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GamesRadar: It’s time for Nintendo to admit defeat and make a true next-gen console

I think they should look at launching a new system in 2016, 2 to 3 years before a PS5/Nextbox. That will give them half a gen of being the place for the best quality console games and a chance to wave the "tech card".

I don't think Nintendo has the ability or the will to cater to the "tech crowd."
They already tried this, it's name was Gamecube. It didn't work out well. Nintendo has to seek creative solutions, because it's terrible at implementing simple ones.
Ugh. That'd piss off Wii U owners to no end. Let us see the sales for this Christmas before panicking.

I'm launch Wii U owner and I want Nintendo to abandon the Wii U and release a new system more powerful than PS4.

I'd rather get a new Nintendo system with all third party games and Nintendo games then buy a PS4 and keep the Wii U around.


A more powerful console isn't going to fix their problems.

Agreed. Publishers will still gravitate to the other two consoles so they don't have to fight the Nintendo exclusives. No matter what, "hardcore!!11!11" games will sell better on the other systems.

For the next Ninty console, I wouldn't mind some kind of merging between handheld and home console.

Boss Man

I'm launch Wii U owner and I want Nintendo to abandon the Wii U and release a new system more powerful than PS4.

I'd rather get a new Nintendo system with all third party games and Nintendo games then buy a PS4 and keep the Wii U around.
Why? What's wrong with owning a PS4 and a Wii U if you're willing to buy another console anyway?


Junior Member
Abandoning a home console is by far the dumbest decision they could possibly make and would screw over their faithfuls, who would hesitate to ever invest early in another Nintendo console again. Worst/best case scenario, Nintendo will release a new console in 2016 (cutting their 5 year cycle a little short) and go for a completely new (but far more conservative) gimmick with a good price point, and much more logical marketing.
I like my Wii U. Sure it's not as powerfull as the PS4 or X1, but it's optimized. The games feel great, run at a high FPS, the gamepad is a genius idea for new gameplay ideas.

The main problem of the Wii U is not the console. It's the marketing. The fact that the Wii U is called the Wii U, the fact that it look like a Wii.
If they called it the Wii 2 or any other name, and actually marketed it to the masses, then it would be selling like cupcakes.
The ignorant masses do not know the difference between a Wii and a Wii U. They have to make ads saying "This is not a Wii, this new console with a new control scheme who allow you to use your old controllers."

The console do not suck, the marketing does.

While the marketing does suck and the name is terrible the problem is the tablet controller; the "ignorant masses" as you call them just aren't impressed by tablets anymore and the added cost of the thing ties Nintendo's hands

The WiiU's problem just isn't marketing, it's execution. One thing will not fix the perception
I agree with this, actually - mostly because Nintendo needs third parties again, but partly because I want to see even more amazing-ness from Nintendo's first party.
One obviously huge problem is the half-assed ports that third-parties continue to dump onto the Wii U. I didn't think it was as big a problem until I kept seeing screenshot comparisons to the 360 and PS3 versions of some games. Yikes.


Here's the real problem: Third party developers are of the opinion and sales seem to indicate that only Nintendo titles sell on Nintendo platforms. As a 41 year old gamer who's been doing this since the Atari 2600, we do NOT want Nintendo to abandon the hardware business and take their IPs to MS and or Sony. The industry needs Nintendo hardware and the choices those machines empower us gamers to make.

I agree that Nintendo needs to make a killer, no holds barred home console in the near future. Nintendo needs to take the excuse away from third party developers that they once again are working with a system from Nintendo that is "underpowered" which prompts them to not support said system.

That said, I own the Wii U and have been extremely happy with it. The system is barely over a year old and I can't believe the doom and gloom I hear and read about it. Let's see sales figures after the holidays and remember, we still haven't gotten killer apps like Smash Bros, Mario Kart, Metroid, Starfox, Donkey Kong or a new Zelda yet that will no doubt help move systems.


What Nintendo needs to do is focus on 1 platform (3DS), and let the WiiU die like the Wii. And then develop games exclusively for Xbox two.


I was.

