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What happened to Michael Pachter?

SniperHunter is kind of a jerk, though. I didn't say Kotaku was wrong about always on, actually said I believed it because Adam Orth got fired. I called Kotaku's prediction that there were cancelled games for Xbox One "dumb, dumb, dumb", and asked "who comes up with this shit?". When told it was Kotaku, I said "they print this shit and people click on it?" I have since apologized to Stephen Totilo for mocking his site, but I still think that Kotaku article was dumb.

Yes, I have a day job. I got to Seattle at 12:44 a.m. Tuesday morning, up for Best Buy earnings at 4:15, wrote a note and went to MS at 9 a.m. I left the MS event at 1:45 for a 3:15 flight to LA, landed at 6 and met John Ricitiello for dinner. I actually went home, wrote two notes, got to bed at 11:30 and was up at 4:30 for our morning call, then breakfast with another CEO, then worked all day and home at 5:30. Today, I have GameStop and Pandora reporting, and I haven't checked Twitter since I left Seattle.

I opened NeoGAF to read about what you all think of the Xbox One, and am surprised at the general sense of entitlement (the dreaded "E" word) among so many of you. As a group, NeoGAF appears to have written off the Xbox One because they didn't show enough games, and because you all already know how to watch TV and use Skype. I used the term "entitlement" because the general sense on the Internetz is that nobody believes Microsoft will actually deliver 15 exclusives, of which 8 are new IP, within the launch window. The entitled ones demand that they be shown everything, and that they be shown it NOW.

It is shocking to me to see this reaction. If Phil Spencer said there are 15 games, my guess is that he can name all of them. Articles on the Internetz calling Microsoft's showing "underwhelming" are just a bunch of whining. The box was spectacular, it does a lot of things that many consumers will find appealing, and oh, by the way, there is apparently a lot of new software. I am pretty sure that Microsoft will tell us about its games some day before they come out, and am equally sure we'll hear a lot more about them at E3. But since that's 3 weeks away, the wait is just unbearable.

Yes, I'm around. Yes, I'm busy. And yes, many of you on NeoGAF are entitled whiners.

I'll probably be gone for the rest of the day.
Bad reveals come and go but the more troubling issues to many of us is the install/authenticate/no used games/24 hour check parts. I'd be curious to get your 2 cents on that stuff.
Anyone who uses the word "entitlement" on the forum should be ignored. It's paramount to saying you as consumers are not allowed to have an opinion - go away. I detest people who think like that.


The T.V features. Really Pachter? Please do tell us how successful Google TV has been. Yes it has been released.

I want to see the data that has convinced so many people that cable television is the biggest growth market right now in entertainment. The past 12 months the narrative has been cord cutting and breaking away from the model. Now XBone is out and cable is big again?


He speaks, and we freak
I was just trolling you all in that last post.

Riccitiello had tuna tartare and broiled halibut, I had a giant pork chop.

I am not a fan of always connected, think it's intrusive, and think that it raises privacy concerns. I think Mad Catz needs to make a flap that can be placed over the Kinect camera so we can be sure the camera is off when we want it to be. Clearly, the always connected requirement will limit Xbox One penetration in places that have poor broadband infrastructure, and will limit accessibility for people who can't afford broadband.

I agree wholeheartedly on the used issue, and have told Microsoft as much directly. I think it is dumb, dumb, dumb to limit access to used content, and think Microsoft will lose more by doing so than it can ever hope to gain. I think this has been poorly communicated by them, have told them so, and expect them to correct this soon, certainly by E3.

Yes, I hang out with CEOs. Deal with it. I am charming and lovable, so why wouldn't they want to hang out with me.

And I don't think it is "entitlement" when people complain about takeaways of things like used games, so I think it entirely reasonable to be upset if they restrict used game sales.


I was just trolling you all in that last post.

Riccitiello had tuna tartare and broiled halibut, I had a giant pork chop.

