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Rayman Legends coming to Xbox 360/PS3, all versions releasing in September


you speak so well
I never thought it would stay exclusive but I am surprised that it's not even coming out first on Wii U.


I'm not that mad that the game is going multiplatform but it still sucks nonetheless. We all had suspected Ubisoft might do it. I hope Ubisoft receives a lot of negative feedback for holding the Wii U version hostage. That's ridiculous. Which publisher is going to fuck Wii U over next ?


Did you see Rayman's Origins sales? I know eventually Ubisoft said it was profitable or something, but it didn't exactly light up the charts in the first month, as far as I remember.

Though I'm not sure of its LTD.
Soooooo you're reasoning that if Rayman Origins did poorly across multiple consoles, it would do -better- on just ONE? Ha!
People shouldn't really expect third party games to be exclusive, simply because of the nature of third parties. The problem is that there are very few third party games that go to the Wii U, while the all of them (including the ones on the Wii U, such as Rayman) go to both the 360 and the PS3. But that has mainly to do with the disparity in install bases.


When the game does worse than Orgins, we'll know.

It doing worse than Origins says nothing about your comparison. For all we know interest waned after the original game. You can't make assumptions.

Are you here just to troll the Wii U?

Why is it trolling the Wii U if it appears to be a very clear business strategy?

Seriously, it could have been a Wii U seller

And why is that Ubisoft's job? I think its clear why so many of you are upset.

Glass Joe

Porting is ok, The real problem here is the delay, and actually I think ubisoft will pay for it.

Exactly how I feel. Porting to other consoles is understandable, but the friggin game had a late February release date, meaning discs should be pressed by now. Delaying it JUST because they're porting it is beyond shitty. It's just vengeful toward Nintendo. I'm guessing that's another 3rd party good as gone :-/ Wii U is in some serious trouble after all.
Shit happens. I'm still holding onto my Wii U for Nintendo games, just like the other nintendo consoles. Sometimes things change, Nintendo not so much. That's cool. It will sit right next to the new PS and Xbox when those arrive.


Soooooo you're reasoning that if Rayman Origins did poorly across multiple consoles, it would do -better- on just ONE? Ha!

The point, you're missing it.

You're taunting someone who said they wouldn't buy it while claiming it'll sell tons more. Which doesn't seem like a high probability. With its release window and how the end of this year might go, every little bit helps.

But who knows how things will be in September.


41 > 38
If Ubisoft is delaying a finished game that is three weeks from release, a game which people have already put money down on, then this is a legitimate scandal.

The gaming press will just cheer it on it like a schoolyard putdown, though.
Wait so are they completely removing the Wii U specific sections from the Wii U game? I guess I will pick up the PS3 version because I had no interest in Murphy to begin with
Better to delay all versions than to release one version and then release the other two 7 months later when the public has moved on.

This is the real reason.
That combine with this:

A lot of you will blame Ubisoft but I think the blame is Nintendo's. It has not created a compelling business scenario for third parties.

Probably means that Ubisoft and Nintendo was discussing an exclusivity contract, but nothing got agreed upon so Ubi thought of all the other platforms.


Wants the largest console games publisher to avoid Nintendo's platforms.
So they did delay it to Semptember..

"[the delay is] really about the fans. It’s really about having a very interesting universe, a mix of craziness and poetry mixed all together. We are very happy that we can bring that to many, many Rayman fans and the more we can, the better.”
This makes no fucking sense whatsoever. None. What. So. Ever.

This industry.. *shakes head*


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
If this really does portend the end of Ubisoft's Nintendo love affair Wii U is even more fucked in the West 3rd party wise than we thought.
Disappointed with the news for sure. The demo was great and I was looking forward to playing it. Of course, I'll still get it, but that's a huge delay. Also, if there was another platform I'd like the game on, it would have been the Vita. I had a ton of fun having Origins portable and it looked great.


The point, you're missing it.
My point is the game will sell more as a multiplat. The number was pulled out of thin air, not meant as a literal quantity. Here, try this: Take whatever number you think it would sell as a multiplat, and divide by three to get the WiiU numbers!


It doing worse than Origins says nothing about your comparison. For all we know interest waned after the original game. You can't make assumptions.

You're right that there's no way to measure how it would do in comparison to releasing in a few weeks, but you can't deny that it can potentially lose sales because of other major titles. For example, I would have bought the game in the next few weeks for the Wii U, but since Nintendo will have games out by then, Rayman Legends lost a day 1 sale. This will hold true for others as well as kids who are looking for something new. Instead of Rayman, they'll just by Yoshi's shit or whatever it's called.
The amount of late ports I purchased on Wii U kinda justifies getting an early game for once.
This could have good better without delaying the Feb 26 release
It makes more sense business-wise.

