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Microsoft officially pulls DRM from Xbox One, announces new policies

at the end of the day even if they say you can turn off listening features it is NOT completely off at all. If you could shut it off completely you would be able to unplug it and your console should still work

So yes it IS always on not matter what carefully worded PR drivel they feed you
Is there anything preventing a user from putting something over the camera?



Is there anything preventing a user from putting something over the camera?

Does it have facial recognition software or lighting requirements that must be fulfilled to access?

Your guess is as good as mine. In order for Microsoft to get free money "cough marketing purposes" I'm guessing it have built in facial recognition that must be met prior to proceeding.

Still I hope not and it's anyone's guess at this point. Unless someone has hard facts I'm not aware of.


Neo Member
Its a humiliating 180 turnaround by MS, think of all the time & effort they spent creating and testing all this new DRM with EA/other partners only to have to U turn at the 11th hour because they misjudged it so badly.

The original DRM policies also exposed where they imagined the future is, I would expect that MS will try again next Gen. Maybe they will introduce the policies for your cloud purchases this gen and get the consumer used to the idea of not actually owning the games.

It feels like great news & MS has now given themselves a fighting chance this gen, personally MS has a long way to go before re-gaining my trust.
XBone's game still need initial internet activation. So technically 360 is still the go to console for those who aren't connected.

Incorrect. No game needs activation. The console itself needs to be connected when it's being set up for the first time, then it never needs Internet ever again.


From the XBox Live Terms of Service:

1.6. Can Microsoft change this Agreement after I have accepted it? Yes. From time to time, Microsoft may change or amend this Agreement. If we do, we'll indicate the date on which this Agreement was last updated at the top of the most current version. Your use of the Services after the date the change becomes effective will be your consent to the changed terms, except that Section 4.7 permits you to reject changes to Section 4 (arbitration agreement) within 30 days of the change. If you do not agree to the changes, you must stop using the Services and cancel any paid Services by following the instructions in Section 6.10 below, except for arbitration changes you reject under Section 4.7. Otherwise, the new terms will apply to you.

1.7. Can Microsoft change the Services or my use of it? We may change the Services at any time, for any reason or no reason, and we may also cancel or suspend your ability to access the Services if you're in breach of this Agreement. If we cancel your Services account or your credentials, your right to use the Services stops immediately, but you're still required to pay all charges already incurred through that account.

1.8. What types of changes can I expect to the Services? We continuously work to improve the Services. We may stop providing a portion of the Services, because, for example, it is no longer feasible for us to provide it, the technology advances, customer feedback suggests a change, external issues arise that make it imprudent or impractical to continue, or for other reasons. We may release the Services or their features in beta version, which may not work correctly or in the way the final version may work. We may, among other things: (i) restrict or limit access to the Services; (ii) retrieve information from the Authorized Device and any connected peripheral device used to log onto the Services as necessary to operate and protect the security of the Services, and to enforce this Agreement; and (iii) upgrade, modify, withdraw, suspend, or discontinue any functionality or feature of the Services, or any hardware or software associated with the Services or with an Authorized Device, from time to time without notice. We may do so by the automatic download of related software directly to your Authorized Device, including software that prevents you from accessing the Services, playing pirated games, or using unauthorized hardware peripheral devices.

This isn't over. It is always possible they can bring it back, and if you accept the ToS you have already consented to it.


Well, if anything this gen now will be interesting again, and not a slaughter. Still have no plans to get one anytime soon due to price, and quite frankly because none of the games interested me, but not going to rule it out at some point in the future.


From the XBox Live Terms of Service:

This isn't over. It is always possible they can bring it back, and if you accept the ToS you have already consented to it.

It may be in the TOS but after this, if they tried bringing it back I think were safe in saying the reaction would damage the Xbox brand beyond repair
I'm actually kinda sad, it's like we where watching a house on fire and someone puts it out. It's good for the house and all... but part of me just wanted to see everything turn to ash.


It may be in the TOS but after this, if they tried bringing it back I think were safe in saying the reaction would damage the Xbox brand beyond repair

Something like 30-40% of first year 360s were lemons. They weathered that storm, and I wonder if they would be prepared to play the long game on this online DRM strategy.

Gradually introduce 'features' incrementally, then in three years time we end up at the same destination that was marked down for November this year.

I think it is highly likely it will still happen, although this time they will have to do a bit of conditioning and luring with carrots before the stick is unveiled.



The backlash at the plans to implement this DRM rubbish was bad. How bad do you think the backlash would be if they did it half way through the generation essentially bricking half of their users consoles?

How many people would honestly stop playing their already paid for consoles, rather than just going along with it. Once you are invested its 99% harder to stop, than it is to just say no and never start. (See Alcohol, Cigarettes etc)


I was looking forward to a console with some differentiation. This gen it was basically the same console. Next gen is going to be the same now. I'm disappointed in that aspect.

I also feel that there are better models that employ digital distribution (MS didn't have it), but we're stymied by traditionalism.


For me, nothing changes.