I am not a fan of always connected, think it's intrusive, and think that it raises privacy concerns. I think Mad Catz needs to make a flap that can be placed over the Kinect camera so we can be sure the camera is off when we want it to be. Clearly, the always connected requirement will limit Xbox One penetration in places that have poor broadband infrastructure, and will limit accessibility for people who can't afford broadband.

I agree wholeheartedly on the used issue, and have told Microsoft as much directly. I think it is dumb, dumb, dumb to limit access to used content, and think Microsoft will lose more by doing so than it can ever hope to gain. I think this has been poorly communicated by them, have told them so, and expect them to correct this soon, certainly by E3.

Yes, I hang out with CEOs. Deal with it. I am charming and lovable, so why wouldn't they want to hang out with me.

And I don't think it is "entitlement" when people complain about takeaways of things like used games, so I think it entirely reasonable to be upset if they restrict used game sales.

And those are the major reasons why people in here are upset or at the very least, skeptical. Not some worry about a lack of games. We know the games will be there. But is jumping through all those hoops just to play those games on an X-Bone, as compared to a PS4 or PC, worth it? Essentially, that is what we're reacting to.
Pretty spot on. People responding that the XB1 complaints are primarily about the anti-used game practices (which aren't even defined yet) must be reading a different forum. But the big point is that I really feel GAF is grossly underestimating the market appeal of many of the features shown in the "no games" reveal and especially the Kinect demonstrations afterward.

Nongamers aren't buying a $400 box just for live fantasy football updates or voice controlled channel switching. There is no appeal.

People hardly watch live TV these days, they just DVR shows and watch later. The Xbone is just something that gets in the way.
I was just trolling you all in that last post.

Riccitiello had tuna tartare and broiled halibut, I had a giant pork chop.

I am not a fan of always connected, think it's intrusive, and think that it raises privacy concerns. I think Mad Catz needs to make a flap that can be placed over the Kinect camera so we can be sure the camera is off when we want it to be. Clearly, the always connected requirement will limit Xbox One penetration in places that have poor broadband infrastructure, and will limit accessibility for people who can't afford broadband.

I agree wholeheartedly on the used issue, and have told Microsoft as much directly. I think it is dumb, dumb, dumb to limit access to used content, and think Microsoft will lose more by doing so than it can ever hope to gain. I think this has been poorly communicated by them, have told them so, and expect them to correct this soon, certainly by E3.

Yes, I hang out with CEOs. Deal with it. I am charming and lovable, so why wouldn't they want to hang out with me.

And I don't think it is "entitlement" when people complain about takeaways of things like used games, so I think it entirely reasonable to be upset if they restrict used game sales.

*Two minutes later*

lolz I was trolling you again! you people really are entitled man babies!

Sky Chief

SniperHunter is kind of a jerk, though. I didn't say Kotaku was wrong about always on, actually said I believed it because Adam Orth got fired. I called Kotaku's prediction that there were cancelled games for Xbox One "dumb, dumb, dumb", and asked "who comes up with this shit?". When told it was Kotaku, I said "they print this shit and people click on it?" I have since apologized to Stephen Totilo for mocking his site, but I still think that Kotaku article was dumb.

Yes, I have a day job. I got to Seattle at 12:44 a.m. Tuesday morning, up for Best Buy earnings at 4:15, wrote a note and went to MS at 9 a.m. I left the MS event at 1:45 for a 3:15 flight to LA, landed at 6 and met John Ricitiello for dinner. I actually went home, wrote two notes, got to bed at 11:30 and was up at 4:30 for our morning call, then breakfast with another CEO, then worked all day and home at 5:30. Today, I have GameStop and Pandora reporting, and I haven't checked Twitter since I left Seattle.

I opened NeoGAF to read about what you all think of the Xbox One, and am surprised at the general sense of entitlement (the dreaded "E" word) among so many of you. As a group, NeoGAF appears to have written off the Xbox One because they didn't show enough games, and because you all already know how to watch TV and use Skype. I used the term "entitlement" because the general sense on the Internetz is that nobody believes Microsoft will actually deliver 15 exclusives, of which 8 are new IP, within the launch window. The entitled ones demand that they be shown everything, and that they be shown it NOW.

