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Conversations with creators - Driveclub PS4 [New footage]


Impressive environment detail, realistic lighting and textures. Blows away anything on the PS3 for sure.
Of course it has to do with developers, some developers are better than others and Turn 10 have proved they are pretty good at pushing hardware to it's limits.

If anything DriveClub should look way better as it won't have to deal with the physics or 60fps Forza 5 will. I'm looking forward to both though.

Any developer can hit 60fps if that's what they target. Most developers don't target that though. It isn't some kind of limitation of a developer or even the hardware.


Smoother yes, there is tons of DoF and motion blur too that helps, i completely agree. But its smooth like CG here on every footage, thats not possible even with best real-time AA solutions.

BTW look at this footage from Dirt 2 i've posted. Dirt 2 used 4x MSAA on xbox 360 and this video is off-screen and very poor quality and yet You can see subpixel aliasing.

Yeah but Dirt 2 was 720p, this is 1080p. So there is a sort of downsampling going on at least w/r/t the YouTube footage.

1280 pixels * 720 pixels // total = 921,600

1920 pixels * 1080 pixels // total = 2,073,600


Can somebody please gif the part with the Pagani and the Koenigsegg going at it, I find that looked even more realistic than the Koenigsegg driving by the trees ( which in itself is incredible )


Of course it has to do with developers, some developers are better than others and Turn 10 have proved they are pretty good at pushing hardware to it's limits.

If anything DriveClub should look way better as it won't have to deal with the physics or 60fps Forza 5 will. I'm looking forward to both though.
It helps that the PS4 is more powerful ;)






They are working on something like SMAA just more suited for PS4 [so cheaper combined with MSAA], but it wont be that good. No AA can be. BTW i'm downloading gamersyde version now.

Gamersyde trailer which is 500mb has still compression artifacts. It shows a lot on tree.gif scene.

As of what you said about AA. I disagree. GOW3 at times when you didn't saw any subpixel aliasing looked downright real time bullshot

When did you get info about SMAA implementation ? You mean this dude SMAA implementation or their own version of this ?

SMAA means Subpixel Morphological Antialiasing which is supposed to get clean picture without subpixel aliasing (whole point of this implementation)


Even 4x MSAA + FXAA or SMAA 4x wont provide such clean image like in this trailer and non of them solve shader aliasing, which was absent too.
I've not find any aliasing in this footage, non even one line and i've watched distant thin cabled and ratio stations, there was no line break anywhere.

100% In-game footage, but not on PS4 hardware :p

I kid, I do not know.


It's no surprise that budgets for games are so inflated then it's obvious that the hardcore will nitpick and buy off of graphical details.
Holy mother of god.

Tell me that's a CG cutscene.
Tell me, because I don't think my mind could handle this being gameplay graphics.

I never understand these posts. It's been 7 years since new console hardware were people expecting games to look about the same as current level? What would be the point of upgrading then?
It looks gorgeous, but it will all come down to the driving feel.

I also wish dissing simulation settings wasn't a selling point. I'd love to see open world or truly open-worldish game with true sim settings. At least as an option.

But this could still be a great time regardless, as long as the driving model has some real depth and there's solid variety in the environments and driving conditions.

The social stuff always seems like fluff to talk about though. We've had player made challenges before. We'll see if this has enough hooks to truly make things interesting.


Of course Forza 5 will require an Internet connection... how else do you utilize cloud computing in a game? Do you believe it is "magic"?


Of course Forza 5 will require an Internet connection... how else do you utilize cloud computing in a game? Do you believe it is "magic"?

Cloud processing done on Forza 5 isn't going to stop it from being played online, it's going to be to enhanced the game beyond what it can do without it.

This does not make it required to use the cloud to work.
Of course Forza 5 will require an Internet connection... how else do you utilize cloud computing in a game? Do you believe it is "magic"?
We know the Xbone was originally designed to be truly always online, and Forza 5 is the first game to use the cloud in its marketing, so its definitely not a crazy suggestion.

We'll see.
Without any evidence or confirmation it might as well be...
No we agree that we don't know. You seem to be assuming one end of the spectrum and I don't think its any crazier to assume the other.

Both are assumptions until we know more.

For what its worth I hope you're right, and the cloud is used purely for enhancing the multiplayer somehow.
You can see that in this footage i've posted on edges reflections disappears, because of lack of angle.

That's what I'm saying. It's an (old fashioned) screen space technique, it fades out where the top of the image would be.
Whether they combine that with cubemaps in the same view, I can't tell but can't see it there, maybe they have done for going under tunnels and things.


That's a sad thing to say. We live in sad reality. :(

It really is, it's also annoying when people say arcade racers aren't meant to be played with wheels.
It was only when sims came along that framerates went to shit.


Okay... they cannot run just pieces of the game without the cloud. The only way this doesn't require online is if the "cloud" is simply to hold the tracks, then you could play some tracks you have on your drive instead. If it is used for actual game assets, then online is MANDATORY.

