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Video: Gamestop manager threatens to release angry customer's details over GTA V spat


Customer was definitely a bit of an asshole but if your a manager, you just have to take it, even if its busy and you know your right and he's wrong. Was definately inappaproite of her to constantly egg him on several times (not just once). Probably didn't help that she was being egged on by the dickhead with the camera but she should know better especially if she's a manager.


The manager was in the wrong. She clearly was being overly aggressive for a manager. Part of the responsibility of a manager is to be cordial and keep the peace. She did none of that.

I wouldn't even go as far as saying responsibility of the manager. It's part of the responsibility of being any employee. You will get customers and situations which are less than ideal, she fucked up.
So that's a license to be a dumb and try to use a business card as a proper ID?

He's the customer, all she had to do is say "I'm sorry sir we cannot sell you this game without proper identification, it's store policy" but instead she belittles him and threatens to give out personal information with malicious intent. It's amazing that people in here are actually trying to defend the actions of the manager.
What the fuck kind of argument is that? A customer doing something harmlessly dumb like that is not a license to encourage harassment from other customers and exposure of personal information with intent to encourage more anonymous harassment.

Yeah, I have no idea why people keep bringing up the "but, look what he did!" defense.

The customer isn't being paid to do a job. The manager was. And she couldn't meet the professional standards required for that job. So she's gone, and rightfully so. There should be zero tolerance for heckling customers. Absolutely zero, no excuses. It makes a really bad impression for your retail chain. If I'm watching this, how do I know where the boundaries are for GS employees? Do they even have boundaries? If they're capable of heckling customers, who knows what kinds of things can provoke them? Maybe they will heckle me over the color of my shirt. Who knows. Maybe it's better not to think about GS and just shop at retail outlets that are known to have a professional attitude towards customers.
He was being a mouth breathing twat, she was being an asshole.

Perhaps they should date.

She was poking fun at the customer which is absolutely unacceptable.

Says who? When I worked in sales I belittled people who said racist/homophobic shit all the time. Same goes for people being assholes for no good reason. Not a word ever said to me, and I now coordinate this company's marketing efforts.
I'm sure it's been brought up but I'm wondering if he had the original pre-order receipt with him and was caught offguard without a wallet (it sounded like his pre-order was completely paid off). Maybe that's why he thought using a business card was fine. I'd completely understand his frustration if that's the case - especially since it looks like a midnight launch situation where he's already been stuck in line for hours.


The manager could have just let the guy walked out the door without running her mouth, as big as an ass he was being. She had an obligation to keep her composure and failed.

But it's obvious everyone involved was in the wrong (camera guy included), just ended up that she had to suffer the worst of the consequences.
lol everyone in the situation was wrong. When she gave him the game and he walked off, she didn't have to open her mouth and make a snide comment. He should've just ignored it but went back and both acted ridiculous again. It seems like both wanted conflict. Also lol @ the white knight fruit boy behind the camera. "I'm so sorry...I'm so sorry"
In the end, the customer got the game and he played it and probably enjoyed it,

That bitch of a manager is fired.

The camera guy is still a douchebag.

Case end.
She should be arrested for threatening to give out his email address that he had listed on his business card which he freely hands out to everyone.
You don't hand out a business card to everyone. You hand it to people you will need to speak with usually regarding business. Not to give it out to strangers on the street who have the intent to harass you.

It's pretty obvious you've never had to use business cards before.
When I worked in sales I belittled people who said racist/homophobic shit all the time. Same goes for people being assholes for no good reason. Not a word ever said to me, and I now coordinate this company's marketing efforts.

Using racist and homophobic slurs is the same as trying to use a business card for identification? This has to be the most ridiculous comment I've read today.


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
You don't hand out a business card to everyone. You hand it to people you will need to speak with usually regarding business. Not to give it out to strangers on the street who have the intent to harass you.

It's pretty obvious you've never had to use business cards before.

Hmmm not sure if serious. Gonna play it safe and say you just joking. Whew!


