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‘Black Lightning’ Drama Eyes Move To the CW To Join Greg Berlanti Comic Lineup

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No DC property should face the indignity of being on a CW show. I'm so sorry, black lightning fans. All 3 of you.
Smallville, Supernatural, and Roswell had a pretty big impact on their lineup.

Unfortunately, they also set up a lot of tropes that the CW shows are still trying to break.

Roswell ended nearly four years before The CW was created and Smallville and Supernatural came from The WB so they had a sizable following that made sense for a young channel to want to have around. I think The Vampire Diaries is their first actual venture in that genre and it was a big success for them at the time, so I think that was their first indicator that there was an audience for that kind of show. They went all-in and now beyond all-in. Their comic-book shows are what's keeping the network together.

While we're on that topic, I remember really liking the first two seasons of Roswell and the first three seasons of Smallville. I rewatched season one of Roswell on DVD back in 2008 and I was surprised at how well the pilot episode had hold up. I guess that was my young self's Vampire Diaries.


The CW is the only one where you think they give a crap about their genre shows. They gave us a full season for The Tomorrow People for instance. A show about kick-ass queens that nobody watches is airing its fourth season this year.


Probably the most exciting comic book news for me.

I wanted the comic or a one shot of him but this will hold me.

I love the premise they have been thinking of as well.

An older black lightning coming out of retirement to help his people.
This will be a little hard for me to watch thanks to Harvey Birdman, I always think of this when I heard either Black Lightning or Black Vulcan..I know they're completely different characters and Vulcan is a Lightning knockoff because they couldn't get the rights to use BL...but still.


Ahhhh man. Someone beat me to it.


I know nothing about this character.

He's Black...and he has lightning powers. You are caught up as much as you really need to be. They can really go any direction they want with him.

I'll definitely give it a chance. CW really is going all in on DC.
I know nothing about this character.

Jefferson Pierce, Olympic gold medalist in decathlon (interestingly enough, same medal and event as Mr. Terrific) with natural-born metahuman lightning powers. He became a High School principal in Metropolis's Southside district (also known as Suicide Slums), the same neighborhood where his journalist father's unsolved murder took place.

After one of his students is publicly murdered, he decides to suit up and become a superhero. He has two daughters with the same powers. The oldest, Anissa, is Thunder, a member of the Outsiders. The youngest, Jennifer, is Lightning, a member of the JSA. He was also secretary of Education under the Luthor administration.

His original series only lasted 11 issues, before being cancelled in the "DC Implosion" which wiped out a ton of their superhero books. Since then, he's mostly been in team books and guest appearances.


Come on DC, just give Pedowitz and Berlanti the keys to the movie universe. The guy will be running five comic book shows and two webbased shows while integrating two shows he had nothing to do with.
Does Rocket have any powers? Would be weird and a bit interesting for the hero to rely on equipment/skill and the sidekick be super-powered. Also, are there any female superheroes with male sidekicks?

Stargirl and STRIPEs is the only one I can think of, atleast DC side.

Stargirl has mostly morphed into a team character though.
CW/Arrowverse got like a billion shows going. I don't watch em but I must admit that I'm impressed. They seem to be doing a better job running their universe than the Film guys do for the DCEU.
So that's 5 DC shows on the CW now, correct?
That's crazy, but there's still room for two more. Come on Berlanti, don't be lazy. I vote for Birds of Prey and Blue & Gold.
I would have said the JSA but that's too many old people for the CW.


I just want Batwoman or a Titans series.
A Batwoman series would be awesome. But I've got trouble seeing what else it could cover that Arrow doesn't already since he owns street-level/supernatural, Flash has metas/alternate worlds, Legends have fucking time, and Supergirl has the rest of the galaxy as far as their arenas go.
A Batwiman series would be awesome. But I've got trouble seeing what else it could cover that Arrow doesn't already since he owns street-level/supernatural, Flash has metas/alternate worlds, Legends have fucking time, and Supeegitl has the rest of the galaxy as far as their arenas go.

My hope would be the romance is the main factor and that WB would allow Batwoman to borrow Batman stuff easily
Like an immediate thought would be Poison Ivy in an important role.

I'd say shift Supergirl more to a superfamily show and Batwoman gets the girl(woman) power push. Honestly Lois and Clark need to be recurring at the very least.

Later on the Birds of Prey could become a major part of it.
Batwoman would have its hands ties up too much by Gotham.

The two best places for the Arrowverse to expand would be the supernatural corner (Constantine /Shadowpact/ JL Dark) or Teen Titans
Batwoman would have its hands ties up too much by Gotham.
Eh, Gotham is doing such it's own thing it likely doesn't matter depending on the legality of the rights as Batwoman is its own thing mostly.
Movies sure as heck don't care about Kate Kane/Batwoman either.

