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XBLA (Xbox Live Arcade) News, Announcements, Reviews, and Impressions Thread


I'm not as deluded as I make myself out to be
I was really keen to try Monaco as I love co-op but for some reason I really struggle to get used to the visual style, takes me ages to learn the visual cues and just distinguish crap from other crap. Doesn't really help in a game about smooth heists, sneaking etc.

Not sure if I'll buy it now. Did anyone else feel the same but got over it?
I was really keen to try Monaco as I love co-op but for some reason I really struggle to get used to the visual style, takes me ages to learn the visual cues and just distinguish crap from other crap. Doesn't really help in a game about smooth heists, sneaking etc.

Not sure if I'll buy it now. Did anyone else feel the same but got over it?
I had played it for an hour with a friend, and I would say that the game likes to suggest it's about smooth heist, it really isn't about that, but rather the chaotic nature of co-operative play, and the potential chaos that can ensue when someone screws something up. It's more like your party game in that aspect.

As for the visual cues, yeah, that's a bit of a hit and miss, with so many small flourishes that are hard to see if you don't have a big enough TV.


Lara croft is something I think I'd rather play on the PC though, it's on steam isn't it? As for the other two those are some serious contenders. I know Hard Corps has Co-op, didn't know Trials did as well. But on trials I have a question, isn't there a new version of it coming out soon or something? A sequel or something like that? I still haven't bought anything so I'm still open to suggestions.

Lara croft is top down and not like previous games, the coop is amazing and better then the single player but different so playing through both ways isn't the same.


I'm probably late to the party but I got around to DLing the Double Dragon 2 demo and it's awful. A beat-em-up should be the easiest game in the world to develop simply because there's been so many of them to reference from. This thing is a piece of shit and I hate it. Neon was pretty good but this thing isn't anywhere close. Did anyone here like the game?


Released today,


Monaco: What's Yours is Mine - 1200msp, 394MB.

I used to buy so many games at 800. I almost never, ever bite at 1200. Thanks to the psychology of it all, I buy far fewer Arcade games at full price. :(


Trucker Sexologist
I used to buy so many games at 800. I almost never, ever bite at 1200. Thanks to the psychology of it all, I buy far fewer Arcade games at full price. :(
Paradoxically, I waste the most money on games I buy just because they're cheap or on sale, and not because I really enjoyed them.


Sketchbook Picasso
Neon was pretty good but this thing isn't anywhere close. Did anyone here like the game?

I found it OK, but that's really it. There's some decent ideas in place, and I appreciate many of the things they tried to do, but it's unrefined, and very loose in execution.

Phantom Breaker Battlegrounds is a much better overall game (Best recent BEU until it's challenged by Dragon's Crown), and Sacred Citadel is a better attempt at the Genre in 3D, and has online + much nicer graphics.
Since we have no active Windows 8 gaming thread or even an active Windows Phone 7/8 gaming thread, I'll post it here. I downloaded Shuffle Party (free, ad supported) for W8. It's basically like a polished, clean version of the Windows Phone 7 game. Like the WP7 version, to finish the game you really really need to grind out tons of cash to buy all of the unlockable skins. So I wrote an AutoHotkey script to do it in the background. My laptop is making mad sacks of Shuffle Party scrilla while I type this post. By the time I go to the grocery store to drop my RedBox disc back and then come back home, I should have enough cash to buy everything. Awww yeah.

I just spent most of my Sunday fiddling with this whilst watching TV and generally chillin'. Managed to clean up on all the achievements, and I must say that the challenges can be nasty, especially using my laptop's trackpad. God knows it'd be nigh impossible using a regular mouse. Definitely made for touchscreens in mind. The challenges are also 1/3 skill, and 2/3 pure luck.

Got all the achievements though, and for a free game, it was a nice little distraction.


I tried out the trial for Monaco and enjoyed it. It's a pretty simple game with a couple of interesting mechanics. Visually, it looks pretty cool. It's kind of like Pacman mixed with Metal Gear Solid mixed with a class based system. The controls are pretty simple and it feels good.

