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PS4 fastest-selling console in UK history, outsells Wii U LTD in UK [250K PS4 in 48h]

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My biggest axe to grind is the 3rd parties like Ubisoft dropping it like a dead weight too soon after release while they stuck with the PS3 drought for a whole 3 years.

In a like for like comparison, the PS3 was at 5.5m globally at the same point the Wii U is at 3.9m. For software the PS3 was at 28.4m vs 19.71m for Wii U.

Looking at your three year comment, PS3 had shipped 27m hardware units in three years and 213.6m software units over the same period. I would be very surprised if the Wii U ever hit either of these figures.

PS3 may have been bad, and it was, but compared to the Wii U it was travelling at warp factor 9.
I think Sony will adjust it's strategy a bit to appeal more to the United States and UK to take advantage of their head start there. The Eu will follow regardless of what they do.
In a like for like comparison, the PS3 was at 5.5m globally at the same point the Wii U is at 3.9m. For software the PS3 was at 28.4m vs 19.71m for Wii U.

Looking at your three year comment, PS3 had shipped 27m hardware units in three years and 213.6m software units over the same period. I would be very surprised if the Wii U ever hit either of these figures.

PS3 may have been bad, and it was, but compared to the Wii U it was travelling at warp factor 9.

not only that, but it seems like Nintendo burn some bridges with the third party in the previous generation.


Nintendo will not learn the lesson that Sony learnt with PS3. Nintendo already admitted they do not have the capability to compete with Sony and MS when it comes to hardware power and services.

It's so weird because this forum kept telling me Nintendo was racking in money like crazy, even at their worst they were profitable. If money is not a problem I wonder what is.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
In a like for like comparison, the PS3 was at 5.5m globally at the same point the Wii U is at 3.9m. For software the PS3 was at 28.4m vs 19.71m for Wii U.

Looking at your three year comment, PS3 had shipped 27m hardware units in three years and 213.6m software units over the same period. I would be very surprised if the Wii U ever hit either of these figures.

PS3 may have been bad, and it was, but compared to the Wii U it was travelling at warp factor 9.

WHOA!!! When you put it that way...


It's not just the 9m sales forecast, but Nintendo are also forecasting ¥100bn operating profit for the year, which just seems impossible given that in the first half they recorded a ¥23bn loss, leaving them with a ¥123bn gap.

Nintendo can have a future, but they need to shift away from their Japan first attitude to game development and console development. The domestic market is shrinking and instead of catering to the growing western markets, they decided to stick to their Japan first doctrine.

You may appreciate this thread I made about it earlier:


Good points raised there but I think without wholesale management changes nothing will change, it's a closed shop.
Good points raised there but I think without wholesale management changes nothing will change, it's a closed shop.

Yes, everything I wrote requires a massive management shift. Iwata would not be able to make changes like those without making a number of career ending u-turns. The whole team needs refreshing at Nintendo.
Good points raised there but I think without wholesale management changes nothing will change, it's a closed shop.

Agreed. Iwata needs to be straight up fired and thrown out of the building. And Miyamoto (god bless his kooky ass) needs to be kept behind closed doors. As a public face of the company he's out of touch, and frankly, embarrassing.


I still remember when people preached how important launch exclusives were yet the PS4 is breaking records in both the US/UK, the 2 areas where the 360 dominated last gen.

I wonder how will this play out in the stacked PS4 2014 lineup? Will Titanfall, the online only game that's on Xbox 360 and PC really push the sales until Halo comes out? How will Destiny affect the sales? There's so many questions that needs to be answered!


My biggest axe to grind is the 3rd parties like Ubisoft dropping it like a dead weight too soon after release while they stuck with the PS3 drought for a whole 3 years.

If you didn't own a Wii, then the WiiU (because of backwards compatibility) immediately shoots up in value. Some great games you could have access to.

But I must take issue with your last point, which I've quoted. It is no one's 'responsibility' to put games in the Wii U. Third party publishers don't hate the Wii U, as early adopters with a persecution complex seem to think. They want to make money. If their releases on the Wii U don't make money, then they won't release on the Wii U. It's that simple. And with the sales numbers we've seen of 3rd parties (western, at least) on Wii U thus far, I wonder whether they will bother for much longer. Of course they want their franchises on that platform because it could foster a new audience for them. They may even be doing these ports at a loss just to have those franchises on their in the hopes that the system will turn around and they have a fanbase to build on. But earnings reports aren't built on hopes (unless you're Nintendo).

So why did Ubisoft support the PS3? It was either (1) profitable, or (2) they saw it becoming profitable in the future.

Even as a die hard Nintendo fan can say this: Sony did sooo many things right especially in terms of PR and hardware. Nintendo did so many things wrong, especially in PR and hardware :(
I think there are tons of gamers who want to play Nintendo games and Nintendo like games. They just don't want to buy another console to do it. I think Sony and even Microsoft have a shot at selling software to those people. It needs to be top tier stuff in order to do that but it can be done if they are smart about it. Sony used to do it all the time during the PS2 era. There is no reason why their consoles have to be strict dudebro machines.
Fanboyism mostly originates from the fact that most people aren't able to afford more than one console. From there it leads to "brand loyalty" since it's human nature to validate ones own choices and invalidate the choices of others if they conflict.