It would actually probably make a good partner with Arrow on Wednesday, though I think i'd set it on Supergirl's Earth.
Only thing is it would need to be set outside of Gotham proper.


Serious Sam is a wicked gahbidge series for chowdaheads.
This will be a crazy amount of superhero tv if this makes it on. I wonder if they'll set it in the Arrowverse, Supergirl's universe, or on an entirely new one. It wouldn't stop crossovers, either way.

If it does premiere in the fall, I can imagine this on after Flash and Legends on either after Arrow or heading-up Thursdays again.

Too bad the Vixen show fell through

It was never more than wishful thinking, unfortunately. But she's pretty great on Legends.


move Legends back to Thursdays, put this on Fridays. give us five days straight of comic book goodness. you can do it CW/Berlanti



Though to be fair, a lot of people hadn't heard of the Green Arrow until the TV series.


CW needs Teen Titans like yesterday.

teens. check.

team. check

diverse cast. check

romance. check.

teenage problems. chekc


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
The CW only airs 10 hours of weekly content. This would mean 50% of their entire lineup is composed of comic book shows. And that's excluding Riverdale and iZombie.

Hopefully there is something here to set Black Lightning apart from the other shows. Having a slightly more mature protagonist with kids would be nice.


Serious Sam is a wicked gahbidge series for chowdaheads.
She was written out halfway through S1, so she has literally been gone from Gotham since Oliver was "killed" by Ra's in S3 of Arrow.
And they didn't try to use her in the 2 seasons prior to Gotham becoming a thing.

I mean, it's DC/WB, so they could technically do whatever they want. But Gotham has dibs on characters that are considered close to Batman so I wouldn't expect it.

Gotham would probably introduce the Question because of that, unfortunately.


CW needs Teen Titans like yesterday.

teens. check.

team. check

diverse cast. check

romance. check.

teenage problems. chekc

It's an opportunity for the producers to move Kid Flash to another show before his continual outshining of Barry's jobbing becomes problematic...
Stargirl and STRIPEs is the only one I can think of, atleast DC side.

Stargirl has mostly morphed into a team character though.
Last book she was in was the New 52 JLA, yeah?
A Batwoman series would be awesome. But I've got trouble seeing what else it could cover that Arrow doesn't already since he owns street-level/supernatural, Flash has metas/alternate worlds, Legends have fucking time, and Supergirl has the rest of the galaxy as far as their arenas go.
THe same "arena" is fine, as long as they have their own shit going on in it.
CW needs Teen Titans like yesterday.

teens. check.

team. check

diverse cast. check

romance. check.

teenage problems. chekc

High body count? Check.
CW come on


Would love nothing more than to see that even though the mask would look weird as fuck in live-action. But I'd prefer Renee as a supporting character in a Birds of Prey show. Start her off as a cop and she could eventually join the team after an adaptation of her 52 storyline.


Character/casting description

JEFFERSON PIERCE: “Male, African-American, late 30s to 50. Handsome, fit, with an athletic build. Former 3-time gold medal decathlon winner who is now principal of a high school in South Central Los Angeles. A father figure to his student and hero to the local community. JEFFERSON is charming, charismatic, smart, and has both warmth and humor. He is devoted to his two daughters and remains deeply in love with his ex-wife LYNN. He also has a great passion for justice and a quick temper that he has spent years learning how to control. Think Idris Elba. LEAD.

JENNIFER: Female. African-American, LEGAL 18 to play 16. JEFFERSON’s younger daughter. JENNIFER is a scholar athlete; beautiful with a lean, athletic runner’s build. She is the entitled feminist of the Pierce family. Independent and outspoken with a wild streak. SERIES REGUALR, ASP.

ANISSA: Female. African-American, to play 22. JEFFERSON’s elder daughter. Beautiful, quick-witted and intelligent; intense and passionate. ANISSA has a great respect for her father. ANISA balances the demands of medical school with her duties as a part time teacher at JEFFERSON’s school. SERIES REGULAR, ASP.

LYNN: Female, African-American, mid 30s to 50. Exudes confidence and intelligence. Beautiful, but not to be trifled with. Can exhibit both great emotional depth as well as a flirtatious, mischievous side. SERIES REGULAR, ASP.”

I wish kept his kids young, but guess makes sense ESPECIALLY on the CW to be attractive teens



Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Character/casting description

I wish kept his kids young, but guess makes sense ESPECIALLY on the CW to be attractive teens


Interesting. I was really expecting them to make Jefferson a 20something with young kids. This makes more sense though. You can cast 18+ year olds to play teenagers.

I nominate Cress Williams for Jefferson. In his mid 40s, keeps in really good shape, and he's already in The CW family cause he starred in Hart of Dixie.

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