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51 Hours To Live

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The Everyman
threenote said:
I laughed at the idiots making posters. Hilarious. This has fake written all over it.
i dont think it had fake written all over it, nor do i think the folks making posters were completely doubtful of the possibility of it all being fake.

really i think its just good people trying to be good people despite what may be


Has problems recognising girls
Dresden said:
Yeah, feels good.
You're now the most unlikely person to ever be using such an awesome avatar.

-COOLIO- said:
i dont think it had fake written all over it, nor do i think the folks making posters were completely doubtful of the possibility of it all being fake.

really i think its just good people trying to be good people despite what may be
Trust -COOLIO- to always state the utter truth and ignore all the bullshit involved. Keep it real forever man.


harriet the spy said:
Reddit's IAMA/AMA thing always seems like a contest for the biggest attention whore. I don't want to be a cynic, but I have a hard time believing that most of these are true. I wish they would just identify themselves to the mods, when it's possible.

i guessed that AMA is Ask Me Anything, but what is IAMA


xbhaskarx said:
Pretty sure many people with cancer are still dying every day.
Does it make you feel better when they're just numbers who are not answering questions on some website?

Yeah, that's why earlier I expressed qualms about it being a hoax, because it then decreases credibility for the actual victims out there who deserve compassion and support with their struggle.



koam said:
How does someone who's about to die, post a topic like that and "forget" their password?
Yeah, you guys should know better.

It sucks that we only show unfiltered kindness when someone is about to die or is dead. If this guy had've cut us off in the turning lane we would've said fuck him and everything he stands for.
threenote said:
I laughed at the idiots making posters. Hilarious. This has fake written all over it.

Don't know man...regardless, as Coolio said, you just see the good in people in the end.

If it is a hoax, at least we see that there is good people out there who are willing to help others in trouble.

If not, kudos to this person.


Ultimoo said:
the real twist is that electricblue is actually the cancer patient and did it to get himself quoted in an article on U.S.A today, bam!
...he works at USA Today. Mystery fucking solved.
Fugu said:
It has always been possible that the guy was lying. It is safer to presume that he's not.
No, it's much safer to assume he isn't telling the truth. It's so incredibly easy to fake this kind of thing that I'm baffled so many people have just taken it at face value. If it's a true story than of course it's sad someone is dying of cancer, but remaining skeptical is the sensible approach.
Galactic Quail said:
Saddening. I'm tearing up, and this fucking song came up - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AchsjkkEqxY - making shit even worse.

Makes me depressed, yet appreciative of the life i'm living. I really appreciate the ones I care for and the ones who care for me back. Thanks, anonymous person. I really hope you take care, before you leave us. Your story was tough to read.

As for Electricblue, i'm sure everyone took care of the message, but let me add another Fuck You to your bountiful plate. Only because you didn't state your reasoning behind your message.
Really? I thought I was being pretty damn clear that I'm not attacking this guy or calling him a coward, I don't want to take his rights away, I just don't think he's doing something courageous and noble by ending his life before the worst comes. If you think that makes me a vile contemptible subhuman, I won't argue with you or jaxword or that other guy. I'm not going to convince any of you no matter how many posts I make that my way of thinking is correct I just wanted to state my opinion on it clearly and I'm glad at least some people took a moment to understand it even if they don't agree.


Even if its fake, its probably done more good than bad. Look at how many other people in the comments opened up about themselves and talked about changing their lives. I don't think finding out he's not actually dying is going to change anything unless they weren't serious themselves.


butter_stick said:
No, it's much safer to assume he isn't telling the truth. It's so incredibly easy to fake this kind of thing that I'm baffled so many people have just taken it at face value. If it's a true story than of course it's sad someone is dying of cancer, but remaining skeptical is the sensible approach.

Sensible maybe, but compassionate? I mean if the guy's lying, he's lying and he's proven himself to be a douchenozzle. But so what? Oh shit you got owned by someone FAKING their death on the internet. What's to be ashamed about? There's a reason that thread is hard to read, and it has nothing to do with the possibility of a hoax, but because everyone has a hard time with death.