It's just interesting to see all these ideas bandied about that seem far more insightful and valuable than what Nintendo is actually doing with the Wii U.
Throwing out a system after a year and spending billions to make a new one is not insightful or valuable.
It's insanity.


I wonder what direction or subject matter next week's batch of worthless gaming site editorials will be. We've had a week of pro Wii U stories and then this week we've had a week of anti Wii U stories. I'm leaning toward a batch of stories about how the PS4 will have nothing new in 2014 and will be doomed compared to Xbox One.
The more and more I think about it, the more I believe that Nintendo has timed the Wii U to co-inside with tablet tech catching up to Gen 7 tech.

Think about it - by 2017-2018 tablet tech will be good enough to run gen 7 ps3/360 games.

By 2017-2018, the Wii U will be 5/6 years old and at the end of its lifespan.

Tablets are also starting to release controllers - finally - and the technology to stream your tablet's screen to your tv. The console gaming industry will really start feeling the heat from tablet games in five years or so - and guess who will be lying dormant, with great i.p's that are designed to incorporate tablet play? Ya... you can guess...

Nintendo has always rebounded, profit-wise, from their bad ideas. They will do the same after the Wii U .... but it won't involve a new Nintendo system, rather the outsourcing of their i.p's to the ever-expanding mobile gaming industry.
A more powerful console isn't going to fix their problems.

Well. It won't do it alone, but it would be a huge step in the right direction. But I agree with you. There's more to making and maintaining a next gen platform then just putting out a more powerful box.

I'm just not sure Nintendo has the desire or the know how to compete in the Home console market anymore.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
I kind of agree. I still believe a system that is a visible jump over PS4/XB1 and released in 2016 would be Nintendo's best course of action.

They'd have at least 3 years alone on the market as the most powerful console. That gives enough time for consumers to have enough disposable income for another game system. IF they could get third parties to agree to push the power of the system and not hold it back to a level of PS4/XB1, it could work out well.

syko de4d

Nintendo should cooperate with Valve, releasing Nintendo Games on Steambox/windows too, maybe 3-6months after WiiU release. Selling a pc compatible WiiU Pad for good money, maybe with integrated SteamOS in it :lol
Nintendo has great games but weak hardware and weak online, both could be better on PC without Nintendo investion alot in it.

I know this will never happen but i would like it :p


What's so different about their output now and then?

They've ignored all but a few of their core franchise over the past generation in favor of more casual titles like Wii Fit/Party without making enough new IPs to make up for it. Granted, it's getting a bit better now with W101/X/Bayonetta 2, but it feels like too little too late for me. If Nintendo was putting of HD versions of Metroid, F-Zero, Star Fox, 1080, or Advance Wards, I would be getting a Wii U ASAP.


Don't see that happen. I'm expecting the follow-up to the Wii U in about 2-3 years at the earliest. Right now, there are still tons of games in development for the Wii U. and the majority of their studios is focused on Wii U development (with the exception possibly being those that just released their latest project). After the software droughts for the 3DS and Wii U in their first years, it would be truly stupid for them to launch yet another system without a more stable launch window, so even though they are most likely already doing R&D on their next system (these things take time, after all), until they can reshift their ressources (which should be late 2014 to early 2015), we shouldn't be expecting more talk about it.

Also, even if they were going for a powerful system, why on Earth would they release it 1-2 years after the PS4 / XBox One? The only way a move like that could really hurt is if they wait at least a couple of years. That way, they can put together significantly stronger hardware at a relatively low price. By Nintendo standards, the 350 deluxe Wii U was already very expensive (and I don't think they would have ever gone there if it weren't for the cheaper basic model). There is no way they are going anywhere near 400-500 with a single SKU.

Above all else, though, I dont want them to abandon the Wii U just yet. I bought the system almost a year ago and have had my fair share of fun with it. I am also excited for the games that are yet to be released on it. No ambassador program in the world can make you forget paying several hundred for a box that was abandoned after a mere year on the market. I feel like more people ought to give the system a chance, because it is far better than its mediocre sales would have people believe.

Right now, the Wii U's performance my be hurting the company, but I'd rather see Nintendo ride this one out for another few years and use that time to really have everything come together for their next system. Rushing out hardware now can only be a recipe for disaster.