What DOES NOT make sense business-wise is to release the game up against GTA V.

So it makes sense to have late ports on Wii U but not on 360/PS3?

Unless you are saying late ports are just bad business in general. So why does Nintendo get late ports all the time? Third parties purposefully sabotaging?


I can't fucking believe they delayed this. It already had a demo up on the e-shop, it was slated to release in only a few weeks, and it has been finished for a long time considering it was originally set for the Wii U launch. I'm sorry, but despite my absolute love for Rayman Origins, I can't at all support this game after all the shitty delays that they have put us through.

I was ready to fully support this game, but Ubisoft has burned my goodwill and I won't be feeling any remorse at all skipping this game considering that it will be old news by the time it releases, and will get no mindshare whatsoever between both Nintendo's own big holiday line up as well as the launch of two new consoles.


Love Origins on PS3 in 1080p and this does not seem more demanding, or any other technical reason it NEEDS to be on the WiiU lol
PS3 and 360 can run this juuust fine so let them. Why are people mad/sad over this?

Im happy.

Wii U owners aren't mad because it gets ported (that it's not going to stay exclusive has always been obvious), but that the game suddenly got delayed by half a year. Keep in mind that Ubisoft announced the game to hit stores on February 26th -- and now the gamers get their hands on it in September. They are pissed and rightfully so.
He's exactly right. Nintendo screwed up, and UBI needs a return on its investment.

Ubisoft has to shoulder some of the blame. They could have simply announced it was multi-platform a long time ago rather than waiting until people had already pre-ordered it, paid for it, etc...

To be clear, Nintendo definitely has to shoulder some of the blame here as well.
One of the two reasons I grabbed a Wii U at launch. I'll just grab this sometime next year for a few bucks.

Stuff like this and those horrible Xbox rumors are making me dislike a lot of the big players in the game industry.
Really? Source?
Ubi Old PR


Demo available today on Nintendo eShop

London, UK - December 13, 2012 - Today, Ubisoft announced that its forthcoming Wii UTM exclusive title Rayman Legends will be published in Japan by Nintendo in spring 2013.

The game will be released on March 1st in the UK.

A Rayman Legends demo is available today on the Nintendo eShop for European consumers who want to have a try at the game.

"We are delighted to have our promising Rayman Legends published by Nintendo in Japan", says Geoffroy Sardin, EMEA vice-president sales and marketing at Ubisoft" Rayman's innovative take on the platforming genre has already seduced millions of gamers across the globe with last year's Rayman Origins. We are very glad that its successor will benefit from Nintendo's unrivaled experience of the Japanese market."

Rayman Legends takes full advantage of the innovative Wii U GamePad controller to explore fresh multiplayer gameplay experiences and expand beyond
I get why Ubi wants to deliver to the install base of PS3/360, but why did they dare to disappoint the WiiU crowd? I can only imagine that the game is not in good shape and wasn't ready to ship. But of course I don't know shit and we have to wait for insider knowledge.

Apart from that I'm glad to get it on 360. The Vita game brought back my interest in platformers after a long, long time.

Davey Cakes

Not going into system wars, I will chime in on my thoughts about exclusivity:

Rayman Legends being a Wii U exclusive made it a flagship third-party game for the system. It was a standout, and potentially a system-seller when combined with the Nintendo exclusives. Rayman was special on Wii U, notably since it was somewhat catered to the Gamepad. Not only that, but it was used as a game at demo kiosks to sell the concept of the Wii U.

I'm not saying that "more people getting to play the game" is a bad thing. However, it's not like Rayman Origins as a multiplatform game lit up the charts. It sold enough for profitability and that's it, but was otherwise lost among other games on the respective platforms. It may have been a great game but it was just treated like "another one to throw into the pile." Then you take into consideration that the game dropped price really fast; it needed more incentive to sell other than just being a really awesome Rayman game.

The Wii U may not have sold amazingly but the userbase is probably decent enough for a start. Rayman doesn't have to be a blowout, it can be a slow-and-steady seller. At least on Wii U, treated as an exclusive, served as a "pick-me-up" for the Wii U during a software drought and served as a standout title, giving it the attention that it deserves.

I remarked on this last year at some point, I remember. It was exciting to feel that a game like Rayman could suddenly be important. Now it's just another game.

Couple that with the likely unnecessary delay to September (in terms of the game's completion, anyway), there's plenty of reason to be unhappy about the news.
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