It is shocking to me to see this reaction. If Phil Spencer said there are 15 games, my guess is that he can name all of them. Articles on the Internetz calling Microsoft's showing "underwhelming" are just a bunch of whining. The box was spectacular, it does a lot of things that many consumers will find appealing, and oh, by the way, there is apparently a lot of new software. I am pretty sure that Microsoft will tell us about its games some day before they come out, and am equally sure we'll hear a lot more about them at E3. But since that's 3 weeks away, the wait is just unbearable.

Yes, I'm around. Yes, I'm busy. And yes, many of you on NeoGAF are entitled whiners.

I'll probably be gone for the rest of the day.

Michael, I'm a big fan but I must disagree on your take here. I think most people are not concerned about the lack of games shown because E3 is just around the corner but rather the fact that all the anti-consumer rumors that were going around seem to be coming true.

You can bet your ass that as a consumer I feel entitled to a certain amount of ownership over everything that I spend my hard earned money on. For a major console manufacturer to want to suddenly make a huge power grab over the used games market at the expense of my ownership rights is frankly not sitting well with me or gamers in general.

Furthermore, I have heard you previously say that you think that such a move will not provide publishers with the great long term benefits that they seem to think it will. I would like to hear your take specifically on what we have hear from Phil Harrison and Co. since the reveal.

Additionally, I thought the TV features were extremely underwhelming. They certainly did not present the IPTV or cablebox visions that you were predicting that would shake up the existing communications industry. Rather, what they showed is an add on control device that requires a cable box to function and seems like it will be a rather clunky solution using HDMI passthrough and IR blasters a la GoogleTV and Tivo standalone devices that the market has generally rejected despite superior UI and features in favor of cable or satellite provided DVRs. They have not announced any partnerships yet so this may change but I would have assumed that they would have made such announcements this week while they are focusing on the TV experience rather than waiting until E3.

Surely, you must be disappointed by this. I would love to hear more about what you think about the TV features they have shown so far and if you think what you have seen is really compelling to the general consumer if the devise will require HDMI passthrough and IR blasters to function with their cable/satellite box.


The Everyman
I was just trolling you all in that last post.

Riccitiello had tuna tartare and broiled halibut, I had a giant pork chop.

I am not a fan of always connected, think it's intrusive, and think that it raises privacy concerns. I think Mad Catz needs to make a flap that can be placed over the Kinect camera so we can be sure the camera is off when we want it to be. Clearly, the always connected requirement will limit Xbox One penetration in places that have poor broadband infrastructure, and will limit accessibility for people who can't afford broadband.

I agree wholeheartedly on the used issue, and have told Microsoft as much directly. I think it is dumb, dumb, dumb to limit access to used content, and think Microsoft will lose more by doing so than it can ever hope to gain. I think this has been poorly communicated by them, have told them so, and expect them to correct this soon, certainly by E3.

Yes, I hang out with CEOs. Deal with it. I am charming and lovable, so why wouldn't they want to hang out with me.

And I don't think it is "entitlement" when people complain about takeaways of things like used games, so I think it entirely reasonable to be upset if they restrict used game sales.

yeah, i like pachter.


I was at that SXSW conference when he said that the Xbone would pull ahead of the PS4.

In the context of his overall presentation it made total sense. When sites took that one sound bite out of context, it totally blew up.

It's not that ridiculous.


Am I wrong to think that gamers are entitled to be entitled? It's a hobby. I want a reason to buy these consoles (surprise), but I'm not demanding they give me ridiculous new features I have no reason to ask for, I'm asking them to stop forcing all of this extra crap on me that I just don't want or need.

It strikes me that Microsoft is the one acting very entitled this week, and many journalists are seemingly along for the ride. They aren't entitled to shit, and it's easy for me to prove that point by not buying this caveat machine.


