.

Distracted by what?

As of the jealousy thing...its okay to show it however it has to be in the right situations. Though I know a lot of women are very different. Some love it, some hate it.


Black Canada Mafia
What the hell does that even mean? Half a year on myself?
I think the issue is Izick, you have a very self defeating attitude. You immediately see the worst in any situation. Even if you manage to get a girl with that attitude (it would be a trick, because just like we notice it, a girl will too) - that sort of attitude will just lead to problems in the long run.

You need to... Do something. Anything to change that mindset. A lot of people do that through confidence boosting things like working out, or picking up a new skill, like playing an instrument. Maybe you don't even need that, maybe just a good "self help" book that aims at increasing your self worth and positivity would do it.

Regardless, your problem isn't just that you're shy or inexperienced. You're very very negative. Nothing in this life will hold you back more than that.


Oh, and regarding the dance, I asked her for a dance, but she said that she would be distracted and wouldn't be able to get into the dance.
Umm yeah that doesn't sound good. That's why i never say I love you first unless I'm absolutely sure she feels the same way.

She sounds like she's not that into you unfortunately.


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
Oh, and regarding the dance, I asked her for a dance, but she said that she would be distracted and wouldn't be able to get into the dance.

Edit - we texted for a bit after the dance was over. Just casual banter.

You're sprung.

Take a step back and collect yourself. Describe the situation to yourself as you stand in the mirror, without bullshittery or what you want to happen, and at the end ask yourself if "I love you" makes a lick of sense.

Two months of actual in-deep together mode, fuck all the time, be with me 24/7 shouldn't even draw out "I love you"s but a dance and a walk and a girl that doesn't even sound that into you? cmon. You're setting yourself up for seppuku.


Holy shit do I hate writing long ass post, so bare with me please.

Night started out pretty interesting, it was raining all day and that would continue throughout the evening. I arrived at the bar ten minutes early (like I always do on dates) so I could check out the place to see if I wanted to stick around for a long time. The bar was loud but not necessarily crowded. I take a booth seat in the back facing the door and try to relax. It wasn’t working. As much as anyone will tell you that I’m a very calm and chill person I couldn’t get out of my head. I kept playing the what if game for some reason. Those ten minutes felt like the longest ten minutes of my life. I felt like I was back on my first date, or like a kid staying up to 11:50 on Christmas Eve. Shit was surreal and I couldn’t stand it.

She text me to say she’s just around the corner and walks in right at 9:00. She looks so beautiful. We make eye contact and she’s just smiling at me. At that point you couldn’t kick the smile off my face which in turn makes her giggle. We greet each other; she buries her head in my chest and hugs tightly which makes me feel really good. For about thirty minutes we’re talking, laughing, and getting to know each other better. At times I would purposely let the conversation hit a lull to see if she would restart it. She wouldn’t. She would have her hand slightly resting over her lips, smile, and just stare at me. Which all that did was make me aware that I was fucking breathing. We talk for another fifteen minutes without her boyfriend coming up once. I felt like I had an army of Gaf posters in my head yelling “don’t mention the fucking boyfriend!” As the conversation hits another lull she stares at me and ask “so what do you want to know about him?” I just have a blank look on my face and say “whatever you want to mention about him.”

As she starts talking my heart starts to sink. Shit was difficult to listen to. She was talking about how he was one of the first people she met when she got to the states; and how he was super nice and never took advantage of her (I guess friend to girlfriend does work Gaf lulz). She said since they were spending so much time together that they just naturally became a couple; even though she wasn’t really romantically attracted to him. She also stated that with all the things going on in her life at the time that the relationship was one of the few stable things. I said to her “well that was then, this is now. Why haven’t you broken up with him?” She said if we hadn’t met she would have broken up with him that Monday but in meeting me things got complicated. I asked her when she was going to do it and she said she wanted to get it over with this weekend.

At this point I’ve heard what I wanted to hear and I’m trying at God like speeds to change the subject. Also at this point it was around 10:30 and the bar had definitely gotten crowded. I desperately wanted to leave but I couldn’t do what I normally do on a date (which is taking a walk through downtown) because it was still raining heavily. So I ask her if she wanted to go for a drive around the city. She agrees, so we pay for our waters and head out. We get in my car, put on some chill music, and drive off in no particular direction. Conversation started getting deep; we were talking about religion, the afterlife (conversations always go here for me), and relationships in general. She starts asking about past relationships and if I’ve ever had a girlfriend. I said not one that I would consider a serious girlfriend (mistake?). She asks “why?” I was vague, said I have trouble opening up to people (double mistake?).

