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Final Fantasy VI Android/iOS impressions thread

It's just a little thing, but Terra was hovering above the ground/standing on the wall when back attacked in the Narshe mines. Battle backgrounds were designed without taking character placement in back attacks into account (or at least this one wasn't).

Lots of things like this and other things mentioned in this thread add up quickly.


It's just a little thing, but Terra was hovering above the ground/standing on the wall when back attacked in the Narshe mines. Battle backgrounds were designed without taking character placement in back attacks into account (or at least this one wasn't).

Lots of things like this and other things mentioned in this thread add up quickly.

Battle background issues like that were present in the original, I believe. Not sure about the one you're talking about in particular, but there were definitely instances where getting back attacked/pincer attacked in the original would cause some characters to be floating.


It's just a little thing, but Terra was hovering above the ground/standing on the wall when back attacked in the Narshe mines. Battle backgrounds were designed without taking character placement in back attacks into account (or at least this one wasn't).

Lots of things like this and other things mentioned in this thread add up quickly.

FF6 SNES had over 100 different glitches, graphical and gameplay wise. Yes, 100, it's been counted, not an exaggeration.

People just forget or overlook them.
Battle background issues like that were present in the original, I believe. Not sure about the one you're talking about in particular, but there were definitely instances where getting back attacked/pincer attacked in the original would cause some characters to be floating.

FF6 SNES had over 100 different glitches, graphical and gameplay wise. Yes, 100, it's been counted, not an exaggeration.

People just forget or overlook them.
The PS1 version was the only one I played before this, and the PS1 one is definitely worse than the Android one (though frequent freezing that sometimes broke save files and sprites sometimes being replaced by 'static' might be a problem with the console).

The back attack happened so early on it was a bad first impression, I guess.


Exists in a perpetual state of Quantum Crotch Uncertainty.
I think we can all agree that the most objective, universally agreeable metric for the relative quality of particular versions of this game is the Umaro Scale.

It goes like this: Umaro, being unanimously agreed upon by all individuals of good taste and good sense as being the neatest, best, totally awesomest character in the entire game of Final Fantasy 6, should be the standard by which all versions of the game are measured. We therefore formalize this standard in the form of the Umaro Scale, defined in terms of relative values of Umaro Points, henceforth written as UPs (that's pronounced "ups" not "you pees" for the more sophomoric in the audience).

We normalize the Umaro Scale around his utility in the SNES release, declaring that, as the baseline, the SNES version of Final Fantasy 6 registers at 1.0 UPs on the Umaro Scale. We further break down this metric as follows: in the SNES release of the game Umaro has two (2) unique relics in the form of the Rage Ring and Blizzard Orb, along with a further two (2) equippable items permanently equipped on his person in the form of the Bone Club and Snow Muffler. These four items, respectively, each constitute one quarter (.25) of a point on the Umaro Scale. The Game Boy Advance release adds an additional unique Relic for Umaro, in the form of the Bone Wrist, effectively adding an additional .25 UPs to its total. At present it is impossible to attain Umaro or any of his items in the mobile version, rendering it unmeasurable on the Umaro Scale and therefore qualifying it for a default assignment of 0 UPs.

To conclude:

Mathematically-defined, objectively-determined relative quality of various releases of Final Fantasy 6 as defined by the Umaro Scale:

Super Nintendo: 1.0 UPs
Playstation: 1.0 UPs
Game Boy Advance: 1.25 UPs
Android/iOS: 0 UPs (at present; subject to revision in the event that Umaro becomes attainable)

I can foresee no objections to this scale that would stand up to even cursory scrutiny, and so have taken the liberty of submitting it to the International Organization for Standardization for ratification as a universally-accepted standard for measuring relative qualities of differing releases of the video game Final Fantasy 6.

I am certain that its approval is imminent.


Walks in the Light of the Crystal
Then we'll have to disagree, because something as small and simple as "the same sprite is being used on all the castles" is not remotely a dealbreaker or a big deal. I say that if anyone DOES say it is, they're being a bit spiteful and just looking for any excuse to claim it's the Worst Port Ever.

I never said it was a deal breaker, I just said it was bad. I also never said it was the worst port ever, but now that I think about it, I certainly can't think of any FF ports that weren't better than this. Can you? Maybe the FFV mobile port? Since 2007 I've purchased these enhanced ports and remakes. FFI PSP, FFII PSP, FFIII DS, FFIV DS, FFIV PSP, FFIV:TAY PSP, KHI.5, and FFX/X-2 HD coming up soon. Every single one of them looked good from the get go to me. I'm very mildly miffed at a few of the new FFXHD tracks. Other than that my pre release opinion from screenshots and videos was positive for all of them. It's only this and FFV that I thought looked wonky. That's certainly not just me being spiteful.


