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Final Fantasy VI Android/iOS impressions thread


The original looked like...honestly like a blocky diseased organ.

I'm not saying the original world map looked good by any means. I'm merely taking issue with a remake, 20 years later, on much more powerful, capable hardware, looking worse in its own right due to how out of place things continue to look.
I'm not saying the original world map looked good by any means. I'm merely taking issue with a remake, 20 years later, on much more powerful, capable hardware, looking worse in its own right due to how out of place things continue to look.

Thank you!

Someone had to say it


Formerly Alaluef (not Aladuf)
ixix's screenshots being between quote tags leads to an interest effect, when you click and they're blown up they look hideous, but they look decent while smaller since the resolution incongruences and blurriness aren't apparent. I think this will look ok on my phone, I'll probably nab the iOS version during a future sale (need to get FFV first though, as I've never played that one).


I just wanted to say thanks to Ixix for fighting the good fight and posting all these screens
so I don't have to play the game.

Not that I could...I may get it if it comes to Windows Phone. I just got the DS FF3 the other day!


Exists in a perpetual state of Quantum Crotch Uncertainty.
Got a pic of Celes, Edgar/Sabin and Relm's tent?

Finally somebody focuses on what's really important. I was starting to think that nobody was ever going to take notice of Terra's kickin' rad polka dotted tent with its tasteful bow finial. Seems like errybody just wants to talk about them tiling errors and raster towers even though there are amazeballs new tents. Priorities, peeps.

Here's the classy purple camping kit Celes is sporting:


And Sabin's slightly presumptuous digs. Seriously dude, you ceded the throne to your brother. Quit clingin' to the past with the royal imagery home slice, it's pathetic:

I will keep the tent watch updated as I re-recruit further peons.

ixix's screenshots being between quote tags leads to an interest effect, when you click and they're blown up they look hideous, but they look decent while smaller since the resolution incongruences and blurriness aren't apparent. I think this will look ok on my phone, I'll probably nab the iOS version during a future sale (need to get FFV first though, as I've never played that one).

Some of the graphical whosawhatsits are less noticeable when I'm playing than when I look at the screenshots on my monitor. Then again, some of them are actually more noticeable while playing, like the lava in the sealed cave. It's animated when you're actually playing the game, and the still picture doesn't really do it... uh, justice?

In general I figure that the smaller your screen the less apparent a lot of the graphical weirdness will be. But then again, that's true of basically all graphics ever and that sentence I just wrote is insanely obvious and utterly vapid but I am just going to leave it there and hope nobody notices.

I just wanted to say thanks to Ixix for fighting the good fight and posting all these screens
so I don't have to play the game.

Not that I could...I may get it if it comes to Windows Phone. I just got the DS FF3 the other day!

As always, I live to serve.


Final Fantasy IV The After Years' iOS version has been put up on sale because of Final Fantasy VI coming out for iOS soon, I think this probably means Final Fantasy VI is dropping this week. If it releases at the time games come out in New Zealand each week usually, that's in less than 24 hours!
Are there any sprite rips of the game so far? I tried and didn't get very far. I'd like to just see everything, but mostly the improved stuff like the backgrounds.


Exists in a perpetual state of Quantum Crotch Uncertainty.
Hoo doggy, have I got some good news for all you tower fans out there:

That's right, that is a 100% unique Fanatic's Tower model on the world map. No Figaro Effect here. Feel free to swoon.

And some hot Gerad action for ya:

Always wished he'd keep his palette swap after rejoining. He looks a bit goth-y when he's undercover, but under the circumstances it's pretty understandable.

Also got a tentacle fight picture for y'all:

Funny thing is that the battle background is undulating all throughout this fight. Somebody musta spent some time on this one. Somebody who's a big fan of tentacles.

Man, AtmaUltima Weapon still looks awesome.

I have yet to get inside the floating continent, but I have less than 1/3 the hp you have. My suffering will be well deserved.

Are you trying to keep your levels down for ultimate World of Ruin grinding? I was kinda thinking about doing that but then I went "Eh" and decided not to because it's too much work. I didn't grind or anything, but I didn't run from any fights, either. Rounded out the World of Balance with my intrepid squad hovering around level 25-28.