Way too many people not putting themselves out there because of fear. Being human isn't tiptoeing around making sure no one can hurt you or one-up you.

The posts that really got me, were the ones of people saying they'd drive down and be there for his last moments.


is beloved, despite what anyone might say
I'd like to think the Reddit post is true, and that nobody would troll in such a devious way, but who knows? Still, a very sad situation.


I personally find all you Internet white knights attacking ElectricBlue more ridiculous than any of the comments he's made. Just because someone is terminally ill, in pain and chooses to end his life DOESN'T absolve his or her decision from ethical and moral critique and referendum. Regardless of whether this is a hoax or not, I agree that it's a touching story and I agree that a person has the right to choose their own fate. I personally view Lucidending's choice as a courageous one; I can't even imagine the fear of having to confront death head-on.

But, like Shouta said, what defines courage is highly debatable and there is no right or wrong answer. ElectricBlue is immediately vilified because he disagrees with the patient's decision and doesn't find it courageous from his viewpoint? His explanations might have lacked depth but holy shit at people telling him to reevaluation his position because it's not the majority view. ElectricBlue giving GAF a bad name? If anything, blame USA Today for framing his viewpoint to rile up some sensationalism.

Honestly, I find Lucidending's story moving too but the melodrama in this thread is ridiculous.


Dreams of a world where inflated review scores save studios
sooo, what happened? was this all real? i was in tears.
People on reddit seem to agree its fake.

harriet the spy said:
Reddit's IAMA/AMA thing always seems like a contest for the biggest attention whore. I don't want to be a cynic, but I have a hard time believing that most of these are true. I wish they would just identify themselves to the mods, when it's possible.

They used to verify them through the mods-- real ones would have a gold star next to it. I haven't read that subreddit in a long time, but the ones that make it to my front page never have a star. They're usually crazy shit or tear-jerker material.

It's reddit though- sometimes I get the feeling that people on the site don't care that much if it's real or not, they like the illusion just fine. At least, that explains all the fake facebook conversations that are still wildly popular and the fact that you can write a sob story around christmas and people will send you free shit without even checking. Seriously, check the site next christmas...I guarantee that after this past christmas, there will be tons of swindlers next year.


Taxes?! Isn't this the line for Metallica?
It just doesn't add up:

-Oregon law only allows orally ingested or feeding tube administered prescriptions, yet lucidending said he was taking the drug by IV.

-After making posts for a while, conveniently forgets his own password. Now, in the moments before his death, he just so happens to remember his password. Right.

-Less than a hundred people in Oregon end their lives this way every year. A thirty something year old with terminal lymphoma is a rarity. We are talking about a minority of a minority. Surely by now somebody would have found out who he was.

-A man has less than 51 hours to live and he wants to spend his time talking to complete strangers. He even admits he has family. Why isn't he spending his last moments with family?



Does it really matter if it's real or fake? All these people who took a little bit of their time to reach out, that's the real moving part. So what if there's a chance that this is fake? Would you really rather be so jaded, unfeeling, and cynical that this doesn't touch you, if but a little?
butter_stick said:
No, it's much safer to assume he isn't telling the truth. It's so incredibly easy to fake this kind of thing that I'm baffled so many people have just taken it at face value. If it's a true story than of course it's sad someone is dying of cancer, but remaining skeptical is the sensible approach.

Yeah, so much safer! I almost gave him my sympathy for free. Could you imagine? Next time I'll only feel badly after I see the body.
Doesn't really matter if it's real or fake. People doing nice things for others and just feeling good about themselves is human nature. Who cares if some guy had a laugh. If there was the slightest chance it was real people were coming together.

toxicgonzo said:
-A man has less than 51 hours to live and he wants to spend his time talking to complete strangers. He even admits he has family. Why isn't he spending his last moments with family?