I'm going to guess that he's a busy man.

This. The man's an analyst for a living, having predicted that Microsoft would dominate with the Xbox One, he most likely has a lot of work to do now. I've seen some statistics of the sorts of "what side are you on, PS4 or Xbox One?" here on GAF that showed some quite devastating numbers for the new Xbox - point being, the public didn't react too well to the presentation altogether.

He might even have to explain to his clients that Microsoft aren't, as a matter of fact, re-releasing the original XBOX. Quite understandably so. The name Xbox One is still beyond me. I wonder how much money they threw at marketing to come up with that.

He's changed his name to Pach Lion and only analyzes the reggae industry now.

I would've gone with Pach Diddy. But I still liked yours.


Big supporters? All I remember him saying was that it wasn't a big deal that Sony had gone first and then stating that he felt Skype and TV features would appeal to a broad demographic. Gametrailers seems to have taken the stance that they would wait for E3. The only issue I have right now is that no press outlet seems to be willing to grill them regarding physical discs.


He is busy working on his E3 predictions. The reveal is in the past and he does not care about that, only as data to predict a (wrong) future.
I was just trolling you all in that last post.

Riccitiello had tuna tartare and broiled halibut, I had a giant pork chop.

I am not a fan of always connected, think it's intrusive, and think that it raises privacy concerns. I think Mad Catz needs to make a flap that can be placed over the Kinect camera so we can be sure the camera is off when we want it to be. Clearly, the always connected requirement will limit Xbox One penetration in places that have poor broadband infrastructure, and will limit accessibility for people who can't afford broadband.

I agree wholeheartedly on the used issue, and have told Microsoft as much directly. I think it is dumb, dumb, dumb to limit access to used content, and think Microsoft will lose more by doing so than it can ever hope to gain. I think this has been poorly communicated by them, have told them so, and expect them to correct this soon, certainly by E3.

Yes, I hang out with CEOs. Deal with it. I am charming and lovable, so why wouldn't they want to hang out with me.

And I don't think it is "entitlement" when people complain about takeaways of things like used games, so I think it entirely reasonable to be upset if they restrict used game sales.

I think this is a double troll.

Guys...Michael Pachter is double-trolling us...somebody do something about this.

I'm so confused.
I am not a fan of always connected, think it's intrusive, and think that it raises privacy concerns. I think Mad Catz needs to make a flap that can be placed over the Kinect camera so we can be sure the camera is off when we want it to be. Clearly, the always connected requirement will limit Xbox One penetration in places that have poor broadband infrastructure, and will limit accessibility for people who can't afford broadband.

I agree wholeheartedly on the used issue, and have told Microsoft as much directly. I think it is dumb, dumb, dumb to limit access to used content, and think Microsoft will lose more by doing so than it can ever hope to gain. I think this has been poorly communicated by them, have told them so, and expect them to correct this soon, certainly by E3.

And I don't think it is "entitlement" when people complain about takeaways of things like used games, so I think it entirely reasonable to be upset if they restrict used game sales.
Can't argue with any of this. I wish they'd have listened to you.
SniperHunter is kind of a jerk, though. I didn't say Kotaku was wrong about always on, actually said I believed it because Adam Orth got fired. I called Kotaku's prediction that there were cancelled games for Xbox One "dumb, dumb, dumb", and asked "who comes up with this shit?". When told it was Kotaku, I said "they print this shit and people click on it?" I have since apologized to Stephen Totilo for mocking his site, but I still think that Kotaku article was dumb.

Yes, I have a day job. I got to Seattle at 12:44 a.m. Tuesday morning, up for Best Buy earnings at 4:15, wrote a note and went to MS at 9 a.m. I left the MS event at 1:45 for a 3:15 flight to LA, landed at 6 and met John Ricitiello for dinner. I actually went home, wrote two notes, got to bed at 11:30 and was up at 4:30 for our morning call, then breakfast with another CEO, then worked all day and home at 5:30. Today, I have GameStop and Pandora reporting, and I haven't checked Twitter since I left Seattle.