Finally somebody focuses on what's really important. I was starting to think that nobody was ever going to take notice of Terra's kickin' rad polka dotted tent with its tasteful bow finial.

The polka dots are new, but the bow was present in the original:

Funny thing is that the battle background is undulating all throughout this fight. Somebody musta spent some time on this one. Somebody who's a big fan of tentacles.

That happens in the original, too. I'd be pissed if it weren't undulating. Even if it doesn't make sense for a mass of tentacles to undulate instead of, say, writhe.


Exists in a perpetual state of Quantum Crotch Uncertainty.
The polka dots are new, but the bow was present in the original:

If you want to call that ratty crab-looking thing a bow then yeah, I guess that's technically true. New one's a million billion times cooler (I added it up; that is a scientifically derived figure) and it's the polka dots that really tie the whole thing together.

Old Terra tent is ew, new Terra tent is awesome possum. Gaudete.

That happens in the original, too. I'd be pissed if it weren't undulating. Even if it doesn't make sense for a mass of tentacles to undulate instead of, say, writhe.

Well I called it a funny thing and not a new thing for a reason, ya dig?


If you want to call that ratty crab-looking thing a bow then yeah, I guess that's technically true. New one's a million billion times cooler (I added it up; that is a scientifically derived figure) and it's the polka dots that really tie the whole thing together.

Old Terra tent is ew, new Terra tent is awesome possum. Gaudete.

Well I called it a funny thing and not a new thing for a reason, ya dig?

I'm going to need to see your calculations. I did the same math and while I came to the same conclusion that the new tent is better, it is by orders of magnitude a smaller gap than what you have presented.


Exists in a perpetual state of Quantum Crotch Uncertainty.
I'm going to need to see your calculations. I did the same math and while I came to the same conclusion that the new tent is better, it is by orders of magnitude a smaller gap than what you have presented.

Well for starters you need to measure the relative coolness of each tent. I applied a high-accuracy fashion thermometer to each one, yielding baseline readings of 277,059,183,322 nanokelvins and 243,772,264,902 nanokelvins for the SNES and Android tents, respectively (this being a precise scientific endeavor, the Kelvin Coolness Scale is obviously preferred, though for maximal accuracy one should attempt to procure measuring implements capable of registering readings down to the level of femtokelvins. Alas, such equipment is beyond me, and so a lower precision figure shall have to suffice). To quantify the relative coolness we turn to our good friend Leonhard Euler, whose Methodus Inveniendi Lineas Curvas provides us with the famed first formalized general proof of coolness, popularly rendered as:


Where a is the coolness of the SNES tent, b is the coolness of the Android tent, n is the constant (6 in this case, this being the 6th game in the Final Fantasy series) and where i is equal to tent (all lowercase, naturally, this being mathematics and all).

And so we simply plug all of our numbers in and solve for k to find our relative Tent Coolness Coefficient. Since going step-by-step through such a simplistic algorithm as this would be a waste of both our time, I'll simply cut to the chase and point out that the answer is obviously One Million Billion and Seven, but for the sake of communicative efficiency we can simply round it down to a nice and even One Million Billion.

To be honest, I was a little surprised myself at first. I knew that the new tent was better, but that much better? It almost beggars belief. But math doesn't lie, and math doesn't care about our feelings. Euler has spoken, and all that remains for us is to accept his pronouncement.


Fanatic's Tower looks like they mapped the regular tileset to a basic polygon tower

All of the overworld models are like that. I actually like the idea but they did a pretty shitty job overall with them. Vector's mesh has awful texturing. Fanatic's Tower looks alright, if it wasn't for the overblown world map tiles contrasting as all get out.


The more I look at pics posted in this thread, the more I forgive the look of the game and just really want to play it...

I'd rather play it on my Vita though. Just redoing the sprites, making them look more pixilated to match the backgrounds, would go a LONG way to improve the look of the game...
The more I look at pics posted in this thread, the more I forgive the look of the game and just really want to play it...