He explained that towards the very beginning.
Fuzzery said:
Does it really matter if it's real or fake? All these people who took a little bit of their time to reach out, that's the real moving part. So what if there's a chance that this is fake? Would you really rather be so jaded, unfeeling, and cynical that this doesn't touch you, if but a little?

Yeah, it matters. It's great that people are willing to do what they did, but it's sad that they did it for a lying sack of shit. That does matter. I don't want my time, my love and my generosity taken advantage of by some lying son of a bitch.

It absolutely matters.


DoctorWho said:
Yeah, it matters. It's great that people are willing to do what they did, but it's sad that they did it for a lying sack of shit. That does matter. I don't want my time, my love and my generosity taken advantage of by some lying son of a bitch.

It absolutely matters.
Yeah but see, this is the internet, where everything already rests on the thin edge of reality. To me at least, he's more of an idea then an actual person, a fiction that I will never have the chance to know for real. Have you ever really felt for a character after reading a book, or watching a movie? It's the same sort of thing.
yes, it matters. i like to have a grasp on reality. IAMA is cool when its real. Deceiving people to bring them together makes everyone look very tacky.
Fuzzery said:
Yeah but see, this is the internet, where everything already rests on the thin edge of reality. To me at least, he's more of an idea then an actual person, a fiction that I will never have the chance to know for real. Have you ever really felt for a character after reading a book, or watching a movie? It's the same sort of thing.

The thing is, I know that it's fiction going in. For a lot of the people who spoke to and supported this guy, they really believed it. That makes the experience different when all is said and done. With a movie, I know that it was fiction, but I can still appreciate the journey and the story. With this, the experience itself might have been enlightening, but the outcome still would leave me betrayed.
the problem is that it's not enlightening at all. it was supposed to be a guy who knows what it's like to be on the verge of death. Without that key aspect, all the answers become bullshit--just another person's speculation about the subject.
Smision said:
the problem is that it's not enlightening at all. it was supposed to be a guy who knows what it's like to be on the verge of death. Without that key aspect, all the answers become bullshit--just another person's speculation about the subject.

A very good point. Now that it's fake, all of his commentary on death becomes suspect because he wasn't really in that frame of mind.


This is getting weirder all the time
Smision said:
media attention, fakes of fakes which will spawn more fakes. now this shit is getting downright hilarious.

Yeah I was worried the member who posted this wasn't actually him, but since it said posted by [deleted] I gave him the benefit of the doubt before posting here... is there any sure way of knowing which username posted this?


This is getting weirder all the time
toxicgonzo said:
His proof is him holding a sign saying he is lucidending? Weak.

I think it all depends on whether people saw the username before it was deleted, and judging from the top comment I assumed the commenter did see that it was lucidending, sorry


While I maintain what I said in my previous post, fuck that guy if its fake. You have be a real piece of shit to string people along like that, and not cut it off early after seeing the overwhelming response.
Superimposer said:
Yeah I was worried the member who posted this wasn't actually him, but since it said posted by [deleted] I gave him the benefit of the doubt before posting here... is there any sure way of knowing which username posted this?

Per the thread it was posted under lucidendlng, because he 'lost the password' to the lucidending account.

Oh, and this:

zeroes said:
I didn't believe you until I saw the picture. Totally something lucid would have done.
Shit, I miss that guy.


Superimposer said:
I think it all depends on whether people saw the username before it was deleted, and judging from the top comment I assumed the commenter did see that it was lucidending, sorry

I think the mods would have checked IPs and determined if it was the same guy, right?

That's probably why he was banned, they probably didn't match.
Why is it that so many of you guys still fall for this shit on the internet? Any time something like this is posted on the internet, my first thoughts are always - this could be fake. Sad, but I've witnessed so many of these types of fakes that w/o proper evidence I refuse to believe it.


tycoonheart said:
Why is it that so many of you guys still fall for this shit on the internet?

Perhaps, deep down, behind all our cynical shells, we want to believe that humans have the capacity to be good if just given the right motivations.

It's what I tell myself daily to keep studying.
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