It's pretty fun trying to sneak around without getting caught while collecting stuff. I played as the Locksmith, the Cleaner, the Mole, the Lookout, and the one with the monkey. I think I like the Cleaner and the monkey one so far with the Mole right behind them. The monkey doesn't alarm the guards which is strange but cool having it collect stuff.

I can see the later levels getting more complex and the game itself being more fun/hectic with 3 other players. I'll think I'll wait for it to be on sale before I check it as 1200 MSP is a bit too steep to justify the purchase at the moment. I rarely buy games for 1200 MSP any more; the last game I bought for 1200 MSP was Dust: An Elysian Tale but I enjoyed it immensely.


Does anyone know when the punchcard rewards for April are supposed to kick in ?

I don't know but it's ridiculous that we don't have them yet. I want to use those 800 points on two of the games on sale this week (Serious sam 3 and Joyride) but i'm guessing I won't get the points by the time the sale ends. I'll think twice about trying to fill my card if it's going to take this long to get the points.
"Deposit day" is the 15th of the month usually for other Xbox Rewards stuff. Not sure if it works the same for the punch card stuff. Might be even further off, since for me at least, the punch card things aren't in my "pending" section yet. their FAQ says "on or before May 30".


So I've beaten the primary campaign in Monaco, and about half of the "remix campaign," and I'm not so sure it's all that good of a game after all. It's got amazing style and flair and it's easy to get blinded, but the more time you spend with it and the harder the game gets, the more frustrating it all becomes and it often feels like you're playing a crude proto-stealth game from 1987, which is just frustrating. How is there no "knock on wall" or "kick over trash" button to lure enemies with? Come on!

- Amazing visual style that's not just about the blocky pixels; the guys have great eyes for color and they do some neat things with the style they created. My favorite part is the backdrops for the "cutscenes," some of them look awesome.
- The light/shadow effects are insanely good.
- Creative and cool soundtrack.
- Simplistic gameplay that just works - contextual one-button gameplay that works perfectly.

- They've gone too far with the light dynamic, and it's too strict. You lose sight of everything too easily and quickly and it's basically impossible to know what's hiding around a corner. Of course, they don't have to employ the third-person stealth mechanic of abusing the camera to know things you shouldn't, but it also shouldn't be completely impossible to know if there's an entire army behind a door or not. Humans have other senses than sight and that's not reflected in this game whatsoever. There's a tiny, tiny audio portion to it, where you can hear/see footsteps of guards that are very close to you but it's not very useful.
- Guards act too realistically. I mean, yes, it makes sense for them to thoroughly search every corner after an alarm has been tripped, and it makes sense for them to be on high alert for a very long time afterwards... But it's not fun. At all. I'm not going to behave any differently just because the alarm is up for longer than it typically is in a stealth game; all that leads to is me sitting in that little bush for 5 minutes longer than I should have to, as I click around on shit on my laptop and wait for the stressful music to subside. I guess the idea is that the more you mess up and get seen, the harder the level becomes as it all stacks and you create more weary guards as you screw up more, but that's not how it plays out. Any halfway decent gamer is just going to wait it out.
- There's too few tools at your disposal, and the character abilities and level powerups don't really close some of those gaps. There really should've been a way to distract guards to move them from their post; for example, why can't I interact with the phones? There are phones that will ring randomly and lure guards over, but I can't figure out a way to make them ring on purpose.
- There's never enough objects to interact with and to sneak around in. Let's say they make a long corridor with patroling troops. The sensible way to do it would be to put bushes at regular intervals through the corridor, or shadowy areas or whatever. If they want it to be hard, they'd only put a bush at the beginning and end of the corridor and none inbetween and force you to use the shadows of the pillars to remain undetected. In Monaco, there will be no bushes in any place, no pillars and literally no possible way to sneak through that corridor. All you can do is run in like a dumbass clown, getting seen by like 10 guards and cameras, grab the loot and run away.
- The primary way of handling any situation is to just run into the situation head first, do what you need to do while taking damage, running out, turning a corner and getting into a bush. The guards can't find you if they didn't see you jumping into the bush and like I said, there's way too few objects to hide in or otherwise interact with, so running around a corner and diving into a bush becomes the only way to handle most situations.