I'd rather play it on my Vita though. Just redoing the sprites, making them look more pixilated to match the backgrounds, would go a LONG way to improve the look of the game...

They need to fix the perspectives to be consistent

The way it looks now almost looks like they copy pasted the sprites onto the background with MS paint.
Are you trying to keep your levels down for ultimate World of Ruin grinding? I was kinda thinking about doing that but then I went "Eh" and decided not to because it's too much work. I didn't grind or anything, but I didn't run from any fights, either. Rounded out the World of Balance with my intrepid squad hovering around level 25-28.

I don't really grind. I want to do a low level Dragon's Den, see if I can do it below 30.


Anyone finding a little hard to enjoy these FF or JRPG re-releases on their mobile? I often end the game minutes into a session. I do not mind the reworked graphics and thought I would love the convenience having these great titles on my phone.

I just find it the experience a little different. I do not know how to explain it .. perhaps it's the touchscreen or something.
Anyone finding a little hard to enjoy these FF or JRPG re-releases on their mobile? I often end the game minutes into a session. I do not mind the reworked graphics and thought I would love the convenience having these great titles on my phone.

I just find it the experience a little different. I do not know how to explain it .. perhaps it's the touchscreen or something.

I get what you mean, but after being able to play on the go one gets used to it pretty quickly.

Plus, that auto-battle makes everything easier. Choosing commands in this version is a pain and battle speed doesn't seem to do much, but it's still very manageable. I'm doing a low level run and have never gotten defeated due to menu issues.
Anyone finding a little hard to enjoy these FF or JRPG re-releases on their mobile? I often end the game minutes into a session. I do not mind the reworked graphics and thought I would love the convenience having these great titles on my phone.

I just find it the experience a little different. I do not know how to explain it .. perhaps it's the touchscreen or something.

The only one I really played was FFDimensions Chapter 1 and that was because I was riding the bus a lot at the time. Now that I have a car again I never find myself in a spot where I'm playing games on my phone for long enough to get into an RPG.
I played the free chapter of FF Dimensions in preparation for this; I just wanted to see how the game played on a touch screen.

It's a bit frenetic, isn't it? I like to crank up the battle speed when I'm playing normally, but even the default battle speed seems to be a bit much to keep up with. I'd compare it with a touch version of Guitar Hero or something, but I also tried the preview of Theaterrythm FF, and that's totally what that is. It's a bummer that my hands obscure so much of the screen in that game; I can't see any of the feedback that the game gives you. But that's for another thread.

What did they do to the floating continent?


I actually think this looks good. The tiling issue is pretty bad if you look for it, but it was there in the original too, you just couldn't tell becuase it was low-res and the general crumminess of the tiles helped with the chaotic atmosphere.. Even if they're blurry, you can actually tell what the Warring Triad is suppose to be now. The woman was always obvious, but the bottom two are helped out quite a bit.
Remember when the square Enix tax meant that you were getting some of the best graphics from a design standpoint, lush music and deep gameplay?

It made sense then. I'm probably not going to pick this up anymore unless they are having an ios fire sale.
That it was there in the original is no excuse. This is supposed to be an "enhanced" port.

And it is enhanced. They can't go and re-build every single map; they might as well create a new game from scratch if they were going to do that. And apparently old ports sell better than new games, as we've gotten one FFD and a bunch of ports.
And it is enhanced. They can't go and re-build every single map; they might as well create a new game from scratch if they were going to do that. And apparently old ports sell better than new games, as we've gotten one FFD and a bunch of ports.

All things considered, I'd be down for another 2D FF. ATB got a lot of attention because of this, and I do believe it'd sell well with good enough art and gameplay mechanics.

Back to topic though, Sabin is incredibly OP in the first half. Not having to do Blitz moves in autobattle means his Fire Dance Rising Phoenix Raisin Fin X clears out around 90% of every battle you may have in the world of Balance without any issues.

I am thoroughly enjoying this playthrough.
So uuuuh... has anyone killed
the Intangir
? SNES combos fixed in the Advance version don't work and
Psycho Cyan
doesn't exist either.

For a low level run, this is giving me a headache.