I never said it was a deal breaker, I just said it was bad. I also never said it was the worst port ever, but now that I think about it, I certainly can't think of any FF ports that weren't better than this. Can you? Maybe the FFV mobile port? Since 2007 I've purchased these enhanced ports and remakes. FFI PSP, FFII PSP, FFIII DS, FFIV DS, FFIV PSP, FFIV:TAY PSP, KHI.5, and FFX/X-2 HD coming up soon. Every single one of them looked good from the get go to me. I'm very mildly miffed at a few of the new FFXHD tracks. Other than that my pre release opinion from screenshots and videos was positive for all of them. It's only this and FFV that I thought looked wonky. That's certainly not just me being spiteful.

That's great, but the very first person I was replying to originally was saying things like "Okay, there's no way I would ever play this thing." over a simple sprite.


FF6 SNES had over 100 different glitches, graphical and gameplay wise. Yes, 100, it's been counted, not an exaggeration.

People just forget or overlook them.

It's more forgiveable, so given the overall quality of the game, people forgive it. With FF6 SNES they created a game from scratch. This is their third proper pass at making this game, and I'm sure there was no particular time constraint given it's been twenty years since it was first released. Of course people's jank tolerance is going to be lower.

When I fuck something up at work the first time, it's a learning experience. If I balls it up third time round, I'll be staying late.
It's more forgiveable, so given the overall quality of the game, people forgive it. With FF6 SNES they created a game from scratch. This is their third proper pass at making this game, and I'm sure there was no particular time constraint given it's been twenty years since it was first released. Of course people's jank tolerance is going to be lower.

When I fuck something up at work the first time, it's a learning experience. If I balls it up third time round, I'll be staying late.

Thank you for this post

Cant believe I didn't hit this point earlier


It's really a shame we didn't get a 3DS remake in the vein of FFIV DS. Maybe if the platform had sold better or Android/iOS gaming hadn't taken off as much...
That's great, but the very first person I was replying to originally was saying things like "Okay, there's no way I would ever play this thing." over a simple sprite.

I have four problems with this port:

1. Moving is a pain in the ass.
2. The menus are slow to navigate.
3. I'm constantly sending Gau back into the wild because I forget to turn off autobattle.
4. Sabin has the most misterious of all abilities.

Other than that, the sprites on the side don't bother me too much, they look nice. Wish they would correct the perspective but I'm not holding my breath.


Exists in a perpetual state of Quantum Crotch Uncertainty.
3. I'm constantly sending Gau back into the wild because I forget to turn off autobattle.

Huge pain, innit? There's also the weird tendency for the game to automatically select the top command of the lead party member when you tap the screen to get rid of Gau's "Uwaaooo" text box, so you need to hit the cancel button or risk accidentally attacking him even with auto battle off.

They clearly realized that the Veldt caused some problems in that sense since they went so far as to automatically deactivate auto-battle at the start of every Veldt fight, unlike every other part of the game. But damned if it ain't still pretty wonky.


Formerly Alaluef (not Aladuf)
Game was patched. From the freezing glitch thread:

FF6 has been updated today, with a patch that fixes this issue.
The following bugs have been addressed:
- The game no longer crashes during the cutscene showing the fight between Kefka and General Leo.
- The icon for Sabin's Blitz ability now displays correctly.
- A misspelling of the term "Esper" has been corrected.
- Various other minor bugs.


No release date yet. It's either in Apple's approval process or they're waiting to find/fix the bugs in the Android version before releasing it on iOS.
Thanks. This will make the commute to uni much more bearable. Despite being 2d art I guess it will still do a number on the battery life? (4S). I might buy one of those juice pack cases.


Exists in a perpetual state of Quantum Crotch Uncertainty.
Oh, what a bittersweet bugfix. This pic's a serious spoiler, for all y'all that are playing this game for the first time. That's why I linked it instead of inlining it.

So, now that the crash is apparently fixed, you gonna keep uploading screenshots ixix?

That's the plan. I'mma finish what I started.

And here it is, the answer to the Great Chakra Question of "What is R, L, R, L, X, Y in a system where none of those buttons exist anymore?"


I... thought I had actually tried that combo. I probably shoulda made that spreadsheet.


I don't think anyone needs to fork over $15 to SE for this piece of shit to have an opinion on it. And I say piece of shit because all they did is take a 20 year old game and needlessly make it worse.

My anger is not directed at any poster or their opinions

Just at SE and what I consider an awful rendition of what I consider to be an amazing game.

