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Primordia: The latest adventure from Wadjet Eye


Following Resonance, Wadjet Eye announced their next release: Primordia.


UPDATE: Pre-orders are up!

• Digital Download: For $8.99 (10% off the game’s usual $9.99 price), customers can reserve a DRM-free copy of Primordia to download on December 5. The digital preorder includes a free MP3 soundtrack.
• Limited Edition DVD: For $19.99, customers can purchase a DVD version of Primordia that includes the MP3 soundtrack, concept art, a behind-the-scenes video with voice recording footage, and other digital goodies. Free worldwide shipping is included, along with DRM-free download access to Primordia on December 5. This limited edition DVD will only be sold during the preorder period and is expected to ship in time for the holidays.

No box this time?
The cost of making and shipping the box for our last game proved to be much larger than expected. We had intended to find alternative methods of making the box for Primordia, but after months of searching we failed to find any in time. So, we're sorry about that. This DVD edition will come in a snapcase like all our pre-Resonance editions.

And what about Steam?
Many of you have asked us if the game will be available on Steam. We hope so! The folks at Valve have asked us to go through their Project Greenlight service to see how much the fans want it. So if you want to play Primordia on Steam, your voice counts: please vote for it on Greenlight and help us show Valve there is a demand for games like this! As always, all customers who buy the game from Wadjet Eye's website will receive a free Steam key if the game becomes available on Steam.

Ages have passed since legendary Man walked the planet. Now, in the desolate wastelands beyond the city of Metropol, a solitary robot named Horatio jealously guards his freedom and independence.

All that is taken away from him when a marauding foe steals his power source, forcing him to leave the safety of his home and set out on a perilous journey into the wastes - and into his own mysterious past.





Teaser Trailer


Starring the voice talents of
Abe Goldfarb (Joey from the Blackwell series)
Logan Cunningham (Bennet from Resonance, Rucks from Bastion)
Sarah Elmaleh (Anna from Resonance)

Estimated release date: Fall, 2012 December 5th




Looks interesting!


Even though the voice acting may not always be great* Wadjet Eye games tend to have good writing/dialogue, free from the translation issues that affect much of the modern adventure genre. I like em a lot!

*they're getting better though!


Some news from a Wadjet Eye newsletter:

"Primordia is only a few weeks away to code-freeze, and is on-track to launch on December 5th as scheduled. We have finished recording all of the voice acting, and the last batch of art and music is being worked on right now."

And also some hands-on impressions:

Last week, we sent a preview build of the game out to the press. Here's what they have to say:

"This might be Wadjet Eye's best release to date." (True PC Gaming)

"Truly astounding." (Creative Gaming UK)

"If possible, 4 thumbs up!" (Video Game People)

"A strong, atmospheric world that you can’t help but want to experience more of." (Capsule Computers)

"Primordia is badass. Old school point ‘n’ click brain-teasing at its finest, set in an inspired dystopian world of sentient robots." (Nerdy but Flirty)

"[This] sci-fi mystery keeps you asking questions you’ll want to answer." (Side Questing)"

Very curious to try it.


Gemini Rue was great. And this game has a much more intriguing concept and art style.

Day 1. Can't freaking wait.

Edit: hmm... I'm surprised not many of GAF seem excited for this.


Cores, shaders and BIOS oh my!
Why do their games always have weird walking animations? Other than that, looks great. Still need to finish Resonance though.


The Amiga Brotherhood
Gemini Rue was one of the best adventure games I've played in years, and even if the sequel Resonance didn't live up to it, I enjoyed that one as well. Will probably get the new game as soon as I have time and want for such a game.


Strategy Informer has just published a new preview.

Looking good; I'm happy to see mentions to Beneath a Steel Sky.

It's a shame that the game is getting so little attention, even in Wadjet's Eye own website (no updated info, still no dedicated forum section). Well, as Dave Gilbert mentions in a thread over there: "The game won't be out until the fall. As with Resonance, once it becomes available for pre-order the whole internet will know about it". I hope that's soon then.


Here's a small update from the Wadjet Eye Games Newsletter...


RPG Codex




"A real treat." - (Cinema Blend)

"One of the most artistically exceptional games in years." - (The Arts Desk)

"The beginning of something new." - (Beefjack)


I won't be reading these previews as the teaser was more than enough for me, but someone might find them useful.