Edit: It might also be a good idea to hold off on all the negativity until we know how many units they'll have sold by the end of this year's holiday season. If the trend observed at the end of last quarter is any indication, sales may very well be picking up quite a bit.


PS1 Vs N64 : CD's won
PS2 Vs Gamecube: DVD's won
Wii vs Hd twins: Last gen hardware won (barely)
Wii U vs HD+ Twins: Power/Online wins

Apart from one gen, the market was ready to evolve and Nintendo opted against it.

If Xbox 360 and PS3 launched in 2008-2009 instead of 2005, they would be much more affordable, reliable (No RROD, imagine!) and developers could've had it easier because tools would've been more mature and cheaper and they wouldn't be closing studios left and right. I think this started with Microsoft killing the original Xbox too early and forcing a generational shift too soon with the Xbox 360.

Then again, I'm just talking out of my ass.


Stupid recommendation. Nintendo would get curb stomped if they would dare to enter the ps4/one ring. Both MS and Sony have far better relationships to 3rd parties, much better dev tools, more experience when it comes to HD games, better hardware engineers (at least on this high level), better relations to the resellers - the list goes on.

Nintendo needs a strategy like the original wii, creating a market where they are free to operate without real competition delivering a product the hits the nerve of the consumers..

Dumping the Wii U will not magically save nintendo.
It still baffles my why they did not simply release a Wii 2, improved motions controls, 360-like tech, proper online infrastructure - itprintsmoney.gif


I leave /v/ for a couple days because of all the WiiU threads, and now I find out it's here as well.

Nintendo is far from dead. Companies are allowed to release bad product after bad product and still be alive. Take a look at Black Berry. If anyone is dumb enough to think Nintendo is doomed with the WiiU, I think they should just read a book about how businesses run.

Blackberry is about the worst example you could have given for that point -- they're hemorrhaging cash and barring a miracle they will not likely survive past 2014 in their current corporate form. They recently had to lay off 40% of their employees. If they survive, it will probably be by focusing solely on enterprise services while they ditch their hardware divisions altogether.

If you want to try to compare Blackberry to Nintendo, an analogous result would be if Nintendo dropped out of the home console market and focused solely on handhelds and software.

Nintendo will most certainly survive in the long-run because they still have EAD Tokyo and a spectacular brand and gaming IP's. However, their place in the market as a home console platform-holder is far from guaranteed. Their only hope of getting third-parties to support them in the home console space would be to put together a new console that is nearly identical in architecture to PS4 so that porting over to it is so cheap that third parties only need to sell a meager number of copies to recoup their investment.

And without third-party support, the Wii U and any home consoles that follow are doomed to failure barring a revelation like Wii Sports.
Personnaly I'd be happy buying a $99 Vita TV sized box that played NES - Gamecube games via virtual console. They could sell different wireless controllers that resembled NES/SNES/N64 controllers as a awy to generate additional money.

Call the Nintendo Entertainment System.


Didn't Iwata say that Christmas would determine how they handle Wii U in 2014? They have yet to release their most anticipated software.
This relies on the (wrong) assumption that third parties give a shit about Nintendo consoles regardless of power.
Didn't help the GameCube. And the WiiU is still missig tons of last gen games that could have been made for it.

Third Parties don't hold a grudge against Nintendo. Nintendo just likes to make it really hard for them to put game out on their systems.

Gamecube might have been powerful but it had those stupid mini disks that held it back.


This just isn't going to happen. The Wii U is a failure and is unlikely to sell even as much as the Gamecube, but I can't see them just scrapping it to make a console that's just the same as the PS4 and Xbox One. Nintendo can't compete in that space, and they know it. Even if the hardware is similar enough and it gets third party support, it would likely have a shitty UI and awful online components. Also, gamers aren't paying $300 to play Nintendo games now, why would they pay $400-$500 to buy a console that's just like the one they own besides the fact that it can play Mario?