I opened NeoGAF to read about what you all think of the Xbox One, and am surprised at the general sense of entitlement (the dreaded "E" word) among so many of you. As a group, NeoGAF appears to have written off the Xbox One because they didn't show enough games, and because you all already know how to watch TV and use Skype. I used the term "entitlement" because the general sense on the Internetz is that nobody believes Microsoft will actually deliver 15 exclusives, of which 8 are new IP, within the launch window. The entitled ones demand that they be shown everything, and that they be shown it NOW.

It is shocking to me to see this reaction. If Phil Spencer said there are 15 games, my guess is that he can name all of them. Articles on the Internetz calling Microsoft's showing "underwhelming" are just a bunch of whining. The box was spectacular, it does a lot of things that many consumers will find appealing, and oh, by the way, there is apparently a lot of new software. I am pretty sure that Microsoft will tell us about its games some day before they come out, and am equally sure we'll hear a lot more about them at E3. But since that's 3 weeks away, the wait is just unbearable.

Yes, I'm around. Yes, I'm busy. And yes, many of you on NeoGAF are entitled whiners.

I'll probably be gone for the rest of the day.

Yes it is true. I am entitled. When you ask me to drop $500 bucks on your box, it better have value to me.


I was just trolling you all in that last post.

Riccitiello had tuna tartare and broiled halibut, I had a giant pork chop.

I am not a fan of always connected, think it's intrusive, and think that it raises privacy concerns. I think Mad Catz needs to make a flap that can be placed over the Kinect camera so we can be sure the camera is off when we want it to be. Clearly, the always connected requirement will limit Xbox One penetration in places that have poor broadband infrastructure, and will limit accessibility for people who can't afford broadband.

I agree wholeheartedly on the used issue, and have told Microsoft as much directly. I think it is dumb, dumb, dumb to limit access to used content, and think Microsoft will lose more by doing so than it can ever hope to gain. I think this has been poorly communicated by them, have told them so, and expect them to correct this soon, certainly by E3.

Yes, I hang out with CEOs. Deal with it. I am charming and lovable, so why wouldn't they want to hang out with me.

And I don't think it is "entitlement" when people complain about takeaways of things like used games, so I think it entirely reasonable to be upset if they restrict used game sales.

This is pretty much in line with what I expected you to say, having watched nearly all PachAttack episodes (yes, quite a fan). I have a comment and a question though:

1.) There's no need for a flap - that's Jeremy Clarkson level of being an impractical human being. I'd just put a post-it over it or turn it around 180°, since removing said flap would take the exact same effort of standing up and going over there, offering no benefit at all. Electric flap would be too expensive anyway.

2.) Asking for your expertise here (may even be brought up in a PA-episode): Isn't there quite a risk that sellers that make a large portion of their profit on used games, like, say, GAME or GameStop, will boycott the Xbox One, and thus cripple it immensely at launch? I mean, if I was in their place, I would seriously consider that.
I was just trolling you all in that last post.

Riccitiello had tuna tartare and broiled halibut, I had a giant pork chop.

I am not a fan of always connected, think it's intrusive, and think that it raises privacy concerns. I think Mad Catz needs to make a flap that can be placed over the Kinect camera so we can be sure the camera is off when we want it to be. Clearly, the always connected requirement will limit Xbox One penetration in places that have poor broadband infrastructure, and will limit accessibility for people who can't afford broadband.

I agree wholeheartedly on the used issue, and have told Microsoft as much directly. I think it is dumb, dumb, dumb to limit access to used content, and think Microsoft will lose more by doing so than it can ever hope to gain. I think this has been poorly communicated by them, have told them so, and expect them to correct this soon, certainly by E3.

Yes, I hang out with CEOs. Deal with it. I am charming and lovable, so why wouldn't they want to hang out with me.