Have you figured out yet that the Xbone is an always on connection, but they are trying to find a better way to say it?
"In-engine" is an incredibly meaningless term for me. I can't think of a situation where I saw something early that was "in-engine" (*cough* Halo 3) that didn't look significantly better than the final gameplay.

Ultimately, I expect the game to look great, but that's because the PS4 is an amazing piece of hardware. What I've seen so far tells me nothing. It's weird because we've been through this a million times and people never seem to grasp the difference between "in-engine" and "gameplay."

However, I am definitely looking forward to E3. Would be awesome to get some gameplay videos.


Gamersyde trailer which is 500mb has still compression artifacts. It shows a lot on tree.gif scene.

As of what you said about AA. I disagree. GOW3 at times when you didn't saw any subpixel aliasing looked downright real time bullshot

When did you get info about SMAA implementation ? You mean this dude SMAA implementation or their own version of this ?

SMAA means Subpixel Morphological Antialiasing which is supposed to get clean picture without subpixel aliasing (whole point of this implementation)

GoW 3 doesnt have much subpixel geometry and most of its background is heavily DoF'ed. Where there should be shader aliasing or subpixel there is. They've got perfect art for MLAA in GoW 3 and tons of post-process :)

There is ton of subpixel geometry in DriveClub in background, but non is showing aliasing. Same goes for shaders. Game cant be that clean, trust me.

About SMAA i meant post-AA combined with MSAA resolve. Sony is working on something like this. Its wont be SMAA, it wont be TXAA, but it will be using post-AA and MSAA resolve of some sort.

"In-engine" is an incredibly meaningless term for me. I can't think of a situation where I saw something early that was "in-engine" (*cough* Halo 3) that didn't look significantly better than the final gameplay.

They've said "in-game" at first. In-engine is perfectly fine term for bullshots. Like GT trailers are in-engine, but they clearly arent in-game :)


I'm a massive GT fanboy so I feel like I'm cheating on a girlfriend every time I click on a driveclub thread and lust after it.


Felium Defensor
Not bad for a launch game, eh?
I really liked some of the camera angles they chose for this video. Well done.


All I ask is to be able to drive a Nissan Skyline GT-R (any of them) through these amazing environments. Evolution Please!
Nice video, the game looks very promising, im with Forza 5 but if this game turns to be a great game then probably i´ll get a PS4 before im anticipating (basically when GT is avaible). I hope they have Ferrari and Lamborghini license too!

Is always good to see more racing games :)

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
Just took a look at Gamersyde video. Shame about this video, as well as the youtube one most likely, is that all the source footage was done and edited at 24FPS, so that scenes with people talking look more like they're shot on film. This however makes all the game footage be 24FPS as well, which makes it appear jittery, as there's a permanent frame skip cadence, where on every four different frames, last one is repeated.

Also, after looking at details like power lines etc. I definitely have to call BS on this being exactly the in-game fotage. They just can't have AA like this during game, unless they figured something out that no one else in the world has.

Doesnt seems like Dirt 2 is doing image copying from PS2, but more screen space reflection combined with cubemaps like Crysis 3 or TLoU for water reflections.
Wow, you think TLOU is doing that? I know Crysis 3 didn't have that type of reflections on consoles. It was a PC only thing, and now on next-gen games.


I... I... just.. can't. believe this


though i'm not much into racers, this is what next gen is all about

So much for diminishing returns right guys?

and on a side note, why did GTfordguy get banned, just curious?


Wow, you think TLOU is doing that? I know Crysis 3 didn't have that type of reflections on consoles. It was a PC only thing, and now on next-gen games.

Yes, TLoU is doing that for characters and some geometry on water surfaces.
Look here at bird - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rdYl4-SZhRU&feature=player_detailpage#t=232s
Here Ellie and some geometry reflects, vegetation dont - http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=N8Q_j-tqcyA#t=135s

Crysis 3 does screen space reflections for wet floor in first level and every water surface in later levels on consoles and every PC settings.

There difference between those and higher settings PC version is that in PC version every surface reflects and You have glossy reflections too.


Holy fuck that gif :eek:

The framerate is a bit wonky (or it's my iPhone 5 having a hard time to keep up) but I guess that's expected at this point in developement. Can't wait to see proper gameplay next week :D


The video file is at 29.97fps, but the video is actually running at 24fps, which means some frames repeat (about 1 frame of every 5 frames repeats i.e. 6 frames of a second of the footage are repeated)

In the gif I made before it captured this as I captures every frame, I now edited and removed repeated frames, so the gif is now 24fps with no repeated frames. I don't know if the gamersyde video has the same issue, I used the Youtube version.

OLD/repeating frames representing 30fps video

EDITED/smoothed out representing 24fps video

Very noticeable. To those who don't know this doesn't mean the game is 24fps. 24fps is a standard among video files too.


Very noticeable. To those who don't know this doesn't mean the game is 24fps. 24fps is a standard among video files too.

So you are implying that the gameplay in in this video isn't optimized and could boost the fps to 60 when reaching optimization phase?
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