Those of you that do enjoy it I would love to hear why. Maybe this was rebuilt exactly as intended to grab the eyes of the mobile generation

I just can't help but think you guys are paying so much more for less. Especially compared to what we were given 15-20 years ago.


Reviewing games without actually playing them is not a respectable opinion.

And the funny thing is, both of you would be screaming at someone if they said FF6snes looked stupid and terrible and they never bothered to play it.

I have four problems with this port:

4. Sabin has the most misterious of all abilities.

How do you feel about this with the most recent patch?


The big problem to me is the color palette. They took the sort of gritty, drab look and made it super colorful like something that would be in a Secret of Mana remake. It takes the sort of depressed tone of the original and makes it too bright and cartoonish.

Reviewing games without actually playing them is not a respectable opinion.

And the funny thing is, both of you would be screaming at someone if they said FF6snes looked stupid and terrible and they never bothered to play it.

How do you feel about this with the most recent patch?


This isn't a new game. Its a remake. I have played multiple renditions and know the game inside and out

Unless you are suggesting that there are details and experiences new to this version that I would be unable to perceive without playing it I am struggling to see what your point is outside of just throwing a blanket assumption at me.

My reactions are valid and shared by many who loved the original. Maybe its not as bad as I seem to think it is but it certainly isn't the remake this great game deserved.


Exists in a perpetual state of Quantum Crotch Uncertainty.
I haven't had all that much time to play of late and what time I've had has been devoted to end-of-WoB bookkeeping mostly so I ain't got any exciting new travelogue pictures for ya (doesn't mean I love y'all any less tho), but there's kind of a weird bug with Shadow's Throw command that someone on GameFAQs noticed and I've been sort of observing and really cannot comprehend.

Basically, sometimes when Shadow uses Throw he doesn't consume the item he's thrown. Not too weird in and of itself, but sometimes he actually increases the stock of items you've had him throw. But it only seems to work if you've had 99 of the item he's throwing at some point in the past. So you can buy 99 shurikens, have Shadow start chucking 'em non-stop, and sometimes he doesn't actually use one, sometimes he does, sometimes he adds one to your stock, and sometimes he apparently just resets the number of them you have to 99.

The practical effect is that if you buy 99 of an item and have Shadow throw it he'll never actually run out. Which is handy, really. But strange, because it seems almost completely random what happens each time he throws one. Does he use it? Does he not? Does he spontaneously discover a heretofore-unknown stack of them and cheerfully add them to your inventory like some masked, assassination-minded Santa Claus? Who knows? Shadow is truly an enigmatic man.

... And he just duplicated a Lightning Scroll. I had 2, threw 1, and now I have 3.

Shadow, you crazy.

Now that the bug fix is live, has anyone gotten far enough to see if the Dragon's Den and the Soul Shrine are in the game?

Doesn't look like anybody's gotten that far yet.


Has problems recognising girls
I'm digging my time with it. Granted I've bought FF6 about half a dozen times now, but I can't seem to stop. As much as I enjoy playing the GBA version due to the updated script and handheld factor, the music and it being affected by the limitations of the GBA soundchip in general always annoyed me.

When I tried out FF5 for the first time on the Android, I was pleasantly surprised at the ability to move the character from any position on the screen. Most touch-based RPGs relied on a set virtual pad that was cumbersome for myself at the best of times.

The sprites will be talked about to death no matter what and the general consensus is that they are drab in terms of structure choice and lack the charismatic appeal of the original work. I don't mind them so much, I just wish they were a bit smaller which seems to be more of a personal issue than anything else - I'm just used to small sprites in RPGs. I love the avatar portraits and the updated backgrounds though.

I also enjoy the battle system and being able to "wait" on ATB rules to select Edgar to Tool it up with his crossbow is a small boon. No longer do I have to wait for the whole party to cycle through their shit if I want to quickly deal with the monsters and move on.

Although I am nowhere near finished, it seems that there is no true definitive version of Final Fantasy 6. Each version out there has negatives that drag down the positives in other areas which is a shame because it's still one of the finest RPGs out there to play.


The horror! There goes my drinking money for the week.


Exists in a perpetual state of Quantum Crotch Uncertainty.
no World of Ruin Tower pics yet?

I just now completed the inaugural World of Ruin Fish Fry so I ain't got fancy-pants aerial photographs or nothin', but here's a li'l preview from the raft ride:

And here's one from the ground:

And the Helper Moogle doesn't really have much worthwhile advice once you reach this section of the game, and just says this even when there's important stuff going down:



Walks in the Light of the Crystal
Ouch. That Kefka's Tower pic really shows the difference in resolution between the overworld, the 3D model, and the character sprite.
Ouch. That Kefka's Tower pic really shows the difference in resolution between the overworld, the 3D model, and the character sprite.