And I don't think it is "entitlement" when people complain about takeaways of things like used games, so I think it entirely reasonable to be upset if they restrict used game sales.

you think Microsoft will change this because you told them so?


SniperHunter is kind of a jerk, though. I didn't say Kotaku was wrong about always on, actually said I believed it because Adam Orth got fired. I called Kotaku's prediction that there were cancelled games for Xbox One "dumb, dumb, dumb", and asked "who comes up with this shit?". When told it was Kotaku, I said "they print this shit and people click on it?" I have since apologized to Stephen Totilo for mocking his site, but I still think that Kotaku article was dumb.

Yes, I have a day job. I got to Seattle at 12:44 a.m. Tuesday morning, up for Best Buy earnings at 4:15, wrote a note and went to MS at 9 a.m. I left the MS event at 1:45 for a 3:15 flight to LA, landed at 6 and met John Ricitiello for dinner. I actually went home, wrote two notes, got to bed at 11:30 and was up at 4:30 for our morning call, then breakfast with another CEO, then worked all day and home at 5:30. Today, I have GameStop and Pandora reporting, and I haven't checked Twitter since I left Seattle.

I opened NeoGAF to read about what you all think of the Xbox One, and am surprised at the general sense of entitlement (the dreaded "E" word) among so many of you. As a group, NeoGAF appears to have written off the Xbox One because they didn't show enough games, and because you all already know how to watch TV and use Skype. I used the term "entitlement" because the general sense on the Internetz is that nobody believes Microsoft will actually deliver 15 exclusives, of which 8 are new IP, within the launch window. The entitled ones demand that they be shown everything, and that they be shown it NOW.

It is shocking to me to see this reaction. If Phil Spencer said there are 15 games, my guess is that he can name all of them. Articles on the Internetz calling Microsoft's showing "underwhelming" are just a bunch of whining. The box was spectacular, it does a lot of things that many consumers will find appealing, and oh, by the way, there is apparently a lot of new software. I am pretty sure that Microsoft will tell us about its games some day before they come out, and am equally sure we'll hear a lot more about them at E3. But since that's 3 weeks away, the wait is just unbearable.

Yes, I'm around. Yes, I'm busy. And yes, many of you on NeoGAF are entitled whiners.

I'll probably be gone for the rest of the day.


I was just trolling you all in that last post.

Riccitiello had tuna tartare and broiled halibut, I had a giant pork chop.

I am not a fan of always connected, think it's intrusive, and think that it raises privacy concerns. I think Mad Catz needs to make a flap that can be placed over the Kinect camera so we can be sure the camera is off when we want it to be. Clearly, the always connected requirement will limit Xbox One penetration in places that have poor broadband infrastructure, and will limit accessibility for people who can't afford broadband.

I agree wholeheartedly on the used issue, and have told Microsoft as much directly. I think it is dumb, dumb, dumb to limit access to used content, and think Microsoft will lose more by doing so than it can ever hope to gain. I think this has been poorly communicated by them, have told them so, and expect them to correct this soon, certainly by E3.

Yes, I hang out with CEOs. Deal with it. I am charming and lovable, so why wouldn't they want to hang out with me.

The big sin here is their communcation. MS likes to do the general info dump in a conference, and then have the details come out in talking points with various people interviews etc. This mostly works, but this time it was utter chaos, with Kotaku getting crazy talk out of Phil Harrison. We still don't have answers and I hope they fix it.
Yes it is true. I am entitled. When you ask me to drop $500 bucks on your box, it better have value to me.

I think if you read his post that you're replying to it's that us hyper-critical gaffers have a sense of entitlement to how information is released. Your $500 does not entitle you to Microsoft releasing information in a specific way, although it does entitle you to the purchase you're making


Junior Member
I am not a fan of always connected, think it's intrusive, and think that it raises privacy concerns. I think Mad Catz needs to make a flap that can be placed over the Kinect camera so we can be sure the camera is off when we want it to be. Clearly, the always connected requirement will limit Xbox One penetration in places that have poor broadband infrastructure, and will limit accessibility for people who can't afford broadband.