Pre-orders are up!

• Digital Download: For $8.99 (10% off the game’s usual $9.99 price), customers can reserve a DRM-free copy of Primordia to download on December 5. The digital preorder includes a free MP3 soundtrack.
• Limited Edition DVD: For $19.99, customers can purchase a DVD version of Primordia that includes the MP3 soundtrack, concept art, a behind-the-scenes video with voice recording footage, and other digital goodies. Free worldwide shipping is included, along with DRM-free download access to Primordia on December 5. This limited edition DVD will only be sold during the preorder period and is expected to ship in time for the holidays.

No box this time?
The cost of making and shipping the box for our last game proved to be much larger than expected. We had intended to find alternative methods of making the box for Primordia, but after months of searching we failed to find any in time. So, we're sorry about that. This DVD edition will come in a snapcase like all our pre-Resonance editions.

And what about Steam?
Many of you have asked us if the game will be available on Steam. We hope so! The folks at Valve have asked us to go through their Project Greenlight service to see how much the fans want it. So if you want to play Primordia on Steam, your voice counts: please vote for it on Greenlight and help us show Valve there is a demand for games like this! As always, all customers who buy the game from Wadjet Eye's website will receive a free Steam key if the game becomes available on Steam.


Man, I hope Valve screwed up with that Greenlight comment, what with several of Wadjet Eye's games already online.

Day one, probably.


Junior Member
I only just found out about this game because of the pre-order page on GOG. I think this is one case where Greenlight, or maybe just Steam's whole submission process has been a disadvantage to it. I don't see why this game couldn't already be up for pre-order there.


Update:primordia has been Greenlit and will be available on Steam! So, if you ordered it through Wadjet Eye's site you'll get a Steam key as well.

Less than a week to go!


Update:primordia has been Greenlit and will be available on Steam! So, if you ordered it through Wadjet Eye's site you'll get a Steam key as well.

Less than a week to go!
Already pre-ordered it after playing the demo. Glad to hear it was greenlit this quick.

B'sod! Why isn't it the 5th of December yet...


Game is out!

You can get it directly from Wadjet Eye's website: http://www.wadjeteyegames.com/primordia.html

You'll also receive a free key to unlock the game on Steam if you purchase it from their site.

Did you receive any email with download link/key? I still haven't received any, but as Dave Gilbert wrote on the official forums "The pre-orders are getting processed right now! There are a lot of them so it will take a bit of time. Sorry about that."



Still waiting. Not that I am complaining, but its kind of messed up that gog has the first and only access to the game right now


I am excited about this! Maybe they'll even send a Steam key without me having to harass the site admin.

BUT I HAVE A HUGE PROBLEM: I'm 75% done with Zero Escape and I feel like I'll forget the ridiculous plot if I stop before the end. So I may put this off for another day or two!


Just got my e-mail for game and soundtrack! Steam key will be sent at a later time, though.


Downloaded it this morning from GOG. Only an hour in, but I love it. The robots and their role in society in relation to humans is really interesting. Think the story could be something special.

Gameplay wise all the puzzles so far have been good and actually made logical sense, but I'm still in the beginning of the game so we'll see how it goes.

The presentation is excellent across the board (so long as you're okay with the retro style of these games). Beautiful soundtrack, good dialogue with a surprising amount of good humour and voice acting, and lots of great art. It's very dark and weird looking (in a good way). Really reminds me of H.R. Giger's work in some spots.


I haven't tried the game itself yet but downloaded the soundtrack and omg DAT SOUNDTRACK. Might be the best adventure game soundtrack since The Dig. Fine there have been plenty of good ones but that one is really good.
I can't wait until Monday to pick this up!

Wadjet Eye are a far better publisher than developer at present, they seem to have a keen eye for belting looking adventures.
This is not port begging, but why isnt the iPad a standard platform for these games? It just seems like the genre in which touch controls are perfect. I haven't turned on my my low-end PC in months but I want old schooley adventure games.
I haven't tried the game itself yet but downloaded the soundtrack and omg DAT SOUNDTRACK. Might be the best adventure game soundtrack since The Dig. Fine there have been plenty of good ones but that one is really good.

Yes I concur, the soundtrack is absolutely incredible. I played for 30 minutes or so, the game is utterly fantastic. The setting alone is so damn cool.

