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Forza 5 wouldn't have been 1080p, 60fps without access to Xbox One's cloud

Ploid 3.0

Yup - this has got to be bullshit.

This sounds like MS getting one of their studios to push the cloud again and give impression that other games will be 108p/60fps due to the cloud - such as maybe a CoD patch later, etc. It's all insinuation.

Cloud servers can definitely be useful but only when a game has to be online - otherwise they're not going to help much and so far as I know Forza is being designed for both online/offline.

Of course if this is true - this is gonna backfire when it hits the net that playing offline reduces the resolution and effects.

The other slightly funny thing about it is it implies XB1 needs additional servers to produce a game that most likely could run 1080p/60fps on PS4 without the extra help.

I remember when poor old Ted Price was on stage talking about Sunset Overdrive, it seemed like he had a gun pressed against his lower back to mention the power of the cloud.
Does the resolution drop when you play it offline?


First (2) posts nail it.
This is the key paragraph

"So, would [cloud AI] have been possible last generation? Sure. And last generation we could have done 1080p, 60fps. But we wouldn't have been able to do that and the physics we did in Forza 4. So Forza 4 was 720p and 60fps, with the physics we had. Now we're doing things in the physics that requires so much more computational power, we would have struggled to be 720p, 60fps."

He's saying the physics requires more computational power so it's probably offloading some of that work to the cloud.

So, offline = Forza4 physics.


How many pages before we talk about what was said? Or maybe just reaction gifs for eternity? I need a break.
Two outcomes.

1. It's true and the game drops resolution, frame rate is worse and/or AI changes when offline which begs the questions as to why it's designed like this in the first place.

2. It's bullshit and the resolution, frame rate and AI doesn't change so why even mention it?


Something tells me that if they didn't have a turn-key cloud solution they just wouldn't have done cloud based features ('drivatars'), and still focussed on graphics anyway. I don't think they'd have spent 'graphics dev time' instead on cloud infrastructure dev.

edit - he's not saying they're using 'cloud power' for resolution/rendering - he's saying that having it let them do drivatars easily/more quickly, so they could spend more time on graphics optimisation. But like I say above, something tells me they'd have just not done the drivatar stuff if the infrastructure wasn't there. I don't think they'd have built that out themselves at the expense of graphics or other development.
That... is what I read. I don't think a lot of people did.


I'm reading this as BF5/Battlefront on XB1 will be 64v64 human + another 32-64 AI on each side on the cloud. Because it's obvious they didn't use any with BF4.
This is gonna be awesome!

INFINITE power of the cloud dude. No more player limits! That's clearly what he meant and where we are headed.


Not to mention the fact that the console itself apparently struggles to run a game with prebaked lighting and little or no aa at 720p 60fps does not inspire confidence.


Junior Member

He isn't saying that Xbox Servers is making the game 1080p. He is saying that because of them, they have been able to spend more time optimizing, and less time creating their own server solutions.

Quite simple, and logic even.

This thread is gonna be fun.
As much as I love calling out the cloud bullshit, yea, this definitely reeks of clickbait sensationalist title. He never directly says that =


This is the key paragraph

He's saying the physics requires more computational power so it's probably offloading some of that work to the cloud.

So, offline = Forza4 physics.

What? This part is about how they wouldn't have even been able to hit 720/60 with the F5 physics on last Gen hardware. Or am I going crazy? Lol, what's going on?


I'm reading but I just don't get it, he says that thanks to cloud doing stuff automatically, they can focus on upping the res and framerate to what it is now but the stuff he points to with the cloud is phsics and ai.

I'm not sure that's a ringing endorsement to the hardware or the development cycle of this game.


So the XB1, first party game, "struggled" to play in 1080p? A game with baked lightning, no weather, no day/night time? Don't get me wrong, I think it looks good for a racer, but its not exactly pushing boundaries when it comes to visuals. Also, I'm not saying the game sucks or anything, I am a Forza 1-4 owner, I love the series, I'm just talking about technical capabilities.


Is his full name Dan B S Greenawalt or something?

I've never heard so much rubbish spew forth from anyone else. It's so friggin easy to discredit, that the only thing I can think is that he really thinks everyone else is so dumb they'll believe anything he says. He should have been a politician.

I had a manager like that, who through one reason or another was pretty much untouchable as anyone coming up against him was 'removed' from the organisation. He'd tell one person one thing, and someone else the opposite. Of course that meant one person would be working under a completely wrong assumption of what was needed, and at review time the manager would have his ammunition against everyone in one way or another to deal out the remuneration and other things as to his own agenda. Of course he was working under the hair brained idea that people don't communicate (thanks GAF) within our team and once we'd cottoned on people kept records and forwarded the information to an anonymous external mail account for select people in HR to act on. It took three years to get rid of him, and the other senior management involved.

This is causing more harm then good for their brand. It would have been better to concentrate on the good things about Forza and put plans in place to remedy any failings or omissions going forwards and talk about that instead.

It would have kept people interested if they could see progress being made. Instead we get a load of crap and an almost reckless attitude of telling people what they think they want is unimportant, but hey look at how Cloud has saved the day. ps. You can play offline if you want too. What happens then? 12fps?
He's not saying the cloud is doing any real-time processing, just that having the infrastructure saved the development time, and they spent it on physics, and I guess optimising the resolution/framerate.

It's not bullshit. It's more like...dog shit. It's a smaller, plausible-sounding lie, not the whopper it sounds like when you say "the cloud increased our resolution!".
Damn it, I don't have that The Cloud = My Butt extension installed on this machine.

I feel really bad for offline gamers that have to play at 720p. That's just not right.


I mean, really, people. It's the creative director of a first party studio carrying MS's water. Nothing surprising or newsworthy.

Though, to be fair, it is fun to point and laugh.


Seriously, what happens when there is zero difference except stuff like leaderboards and your friends ghosts, which both would obviously require at least an initial connection to The Cloud™ regardless? How bad does the internet explode?


He's not saying the cloud is doing any real-time processing, just that having the infrastructure saved the development time, and they spent it on physics, and I guess optimising the resolution/framerate.

It's not bullshit. It's more like...dog shit. It's a smaller, plausible-sounding lie, not the whopper it sounds like when you say "the cloud increased our resolution!".

No, it's a corporate agenda to push the Cloud, and seemingly wipe out the power difference between the consoles. Nothing to do with the game at all. I expect more comments from other studios and media outlets pushing the same thing.
Just FYI, I just emailed Microsoft:

"Hey Jeff – Forza 5 runs at 1080p 60 FPS for the entirety of the game." - PR

Them saying the cloud makes their game 1080p is utter lies just so you know. Losing a connection will do nothing.

Of course the game is 1080p the entire way through.


I totally believe it.

It's why you can download all those RAM's from the internet to make your computer faster!

That's the power of Cloud is capable of.

Downloadable RAM's!


Can’t stump the diablos
It sounds more-and-more like MS is talking out of their ass to exploit people who don't understand technology.
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