Eventually my stomach starts kicking me from inside to let me know that I’m extremely hungry. In being incredibly nervous for the date I hadn’t really eaten anything since five that afternoon. So we stop at a fast food joint, (shout out to McDonald's) place an order, eat, and sit inside there for a few minutes. I noticed it stopped raining outside and I tell her lets go for a walk. We walked around the block a few times and at this point I’m in my head hardcore. I kept over analyzing shit and I don’t even know why because the date was going really well. When we were sitting at the bar she would rest her head on my shoulder and I would have my arm around hers. As we were walking around I could feel her eyes looking up and beaming into my skull; and all I did was keep looking around the city with a stupid smirk on my face. I kept hesitating to go for the kiss. I knew it, she knew it. Old couple sitting on the bench across the street fucking knew it. At one point she was telling me a story from her childhood about her family and I wasn’t evening paying attention. That’s just how badly I was in my own head.

We’re walking back to my car and all I’m thinking is “You have to do it… You have to go for it… You have to go for it or a puppy will die.” Also as we’re walking back she had gone quiet. I can tell she’s not awkward; she’s not impatient or disappointed. She’s just has her arms folded and looking down with a smile on her face so I know she’s expecting it. Fuck.

We got back to the parking lot where my car was and I just went for it. We start kissing… hard (this girl bites man). I feel it was easily one of my worst kisses but she enjoyed it so I guess it wasn’t all bad. She’s giggling. I’m acting stupid. I finally stop and ask her what’s up? (Triple mistake?) She just looks at me and says “finally.” So after a few more minutes of making the people in the surrounding cars uncomfortable we get in my car and take off. I drive her back to hers, talk a little more; she then gets in her car and follows me home to my apartment. On the way back to my place my hearts racing. That previous ten minute wait that felt like an eternity was made bitch by this fifteen minute one. I’m trying to relax and play out all the scenarios in my head. Listening to music was my only sanity at that moment and it did allow me to calm down. We pull up to my building, start kissing heavily in the elevator ride up, and eventually make our way into my apartment. And at that point that’s where I end this description because I don’t want to go into more detail and get banned from Gaf lol.

So all this took place a few hours ago and she’s now asleep in my bed and I’m sitting in my kitchen listening to music and typing this out. I don’t even know if I really want to post it but its helping me replay the night in my head and look for mistakes. Anyway I’m just rambling at this point so if you made it this far thanks for reading and I just have one question. Is it normal to so much energy after something like this? I feel like my adrenaline is rushing but haven’t really done anything.



I've been dating a girl for about 2 months now. Told her I loved her yesterday. Her response? "But you don't really know me"

Edit: we haven't had sex, but we've been close.

Went to a dance later that day and she was dancing with another guy. We talked for a bit, but didn't mention the love thing. I know she likes to dance, and has done it about a month ago without bringing me along. Says its her thing.

This is what prompted the jealously questions.

you need to slow down. maybe you should have sex and get close before you drop the l-bomb.
I don't like to post stuff like this but here it goes.

As far trying to date for the first time yet..., I met one girl I got along with at a mutual friend's birthday party, then last night, I slept with her. And right now I'm completely baffled it just happened like that. I usually over think too much, and I wouldn't say anything at all. But I just talked to this girl like I wasn't expecting anything at all, and suddenly she asks me to if she could crash at my place.

This is the first time I've been this intimate with a girl, and while I feel accomplish taking account of my social anxiety and awkwardness, I don't know exactly what's next after this...

What now?
Holy shit do I hate writing long ass post, so bare with me please.

Night started out pretty interesting, it was raining all day and that would continue throughout the evening. I arrived at the bar ten minutes early (like I always do on dates) so I could check out the place to see if I wanted to stick around for a long time. The bar was loud but not necessarily crowded. I take a booth seat in the back facing the door and try to relax. It wasn’t working. As much as anyone will tell you that I’m a very calm and chill person I couldn’t get out of my head. I kept playing the what if game for some reason. Those ten minutes felt like the longest ten minutes of my life. I felt like I was back on my first date, or like a kid staying up to 11:50 on Christmas Eve. Shit was surreal and I couldn’t stand it.