At least from my gaming experience I've only been able to have one console per generation for the most part. I had a Sega Genesis instead of SNES, then I had a Dreamcast (one if my favorites of all time btw; Sonic Adventure, Soul Calibur, NFL and NBA 2K series). I used to swear up and down that Dreamcast had "much smoother graphics and PSONE had too many jaggies." After that I had an N64 (never had Mario or Zelda but I loved Duke Nukem and the Wrestlemania franchise). Then I had a PS2 which became my next favorite console ever and I hated Xbox because one I couldn't afford one and thus two, I looked for reasons not to want it (screw Microsoft, they're just ripping off Dreamcast etc. the Dreamcast one I still feel is valid as hell). So essentially that Fanboyism bled over into the subsequent generations but it all started because I've always had to pick one and go with it. Yes it has turned into blind hate and love at times but who hasn't had those feelings at times? Also it's just more fun being on the opposite end to create entertainment even though I can be perfectly reasonable and place myself in the middle (I'm a libra after all). I think many others have experienced the same when it comes to video games. Ideally, if it were possible I'd love to have one machine that plays ALL games including handhelds phone and PC games. But Alas, that will never be since "competition is healthy" (lol what a load of shit. When it comes to gaming, creative freedom is healthy).


Why is that? Nintendo's recent history as a platform holder has been abysmal, to be kind. They deliver weak hardware at high price points, put a touchpad/display in their controller with tech that was 5 years out of date, as well as a slow and feature-less OS for their home console.

It's hard to imagine a repeat of the PS3's later success for Nintendo. The PS3 floundered initially largely because of its absurdly high price point, while it released just ahead of a financial crisis and recession. Sony never lost its third-party support, and in the UK, Gran Turismo is quite possibly the most valuable first-party IP you can have. A new GT will move consoles better there than any Mario and Zelda. The PS3 was also a great blu-ray player, which helped it quite a bit once the price came down.

Nintendo has already lost almost all of its third-party support and will solely be a Nintendo-box going up against the giant ecosystems. GAF largely overestimates the value of Nintendo's IP's to most of the market. They'll sell really well when Nintendo has a huge install base because of their wide appeal. But most people (and even most hardcore gamers) aren't excited about the fact that there's a Mario game, with Smash Bros & Mario Kart coming next year. The collection reaction to that lineup is probably more like: "Those again? That's it?"

I agree that Nintendo do to the Wii U what Sony did for the PS3, I meant how Sony handled the gen after their mess up, learning from it. Hopefully Nintendo can emulate that.
I agree that Nintendo do to the Wii U what Sony did for the PS3, I meant how Sony handled the gen after their mess up, learning from it. Hopefully Nintendo can emulate that.

First thing Sony did was get rid off Harrison and Kutaragi, maybe Nintendo should do the same with Iwata and Reggie.
In a like for like comparison, the PS3 was at 5.5m globally at the same point the Wii U is at 3.9m. For software the PS3 was at 28.4m vs 19.71m for Wii U.

Looking at your three year comment, PS3 had shipped 27m hardware units in three years and 213.6m software units over the same period. I would be very surprised if the Wii U ever hit either of these figures.

PS3 may have been bad, and it was, but compared to the Wii U it was travelling at warp factor 9.

Additionally to this point, the Wii U software number is padded with eShop sales which includes lower priced titles, the PS3 figure is retail purchases only so the 28.4m software units sold were done so at a higher ASP. That's why third parties didn't give up on it, they had a user base that bought a shit load of games to sell to. That just doesn't seem to be the case on Wii U.


That's all expected. The WiiU's marketing is near non-existent in the UK.

Knack selling more than 3D World probably has something to do with it being a bundled game and 3D World having little to no marketing here much like the WiiU. Though, I wouldn't rule out beating it as a standalone. This country has terrible taste in video games. Going into game stores to check prices, looking at weekly rankings, it's all extremely depressing.

Thats not true at all, mario has had more marketing then any nintendo wii u game to day, ive seen that ad more than ive seen for the players ps ad these past few days. Its not selling simply because nintendo well and truely are fucked here, wii u is toast it wont even do gamecube numbers at this rate.
Nobosy should have an axe to grind with Ubisoft. They tried valiantly and even offered advice that could have helped. Ubisoft on Wii U is a success story in a field of the dead and dying.


That's all expected. The WiiU's marketing is near non-existent in the UK.

Can we all stop doing this? Dismissing any failure of any product as being due to 'marketing' is lazy, and ignores the actual market forces that caused that failure. I see this all kind of thinking all the time on GAF and it is annoying as fuck.

The Wii U is not a compelling product at any price point over, say, 100 USD.
In a like for like comparison, the PS3 was at 5.5m globally at the same point the Wii U is at 3.9m. For software the PS3 was at 28.4m vs 19.71m for Wii U.

Looking at your three year comment, PS3 had shipped 27m hardware units in three years and 213.6m software units over the same period. I would be very surprised if the Wii U ever hit either of these figures.

