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Luigi's Mansion Dark Moon for Wii U? wtf? [Up: Now at Best Buys]


I don't have a 3ds so I would love this to be true. If this will come out between Mario 3d World and DKC it would be really perfect.

Edit: it makes sense to be still part of the Year of Luigi, so maybe December?
Come to think of it, they had probably always planned this for a Wii U release. The framerate dips on 3DS version start to become suspect. They probably wanted to end the Year of Luigi with a bang.


Not Brain Age or Kid Icarus. Not necessarily 3DS. All I know about the former and Dark Moon is what's written in this thread. I'm not really cluey on how reliable back-to-back entries a game on a retailer's system are, especially knowing that they're not always accurate. Once offs aren't trustworthy, but back-to-back recent entries give credibility. And I suppose both games would work just fine on the touch pad.
Huh, interesting. I thought maybe it was about Brain Age given that was showing up, but if it's... well, anything else really that'd be interesting.

Seriously, even Nintendogs would be better, at least they could show off higher detail puppies and cats with well animated fur, it might even be a good experiment to get used to rendering that sort of stuff. But Brain Age needs HD visuals and a huge TV about as much as a street sign needs to have animations: it'd only get in the way.
If it's just Dark Moon, that sucks. I enjoyed DM, but it's "mission" and level structure is much more suited to a portable, versus the original's more open mansion.
On paper it sounds that way, but in practice I have to respectfully disagree. The length of missions (especially if you're going for loot) and the conspicuous lack of checkpoints make the level structure of Dark Moon almost a better fit for console play than its predecessor, where you could visit a Toad and save whenever it suited you. In fact, although I really enjoy Dark Moon the save system hinders its practicality as a portable game unless you've got a long train ride, flight, etc.

Anyway, I said it before and I'll say it again, I'm all in for a double dip as long as they add a dual analog option. A more stable frame rate would also be nice.


Come to think of it, they had probably always planed this for a Wii U release. The framerate dips on 3DS version start to become suspect. They probably wanted to end the Year of Luigi with a bang.

I wouldn't assume so. This game was announced a year or two ago, I doubt Wii U was ever part of the equation.

I need to play this sometime, anyone wanna hook me up? ;)


I wouldn't assume so. This game was announced a year or two ago, I doubt Wii U was ever part of the equation.

I need to play this sometime, anyone wanna hook me up? ;)
Wii U is almost a year old and was revealed to the public (let alone their development teams) in 2011.


May I have a cookie?
No wait, I think I have it this time!
EC said it would be nice to have for "logistical reasons", and that it wasn't necessarily a 3DS port.

Calling it: Pacman VS.

edit: alternatively, Okami HD


No! I can't personally vouch for the info's reliability (second hand) and I don't want to get hopes up and make myself look like an idiot if it turns out to be fluff. If it's true it's nice for logistical reasons, but not like a GAME CHANGER MEGATON or anything. Just a thing that might be coming, and doing much sooner rather than later.

The fact it hasn't been announced yet does make me wonder if it's BS. Should learn soon.

I know which one you mean now, hehe

I think it's either scraped or BS - and guys it really isn't a GAME CHANGER MEGATON if it is what I think it is
As much as people are looking forward to this, if rather Nintendo spend time (or the developers they're paying to make this) to create some new games.


Ask me about the moon landing or the temperature at which jet fuel burns. You may be surprised at what you learn.
You should. It's nicely broken up for you to play in parts,

Great game as well.

I've been meaning to but every time I get distracted with another game.

Releasing the WiiU version in December to end the Year of Luigi does sound plausible, especially since Tropical Freeze got moved to next year.


I really hope this isn't true. I'm ready for rereleases and ports, but this game came out a few months ago. They should do more GameCube stuff instead. Or at the very least Kid Icarus, because that game could use some twin stick action.


May I have a cookie?
I really hope this isn't true. I'm ready for rereleases and ports, but this game came out a few months ago. They should do more GameCube stuff instead. Or at the very least Kid Icarus, because that game could use some twin stick action.

There are quite a few older games that make sense to release on Wii U, either with slight enhancements or just to give them a second chance on the market, even if it is a very small market at that.

Wii, GC and even some DS stuff.


Ask me about the moon landing or the temperature at which jet fuel burns. You may be surprised at what you learn.
Kid Icarus WiiUprising would be nice but the game had sold ~1.2 million copies back in March. Dark Moon sold more than that in less than a month.

Dark Moon port is the safer bet.


Kid Icarus WiiUprising would be nice but the game had sold ~1.2 million copies back in March. Dark Moon sold more than that in less than a month.

Dark Moon port is a safer bet.
But the game just came out. It's too early. How many people would buy it again? If they want to keep the Luigi's Mansion franchise going, they should port the first game instead.
I can't see Nintendo porting Dark Moon to the Wii U. The game came out a few months ago and why should they hurt their 3DS sales with that port. I don't think it would sell well anyway.


The console's doing so badly that they have to port a game not even a year old yet?

C'mon, if that's the case, you may aswell port older games or just create larger teams for development.
I can't see Nintendo porting Dark Moon to the Wii U. The game came out a few months ago and why should they hurt their 3DS sales with that port. I don't think it would sell well anyway.

It shouldn't matter to Nintendo if the game is sold on 3DS or Wii U. And not all Wii U owners have a 3DS. Or like me, just prefer playing games on Wii U.

And I'm hoping they release Gamecube's Luigi's mansion on VC about the same time...


The PS4 and Xbox One will have 'ports' at launch, is that any different?

Not exactly. I mean, this is a port of a game which release under seven months ago.

I haven't looked much at the XBO/PS4 launch lineup, so if they have ports around that age too, that's silly.

It seems a little too early.