Looking at it on a 20 inch monitor it looks worse than my 7 inch phone :)

You know... the more I actually play this version of the game, the more I like it. There is actually an EXTREME amount of detail they put into replicating little quirks from the original...

For example: The "fight" with Kefka
just before he poison's Doma
includes "killing" him if you do enough damage (he falls down as if KO'ed, then goes back to the animation).

The little quirks that didn't make sense to keep were left in/recreated just to give the experience as authentic a feeling as possible and I actually greatly salute them for it.


Unless you are suggesting that there are details and experiences new to this version that I would be unable to perceive without playing it

Yes, actually playing the game.

what the.. eww

Reminder that the original looked like this:


That's far more eew. I remember thinking as a kid that it looked bad and blocky, and it still is.

It's interesting to note that they still are not even trying to replicate Amano's designs, the
Android version sprite is clearly based upon the dungeon's interior.

On an screenshot taken with an emulator and displayed on pc lcd monitor sure.

Back in the day on a tv set FF6 was fucking sweet ;)

I think he was referring specifically to the tower of Kefka which, I agree, always looked like shit even on an old TV 20 years ago. The mode 7 buildings all looked like ass in FF6. Luckily everything else looked awesome :)
what is square's track record with these ports - do they usually fix rough graphics with updates or is this as good as it gets?

also, are FF 7-9 incoming the same way?


On an screenshot taken with an emulator and displayed on pc lcd monitor sure.

Back in the day on a tv set FF6 was fucking sweet ;)

Everything looked better "back in the day" in every FF thread, ever notice?

what is square's track record with these ports - do they usually fix rough graphics with updates or is this as good as it gets?

also, are FF 7-9 incoming the same way?

There's no way they'll spend resources on fixing "rough" graphics...but it's possible the IOS version will look better. After all, the Secret of Mana IOS version looked really nice:




Walks in the Light of the Crystal
I actually think the new Kefka's Tower model looks better than the original. It's just that resolution discrepancy that's really hurting the game's visuals. It looks fine small, but on a big monitor it looks like crap. Most games look worse when their made bigger, but only because you can see the pixels more clearly and they still look consistent despite that. Hopefully they'll release this for Vita or something eventually and touch it up. It really seems like all this needs are some minor touch ups to change it from crap to good.
I actually think the new Kefka's Tower model looks better than the original. It's just that resolution discrepancy that's really hurting the game's visuals. It looks fine small, but on a big monitor it looks like crap. Most games look worse when their made bigger, but only because you can see the pixels more clearly and they still look consistent despite that. Hopefully they'll release this for Vita or something eventually and touch it up. It really seems like all this needs are some minor touch ups to change it from crap to good.

Yeah Im over it

If mobile is really the future then I would prefer they put a tad more effort into it


Yes, actually playing the game.

Reminder that the original looked like this:


That's far more eew. I remember thinking as a kid that it looked bad and blocky, and it still is.

It's interesting to note that they still are not even trying to replicate Amano's designs, the
Android version sprite is clearly based upon the dungeon's interior.

...lets be honest - it looks like a busted up tree stump now.


You know... the more I actually play this version of the game, the more I like it. There is actually an EXTREME amount of detail they put into replicating little quirks from the original...

For example: The "fight" with Kefka
just before he poison's Doma
includes "killing" him if you do enough damage (he falls down as if KO'ed, then goes back to the animation).

The little quirks that didn't make sense to keep were left in/recreated just to give the experience as authentic a feeling as possible and I actually greatly salute them for it.
I'll say it again, this version is almost certainly a port of the GBA code. They didn't go to any sort of effort to recreate scripting details, because they were always there to begin with.


Exists in a perpetual state of Quantum Crotch Uncertainty.
No screens of the cliff scene?

Never happened. My mighty fish catching skills are a bulwark against post-apocalyptic despair.

I've got a save back there so I could intentionally load it up and sandbag on the fishing to get it, but I haven't got too much time to play lately and what time I've got I'd rather use to advance in the game than to spend retreading bits so I can take a screenshot that I've got a sneaking feeling would end up getting spammed every time the subject of this version of the game arises.

What did they do to the floating continent?


Pretty much the same thing they did to the rest of the game, really. Most places look different. The Warring Triad field sprites are rather weirdly blurry, though. That actually stood out to me even as I was playing.

I sorta rushed through the area so I didn't take too many shots of the place, but here's a couple more for comparison purposes:

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