So in short, the game's just not much of a stealth game and the levels are not cleverly design with stealth in mind and are instead just decoratively designed with little thought behind it. The perfect example is in a later level, where there's a tall, rectangular room divided into three "lanes" with lasers scanning each one. You must enter from the south and weave through the lasters in the middle "lane" to reach the loot at the top, where two guards are posted and constantly looking in the direction of the lane. This area is impossible to clear with stealth; there's nothing to hide in, a disguise doesn't last long enough to get you past the guards, the charming ability will only work on one of two guards, etc. The only thing you can do in that room is mad dash in like an idiot, grab the trophy and dash to the nearest vent and hope that you can pull all of that off before dying. I still like the game, but it's not very well-designed and I don't understand why it had like 3+ years of hype. A cool visual style really works wonders in this industry...
aku:jiki, I think the main issue is that Monaco seems built for co-op play and different roles being the key to getting around some of that frustration. If you don't have the right characters involved, it becomes much more difficult. Love it, but I've only played two levels worth of single player and just played same-screen multi almost exclusively since.


aku:jiki, I think the main issue is that Monaco seems built for co-op play and different roles being the key to getting around some of that frustration. If you don't have the right characters involved, it becomes much more difficult. Love it, but I've only played two levels worth of single player and just played same-screen multi almost exclusively since.
I thought about that, but that doesn't work out either... There isn't a skill in the game that lets you get through that room I described. I guess one player might be able to pull one of the guards off using The Redhead, but the other player won't make it to the loot regardless. The Gentleman's disguise doesn't last long enough to get in there, and the Pickpocket's monkey can't grab treasure (only coins). Don't get me wrong; the room is not impossible by any means, and just dashing in and out while grabbing the loot works well, but it feels dumb and not very stealthy.

In my opinion, it seems like the game plays the way you described because it always helps to have a Pickpocket, a Mole and a Gentleman, but in reality it really doesn't matter because the levels simply aren't clever enough and any situation you can get through with multiple characters and abilities are situations you could've gotten through with just one.


listen to the mad man
I've only played the demo for Monaco but I was really disappointed. The visual style is much more overpowering than I thought, the light mechanic is much more severe than I thought, and all-in-all I didn't really feel like I was doing much. Dollar Dash, while not at all a direct competitor, was far more immediately engaging to me.

I just spent most of my Sunday fiddling with this whilst watching TV and generally chillin'. Managed to clean up on all the achievements, and I must say that the challenges can be nasty, especially using my laptop's trackpad. God knows it'd be nigh impossible using a regular mouse. Definitely made for touchscreens in mind. The challenges are also 1/3 skill, and 2/3 pure luck.

It took me a long time to do the challenges on the WP version and that's with a touchscreen. I'm also playing on a trackpad and I simply can't shoot the puck reliably enough to do the challenges. It's a pity. I love using the burger board, puck, and pins.
I played the demo of Monaco over the weekend with a friend and decided that I'll buy it if I ever have a 50" television because it's not really much fun on the screen I've got.


I played the demo of Monaco over the weekend with a friend and decided that I'll buy it if I ever have a 50" television because it's not really much fun on the screen I've got.

Even on my 58" the visual style is distracting. I think I'd prefer the game on a smaller TV honestly, but I didn't like the game all that much to begin with.


Paradoxically, I waste the most money on games I buy just because they're cheap or on sale, and not because I really enjoyed them.

I have the exact issue. Play the demo when it's 50% off and think "Well....it was alright. I guess. I suppose I can get about half of these of achievements"

Then now, I sit here looking at my 195 XBLA games filling up my HDD and wonder wtf I was thinking when I bought stuff like Ghostbusters: SoS, the Alien Breed trilogy and several others.

I don't know but it's ridiculous that we don't have them yet. I want to use those 800 points on two of the games on sale this week (Serious sam 3 and Joyride) but i'm guessing I won't get the points by the time the sale ends. I'll think twice about trying to fill my card if it's going to take this long to get the points.

There was a survey on the Rewards site a month or so ago and one of the questions asked what could help make the Rewards system better. One of the choices was instant deposit of points earned. So they are at least aware of how slow it is and are thinking about maybe changing it.

Vert boil

I'll update throughout the day.


