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Fighting Games Weekly | May 20-26 | MRN died so Guilty Gear could live!

Since BaraBariBall, the indie game I'm working on, will be a tournament event at UFGT and on the stream, I thought I'd share some of the cool new features that will be on display.

We've updated the "how to play" section of our website with information on our CLASH system. Read it here.

If you don't want to read about it just check these images out.



Good luck to everyone. I'm flying out to Chicago tomorrow to be a tournament host. Hope you guys find some time to peak at the stream of BaraBariBall in between hype matches of the MvC3 finals.

I met you at magfest! Small world, Tino loves your game btw!

El Sloth

Ah. We're a team of 3 guys working this game. You probably met Noah, the games original creator. He was at Magfest. I'll pass along the message.
I remember meeting Noah at one of the NYU Spring Fighters. Cool guy. Glad to see his game getting so much exposure. The alpha I played was really fun.

GGs. I think your dream team has a lot of potential. Morrigan has to carry the weight until you get armored Hsien-ko, and then Amaterasu becomes nigh unstoppable. I wouldn't spend meter on anything but safe DHCs to keep the team coherent. Once you lose one character, the team starts to struggle. It's not a top tier team or anything, but it's definitely competent.


We have to get the UFGT thread up before the pre-show tonight. If someone wants to do the thread, feel free.

Looking forward to that boss reveal....and just realized that since it's early I'll be putting my son to bed while it's happening. I wonder what the chances are that I can find leveluplive on the twitch ios app.


Honzo brings up an interesting point... should FChamp have saved his "counter" team for EVO against ChrisG?

I mean anyone who saw that match knew that FChamp was a couple of fuck ups away from essentially 3-0ing ChrisG. ChrisG didn't handle the strategy well enough, he just capitalized on FChamp's mistakes. Now that ChrisG has seen the team, he knows what's coming, he knows the strategy behind it and he will be in the lab. He will probably just put Vergil on point with Morrigan building meter for him, destroy Dormammu and FChamp's Morrigan then he would have Vergil plus Morrigan to deal with Phoenix.

I think Champ should've worked on his team more. He literally started playing the team in intense sessions two days before ECT. He should not have streamed himself playing the team either, I mean I saw that being played just randomly on FGTV one day (maybe he has played it before on stream) so you know other people knew about it as well. This is the advantage that ChrisG has over FChamp, ChrisG doesn't stream himself playing FChamp does. Everyone can easily "download" FChamp and all his tech.
Honzo brings up an interesting point... should FChamp have saved his "counter" team for EVO against ChrisG?

I mean anyone who saw that match knew that FChamp was a couple of fuck ups away from essentially 3-0ing ChrisG. ChrisG didn't handle the strategy well enough, he just capitalized on FChamp's mistakes. Now that ChrisG has seen the team, he knows what's coming, he knows the strategy behind it and he will be in the lab. He will probably just put Vergil on point with Morrigan building meter for him, destroy Dormammu and FChamp's Morrigan then he would have Vergil plus Morrigan to deal with Phoenix.

I think Champ should've worked on his team more. He literally started playing the team in intense sessions two days before ECT. He should not have streamed himself playing the team either, I mean I saw that being played just randomly on FGTV one day (maybe he has played it before on stream) so you know other people knew about it as well. This is the advantage that ChrisG has over FChamp, ChrisG doesn't stream himself playing FChamp does. Everyone can easily "download" FChamp and all his tech.
Eh, it's hard to devote a ton of resources to yet another ChrisG counter without knowing there's potential for it. I don't blame FChamp for testing the strategy first.


Also Honzo claimed that Flocker vs ChrisG matches were pot splitted.

At EVO it was Flocker who sent ChrisG to losers? Man I have forgotten all about non top 16 action at EVO.
Also Honzo claimed that Flocker vs ChrisG matches were pot splitted.

At EVO it was Flocker who sent ChrisG to losers? Man I have forgotten all about non top 16 action at EVO.

I almost wouldn't doubt it, consdering Chris G didn't seem mentally guard broken when he lost.

And yeah, Flocker sent Chris G to Loser's, and then Chris G beat Flocker in I think Top 8 Loser's.


PAR continuing its fighting game series.