Can't wait to venture on.


This is not port begging, but why isnt the iPad a standard platform for these games? It just seems like the genre in which touch controls are perfect. I haven't turned on my my low-end PC in months but I want old schooley adventure games.
Most of the wadjet eye games run on low end PC's.


Wadjet Eye are a far better publisher than developer at present

They're definitely picking some good ones but my favorite Wadjet Eye release is still the Blackwell series which is developed entirely in-house. I haven't played Primordia yet, though!

Also, keep in mind that Wadjet Eye does more than you might expect as a publisher. For example, they handled voice acting and general background and dialogue polish in Resonance. I think they're the best modern adventure game company around. ..although that may change in 2013 with the Kickstarter boom.

In related news, I'd love to see a new adventure game from Size Five/Zombie Cow. Genuinely funny writing is so hard to come by!

This is not port begging, but why isnt the iPad a standard platform for these games? It just seems like the genre in which touch controls are perfect.

Yep. The same goes for strategy games and top-down RPGs but we see so few good releases.


They're definitely picking some good ones but my favorite Wadjet Eye release is still the Blackwell series which is developed entirely in-house. I haven't played Primordia yet, though!

Also, keep in mind that Wadjet Eye does more than you might expect as a publisher. For example, they handled voice acting and general background and dialogue polish in Resonance. I think they're the best modern adventure game company around. ..although that may change in 2013 with the Kickstarter boom..
It seems they did the same for Primordia as well.

Dave Gilbert basically cast all of the characters and there's some behind the scenes stuff that I got from pre-ordering on GOG that shows him directing the voice actors. He also talks about his involvement on the in-game commentary track. You can tell how passionate he is and how much he cares about quality with the games they publish, really shows I think in the final product. Not to take anything away from Wormwood Studios, though. They've crafted something pretty impressive I think.

I love that he brought Logan Cunningham in to voice Horatio. He was great in Resonance and he's just as great here. Abe Goldfarb was also an excellent choice for Crispin. I'm pretty sure he's been in like every Wadjet Eye game ever.

Anyways, got a bit further earlier. The game is a lot of fun so far. I can't wait to find out more about the state of the world and how it came to be like it is, the story's just barely scratching the surface in that regard. And the art. God damn, the art is gorgeous. The architecture in particular. It's all very bizarre and dark looking. Definitely not your typical post-apocalyptic ruins.

This is not port begging, but why isnt the iPad a standard platform for these games? It just seems like the genre in which touch controls are perfect. I haven't turned on my my low-end PC in months but I want old schooley adventure games.
As an iPhone owner I get where you're coming from, I've seen how well point & clicks work on touch screens, but I'd say to still give this a shot on PC. I played Resonance on a piece of shit Vaio that's literally almost eight years old. The thing struggles with HD YouTube videos, but it can handle Wadjet Eye's games just fine.

Thanks for the good news!

As an iPhone owner I get where you're coming from, I've seen how well point & clicks work on touch screens, but I'd say to still give this a shot on PC. I played Resonance on a piece of shit Vaio that's literally almost eight years old. The thing struggles with HD YouTube videos, but it can handle Wadjet Eye's games just fine.

Yeah, I recently played Discworld Noir (older) and The Immortals of Terra (newer) on my POS PC. It's really not about the capabilities of it, it is about my preferred stance when playing these games. I enjoy being on the couch or even lying down with a text/speech heavy game, instead of in a shitty chair (my fault for having a shitty chair) in front of a computer.
Looking forward to this one a lot, though it may well be a few years before i get around to actually playing it (deadly serious), i enjoyed Gemini Rue and completed it, but haven't even touched Resonance yet and about a dozen other great modern and classic adventure games so this has to wait! I did help greenlight it though, and will purchase at the next Steam sale for sure :)

If anyone is interested then the Android port of the engine is really good too.
I haven't tried it yet but I think read that it runs Resonance etc so it might cope with this too.

epmode said:
I think they're the best modern adventure game company around. ..although that may change in 2013 with the Kickstarter boom.

Oh definitely, I don't want this to come across as offensive in anyway but I think it has a lot to do with English being their native language which prevents the dialogue/story issues so prevalent in most modern European adventure games.

I'm finding it a major barrier preventing me from enjoying games such as the Pendulo games etc.
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