I'm sure it's been brought up but I'm wondering if he had the original pre-order receipt with him and was caught offguard without a wallet (it sounded like the pre-order was completely paid off). The thought of using a business card in this situation would be understandable - especially since it looks like a midnight launch situation where he's already been stuck in line for hours. Not beyond the realm of understanding.

I thought the exact same thing. I don't think we yet know if he knew that the store would demand ID in addition to a receipt or other form of pre-order confirmation.

And even if he did know the store wanted ID and he, having forgotten, was hoping that something like a business card would suffice, it still doesn't justify this manager's behavior.

There is nothing about asking for flexibility from a store that deserves public mockery. Whether he knew he needed ID and forgot, or whether he was three cents short on the purchase price and asked for a little help, or whether he asked them to sell a display copy that wasn't for sale... doesn't matter. Customers ask for these kinds of things all the time. The employees can indulge them or not, but they can't mock such a customer in front of other customers and loudly broadcast his personal info so that he can potentially be harassed.

And if I were another customer in that line, with ID in hand, knowing that I was about to hand over my name, address, birthdate, etc. to that very manager in the next few minutes, I might suddenly lose my urge to shop with that person.

She was inexcusable. Let the guy walk out of the store in a huff and put on a smile for the next person on line.
lol everyone in the situation was wrong. When she gave him the game and he walked off, she didn't have to open her mouth and make a snide comment. He should've just ignored it but went back and both acted ridiculous again. It seems like both wanted conflict. Also lol @ the white knight fruit boy behind the camera. "I'm so sorry...I'm so sorry"

No, the customer was not wrong. Being a brat =/= wrong. He doesn't work there. There isn't any code of conduct he has to follow.

And despite that, he was actually totally justified coming back when she threatened to give his email out to everyone. That is not her right. Period. And that she did it with malicious intent means he has every right to demand her name so he can report her actions to her employer. You don't ignore someone threatening to give your personal information.
Hmmm not sure if serious. Gonna play it safe and say you just joking. Whew!
Why would I be joking? If you wrote down your phone number on a piece of paper and gave it to me would it be right for me to then give your phone number to anyone I want? Because that's what you're advocating here.


It's not anyone's job to eat shit.

I feel bad for the people in this thread who seem to think it's your JOB to be treated like shit. Your employer should stick up for you if you are being abused. Get a new job for Christ sake.

I guarantee this woman did not start off acting like that. This douche bag was being a dick long enough for someone to pull out a camera.

If you think a guy upset over an I.D. issue is having to "eat shit", then you seriously would not last long in any type of customer service position.


The guy was a total douche, the video doesn't show what happened before it escalated. I'm sure she isn't exactly pleasant, but the attitude of the "customer" was off putting to say the least.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
I thought the exact same thing. I don't think we yet know if he knew that the store would demand ID in addition to a receipt or other form of pre-order confirmation.

Anybody that regularly shops at GameStop should know how strict they are for carding on M rated games. It it's as important to the company as reserves and subs. It happens regardless if you have your pre-order slip or not. I get carded less for alcohol.


Neo Member
I'm not going to say I think she should be fired. It's hard out here and people have bad days. Have some compassion.

Anyway as people have said 2 wrongs don't make a right. But this guy knew what he was doing. They have to card you. Like my mom has to show id to buy a drink at a chilis. The guy knew that using a business card would cause trouble and I guess he got off by doing it

But also the video started mid situation. So I take it how it is
The guy was a total douche, the video doesn't show what happened before it escalated. I'm sure she isn't exactly pleasant, but the attitude of the "customer" was off putting to say the least.

What happened before the video was shot that justified her total lack of professionalism?

Anybody that regularly shops at GameStop should know how strict they are for carding on M rated games. It it's as important to the company as reserves and subs. It happens regardless if you have your pre-order slip or not. I get carded less for alcohol.

Well there's another reason to can her ass. She broke store policy by letting him walk out with the game without proof of ID.
I thought the exact same thing. I don't think we yet know if he knew that the store would demand ID in addition to a receipt or other form of pre-order confirmation.

