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The Witness using 5GB RAM so far

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What is The Witness?
Somebody lots of people in this thread are itching to whack.


The Everyman
1- Then how much memory will be enough?
2- Almost every game wants to use more RAM.
3- What has all of this to do with being an indie game?

1. more is always better, but the reason he thinks that the xbox one should have more ram is because ddr3 ram is pretty cheap at retail, so in bulk, another 8gbs would probably cost... oh... i dunno. $20-30? and it enables so much more for such a small increase to the BOM. he wouldn't have said this about the ps4 on other hand, even though it also has 8gs of ram because gddr is some expensive stuff.

2. thats true, what needs to be explained?

3. Making efficient use of that much ram with a small team is tough. it would probably mean a ton of assets, more than you would expect a small indie team to produce.

that's my take.


"GAF's biggest wanker"
Alchemy said:
Well, what is wrong with assuming the game has very high resolution textures?

Alchemy said:
We've barely seen anything about the game, that sounds like an extreme rush to judgement.

First rushing to judgment is okay, now it's not? Can we decide here?

And I'm not really sure how you can say what I'm doing is even a judgment, nvm an extreme one. All I said was, based on what we've been shown, I don't quite get how they get to using 5GB+ of RAM.


I keep refreshing this page waiting for the next stupid comment to be butchered down by people who actually know what they are talking about.
When people used that phrase, I always imagined them etching assembly into the computer case. So stupid, though I guess CODING TO THE MAGNETIC MEDIA doesn't have the same ring.

That reminds me of something. There was an episode of "The Batman" where at some point Batman etched binary code onto metal in the batcave so that people 1000 years in the future will know how to combat Mr. Freeze.


Instead of AA & AAA we should start calling games by RAM sizes.

Now that's a 4GB game!
A brand new 6GB exclusive!


Am I reading this right, is he complaining about any loading of assets once the game has loaded? As if the entire game should be in ram at all time or something?

This isn't "the future" in that regard, it's why we have HDD's and optical drives. I think that persons example about what Crysis does with 4gb is very apt.
To be honest, I think we're kinda lucky they have 8gb as it is. I was expecting 4gb for all of them.


I have enjoyed reading the non-developers expressing why an experienced developer is wrong about development in this thread.


If you have a ton of spare RAM available, and your game is currently making frequent HDD and optical drive accesses, pushing more content onto RAM is optimization.

Suppose we have Game 1 and Game 2. They are the exact same game and run on the exact same hardware, except that Game 2 suffers from frequent texture popping because it uses only 100MB of RAM, while Game 1 does not suffer from texture popping because it takes advantage of most of the hardware's 1GB RAM pool. Is Game 2 better-optimized than Game 1? Have fun arguing that to people only looking at the end result!


Of course he will when he ports to those platforms. That isn't even a question. He is simply commenting that since he is developing on a console that removes that restriction, he can stick to designing his game. Of course when he port to other platforms, those things he took advantage of will have to be redesigned.

Well I was under the impression The Witness is launching simultaneously on those platforms (Sony's timed exclusivity deal is only for consoles). If the PC/iOS versions are coming out later on then I guess it makes more sense to take full advantage of PS4's hardware and downport later.


Jonathan Blow just shot himself in the foot.

I don't know how much the rest of you know about video game programming (I'm an expert), but optimization and wasteful streaming are huge parts of it. It's not like it is in Bethesda where you can become successful by being utterly incompetent at managing memory. If you use more than 5GB of RAM, you bring shame to yourself, and the only way to get rid of that shame is repentance.

What this means is the video game public, after hearing about this, is not going to want to purchase The Witness for any system, nor will they purchase any of Blow's future games. This is HUGE. You can laugh all you want, but Blow has alienated an entire market with this move.

Blow, publicly apologize and redesign your whole game to use less RAM or you can kiss your business goodbye.



In any case less ram doesn't make your PC lower end. You could put 16 gb of ram in any pos computer with a weak dual core processor and 4 year old graphics card.

I'm not sure why you felt compelled to point this out. But your example doesn't justify your premise. If everything else is high end, you can bet that 4 GB of RAM would hold your system back under many circumstances.

We can pick nits about "low end" vs "lower end", but my point was simply that 5 GB required RAM could be optimized to 4 GB in order to open up his game to a wider market of PC gamers.

But your point about PC RAM vs console RAM (the part I didn't quote) is totally valid.


Too bad if the PS4 had been 4gb like initially intended - The Witness would never have been able to run! Most PC developers say 4GB is more than enough.