Battlefield 3
--Aftermath - 600msp (was 1200)
--Armored Kill - 600msp (was 1200)
--Back to Karkand - 600msp (was 1200) Content update patch
--Close Quarters - 600msp (was 1200) Content update patch
--End Game - 600msp (was 1200)
--Premium - 2800msp (was 4000)


Rhythm Party (Boom Boom Dance) - 320msp (was 800)

Injustice: Gods Among Us
--Flashpoint Skin Pack - 240msp (was 320)


Gems Sale

3 Point Contest - 160msp (was 240)
10 Frame Bowling - 160msp (was 240) (hasn't dropped yet)
Darts Vs Zombies - 160msp (was 240)
Field Goal Contest - 160msp (was 240)
Penalty Saver - 160msp (was 240)
Ping Pong - 160msp (was 240)
Prize Driver - 160msp (was 240)
Reaction Rally - 160msp (was 240)
Ski Race - 160msp (was 240)


Arc System Works 25th Anniversary sale

GUILTY GEAR XX ΛCORE PLUS - 900msp (was 1200)

Battle Fantasia - 1280msp/¥ (was 2000) (US, was 1600/20$, hasn't dropped yet. Possibly only available in JPN)

BlazBlue Calamity Trigger - 800msp/10$ (was 1600/20$) US price, check your region

BlazBlue Continuum Shift Extend - 1760msp/¥ (was 3680) GoD version only available in JPN.

Guilty Gear 2 Overture - 800msp/10$ (was 1600/20$) US price check your region


Released today,


--Compatibility update - free


I may try some of those mini-sport games, I already bought ping-pong and ski race and they were ok. But I didn't like the demo of dart zombies that much, when it was available.
What are the best of the bunch ? I'm tempted by the bowling one, maybe the penalty saver ? (it looks like it would feel repetitive rather quickly).

Too bad there's none for volleyball.

Oh, and everybody buy Rhythm Party, it's a great game !


Arc System Works 25th Anniversary sale
(Appears to be JPN only) GGXXACP has been reduced everywhere (except the US). I'll update the GoD bits if they do drop.

GUILTY GEAR XX ΛCORE PLUS - 900msp (was 1200) (US)

Battle Fantasia - 1280msp/¥ (was 2000) (US, was 1600/20$)

BlazBlue Calamity Trigger - 800msp/¥ (was 1360) (US, was 1600/20$)

BlazBlue Continuum Shift Extend - 1760msp/¥ (was 3680)

Guilty Gear 2 - 1280msp/¥ (was 2000) (US, was 1600/20$)

Aw man, GGXXACP is still not available in Australia. This is a little gutting :(
Are JP releases usually region locked? Battle Fantasia would be tempting if it'd work on my AU xbox.

Vert boil

Aw man, GGXXACP is still not available in Australia. This is a little gutting :(
Are JP releases usually region locked? Battle Fantasia would be tempting if it'd work on my AU xbox.

Retail version of BF is region locked, the GoD version probably will be as well. Most Japanese release are region locked, you'd need a JPN 360 to play them.


those turtles look hideous.

Part of me wonders if maybe the devs got to look at early concept art from the new movie, since these designs are completely out of left field and don't resemble any previous Turtles incarnations we've seen.

Regardless of how they look though, I'll still play it. I randomly play through the 1989 game every now and then and you can never have too many beat-em-up style games (imo).
Part of me wonders if maybe the devs got to look at early concept art from the new movie, since these designs are completely out of left field and don't resemble any previous Turtles incarnations we've seen.

Regardless of how they look though, I'll still play it. I randomly play through the 1989 game every now and then and you can never have too many beat-em-up style games (imo).

those were my thoughts too, that this is based on the new film.


Man, Monaco has become a complete drag in the hard campaign. Some of the situations they set up are just straight retarded, like putting treasure in the middle of the room with zero shadows, six guards who don't move staring at it and four laser finders sweeping the area. I just feel constantly underpowered and frustrated when I play it now. It started out so much fun too... :(

I guess this is where you kinda have to start playing co-op so you can have The Lookout, The Pickpocket, The Mole and The Cleaner all at the same time, but it's an extremely demanding game and all four players must know it very well for it to work out. I tried to play with some people who didn't take it very seriously and it was even more frustrating. I did, however, run into the best random I've ever seen in a game, so that was pretty cool. He was tearing the game up with The Mole.