She text me to say she’s just around the corner and walks in right at 9:00. She looks so beautiful. We make eye contact and she’s just smiling at me. At that point you couldn’t kick the smile off my face which in turn makes her giggle. We greet each other; she buries her head in my chest and hugs tightly which makes me feel really good. For about thirty minutes we’re talking, laughing, and getting to know each other better. At times I would purposely let the conversation hit a lull to see if she would restart it. She wouldn’t. She would have her hand slightly resting over her lips, smile, and just stare at me. Which all that did was make me aware that I was fucking breathing. We talk for another fifteen minutes without her boyfriend coming up once. I felt like I had an army of Gaf posters in my head yelling “don’t mention the fucking boyfriend!” As the conversation hits another lull she stares at me and ask “so what do you want to know about him?” I just have a blank look on my face and say “whatever you want to mention about him.”

As she starts talking my heart starts to sink. Shit was difficult to listen to. She was talking about how he was one of the first people she met when she got to the states; and how he was super nice and never took advantage of her (I guess friend to girlfriend does work Gaf lulz). She said since they were spending so much time together that they just naturally became a couple; even though she wasn’t really romantically attracted to him. She also stated that with all the things going on in her life at the time that the relationship was one of the few stable things. I said to her “well that was then, this is now. Why haven’t you broken up with him?” She said if we hadn’t met she would have broken up with him that Monday but in meeting me things got complicated. I asked her when she was going to do it and she said she wanted to get it over with this weekend.

At this point I’ve heard what I wanted to hear and I’m trying at God like speeds to change the subject. Also at this point it was around 10:30 and the bar had definitely gotten crowded. I desperately wanted to leave but I couldn’t do what I normally do on a date (which is taking a walk through downtown) because it was still raining heavily. So I ask her if she wanted to go for a drive around the city. She agrees, so we pay for our waters and head out. We get in my car, put on some chill music, and drive off in no particular direction. Conversation started getting deep; we were talking about religion, the afterlife (conversations always go here for me), and relationships in general. She starts asking about past relationships and if I’ve ever had a girlfriend. I said not one that I would consider a serious girlfriend (mistake?). She asks “why?” I was vague, said I have trouble opening up to people (double mistake?).

Eventually my stomach starts kicking me from inside to let me know that I’m extremely hungry. In being incredibly nervous for the date I hadn’t really eaten anything since five that afternoon. So we stop at a fast food joint, (shout out to McDonald's) place an order, eat, and sit inside there for a few minutes. I noticed it stopped raining outside and I tell her lets go for a walk. We walked around the block a few times and at this point I’m in my head hardcore. I kept over analyzing shit and I don’t even know why because the date was going really well. When we were sitting at the bar she would rest her head on my shoulder and I would have my arm around hers. As we were walking around I could feel her eyes looking up and beaming into my skull; and all I did was keep looking around the city with a stupid smirk on my face. I kept hesitating to go for the kiss. I knew it, she knew it. Old couple sitting on the bench across the street fucking knew it. At one point she was telling me a story from her childhood about her family and I wasn’t evening paying attention. That’s just how badly I was in my own head.

We’re walking back to my car and all I’m thinking is “You have to do it… You have to go for it… You have to go for it or a puppy will die.” Also as we’re walking back she had gone quiet. I can tell she’s not awkward; she’s not impatient or disappointed. She’s just has her arms folded and looking down with a smile on her face so I know she’s expecting it. Fuck.

We got back to the parking lot where my car was and I just went for it. We start kissing… hard (this girl bites man). I feel it was easily one of my worst kisses but she enjoyed it so I guess it wasn’t all bad. She’s giggling. I’m acting stupid. I finally stop and ask her what’s up? (Triple mistake?) She just looks at me and says “finally.” So after a few more minutes of making the people in the surrounding cars uncomfortable we get in my car and take off. I drive her back to hers, talk a little more; she then gets in her car and follows me home to my apartment. On the way back to my place my hearts racing. That previous ten minute wait that felt like an eternity was made bitch by this fifteen minute one. I’m trying to relax and play out all the scenarios in my head. Listening to music was my only sanity at that moment and it did allow me to calm down. We pull up to my building, start kissing heavily in the elevator ride up, and eventually make our way into my apartment. And at that point that’s where I end this description because I don’t want to go into more detail and get banned from Gaf lol.