I agree wholeheartedly on the used issue, and have told Microsoft as much directly. I think it is dumb, dumb, dumb to limit access to used content, and think Microsoft will lose more by doing so than it can ever hope to gain. I think this has been poorly communicated by them, have told them so, and expect them to correct this soon, certainly by E3.

Thing is, in my opinion, that you are as fanboy as all we are... good for you people pay you for it. Well done.


yet again...



This idea of Pachter thinking of whiny entitled brats is silly. This is a discussion forum, of course there will be whiny brats, like everything, whiners on Facebbok, movie critics and etc. The problem is the internet magnifies this at it is not a problem that is exclusive to NeoGAF. I am sure Pachter will continue to vent about NeoGAF on that documentary and it will be hilarious to watch. Personally I feel GAF is the best place for video discusions, there are fanboys, whiners, meltdowns and etc, but there are also a lot of people who have inteligent discussions, and a lot of predictions, tastes and etc actually are right on the money. In fact I think a lot of podcasts, gaming journalists, PR, and even your show read GAF and take things from the discussions. Perhaps we should take over your show onGT and we should call it NeoGAF attack, cause lets be honset a lot of the shit you say is absurd but you are enetertaining guy I guess so I dont mind keep doing what you do its easy money, dont worry you can still ready a bit of GAF and gets some material for your show like most sites and journalists do :)


I don't think his being wrong is the reason for his silence. I mean he is wrong basically 99% of the time and he's never shut up before.


He's too busy kissing Microsoft's ass but the good thing is that he has his friend Keighley to help him.

Come on really? Who else is sticking up to Microsoft for the gamers? At least he is actively trying to make a change in the industry.

I agree wholeheartedly on the used issue, and have told Microsoft as much directly. I think it is dumb, dumb, dumb to limit access to used content, and think Microsoft will lose more by doing so than it can ever hope to gain. I think this has been poorly communicated by them, have told them so, and expect them to correct this soon, certainly by E3.


I was just trolling you all in that last post.

Riccitiello had tuna tartare and broiled halibut, I had a giant pork chop.

I am not a fan of always connected, think it's intrusive, and think that it raises privacy concerns. I think Mad Catz needs to make a flap that can be placed over the Kinect camera so we can be sure the camera is off when we want it to be. Clearly, the always connected requirement will limit Xbox One penetration in places that have poor broadband infrastructure, and will limit accessibility for people who can't afford broadband.

I agree wholeheartedly on the used issue, and have told Microsoft as much directly. I think it is dumb, dumb, dumb to limit access to used content, and think Microsoft will lose more by doing so than it can ever hope to gain. I think this has been poorly communicated by them, have told them so, and expect them to correct this soon, certainly by E3.

Yes, I hang out with CEOs. Deal with it. I am charming and lovable, so why wouldn't they want to hang out with me.

And I don't think it is "entitlement" when people complain about takeaways of things like used games, so I think it entirely reasonable to be upset if they restrict used game sales.

Whoa - GAF and Pachter are in agreement.


yet again...


Mr Pachter, what do you think about the importance of a games machine being a games machine first? Is it really the death of game consoles market? I personally think that's not true, as I believe a big chunk of the people who had, say, a PSX in their young years (for whom videogames were a natural diversion) are probably getting jobs now and and they'd like to get back into the hobby (gamins is expensive). I think the PS4 announcement made some good noise, I saw people who left gaming in 1999 come and say "hey that's awesome, I want one". I firmly believe the PS4 will sell better than the PS3, and it's being targeted as a gaming machine that has great other functions. Don't you remember how excited people were when we were told the PS2 could play DVD's, it was a games console playing dvd's, that's awesome. An "entertaiment" hub, and even worse, with most of its "value" hidden behing a paywall doesn't seem as attractive as a versatile gaming console.

But that's just me.
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