While the marketing does suck and the name is terrible the problem is the tablet controller; the "ignorant masses" as you call them just aren't impressed by tablets anymore and the added cost of the thing ties Nintendo's hands

The WiiU's just isn't marketing, it's execution. One thing will not fix the perception

The gamepad is perfect like it is. The public LOVE tablet and want tablets. My dad work as at the city council, and they had to choose between a work laptop or a iPad 2. Nearly everybody wanted to go with the iPad 2. Why? Because they love tablets.

The gamepad allow families with only one TV to share the TV. It allow the kid who take the TV all the time to go play in his room.
The only real problem with the Wii U is the marketing. And without marketing, consoles do not sell, and without console selling, you have less games.
Here's the real problem: Third party developers are of the opinion and sales seem to indicate that only Nintendo titles sell on Nintendo platforms. As a 41 year old gamer who's been doing this since the Atari 2600, we do NOT want Nintendo to abandon the hardware business and take their IPs to MS and or Sony. The industry needs Nintendo hardware and the choices those machines empower us gamers to make.

I agree that Nintendo needs to make a killer, no holds barred home console in the near future. Nintendo needs to take the excuse away from third party developers that they once again are working with a system from Nintendo that is "underpowered" which prompts them to not support said system.

Speak for yourself. As a 40 year old gamer who started with an Atari 2600 and owned every Nintendo console sans the WiiU, I'd love to see this happen.


Even if Nintendo made a better console it would still have the same account/network issues. They would have to make an amazing network infrastructure. Make dedicated servers for games. Make a traditional controller. Make purchases attached to account and not a console. After this make it more powerful then a PS4 and I'll purchase it...since that isn't happening I doubt they will gain the 3rd party support. They might as well stay the course they are on.


Throwing out a system after a year and spending billions to make a new one is not insightful or valuable.
It's insanity.

It's radical, but when the alternative is continuing to ride an underpowered system that nobody wants, Nintendo runs the risk of destroying both their miniscule marketshare and their mindshare in the console space. The Wii U is so toxic that it's poisoning Nintendo's brand value.


It's radical, but when the alternative is continuing to ride an underpowered system that nobody wants, Nintendo runs the risk of destroying both their miniscule marketshare and their mindshare in the console space. The Wii U is so toxic that it's poisoning Nintendo's brand value.
Have any proof to back this up?
its Nintendo's old school Japanese gaming mentality, the fact that Nintendo launched a console with no killer Nintendo software really was the start of the issues for the Wii U. then followed by game delays after game delays due to slow developing time on games that didnt even have all that much appeal like Pikmin 3 or Wonderful 101. all this while loosing 3rd party support because of lackluster sales on hardware that wasnt going to show any promise of keeping up with the now Ps4 and X1. i dont see Nintendo moving millions of units even when Smash Bros or Mario Kart comes out, i think itll do the same type of numbers as Super Mario 3D World. its just going to be a rough 8th console generation that Nintendo will have to wait out due to bad decision making. no need for rushing a knee jerk reaction of a console to the market now, when Nintendo really just needs to lay in the bed they made.


December @ Neogaf - a review.

Is it an odd numbered hour? Thread: Nintendo - Why a Wii U is the only sensible console choice this Xmas

Is it an even numbered hour? Thread: Nintendo - Why they need to get out of the Console business

Bonus mystery round hour to shake things up: Nintendo - They're doing everything right except not having good horsepower. And Marketing. And Leadership. Make a new console.



Abandoning a home console is by far the dumbest decision they could possibly make and would screw over their faithfuls, who would hesitate to ever invest early in another Nintendo console again. Worst/best case scenario, Nintendo will release a new console in 2016 (cutting their 5 year cycle a little short) and go for a completely new (but far more conservative) gimmick with a good price point, and much more logical marketing.

I fully agree with this, as a diehard fan of NIntendo hardware and IPs, I would not invest in a new console if it came out within the next year. Hell I picked up a Wii U 4 or 5 months later after launch when MH3U came out. (Although I own one now and don't regret it at all)

If Nintendo wants to make it in the next gen of consoles, put more effort into developing a console that will compete with the one and Ps4, instead of rushing some crappy new console to market that will ultimately fail also. They've got enough steam from the DS and 3DS


Junior Member
It's radical, but when the alternative is continuing to ride an underpowered system that nobody wants, Nintendo runs the risk of destroying both their miniscule marketshare and their mindshare in the console space. The Wii U is so toxic that it's poisoning Nintendo's brand value.