EDIT: Nevermind, found one


Exists in a perpetual state of Quantum Crotch Uncertainty.
I'm finally back in the FF6 saddle, so here's a vital tent update.


Setzer's slick li'l number:

And in "stuff that's not really supposed to happen but that you're able to do anyway" news, this li'l oddity still works:

And yeah, it's still the only boss in the game that Vanish-Doom still works on.

I always go to the trouble of getting the pair, but then I never have Sabin use his basic attack so it's pretty much completely pointless. I just like to screw with the game, I guess.
And it is enhanced. They can't go and re-build every single map; they might as well create a new game from scratch if they were going to do that. And apparently old ports sell better than new games, as we've gotten one FFD and a bunch of ports.

I played the first chapter of FFD and it was good, but it's forgettable... Seeing as how I haven't bought the next chapters
I would buy it if it was just an up front cost. Maybe I'm just too lazy or resistant to turn off my anti-IAP filter


Exists in a perpetual state of Quantum Crotch Uncertainty.
I have brought additional presents for tower fans:

And also presents for people who remembered that Darill had a unique sprite in spite of appearing for like 10 seconds and who were wondering what that sprite looked like:

That's right, front and profile shots.

The game runs in slow motion during the flashback/walk down the steps in Darill's tomb. The game does not handle segments where it does the whole "text overlay that isn't in a text box" thing well at all.

I'm finally at a point where I can start checking the things in this game that I really wanted to check. Umaro, Gogo, and Rage stuff are next on the docket.


Exists in a perpetual state of Quantum Crotch Uncertainty.
Holy shit Umaro sleeps in an igloo.

This is the only version of Final Fantasy 6 with an igloo. All objections are irrelevant, this is the best version of the game, quod erat demonstrandum.

Mog also has a tent, but nobody cares Mog we got an igloo now.

oh yeah i guess there's other stuff too like umaro's intro screen and portrait

And factoids about Umaro.

Umaro doesn't have any sort of Magicite equip thingy, obviously. Not even a placeholder. Just a blank area which sets off my horror vacui somethin' fierce.

You can access his equip menu but all his shit is greyed out and it's just there to screw with you.

Same ol' Umaro, in other words.

'cept the igloo, which is totes tizzy.


Exists in a perpetual state of Quantum Crotch Uncertainty.
Is Umaro where we're drawing the spoiler line, then? 'Cause that's the penultimate set of shots I'm planning on taking. These being the ultimate:

And with that I think I'm pretty much done. The new sprites have been more or less fully documented now, and unless there's a real demand for shots of every single tent (I can sympathize with such a desire, but seriously, ain't nothing going to top the igloo so I think we can pretty much just pack that one in) I'm going to call my job as an ad hoc documentarian finished.

Hope y'all enjoyed the show.


Hoo doggy, have I got some good news for all you tower fans out there:

That's right, that is a 100% unique Fanatic's Tower model on the world map. No Figaro Effect here. Feel free to swoon

I like how the tower has proper perspective and the character sprite looks like it's sort of just laying on the ground.


Man, I always thought that Gogo's eyes were his/her mouth and the eyes were those dots on top of the hood thing. Can't unsee, even when new artwork surfaces years later.


Did anyone figure out yet whether this has the two extra dungeons from the GBA version? I really am not expecting them but it would be nice to know.


I couldn't wait - I bought this on my bf's android phone. I'm pleasantly surprised - I was already thinking it'd be fine but playing it confirmed it. This game looks and feels pretty great.

I think I'm already used to the sprites. I'm still not condoning it - it'd be great to have the option to flip them back to the classic sprites (seriously - why isn't this an option?) but otherwise, game seems awesome.

The battle screen is a little busy. I think V iOS handled it pretty well - and it's tough getting used to having to jump all over the screen with my fingers to get going in this version. Also, auto battle really sped up combat in V (awesome) and doesn't seem to here. :(


Did anyone figure out yet whether this has the two extra dungeons from the GBA version? I really am not expecting them but it would be nice to know.

Someone on gamefaqs said yes - extra espers, and he beat the dragon's den already on droid. Also, from what I've played, it does indeed have the GBA translation.
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