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Rayman Legends coming to Xbox 360/PS3, all versions releasing in September


Can someone explain to me what Ubisoft would gain by delaying the Wii U version until September. It just doesn't make much sense to me.


What other Wii U titles are potential games to go multiplat?

Out of curiosity and so I'm not shocked when/if future exclusives go multi.

I'm not sure if there are any more third party exclusives that could possibly go multiplat.

I think MonHun Ultimate might be the last one?

Can someone explain to me what Ubisoft would gain by delaying the Wii U version until September. It just doesn't make much sense to me.

They get to report the sales of the game to their investors in one large lump.
This was a day one $60 purchase on the Wii U for me at the end of this month.

Now it's going to be a steeply discounted purchase in early 2014, because I know damn well I'm going to have a pile of new games to play come this fall.

Good job Ubi.
Can someone explain to me what Ubisoft would gain by delaying the Wii U version until September. It just doesn't make much sense to me.

Smaller marketing budget required i suppose. Only one campaign needed for the 3 consoles.
It's the only reason i can think of.


Friend of mine made this hehe



Do I believe you or do I believe Ubisoft who claimed it cleared a million+ total across PS3 and 360?
50K in the US in the first month for all three platforms, then its price dropped significantly. They could've easily sell 200K-300K on Wii U for full price and make more money, then release it on PS360 and earn even more.


To be honest now they should just cancel the wii u version. I am confident in saying that many wii u owners will no longer buy this game, and that third party developers should not support the wii u.

Bayonetta 2 should go multiplatform.


Unconfirmed Member
I hope Ubisoft use the additional time to implement their Near Field Communication ideas on Wii U. It's the least they can do.
Unless Nintendo is exceptionally bad at third party partnerships, there's no way Bayonetta 2 can go to other consoles. Isn't Nintendo the one funding development?
Reading the stuff from the investor call, it seems like Ubisoft delayed the Wii U version because they want other Nintendo properties to be on the system first (presumably increasing the install base).

This seems short-sighted and was something Sega once said when it delayed fully complete games on the 3DS that then ended up bombing.


listen to the mad man
50K in the US in the first month for all three platforms, then its price dropped significantly. They could've easily sell 200K-300K on Wii U for full price and make more money, then release it on PS360 and earn even more.

well here are some possibilities:

1) ubisoft actually has no idea how much their own game sold or what the platform make-up is. they are willing to pay cash for message board posters to give them this information.

2) ubisoft does know, and whatever private information they have contradicts the information you have.

3) ubisoft does know, and your information is entirely correct, but they have private projections that suggest something different about the economics of rayman legends to justify this decision, whether or not it ends up being correct in the end.

4) ubisoft is deliberately sabotaging their own company in an effort to take down nintendo on behalf of all the third parties of the world who hate nintendo for example nomura is a KNOWN sony fan boy and besides third parties said they wouldn't make games for gamecube because of the low install base but then the wii won and SURPRISE SURPRISE they changed their tune and by the way did you know that all those companies wouldn't have gone bankrupt if they made wii games i hate dudebro shooters for example but call of duty black ops 2 on wii u is a good game and


Reading the stuff from the investor call, it seems like Ubisoft delayed the Wii U version because they want other Nintendo properties to be on the system first (presumably increasing the install base).

This seems short-sighted and was something Sega once said when it delayed fully complete games on the 3DS that then ended up bombing.

Yup and considering the Wii U is a barren wasteland right now it would be a perfect opportunity for them to make the best of it and release something.


I planned on getting it as a stopgap in the lull between PC games coming out, but now it's coming out when I have other games to be playing.

I have no reason to even look at it now until it hits the bomba bin at $10.

Yeah I understand, I was just playing about :)

I'm still keeping my preorder for the time being, there's a long wait!
Nintendo is publishing it IIRC. It's not going multiplatform.

Well, Microsoft published Ninja Gaiden 2 and that didn't stop Tecmo. But if Nintendo is actually the one paying for the game's development then it's a different story, I think.

I don't know all the details but people seem to be thinking that just because UBISOFT of all publishers is taking a game multiplatform, that the Wii U is entirely out of luck. These are completely different games.


I'm really curious just what the hell happened that caused all of this, or at the very least what Nintendo's stance is on this. As far as I'm aware, they were treating this particular title with an hell of an ounce of respect up to it's release, showing it on Directs and E3, and even undertaking publishing rights for Japan. Where the hell does that go from here?

This is just, wow. The more I think into this, the more I'm at a loss for words.

Nintendo is publishing it IIRC. It's not going multiplatform.

Publishing isn't the main deal so much as it is them bankrolling the entire development of the game.


Nintendo is publishing it IIRC. It's not going multiplatform.
Publishing doesn't mean it's locked down, the publishing rights could revert to Sega after a given period. However, it seems unlikely the PS3 and 360 will be viable for ports after whatever possible exclusive window is in the contract.
Have you played those games or are you just judging this based off from Gamerankings or some shit? Because, especially on GAF, New Super Mario Bros. U, Nintendo Land, and Zombi U are loved to death.
Whoa hold on, are you asking someone if theyve played those game before judging them? So I take it youve finally played Ni No Kuni, Fire Emblem and P4G?
Wow they delayed the Wii U version just to release it alongside the others? What kind of nonsense is that?