And even if he did know the store wanted ID and he, having forgotten, was hoping that something like a business card would suffice, it still doesn't justify this manager's behavior.

There is nothing about asking for flexibility from a store that deserves public mockery. Whether he knew he needed ID and forgot, or whether he was three cents short on the purchase price and asked for a little help, or whether he asked them to sell a display copy that wasn't for sale... doesn't matter. Customers ask for these kinds of things all the time. The employees can indulge them or not, but they can't mock such a customer in front of other customers and loudly broadcast his personal info so that he can potentially be harassed.

And if I were another customer in that line, with ID in hand, knowing that I was about to hand over my name, address, birthdate, etc. to that very manager in the next few minutes, I might suddenly lose my urge to shop with that person.

She was inexcusable. Let the guy walk out of the store in a huff and put on a smile for the next person on line.

Exactly. Very well said.

The guy was a total douche, the video doesn't show what happened before it escalated. I'm sure she isn't exactly pleasant, but the attitude of the "customer" was off putting to say the least.

You basically shot down your point in the same sentence. We don't know what happened before the video was shot. All we know is there was some questionable behavior on the part of the customer and some inexcusable behavior on the person in the professional role. She was asking for the axe.


Do they ask for IDs when you place the preorder? If yes, then I can see how he didn't expect to be carded again if he had the receipt.


As far as her attitude is concerned, I didn't have a problem with that. She did not raise her voice, she did not use profanity, she did not openly disrespect the customer or call him any names, she even let the customer speak and did not cut him off until he was demanding her last name (which she has absolutely no obligation whatsoever to give...so she was in the right on that too).

I think the thing that killed it for her was mentioning the email address while he was on the way out of the store. That's a serious serious serious no no. Based on that, her being terminated was the right call. That's completely unacceptable to do that even if she was joking.


Sgt. 2nd Class in the Creep Battalion, Waifu Wars
I'm not going to say I think she should be fired. It's hard out here and people have bad days. Have some compassion.

Anyway as people have said 2 wrongs don't make a right. But this guy knew what he was doing. They have to card you. Like my mom has to show id to buy a drink at a chilis. The guy knew that using a business card would cause trouble and I guess he got off by doing it

But also the video started mid situation. So I take it how it is
Okay, let's not jump to such assumptions.


Do they ask for IDs when you place the preorder? If yes, then I can see how he didn't expect to be carded again if he had the receipt.

Don't believe they did, there was a post on Reddit asking people about how the midnight release went, and there were quite a few posts about people showing up to pick up their preorder and not being able to get it because they were underage. Obviously take that with a grain of salt because people love to lie.


war of titties grampa
"You thought this was a pissing contest and now you lose"

Dude is a loser. He tried to pick up his game with a business card like a fucking clown and then made an ass of himself in front of a bunch of people in a video game store. And if your email address is on your business card, it's not private information nor is it customer details so the thread title completely wrong as well. Seriously, the employee sucked, but this dude is why working in retail is a horrible job. Yay! He got a Gamestop employee fired over a video game, too bad it's probably the highlight of his pathetic existence.

Common sense is irrelevant. If a game requires an age limit, and you are supposed to check ID for it, then you check the ID, regardless of how old someone looks.

You know what you get when you work in retail and you should know not to talk to customers like this and expect your job to be safe. The dude was dumb for not bringin his ID but as others have said, that does not mean you have to act as unprofessional as that lady did. She deserves to get fired because she cannot act professional in a situation that called for it. Instead, she resorts to insults and getting the crowd involved. If I ever saw any employee act the way she did, i would ask for her info to report her too. You don't have to be rude because someone else is being rude. Just give em the game and dont say a fucking thing else about it and she would still have a job. LOL @ the guy videotaping it all, you just got this pooor poooor girl fired! lol


The guy was a total douche, the video doesn't show what happened before it escalated. I'm sure she isn't exactly pleasant, but the attitude of the "customer" was off putting to say the least.

It doesn't matter how much of a douche he was.

She committed the single biggest sin you possibly can in customer service.


Exactly. Very well said.