1. more is always better, but the reason he thinks that the xbox one should have more ram is because ddr3 ram is pretty cheap at retail, so in bulk, another 8gbs would probably cost... oh... i dunno. $20-30? and it enables so much more for such a small increase to the BOM. he wouldn't have said this about the ps4 on other hand, even though it also has 8gs of ram because gddr is some expensive stuff.
Indeed. But the decision about the design etc. had to be made at a given
point. It's simply too easy speaking about that way if "you" (he) isn't the one
holding his head if the decision about the amount goes wrong. As a developer,
it's pretty easy to say; add more RAM cause it cost just about a few buck at
retail. But it's an entire different game while making the decision for an
entire company based on future predictions. Watch the 8GB of GDDR5 for the
PS4. No develop thought this would be possible with the PS4. But it is. Who
could have predicted it truthfully?

2. thats true, what needs to be explained?

3. Making efficient use of that much ram with a small team is tough. it would probably mean a ton of assets, more than you would expect a small indie team to produce.
Now you added 'small'. But I think even small teams can fill up 4, 5, 6 GB
of RAM. There are many small indie teams out there, all filled up with kind
of professional guys and gals. Indie != incapable. ;)


You can trust him to be 100% unbiased as he is calling it the xbone....

That's a ridiculous assertion. May as well say he's biased because he has a sprite as his twitter picture.
Too bad if the PS4 had been 4gb like initially intended - The Witness would never have been able to run! Most PC developers say 4GB is more than enough.

He was saying the 8GB of ram gives extra breathing room to commit time to making the game rather than optimizing it. If the PS4 had 4GB of ram, he would then need to optimize it and thus spend precious development time on something other than designing/making the game.



I'd really love a new Secret of Mana with this sort of artstyle. We have all this creative potential available with the power of these new machines, and yet too many developers are stuck chasing realism.


The Detective
WTF @ some of the posts in this thread!

Using all the RAM you have available is a good thing!

It would be poor optimization if you did not!


Jonathan Blow just shot himself in the foot.

I don't know how much the rest of you know about video game programming (I'm an expert), but optimization and wasteful streaming are huge parts of it. It's not like it is in Bethesda where you can become successful by being utterly incompetent at managing memory. If you use more than 5GB of RAM, you bring shame to yourself, and the only way to get rid of that shame is repentance.

What this means is the video game public, after hearing about this, is not going to want to purchase The Witness for any system, nor will they purchase any of Blow's future games. This is HUGE. You can laugh all you want, but Blow has alienated an entire market with this move.

Blow, publicly apologize and redesign your whole game to use less RAM or you can kiss your business goodbye.
I like this one.

You must be one of those 'real GAF devs', otherwise known as 'lazy'.

P.s thanks for a great post, some people in this thread are incredibly embarrassing.
Boy, is he ever. Buy his last game.


I wonder what would the same people that whine about 5GB being too much say , if he said:

Since I'm also planning to release on mobile platforms, I optimized the game so it uses 1GB on PS4.

I think he would be torn to pieces.

The game looks effin' gorgeous, btw.



I'd really love a new Secret of Mana with this sort of artstyle. We have all this creative potential available with the power of these new machines, and yet too many developers are stuck chasing realism.

It reminds me of a beautiful, next generation version of Viva Pinata (graphically):

Wasn't planning on it before, but I'll probably pick this game up. I've been liking the slower, more mental games with pretty visuals a lot more than the big action blockbuster titles these days. Those gifs kind of sell me on it.


Didn't skyrim for ps3 have huge issues because of ram before being patched? i guess that the game was 'optimized' but still had problems. I can see some xbox fans are upset because he bashes on MS, but he is telling the truth no matter how you spin it

Too bad if the PS4 had been 4gb like initially intended - The Witness would never have been able to run! Most PC developers say 4GB is more than enough.
I am sure the game could run with 4GB or even less memory. The thing is he would have to spend time on stuff that now is no issue at all.


I don't think people's responses come from them not understanding programming, I just think that most people have a desktop (or maybe smartphone/tablet) programming background, where it's uncommon to dedicate 5 gigs of ram to one program ( because of the massive amounts of multitasking, the OS, etc). The PS4 seems to be made for that kind of thing, though.

What he said does startle me, not because I think his code is unoptimized or bloated, but because I thought it'd be a while before people got that much use out of the console. This will be an interesting gen.


Yeah guys it totally makes sense to spend twice the money and effort optimizing a game to free up a bunch of RAM so it can just sit there unused.

Christ threads like this remind me of how many idiots there are out there.


Instead of AA & AAA we should start calling games by RAM sizes.

Now that's a 4GB game!
A brand new 6GB exclusive!

Shades of the SNES era lol "24megs!" "32megs of POWER!" And they were really just cartridge sizes. Now we're measuring in RAM utilization? My how far we've come!
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