So all this took place a few hours ago and she’s now asleep in my bed and I’m sitting in my kitchen listening to music and typing this out. I don’t even know if I really want to post it but its helping me replay the night in my head and look for mistakes. Anyway I’m just rambling at this point so if you made it this far thanks for reading and I just have one question. Is it normal to so much energy after something like this? I feel like my adrenaline is rushing but haven’t really done anything.

This post can't be quoted enough! I really want an update on this!


I don't like to post stuff like this but here it goes.

As far trying to date for the first time yet..., I met one girl I got along with at a mutual friend's birthday party, then last night, I slept with her. And right now I'm completely baffled it just happened like that. I usually over think too much, and I wouldn't say anything at all. But I just talked to this girl like I wasn't expecting anything at all, and suddenly she asks me to if she could crash at my place.

This is the first time I've been this intimate with a girl, and while I feel accomplish taking account of my social anxiety and awkwardness, I don't know exactly what's next after this...

What now?


You must have done a couple of things right that lead to that point. Elaborate more on this story so that we can get a better idea.

As to what you should do next, do you like her? If so then obviously you should ask her out to keep the ball rolling. You just scratched the surface my man. I'm happy for you.
Great ass advice

Thanks dude. I'm going to stop stressing so much and just see what happens. I'm also only going to post on this if I have a legit question or need advice on something. Because I myself want to get back to giving advice and opinions on other peoples situations.

Not sure if anyone still cares but I've still been trying to work on my game but so far it's been rejection as the only result.

This happens to everyone. Realize it, understand it’s normal and save yourself a lot of heartache.

The only positives I can think of are on two occasions different people said my voice was very calming, I guess that's cool but I'm not sure if that's a good or bad thing.

That’s a great thing dude! How many times have you ever heard of that as a bad thing? How many times have you ever heard a girl say “yeah we broke up because his voice was too calm.” What?

So let’s review what you have going for you.

You’re handsome. You’re not ugly dude. Matter of fact no one who has posted a picture in this thread has been ugly.

You know fashion. (I know you’re active in the Manshions thread even though I just lurk for right now)

And you have a calm voice.

Do you understand a lot of guys in life are 0 for 3 on this shit? And yet you have all three and aren’t using them to your advantage (Jipan this fucking goes for you to I know your reading.) Why?

Other than that it's been business as usual.

The fuck does this even mean? Where are you approaching girls? Are you approaching girls?

Do any of you guys feel like some aspect of the dating game in this thread is over analyzed?

I feel like "knowing when to text" or "how to cold approach" don't really have a right or wrong, and if anything the only thing holding most of us back is just action.

I agree with you on the texting part. If a girl likes you she's going to respond to you, it's that simple. Assuming you don't say anything offensive or try too hard to be funny trough text.

Knowing what actually to say when you approach a girl? No that's a skill. A weapon in your arsenal, something that makes your job easier and improves your chances.

This post can't be quoted enough! I really want an update on this!

Read the last couple of pages.

What the hell does that even mean? Half a year on myself?

Izick you're a lost cause. I'm fucking convinced of that. Unless someone wants to get together with you and show you how it's done and how much fun it can be. Because there isn't anything anyone can say on this message board to make you get out there and do shit.


I don't like to post stuff like this but here it goes.

As far trying to date for the first time yet..., I met one girl I got along with at a mutual friend's birthday party, then last night, I slept with her. And right now I'm completely baffled it just happened like that. I usually over think too much, and I wouldn't say anything at all. But I just talked to this girl like I wasn't expecting anything at all, and suddenly she asks me to if she could crash at my place.

This is the first time I've been this intimate with a girl, and while I feel accomplish taking account of my social anxiety and awkwardness, I don't know exactly what's next after this...

What now?

Congrats! Just say you had a nice time and ask her if she'd like to meet for a drink sometime. Suggest a day maybe a week or so later.
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