In this installment, they slam UFGT. Nice. (Writer's heart seems to be in the right place, but jeez.)

This weekend a stadium in Shanghai will be filled to capacity with thousands of fans eager to watch professional gamers play League of Legends in the League Championship Series All-Star game. Hundreds of thousands more will tune in to livestreams around the world to watch their favorite players compete.

All the while, fighting game players will be competing in a meager conference room in a hotel just outside of O'Hare Airport in Chicago. While the gaming world stops to watch the action from Shanghai, only 10,000-20,000 will see players compete in the Ultimate Fighting Game Tournament 9.


Of course, at the same time, when we have to question whether a win was legit or not....yeah.


Of course, at the same time, when we have to question whether a win was legit or not....yeah.
Pot split or not, I personally think both those matches were legit. ChrisG played his standard team, lost convincingly. Realizing that Vergil could not survive the incoming mix up against Zero and Magneto could handle Zero better plus punish Vajra he opted to go for Magneto. He got to reset the bracket even and stuck to his guns. ChrisG is at a stage in his career where he can afford to get high intensity match up experience using B team for a long range strategy, like preparing for EVO. I mean everyone knows he has won an insane amount of majors, risking one major for a better chance at winning EVO seems like a decent decision.

The PRRog vs Champ match was 100% thrown/staged/faked. To be more specific, they played fine for the first 3 or so games but the last game was thrown 100%.
PAR continuing its fighting game series.


In this installment, they slam UFGT. Nice. (Writer's heart seems to be in the right place, but jeez.)


Of course, at the same time, when we have to question whether a win was legit or not....yeah.

I wouldn't say that's a win as it is a "Look how great eSports and LoL is compared to fighting games". Although I haven't read it yet, just from what you quoted it doesn't seem all too positive.

Edit: Guess I misread what you had written in regards to what the "win" was towards. I'd still stand by my point though in regards to the Penny Arcade article, just from the excerpt I read, doesn't seem too positive.

A Pretty Panda

fuckin' called it, man
Ok, actually reading through the article now, it doesn't seem nearly as bad, just sort of... stuff that's kind of known. Capcom doesn't have the pockets to support big events while all these other companies do.

Not too much that can be done about that unless Capcom somehow makes a good F2P fighting game that doesn't have scummy practices.

What Karst said. The first part looks like looks like he's belittling the event, then you get to the end and the author says he wants to see the sport go big. That's what I mean by his heart seems like it was in the right place. It's just that you read those first two paragraphs and it's so negative (and using a bad example, LoL overseas).

Yeah, definitely able to tell that. And I can tell his heart is in the right place, but still, it just sort of seems like stuff that we mostly know, at least in my opinion. Not that the article wasn't nice to have or anything. I mean, more exposure helps, I'd say.


I'd still stand by my point though in regards to the Penny Arcade article, just from the excerpt I read, doesn't seem too positive.

I don't think it was a UFGT9 slam. I think the author was trying to say that the event deserves more attention.

What Karst said. The first part looks like looks like he's belittling the event, then you get to the end and the author says he wants to see the sport go big. That's what I mean by his heart seems like it was in the right place. It's just that you read those first two paragraphs and it's so negative (and using a bad example, LoL overseas).

El Sloth

PAR continuing its fighting game series.


In this installment, they slam UFGT. Nice. (Writer's heart seems to be in the right place, but jeez.)
Well, to be fair to the writer a hotel ballroom is pretty meager when compared to a whole damn sports stadium.

And, hey, at least there seems to be someone outside of the fighting game focused sites covering the scene regularly. Better than no coverage at all, I'd think.

Edit: More Gootecks quotes.


So I've been hearing a lot about free-to-play fighters being the future. Are these just discussions just hypothetical (it certainly seems like a decent possibility), or is there any evidence to suggest that companies (and Capcom specifically) is considering something like that?

El Sloth

So I've been hearing a lot about free-to-play fighters being the future. Are these just discussions just hypothetical (it certainly seems like a decent possibility), or is there any evidence to suggest that companies (and Capcom specifically) is considering something like that?
Purely hypothetical at this point. Well, as far as Capcom is concerned. I don't know about other companies.