Just tried Skulls of the Shogun to see if they fixed their dumb achievement bug with their update.

Huh, what bug is that? I got the 400/400 with no issues and wasn't aware there were any problems.

Vert boil

Released today,


Sanctum 2 - 1200msp, 796MB.

(Only available in US, CA and some south american countries atm.)
(It will be available in more regions, the publisher is trying to get it sorted out.)


Guardians of Middle-earth
--Mouth of Sauron - 160msp

Joe Danger 2: The Movie
--Undead Movie Pack - 400msp

--Compatibility update - free


Doritos Crash Course 2 woes,


Throughout our investigations, it was discovered that one of the primary causes of these issues are servers being unreachable due to high latency internet connections. A title update is in development which will improve the tolerance of the game to slow responses from the servers. We are also aware of a number of bugs uncovered by these play sessions, which we are working to remedy, as well as a number of other smaller changes that will improve your gaming experience.


listen to the mad man
Joe Danger 2 DLC is short and bike only levels (yay!) but fairly challenging in a good way. It took me about 100 tries to get the last pro medal, which is more than double what it took me to do any level in the base game and about as hard as the last level in Joe Danger 1.

There are no new mechanics and the backgrounds are all plain courses but there are pretty cool character costumes and inspired reskins of most of the game's base mechanics in horror theme.

I'm #1 in the world in all the DLC leaderboards and the only person on TrueAchievements with the achievements, but it seems like only 5 or 10 people have actually bought the DLC.


Released today,

Sanctum 2 - 1200msp, 796MB.

(Only available in US, CA and some south american countries atm. No idea if it will be a limited release)

Can't hurt pointing out that EUs (and AUs?) can download it from/with US accounts, if they have it set up; it's what I did when I noticed it didn't show up. I couldn't be denied another tower defense game, thankyouverymuch.
Huh, what bug is that? I got the 400/400 with no issues and wasn't aware there were any problems.

There are a bunch of story achievements for completing the boss levels on normal difficulty. If at any point you switch the difficulty to casual to replay a previous level to get the skulls on it, those story achievements will no longer unlock, even though you'd have switched back to normal to continue the story.


What is the secret achievement for Stump? I will start this DLC now. They kinda stealth released this didn't they?


listen to the mad man
What is the secret achievement for Stump? I will start this DLC now. They kinda stealth released this didn't they?

The secret achievements are for getting different sub-sections of stars--2 pumpkin stars (like the hidden items in the main games) and all the brain stars (like the gold coins in the main game) and using the Super Skull, which you find in any level with a skull star... so basically just completion stuff, nothing wacky.


I was really keen to try Monaco as I love co-op but for some reason I really struggle to get used to the visual style, takes me ages to learn the visual cues and just distinguish crap from other crap. Doesn't really help in a game about smooth heists, sneaking etc.

Not sure if I'll buy it now. Did anyone else feel the same but got over it?

I feel the same way but have NOT gotten over it. I've played through 5 missions and after every mission I have this feeling of frustration about what I've just played. I get frustrated because it feels like I should be sneaking but the best way to get through a level is collect as many coins as you can and shotgun dudes. I just started it, though. I hope I can get into it but what you describe is definitely how I feel at the end of a level.

p.s. The visual style is confusing in practice.


Been hyping Sanctum to my mates for a good long while because I think it'd be right up our alley... then it evaporates into publisher snafu. Hopefully it gets sorted quickly.


You've made a huge mistake

Eeeh, I wouldn't say huge.
I wouldn't just spent the money on something dumb anyway.
After playing the game a bit, I kinda see what everyone is talking about when it comes to Comic Jumper. The concept and themes of the game and 'Twisted Pixel' in general are totally rad to the max.. but dang if the game doesn't feel... not so fun as how it SHOULD feel.

Metal Slug. Just do that. Then do your 'fun stuff' around that.

I have a lot more to play that I'm more interested in though, I'll get through it eventually.
I want to see how the 'outside the box' bits work as the game progresses.
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