It all rather points to a mistake.

"Mfr. Part: CTRNAGGE" is the product code of the 3DS version, as indicated by the CTR instead of a WUP. Same holds true for Brain Age, which is certainly not getting a Wii U retail release after the abysmal sales of the 3DS version (which subsequently led to a cancellation of the title in Europe altogether).
No! I can't personally vouch for the info's reliability (second hand) and I don't want to get hopes up and make myself look like an idiot if it turns out to be fluff. If it's true it's nice for logistical reasons, but not like a GAME CHANGER MEGATON or anything. Just a thing that might be coming, and doing much sooner rather than later.

Bestest buddy.

I have three packets of RED ROCK DELI that could be OUR packets of RED ROCK DELI.

Step wisely.


Neo Member
Come on Nintendo, don't do that.

A port a few months after the original release ? That's insane, just make new games. DKCR port on 3DS was already dumb enough.


Ask me about the moon landing or the temperature at which jet fuel burns. You may be surprised at what you learn.
Come on Nintendo, don't do that.

A port a few months after the original release ? That's insane, just make new games. DKCR port on 3DS was already dumb enough.

No it wasn't. I loved DKCR on the go without all the baggage of the waggage.

Broken Joystick

At least you can talk. Who are you?
If they used that GameCube conversion tool, and offered Luigi's Mansion 1 HD as well as Dark Moon, I'd be down for that. Could be possible seeing as Wind Waker took ~6 months. Would be a nice way to end the Year of Luigi.


it's obviously TWEW U


I'm okay with this.
They did such a superb job with the Wind Waker, I can only imagine what a game like this would look like. I pray that these listings are the real deal.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
so you can at least say its a 3rd party title that we know of maybe release this year?

It's third party. Dunno who is publishing though, or if it's physical or digital. Again, could be fluff, don't know the specifics, don't get excited. EDIT: I like teasing but I also hate being that guy who goes OHOHOH RUMORZ RUMORZ IM IN THE KNOW HOHOHO NOT GONNA TELL, even if that's sadly the case. I dunno. I've learned things in the past through the usual channels that has been very accurate and reliable. This is not through the usual channels, second/third hand, and I can see why the actual source could make a mistake and not necessarily be fully informed. I also don't think it's a massive game changer nor anything to flip your shit about, just one of those "So apparently this is getting a port", "Oh, okay, cool".

I know which one you mean now, hehe

I think it's either scraped or BS - and guys it really isn't a GAME CHANGER MEGATON if it is what I think it is

It's not Red Steel 2.


Bestest buddy.

I have three packets of RED ROCK DELI that could be OUR packets of RED ROCK DELI.

Step wisely.

This is a game changer.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
At least, will you tell us about it if it's announced ? :p

Yeah sure. And if the expected date passes by and it hasn't been spoken of, I'll probably bring it up again. EDIT: To be more specific, if it's legit it should be announced before the year's end, or before the end of November. Don't read too much into that RE: game release dates, that's just part of what I was told.
Yeah sure. And if the expected date passes by and it hasn't been spoken of, I'll probably bring it up again. EDIT: To be more specific, if it's legit it should be announced before the year's end, or before the end of November. Don't read too much into that RE: game release dates, that's just part of what I was told.
That's a long time to wait for a Steel Diver HD announcement.


That's a long time to wait for a Steel Diver HD announcement.
3rd party, so expect Pony Friends 2 HD. Finally, Square Enix gets serious with their Wii U support!

EDIT: Bayonetta actually does sound like it'd fit beyond a recent release being ported like Tomb Raider. Get both games on there, and possibly get either new people in or at least eliminate the "but I have no way to play the first!" excuse.


Why wouldnt they just make a sequel instead that's more like the (still superior) Gamecube game? Oh right, cos its easier, lazier and cheaper and judging by the comments here you guys will buy the exact same game again anyway.


Neo Member
You may not have noticed but there is one coming out in a few months time. Unless you wanted Monster Games to make one?

To the Donkey Kong Country series? By Monster Games? While I like them I'm going to say no thanks.

Tropical Freeze in a few months :)

Wow, wasn't expecting a Port Defence Force.

I am obviously aware of the Tropical Freeze release (though it was postponed, god damnit), but still. Two years and a half later, you have a right to expect a new game, even made by Monster Games. It wouldn't have been the first series to have a different developer on the handheld side.


Should probably not trust the 7-11 security cameras quite so much
Why wouldnt they just make a sequel instead that's more like the (still superior) Gamecube game? Oh right, cos its easier, lazier and cheaper and judging by the comments here you guys will buy the exact same game again anyway.

They probably are making a sequel, Dark Moon was a huge success, but that's takes time. This game is 6 months old for goodness' sake. If this port exists, it's something quick and dirty to pad out the release schedule, just like the God of War PSP to PS3 ports.


The Birthday Skeleton
Wow, wasn't expecting a Port Defence Force.

I am obviously aware of the Tropical Freeze release (though it was postponed, god damnit), but still. Two years and a half later, you have a right to expect a new game, even made by Monster Games. It wouldn't have been the first series to have a different developer on the handheld side.

The difference between a port and a new game is probably around one and a half years. (as the 3ds game was just released this year that would mean a new game would be ready late 2014 - early 2015. I prefer a port now and a new game in 2015.


Wow, wasn't expecting a Port Defence Force.

I am obviously aware of the Tropical Freeze release (though it was postponed, god damnit), but still. Two years and a half later, you have a right to expect a new game, even made by Monster Games. It wouldn't have been the first series to have a different developer on the handheld side.

What makes you think Monster Games is even remotely cabable of making a worthy successor to Donkey Kong Country Returns? The whole idea is ridiculous.
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