MS have simply seen the numbers. Nothing more, nothing less. It wasn't a Jimmy Fallon catalyst or user feedback...It was simple numbers.

If MS really gave a damn about gamers this whole shitstorm could have been avoided.

It's disappointing to see a lot of GAF so happy and pre-ordering Xbone. Where's your integrity? How can you still support a system that attempted to destroy your consumer rights?


Junior Member
I hated Microsoft for not understanding the gamer, but at least they were doing what they thought was right. This just comes off as still not understanding the gamer, but sort of going "you have no idea what you're asking about, but FINE!".

Probably even more turned off from buying this console now. I'm just confused, I have no idea if family sharing is out the window now, or what's up, and I have no overview of their crazy schemes, and I feel if I did get one, I'd be walking into some sort of trap that goes "hah! We said you could play offline, but we didn't say you could play games". Or something. I don't know. It's just too big off a mess, and it's too incongruent for them to change it now. They're just trying to find ways to lube my butthole without me realizing what they're doing.

Too little, too late.
Too stupid,


For me, nothing changes.

MS have simply seen the numbers. Nothing more, nothing less. It wasn't a Jimmy Fallon catalyst or user feedback...It was simple numbers.

If MS really gave a damn about gamers this whole shitstorm could have been avoided.

It's disappointing to see a lot of GAF so happy and pre-ordering Xbone. Where's your integrity? How can you still support a system that attempted to destroy your consumer rights?

I'm still not getting one but people were happy because it's good for the industry.


I don't think this is over either. They can simply push digital downloads if they want, and those have just the same restrictions as before.

Day one digital only incoming.


For me, nothing changes.

MS have simply seen the numbers. Nothing more, nothing less. It wasn't a Jimmy Fallon catalyst or user feedback...It was simple numbers.

If MS really gave a damn about gamers this whole shitstorm could have been avoided.

It's disappointing to see a lot of GAF so happy and pre-ordering Xbone. Where's your integrity? How can you still support a system that attempted to destroy your consumer rights?

So did Sony, Sony most likely also spent millions on DRM type software but not sure how far along they were when they decided not to go in that direction. The only reason why Sony didnt do it is the same reason that Microsoft is going back on their policies now, because they would earn more money by having things function the way they always have.

These are businesses, these consoles costed tens of millions of dollars to develop, years of hard work and engineering, testing, etc. If Sony's market analysts thought at any point that having DRM would make more money than no DRM, they would have done the same thing as Microsoft. Sony doesn't love you, neither does Microsoft or Nintendo, they are all businesses trying to get as much money as they can.

They can say as much as they want about "our biggest priority is caring for our consumer", all that does is make someone feel more comfortable with a purchase.

There is nothing wrong with this practice as it is basic business. However to think one company is about your rights and one isn't is beyond the point, they are both about making money. Lets keep in mind that Sony did the online pass stuff in PS3 games, and created a digital only console long before PS4 was even announced.


Junior Member
I'm still not getting one but people were happy because it's good for the industry.

I don't really see how it's good for the industry. It's just a Microsoft imposed thing, it's not publisher related thing. I mean, yes, on one hand I'm cheering over the fact that we did manage them to realize what a fucking stupid idea SimCity was, and to see EA say "nono, we don't even want this" and leave MS out to dry was hilarious.

But MS is still as anti-consumer as they can be. They're still TRYING to find ways to fuck the consumer up the ass, so I'd rather they thought this was a good idea, die in a horrible ball of fire and failing servers, and the rest of the industry can learn a lesson from them. Now all the industry is learning is that they can be anti-consumer, so long as they inch their way into your house.

This console is still a flying shit of crazy, with the required Kinect that can't even be disconnected, coupled with the NSA/PRISM scandal, I really, really, really, really will never want to have anything NSA probably can activate and hack into at will even in my fucking country. Believing MS is doing this out of any good is just wrong, and if you all manage to thing the Xbone is now something good just because they took out the lesser evil is probably just the marketing ploy they're playing at.


Would've loved to see his (and other Sony exec's) face upon reading yesterday's news. As good as their indie/dev support and powerful hardware are, not having bad DRM like the xbox one was their big thing for ps4.

They still have plenty to go on. No mandatory camera, cheaper price. And who knows what they'll announce at Gamescom and TGS.


Microsoft is gonna add all these drm back in, in firmware updates over the next few months


Seriously, after so much lies, how can anyone still trust Microsoft they'll not bring the DRM back after the first firmware upgrade? Or make it mandatory to play the biggest AAA exclusives?


Would've loved to see his (and other Sony exec's) face upon reading yesterday's news. As good as their indie/dev support and powerful hardware are, not having bad DRM like the xbox one was their big thing for ps4 marketing.

Sony and MS are mega corporations. Sony would've planned for this possibility. I mean, how do you think business works? This is the same way that MS planned for the possibility of Sony being lax on DRM.
How long until the leaks come out about what made them change the DRM policy? Who did it? What were the meetings like? I want all the juicy details.
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