You basically shot down your point in the same sentence. We don't know what happened before the video was shot. All we know is there was some questionable behavior on the part of the customer and some inexcusable behavior on the person in the professional role. She was asking for the axe.

I wasn't making an argument, simply an observation. The customer came off as a douche, so did she, and I'm sure the missing info before the filming started would help tremendously. Interesting that the customers standing in line seemed to be mocking the irate customer though....


He's the customer, all she had to do is say "I'm sorry sir we cannot sell you this game without proper identification, it's store policy" but instead she belittles him and threatens to give out personal information with malicious intent. It's amazing that people in here are actually trying to defend the actions of the manager.

I have no doubt in my mind she did that for the first 2 minutes of this. Someone started filming this because HE was being unreasonable.

Do you really think, apropos of nothing, she just started mocking him...and the camera man just started filming right as this happened.

I have no problem with him thinking a business card would work as an ID.....but I will bet you anything that this dude made a huge fucking scene before this


Neo Member
Okay, let's not jump to such assumptions.
Come on. That rule has been in place for years and you think that this doof thought having a piece of paper with his name on it would suffice? What is he 4? Who doesnt carry around their iD?

Have some self respect. Being in customer service doesn't mean people can be uncivil to you. You are a human being.

Jesus people.

Yeah, people seem to think that customer service means have to get shit on by people. Granted mocking customers is kinda silly, but if he didnt want to provide Id, I wouldve told him to just get out.


Have some self respect. Being in customer service doesn't mean people can be uncivil to you. You are a human being.

Jesus people.

Yeah, I didn't think she was particularly out of place until she started talking about spreading his personal infos.


Why antagonize the guy as he's leaving? You got him out of the store, the hard part is over. She was rightfully fired.


My story:

I pre-ordered MvC3 via online, the store I pre-ordered at closed down months later after I payed it off. I kept my receipt, thank god. went to new game stop where it said it was transferred to upgrade to collectors edition. Pre-order was not in system. Said I had receipt, they said I could have returned and got my money back and used the old receipt. I told the idiots that a return should be in the system for the transaction if I indeed returned it as I worked in retail at the time. They said there was nothing they could do.

Called customer service, cussed them out until they gave me the district managers number. This is after calling twice, first guy was a guy who sounded like one of those call service asshats that hates his job and life, speaking in monotone the whole damn time I'm cussing him out. Just gave me the procedural song and dance support. Called district manager, didnt pick up, left a message demanding my 60 bucks back or only paying the difference for the collectors edition. Called several times and in the evening the store calls and lets me go back up to pre-order collectors for the difference.

Fuck GameStop. I use Amazon now.
I guess we are missing the early part of the confrontation.

She was the one the escalated it by yelling at him as he was leaving, acknowledging the guy taking the video etc...

She did not handle herself befitting of how any manager should. Dealing with difficult customers is part of the job description, dismissing them sarcastically is not.

Sure the guy may have held up the line, but so what? She should have kept to the policy in a correct and appropriate manner instead of basically calling the guy an idiot and being so full of herself that she couldn't recognize the situation she was in. All in all bad on both parties, but the customer actually seemed to be speaking rather rationally when asking for her info. Obviously you people deriding the dude haven't work retail or service and seen a honest to god customer freak out.
Have some self respect. Being in customer service doesn't mean people can be uncivil to you. You are a human being.

Jesus people.
Pretty much!

I once worked with a guy named Ruzic, who was from Bosnia--nicest guy in the world. Saw him literally give a homeless man the coat off of his back one evening.

He was once helping someone return something, when the customer decides to go on a tirade about foreigners takin jerbz and needing to speak proper murcan. I stepped in and said Ruzic's english was infinitely more understandable than the appalchian drivel he was spewing and that he should probably leave.

The one thing I learned from retail is don't let people walk all over you and protect your buddies. This mindset has helped alot in my corporate career.

Come on. That rule has been in place for years and you think that this doof thought having a piece of paper with his name on it would suffice? What is he 4? Who doesnt carry around their iD?

Neck beard's mommy probably brought him. No way to go back and get his ID.
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