They also run the risk of chasing away their core customers, if they drop the system, and make sure no one invests early in another Nintendo home console. There is no choice but to ride it out. Perhaps cut the cycle short, but there's no chance in hell they're gonna go "ok, we want a do-over pls!"


December @ Neogaf - a review.

Is it an odd numbered hour? Thread: Nintendo - Why a Wii U is the only sensible console choice this Xmas

Is it an even numbered hour? Thread: Nintendo - Why they need to get out of the Console business

Bonus mystery round hour to shake things up: Nintendo - They're doing everything right except not having good horsepower. And Marketing. And Leadership. Make a new console.


lol was thinking this myself.


lol @ this crap. Yeah, 'cause it worked so well for them with the GameCube or the N64. If Nintendo made a console that had the same power, same third-party support, and same price as PS4/Xbone, they'd still be in last. The Wii showed that Nintendo needs to do something extraordinary in order to stand out in this console market. They tried again with the Wii U and it failed. Nintendo needs a success. They can't just whip up something to stand side-by-side with the other two consoles. Also:
These articles aren't getting old at all, I promise.


A new console rushed to market is NOT a sound solution unless you want another quick trip to the graveyard. Nintendo needs to be repairing relationships with third parties right now. They need to talk to publishers, and take their input into consideration when building their next system.

It's probably a little too late for Wii U, but they need to have these publishers back in their corner, supporting them. What good is a new console if all the big games are bypassing you and going to the competition?
The gamepad is perfect like it is. The public LOVE tablet and want tablets. My dad work as at the city council, and they had to choose between a work laptop or a iPad 2. Nearly everybody wanted to go with the iPad 2. Why? Because they love tablets.

The gamepad allow families with only one TV to share the TV. It allow the kid who take the TV all the time to go play in his room.
The only real problem with the Wii U is the marketing. And without marketing, consoles do not sell, and without console selling, you have less games.

The public loves high quality iPad-like tablets. That's why iPads outsell all other tablet brands. And the only way to compete with them is to offer lower quality (not necessarily spec) versions. Using the Wii U tablet definitely feels like a step down from an iPad.

It certainly looks like a toy considered to other tablets, but $300 is not a toy-like price.

Boss Man

I think the Wii U is a failure by most accounts but I don't want to see them do this (or go third party).

I think it's best for Nintendo to carve its own niche separately from the higher-tech machines because their games just don't gain as much from tech advancement. I think they can be successful with novel Nintendo boxes that play Nintendo games, but they need to actually get those games produced more regularly. Even still, the main problem with the Wii U is the messaging and the price. I think a $250 Super Wii (Gamepad and Nunchuk included) with the same specs and same games that it has now would be a completely different story sales wise. They might break even or sell for a small loss, but at least it'd be relevant enough to sell games on.


Third Parties don't hold a grudge against Nintendo. Nintendo just likes to make it really hard for them to put game out on their systems.

Gamecube might have been powerful but it had those stupid mini disks that held it back.

I don't think third parties would be on board unless the install base is there and the Wii has shown that not even that matters sometimes. The fact of the matter is that third parties don't need to develop for Nintendo, I don't know if Nintendo feels like they don't need third parties to develop for them but it sure looks that way.


The gamepad is perfect like it is. The public LOVE tablet and want tablets. My dad work as at the city council, and they had to choose between a work laptop or a iPad 2. Nearly everybody wanted to go with the iPad 2. Why? Because they love tablets.

The gamepad allow families with only one TV to share the TV. It allow the kid who take the TV all the time to go play in his room.
The only real problem with the Wii U is the marketing. And without marketing, consoles do not sell, and without console selling, you have less games.

People who want and love tablets buy iPads, not the Wii U. Nintendo should have released the console with a controller, but also allow it to stream to an iPad or Android tablet. People do love tablets, yes, but that doesn't mean they're going to buy anything with a giant touchscreen on it.
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