This is a game that should have been multiplatform to begin with, but Ubi straight fucked everyone over with this. Nintendo should tell them to keep it... I'm getting a feeling it's going to sell horribly on that system come Fall. There's minimal competition in the first few months of the year and this would have still been the best time to launch the Nintendo version. Unless they've all of a sudden decided to add online to it, this is going to be a huge waste of everyone's time (particularly Wii U owners).
September was an AWFUL choice to release this game multiplat. Bring it in August or October but for god's sake releasing it the same month as GTA V AND Wind Waker HD? Who's calling the shots at Ubisoft?

9/10 360/PS3 owners will be buying GTAV instead of Rayman.

9/10 Wii U owners will be buying Wind Waker HD instead of Rayman.

Rayman Legends: Dead on Arrival.

If Wii U fans are more interested in ports of old games than they are brand new ones, then perhaps Ubisoft made the right call.

50K in the US in the first month for all three platforms, then its price dropped significantly. They could've easily sell 200K-300K on Wii U for full price and make more money, then release it on PS360 and earn even more.

Given the poor sales of third party games and the Wii U itself, where are you pulling the 300k number from? I'm going to go out on a limb and assume Ubisoft made their own informed projections, and today's announcement is a direct reflection of what they found out.


If the delay really is true for the Wii U version...

- I don't have a problem with it going multiplatform. In fact, it was hinted that it could happen someday.

- I don't have a problem with them wanting what's best for themselves, as a company.

What I don't get is that; in their pursuit of instant short-term success, they didn't do such a great job of assessing the pros & cons. Not to mention greatly dissapointing a lot of people in the process.

Ubisoft is simply looking at an instant short term success(potentially larger sales on release period), while ignoring the fact that this game had the attention of many Wii U owners right now, with potential to move consoles - something that can actually benefit them in the long term. The dry release schedule for Wii U was actually working out in Rayman's favor. All eyes were on Rayman this Spring. All eyes will NOT be on Rayman this Fall.

Now, on top of the new games that will be out for PS360 by/in September, Rayman will be sharing the spotlight game like other colorful Wii U games like Lego City, Pikmin 3, The Wonderful 101 and who knows what else.

After putting so much effort into the Wii U version, they just positioned themselves to (potentially) sell mucvh less Wii U games. Even if they recover some sales with the PS360 version, their take home from that experience won't be;

Perhaps we fumbled the Wii U Rayman release!"

but more like:

"Our games aren't selling well on Wii U, regardless of effort/quality"

Raman Legends, followed shortly by Pikmin 3 was planed as my first Wii U games. Now I have to form a new plan. By the time Rayman is out, I may be too preoccupied with other games to care. But who knows?! I just don't see this move working out as well as Ubisoft hopes.


Unconfirmed Member
well here are some possibilities:

1) ubisoft actually has no idea how much their own game sold or what the platform make-up is. they are willing to pay cash for message board posters to give them this information.

2) ubisoft does know, and whatever private information they have contradicts the information you have.

3) ubisoft does know, and your information is entirely correct, but they have private projections that suggest something different about the economics of rayman legends to justify this decision, whether or not it ends up being correct in the end.

4) ubisoft is deliberately sabotaging their own company in an effort to take down nintendo on behalf of all the third parties of the world who hate nintendo for example nomura is a KNOWN sony fan boy and besides third parties said they wouldn't make games for gamecube because of the low install base but then the wii won and SURPRISE SURPRISE they changed their tune and by the way did you know that all those companies wouldn't have gone bankrupt if they made wii games i hate dudebro shooters for example but call of duty black ops 2 on wii u is a good game and

You know that companies not always make the right decisions...
That is a completely different relationship.
Its based on Owner, I don’t know how much the rest of you know about Japanese culture (I’m an expert), but honor and shame are huge parts of it. It’s not like it is in Kotaku where you can become successful by being an asshole. If you screw Kamiya in Japan, you bring shit to your mouth, and the only way to get rid of that shit is use your brain.


We'll probably forget about the game then, just like its predecessor.

Even if you still remember most people will also remember to drop 60$ for GTA instead of Rayman. Or they'll just keep their cash for the new consoles. Bomba written all over this game. :(
As many of you know the release of Rayman Legends on Wii U has been delayed until September. It's not all bad news though as you will now be able to collect those legendary Lums on PS3 and Xbox 360 as well.

We never want to delay a game and for that we're sorry. We made the tough decision to push back the release so we could offer it on multiple platforms. Stay tuned for more

Ubi Facebook page


Remember when Nintendo/Iwata kept saying they would learn from their mistakes and go hard after 3rd party support this time?


They have been pushing hard on partnering it seems, and the indie support looks really good.

What Nintendo needs to do is go too third party's and be like "stop treating us like the ugly step child, and gives us the supports"

And pay them of course.
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