Maybe there's a company in China with a F2P fighter.
I don't get why the author either didn't mention or reach out to at least Netherrealms and Namco for this article. Saying FGC here and there and then only talking about Capcom's history is somewhat disappointing, considering how well-researched that history appears to be. At least mention the other big players and their efforts too?

I mean, MK and Tekken got a nod as 'second-tier'(lol), and it's clear Capcom's big games lead aggregate FG stream viewership by a country mile, but I felt like that was a missed opportunity.

El Sloth

I knew it!

Edit: Oh, it's the one Slamtastic links to sometimes. I didn't realize it was F2P.
I don't get why the author either didn't mention or reach out to at least Netherrealms and Namco for this article. Saying FGC here and there and then only talking about Capcom's history is somewhat disappointing, considering how well-researched that history appears to be. At least mention the other big players and their efforts too?

I mean, MK and Tekken got a nod as 'second-tier'(lol), and it's clear Capcom's big games lead aggregate FG stream viewership by a country mile, but I felt like that was a missed opportunity.
Well, the author's point (for the article) seems to be that the creator of the most popular games in the scene is also the one that supports it the least. Well, maybe not the least, but certainly not enough when compared to the devs of other competitive games.

I'm sure the author is aware that MK and Tekken had their shot at MLG and didn't bring in the numbers that he's imagining a Capcom game would.
This year's UFGT mystery game tournament has an Infiltration rule.

The Mystery Game Tournament is, to us, a test of both your ability to quickly adapt and your arcane knowledge of random ass games. The spirit of the tournament is quickly broken, however, by the use of smartphones and laptops, and coaching from friends.

As such, this year, Mystery Game players will need to agree not to use their smartphones, tablets, or laptops for the duration of their pool. If you do use it, you will be given a loss in your upcoming match.
Eh, it's hard to devote a ton of resources to yet another ChrisG counter without knowing there's potential for it. I don't blame FChamp for testing the strategy first.

Pretty much this. If he would have saved this till evolution and had it fail it would be tragic for him. He opted to test it out now and see how viable it is against Chris. And atm it seems very viable as long as champ doesn't screw up. He just really needs to work on his morrigan. "That shit is ass!"
At some point this entrenched narrative about the Fighting Game scene being a legitimate "community" needs to be dropped. Both by the people trying to grow the scene, and the people reporting on it.

Mostly because, as the end of that article points out, it allows for people to treasure the "moral victories" they get because they're doing pretty good "For such a small community," in the face of the repeated stumbles and obstacles that continually prevent Fighting Games from securing bigger audiences. Stumbles and obstacles that often come precisely because it's such a small group of people who often put more weight behind the mythology of being an upstart community than they do the actual growing of the scene into something profitable/sustainable.

Stop pretending it's a real community and it'll probably grow. Stop paying lip service to being open to newcomers and new audiences, and actually be that.

If he would have saved this till evolution and had it fail it would be tragic for him. He opted to test it out now and see how viable it is against Chris.

I've always thought this "save the secret tech" shit was a little overestimated, myself. Look at Chris, for example. People know what's coming - still can't stop it. A lot of the best strategies are known, and counters ARE developed, but by hiding your best stuff, you're tacitly admitting you're relying on some gimmick shit. And gimmick shit only lasts for so long. Let people get a look at what you're trying out - so what? They still have to beat it, and getting a glimpse at it in a tournament isn't really going to give them that much of an edge when it comes time to counter it. Not if you're hitting the training room as hard as you should be to really get that strategy down.

That's not to say that keeping some things close to the vest doesn't have a value. It very obviously does. But it's not like Phil Jackson HID the triangle offense from teams before he busted it out. Yunno? Just because I let you see it, even let you PLAY against it, doesn't mean you have the ability to effectively counter it after a couple looks - or even a whole SEASON worth of looks. And even if you can wrap your head around HOW to beat it - you still have to play BETTER THAN ME in order to do it.

(the me in this case being a hypothetical top level player, because the me in real life is a fuckin scrub)
Are the mystery tournies streamed? Any times? I love these things.

UFGT is awesome. I only watch the occasional major and no weeklies, but even from that I get way too burnt out on the same old same old. At this point I most love to see stuff that mixes it up a bit (different games, different ways of playing current games, team tournaments) and UFGT is great for this.
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