PS3 may have been bad, and it was, but compared to the Wii U it was travelling at warp factor 9.

If your figures are correct then you have a point. I still do think Ubisoft were too quick to drop support especially in delaying Rayman Legends to release it at the same time as other platforms.

not only that, but it seems like Nintendo burn some bridges with the third party in the previous generation.

I know that AAAs are put off with Nintendo 1st parties outselling and overshadowing them, but has Nintendo been a dick in the past? More so than Sony or MS?
Nintendo console buyers burned more bridges than Nintendo did tbh. Besides a few successes with casual games on the wii, there were a ton of bombas on both the wii and wii u third party wise. Not placing blame since people are entitled to spend their money how they want, but that's the bigger reason third party support has been so lackluster.


I know that AAAs are put off with Nintendo 1st parties outselling and overshadowing them, but has Nintendo been a dick in the past? More so than Sony or MS?

In the NES/SNES era they were far more of a a dick to third parties than ms or Sony could ever be. They ruled with a goddamn iron fist.
If your figures are correct then you have a point. I still do think Ubisoft were too quick to drop support especially in delaying Rayman Legends to release it at the same time as other platforms.

My figures are from scei.co.jp and nintendo.co.jp, they are 100% correct.

They delayed it to ensure they had equal access to a 160m installed base that was has always bought third party software. Giving PS3/360 users a late port would have hampered sales on both platforms. Delaying it gave it the best chance of success. Also, if Rayman is a key software title for a platform then that platform is in trouble. I like Rayman games, but it is not system selling software.


Can we all stop doing this? Dismissing any failure of any product as being due to 'marketing' is lazy, and ignores the actual market forces that caused that failure. I see this all kind of thinking all the time on GAF and it is annoying as fuck.

Many people think that more marketing = higher sales figures. There's so many examples that proves how wrong that is but no one will ever think about them :(


Can we all stop doing this? Dismissing any failure of any product as being due to 'marketing' is lazy, and ignores the actual market forces that caused that failure. I see this all kind of thinking all the time on GAF and it is annoying as fuck.

Agreed. Although the marketing has indeed been poor, this 'blame it all on the marketing' approach seems to be little more than an attempt to ignore the reality that even the vast majority of hardcore gamers who have known about the Wii U since it was announced weren't compelled to buy one.
My problem with the Wii U is that they should be advertising the hell out of games like Smash Bros and Zelda.
When those release(unless complete garbage) is when im more likely to buy a Wii U.


Many people think that more marketing = higher sales figures. There's so many examples that proves how wrong that is but no one will ever think about them :(

In this case though the PS4 was marketed so, so heavily compared to the WiiU. I think it's a valid argument to be honest. Unless it's confirmation bias on my part, I swear I've seen more PS4 adverts than I have WiiU this entire year!


Agreed. Although the marketing has indeed been poor, this 'blame it all on the marketing' approach seems to be little more than an attempt to ignore the reality that even the vast majority of hardcore gamers who have known about the Wii U since it was announced weren't compelled to buy one.

And Nintendo's casual audience is now on mobile, no longer interested in TV boxes.
Many people think that more marketing = higher sales figures. There's so many examples that proves how wrong that is but no one will ever think about them :(

i dont watch tv so i dont know about commercials but in my area there were two billboards for the one and like i said in an earlier post i set up alot of walmarts to have giant eyesore green areas as soon as you got to the electronics sections playstation didnt have anything set up at most of our stores until after the release. word of mouth seemed to have the biggest effect starting out this gen.

i still run into people who think the wii u is a add on. the ps4 reveal and e3 did great for sony. social media's a bitch sometimes
In the NES/SNES era they were far more of a a dick to third parties than ms or Sony could ever be. They ruled with a goddamn iron fist.
Yep and it was arrogance that stemmed from their position of authority and immense first party strength. It's always been a double edge sword, and we have to thank Sony for changing the rules more favourably during the Playstation era.

Let's at least stop to acknowledge that Nintendo has had its 1st and 3rd biggest hardware successes under his tenure before saying such ridiculous things.
And now he's also getting Nintendo in the red. I think most people acknowledge his efforts during that era, but the follow up shows a distinct lack of vision and long term planning on his part, and a conspicuous inability to learn from past mistakes. The current forecasts are a joke and his stance on Nintendo reconciling their strengths as a first party developer with third party support is straight up delusional.



These gifs! What a way to start the day *wipes tear away

I grew up with Nintendo and Mario (still remember a Christmas morning getting a snes and super mario world - what a day!) and am excited about what I see of 3d world.
I've considered getting a U to play it but for me it's just over priced when compared to the ps4.

Here in Aus the U is $429 in a bundle when I could buy a ps4 (once they are back in stock) for $550. For the hardware, services and future proofing I'd rather pay the extra and get the ps4 which will be guaranteed 1st party and third party games for years to come. Awhile the U will have a few great first party titles that drip feed out as Nintendo releases them. Unless there is a great deal to be had I'll be happy to pick a U up later in it's life but for now my first next gen system will be the PS4.
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